Real Misogyny: Debunking the War on Women

I don't need the US govt to tell me every day how much I hate Islam. That is exactly what Bush did.

That is a flat-out lie. That is exactly the opposite of what President Bush did. You are a brainless, partisan douchebag.

Yeah? If you actually had a point you'd have made it. Instead you chose to insult. Why is that? Why do you feel the need to insult instead of talk about the topic?

How many times did Bush mention the "War on Terror" or "al Qaeda" in the time after 9/11 up until he left office?

Bush wasn't interested. He asked for Ibn Laden to be handed over from Afghanistan, they said they would if the US could show evidence that he had done anything. Bush merely said "We know he's guilty. Turn him over", from a country with the rule of law, for the leader to say this, is clearly ridiculous.

Five days after 9/11 Bush said "This crusade – this war on terrorism – is going to take a while, ... "
He never used the term "crusade" again, but he certainly used the term "war on terror" a lot, and he used al Qaeda a lot, even with Iraq when it was clear Iraq and al Qaeda had nothing to do with each other, but it was convenient for Iraq.

So, you can respond to this, or you can act like you have acted and just insult like a high school kid. Your choice.
I don't need the US govt to tell me every day how much I hate Islam. That is exactly what Bush did.

That is a flat-out lie. That is exactly the opposite of what President Bush did. You are a brainless, partisan douchebag.

Yeah? .

Yeah, douchebag. You were probably only 5 years old at the time, but President Bush appeared on national television very shortly after the attacks of 9/11 to remind the nation that we were NOT at war with Islam and that we should NOT lay blame on all Muslims for the actions of some evil individuals. He reiterated the fact that our enemy was not the Islamic faith many times over the following years. It might help you avoid this embarrassment if you knew what the hell you were talking about before posting next time.
I always thought the "war on women" was a big stretch. The phrase was pure partisan BS on the part of democrats. I don't think male republicans in congress hate women or want to oppress them. I just think they simply don't care about women. I think they care more about putting their own partisan bullshit ahead of any female issues. They entertain female issues when it suits them.

What they don't care about is providing people with government goodies simply because they have the correct genitilia.

Tell me why is it that repubs don't get up in arms about Viagra being a "government goodie"?

Or motorized wheel chairs.
Yeah, douchebag. You were probably only 5 years old at the time, but President Bush appeared on national television very shortly after the attacks of 9/11 to remind the nation that we were NOT at war with Islam and that we should NOT lay blame on all Muslims for the actions of some evil individuals. He reiterated the fact that our enemy was not the Islamic faith many times over the following years. It might help you avoid this embarrassment if you knew what the hell you were talking about before posting next time.

Oh, I was probably five years old at the time, must have been easy for me to be working in Scarsdale in 2001, and was up the twin towers 40 days before and even had a flight out of Newark for the 18th September. All that at 5 years old huh? You must think I'm some kind of genius.

Oh, and to prove your genius, you start with an insult, well done. :eusa_clap:

So, Bush comes out and says the US wasn't at war with Islam, then went and made it happen. Actions speak a lot louder than words. I could give you a million examples of the US govt saying one thing and doing something completely different.

The simple facts are this. You want bad guys, just get arabic looking guys, you want evil music, arabic music.

But, here's the thing. I'm going to ask you to prove that Bush said "it's not all of Islam that's bad".

I'm not claiming that Bush actually said all of Islam is bad. I'm saying he made Islam the common enemy through doing what he did.

What I can show is that Bush claimed Saddam had al Qaeda links, and he claimed it many times. Why do you think he'd get an Muslim terrorist group and a Muslim leader to look like they were in cahoots? - Bush stands by al Qaeda, Saddam link - Jun 15, 2004

President Bush's Speech to Congress Declaring War on terror - Full Text of George W. Bush's Speech to Congress Declaring War on Terror

"Full Text: President Bush Declares "War on Terror"
Speech to a Joint Session of Congress, Sept. 20, 2001"

"The terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism that has been rejected by Muslim scholars and the vast majority of Muslim clerics, a fringe movement that perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam. The terrorists' directive commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans, and make no distinctions among military and civilians, including women and children."

So, if he said it was a fringe form, how did he connect this with Saddam? How did he managed to make so many americans come out and say "Muslims are bad"?

How many Americans really hate Muslims?

FBI: Americans hate Jews more than Muslims | Rehmat's World

Well, seems that most hate crimes are against Jewish people.

Page 35, 53% of Muslims say it's more difficult to be Muslim post 9/11, for women this is greater than men. 1% say it's easier. Post grads say it's harder 65%

Page 36, the most important problem, discrimination is the most important problem at 19%, being viewed as a terrorist 15% in 2nd place.

54% say anti-terrorist policies single out Muslims/

Gallup Polls & Other Surveys on American Attitudes Towards Atheists - Over 40 Years of Research Show Atheists Are Despised, Distrusted

Who people would refuse to vote for

Catholic: 4% (1937: 30%)
Black: 5% (1958: 63%, 1987: 21%)
Jewish: 6% (1937: 47%)
Baptist: 6%
Woman: 8%
Mormon: 17%
Muslim: 38%
Gay: 37% (1978: 74%)
Atheist: 48%

Poll: Many Americans uncomfortable with Muslims ? CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

"Poll: Many Americans uncomfortable with Muslims" (from 2011).

"Nearly half of Americans would be uncomfortable with a woman wearing a burqa, a mosque being built in their neighborhood or Muslim men praying at an airport. Forty-one percent would be uncomfortable if a teacher at the elementary school in their community were Muslim.

Forty-seven percent of survey respondents said the values of Islam are at odds with American values."

There's a lot of information out there that shows that there are quite a few Americans who simply hate Muslims. They do this because they have been told to hate Muslims and they believe what they have been fed.
Does it occur to you the reason why you get shouted down is because you come off like a rabid bigot?

Just look who the fuck is talking. You filthy, ignorant hypocrite.

Sorry, not even in the same category.

Mormons really are nuts. They were started by pedophiles and their religion is a lie.

It's in the history books, look it up.

dimocrap scum like you vote for known rapists and child molesters.

What you say, what you think has no meaning to anybody else.

You're scumbags. You don't care about women any more than the ragheads do.

They're just a tool to you. Something to be used and discarded when they're no longer useful.

Feminists Outraged By Sight of Female Conservative At Conference Pushing “Inclusivity,” Told “You Aren’t Wanted Here”…

[ame=]Female Reporter Bullied by Feminists at the National Young Feminist Leadership Conference - YouTube[/ame]

Via Campus Reform:

Campus Reform’s Katherine Timpf attended the National Young Feminist Leadership Conference (NYFLC) — an event which promised to be about “inclusivity” and welcoming everyone — only to be told that ‘conservative’ women were not welcome.

Timpf attempted to ask students’ their opinions on feminism, but conference organizers made an announcement advising participants not to talk to Campus Reform because it was a “conservative” outlet.

The organizers also followed Timpf around the conference to interrupt her conversations with students to tell them the same thing.

“They’re a group that’s conservative, so what we are fighting for is not something…” one organizer told a student who was talking with Timpf, prompting the student to walk away. [...]

Its “safe space policy” promised the event would be “structured around inclusivity … with a focus on representing various perspectives,” according to the event’s official website.

You people belong in Dante's 9th Circle of Hell. ALL of you. Everything you say is a lie. Everything you do is the opposite of what you say.

You say you're for Blacks but you keep them in a perennial state of poverty in the Inner Cities. You say you're for women but only certain (read; liberal) women need apply. You say you're for children but you just can't keep from murdering them before they draw their first breath.

You say you're for 'peace' but you're the most violent people in the Country. Over 7,300 arrests in the Occupy (bowel) Movement including rapes, murders, arson, assault, theft ........ Even a plot to bomb several bridges in Cleveland DURING RUSH HOUR!

You people are exactly what I have always said you are -- The scum of the Earth.

You need to go.

To Hell, preferably
dimocrap scum like you vote for known rapists and child molesters.

What you say, what you think has no meaning to anybody else.

You're scumbags. You don't care about women any more than the ragheads do.

They're just a tool to you. Something to be used and discarded when they're no longer useful.

You people belong in Dante's 9th Circle of Hell. ALL of you. Everything you say is a lie. Everything you do is the opposite of what you say.

You say you're for Blacks but you keep them in a perennial state of poverty in the Inner Cities. You say you're for women but only certain (read; liberal) women need apply. You say you're for children but you just can't keep from murdering them before they draw their first breath.

You say you're for 'peace' but you're the most violent people in the Country. Over 7,300 arrests in the Occupy (bowel) Movement including rapes, murders, arson, assault, theft ........ Even a plot to bomb several bridges in Cleveland DURING RUSH HOUR!

You people are exactly what I have always said you are -- The scum of the Earth.

You need to go.

To Hell, preferably

Guy, you need serious psychiatric help. Here, I've highlighted all your anger in red so you can see it...

I mean, honestly, are you like this around real people? Does everyone around you give you a wide berth? I honestly can't see how you'd function in polite society.
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I'm talking to you, and telling you that you are an ignorant, dimwitted bigot as well as a fucking hypocrite.

You're avoiding the point. ...

The EXACT point is your fucking hypocrisy. You are trying to distract from it with failed justification for your own bigotry. FAILED.

Unless you are signing up for your own pair of Magic Underwear, you have the same opinion of MOrmons I do.
dimocrap scum like you vote for known rapists and child molesters.

What you say, what you think has no meaning to anybody else.

You're scumbags. You don't care about women any more than the ragheads do.

They're just a tool to you. Something to be used and discarded when they're no longer useful.

You people belong in Dante's 9th Circle of Hell. ALL of you. Everything you say is a lie. Everything you do is the opposite of what you say.

You say you're for Blacks but you keep them in a perennial state of poverty in the Inner Cities. You say you're for women but only certain (read; liberal) women need apply. You say you're for children but you just can't keep from murdering them before they draw their first breath.

You say you're for 'peace' but you're the most violent people in the Country. Over 7,300 arrests in the Occupy (bowel) Movement including rapes, murders, arson, assault, theft ........ Even a plot to bomb several bridges in Cleveland DURING RUSH HOUR!

You people are exactly what I have always said you are -- The scum of the Earth.

You need to go.

To Hell, preferably

Guy, you need serious psychiatric help. Here, I've highlighted all your anger in red so you can see it...

I mean, honestly, are you like this around real people? Does everyone around you give you a wide berth? I honestly can't see how you'd function in polite society.

You don't get it. It isn't anger, it's accuracy.

It's what you people are. It's who you are.

I am serious as serious can be.... You people are the scum of the earth.

No shit. You can't smell the shit because you're knee deep in it

Feel good vid for the day

[ame=]APD Protest: A Marine and Soldier Take Back the Flag from Protesters (Inhabitants of Burque) - YouTube[/ame]

You don't get it. It isn't anger, it's accuracy.

It's what you people are. It's who you are.

I am serious as serious can be.... You people are the scum of the earth.

No shit. You can't smell the shit because you're knee deep in it

Feel good vid for the day


No, guy, it's anger, and I don't know what happened to you to make you so angry, but you probably need to deal with it.

Because, frankly, the GOP has lost the room.

Now, for this vid, I guess I'm a little depressed these servicemen think the symbol is more important than what it stands for.
You're avoiding the point. ...

The EXACT point is your fucking hypocrisy. You are trying to distract from it with failed justification for your own bigotry. FAILED.

Unless you are signing up for your own pair of Magic Underwear, you have the same opinion of MOrmons I do.

You don't have enough brains to figure out your own beliefs, don't presume to tell me or anyone else what theirs are, douchebag. The EXACT point is YOUR fucking hypocrisy. You are doing a very poor job trying to deflect away from it with this stupidity.
I guess I'm a little depressed these servicemen think the symbol is more important than what it stands for.

I'm a little disappointed you weren't there to tell them that to their faces so you could finally add your last tooth to the cracked mason jar you keep the rest of them in.
In this, the real world, your opinions don't trump the law. Gee, now where have I heard that one before?

Exactly, and since we are dealing with legislation then you don't have a case. It's coming via the states.

Right, so ignore the law already in place. No efforts have been taken to repeal it. So, does your opinion trump this law? I think not. I mean I'm using your logic here.

Criminal justice is, by and large, left to the states. Again. You are using opinion although the legislation is coming by way of the states. This is the War on Women. Fun filled facts.
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You don't get it. It isn't anger, it's accuracy.

It's what you people are. It's who you are.

I am serious as serious can be.... You people are the scum of the earth.

No shit. You can't smell the shit because you're knee deep in it

Feel good vid for the day


No, guy, it's anger, and I don't know what happened to you to make you so angry, but you probably need to deal with it.

Because, frankly, the GOP has lost the room.

Now, for this vid, I guess I'm a little depressed these servicemen think the symbol is more important than what it stands for.

I'm telling you, punk..... I don't care what you think. Eat shit and die. I don't care.

You people are seriously the scum of the earth. All you do is lie, cheat and steal. Plus, you are the most divisive cocksuckers in American History.

Your entire basis of existence is founded on lies and deception. You are, truly, the scum of the earth.

It's not anger, it's observation.

We've "Lost the room" huh, scumbag?

Hope you're here the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November so you can remind me again how we've 'lost the room'.

You're scum.

You're not 'Good people with bad ideas'. You're not the 'opposition', loyal or otherwise.

You're seriously scum.

And, I'm telling you, it's not anger. It's just stating the facts. And I am seriously not kidding
You don't have enough brains to figure out your own beliefs, don't presume to tell me or anyone else what theirs are, douchebag. The EXACT point is YOUR fucking hypocrisy. You are doing a very poor job trying to deflect away from it with this stupidity.

guy, I know exactly what my beliefs are. There is no God, he was created by primitive people to explain what they didn't understand.

But Mormonism is beneath contempt because Joseph Smith had to know he was committing fraud. I can't say the same for Jesus or Mohammed because their lives have drifted into legend and we don't knwo what they were actually thinking.

Smith. Yeah. He made up a fake religion stolen from other sources so he could make money and have sex with lots of women and girls.

I'm telling you, punk..... I don't care what you think. Eat shit and die. I don't care.

You people are seriously the scum of the earth. All you do is lie, cheat and steal. Plus, you are the most divisive cocksuckers in American History.

Your entire basis of existence is founded on lies and deception. You are, truly, the scum of the earth.

It's not anger, it's observation.

We've "Lost the room" huh, scumbag?

Hope you're here the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November so you can remind me again how we've 'lost the room'.

Guy, the GOP winning in November is the equivlent to Corky the Retard winning the Special Olympics. Gee, all we have to do is win senate races in six of the most backwards states in the country, and the country loves us again!

No. Not really. The GOP has alienated women, minorities and working folks to such a degree that it's probably impossible for them to win the presidency.

The only thing that animates the shambling corpse of the GOP is the rich manipulating the Religious stupids into voting against their own economic interests.

You're scum.

You're not 'Good people with bad ideas'. You're not the 'opposition', loyal or otherwise.

You're seriously scum.

And, I'm telling you, it's not anger. It's just stating the facts. And I am seriously not kidding

Well, I can tell you aren't kidding, and that's the sad part.

Having shifted from Right to Left, I can see how easy it is to fall into the trap that the other side "must be evil" if they dont see things your way.

My view. We tried what the GOP said. It failed epically. We deregulated, we cut taxes, we signed free trade treaties, we let the religious nutters have free range.

And honestly, it turned out badly.

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