Real Misogyny: Debunking the War on Women

You must be joking. A study done by a women's advocacy group? You insult my intelligence. But then again, you do realize that Federal law recognizes that a developing child is indeed human, correct? And if that woman is doing something to intentionally harm, or if anyone for that matter is trying to harm the child, they could be held liable for a crime.

Title 18, Chapter 1 (Crimes), §1841 (18 USC 1841)

And there you have it. Keep that garbage to yourself. "War on women," ha!

There is a war on women sponsored and legislated by the GOP. It is not my problem that you lack the capacity to grasp this. It is yours. Our conversation has reached the end.

In this, the real world, your opinions don't trump the law. Gee, now where have I heard that one before?

Exactly, and since we are dealing with legislation then you don't have a case. It's coming via the states.
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it is not be a stay at home mom....i was a stay at home mom....working mostly part time when son was in was not impossible...what was impossible....driving a new car every two last new car...not just new to me...but new car was in 1986....i dont have a 100 pairs of shoes....i got 4 pairs of jeans and i shop at the good will or salvation army....why....cause it allows me the options i want....i felt it was much better for me to be raising my child than paying others to do it..when you factor in the costs of working....childcare, clothes, transportation, etc and so will find the woman is working for peanuts...

Well, then I should have clarified that it is difficult. Otherwise I stand corrected.

Yes, staying at home does involved a lot of sacrifices. and day care might be more expensive than staying at home.

The point I was trying to make, though, is that there aren't a hoarde of "Feminists" dissing Stay at Home moms. As some people were claiming.
no...i see that point...its a red herring at best but i still think it is best for the family and the child but again i am old school.....i take the whole thing of family and children rather i married a control freak who wanted a stay at home wife...he is the one who has really made the sacrifices working hard and working long make sure we have things we need....note the word...need...not want....but for a parent there should be no greater reward than seeing your child grow into a compassionate young person.....or adult.....

and even with the working ..hubby managed to be there..he coached little league and that type of thing....i have seen him come home from work...go to ballgames....or practice till late...then get up at 5 am and start it all over again....he made the scarifies...not me..

but many women would say i gave up my career etc to be his support system...but i found my doing all the errands i could...i let him do his thing....he had time to work and work hard and get ahead...and to this day that is why i still deal with mechanics and salvage yards.....he didnt have time to do it and i did....i sound like we have paupers lives...we didnt....we have a house and land paid for and two old cars paid for....but there were no trips to paris or large diamonds either
o my mother was one of the first 'career' women....she was reported to social services for working....big investigation....and this was in the late 50's...i was a wee thing then...barely a gleam in my father's eye....

<---be 61 this year
and i can see that things have changed so much...when my son told me the rent on his new place i was shocked....i am like ...we only paid 150 bucks for a 2 bedroom with heat included....he continues to add.....when dinosaurs roamed the earth...perhaps i should look for the ice floe before the climate changes too much...
Don't get too confused about the GOP's war on women.

It's not a war on THEIR women.

Don't any of you remember back when abortions were illegal?

I do.

Let's go back to the 60's shall we?

I also remember that my rich friends who get knocked op disappeared for a few months and then suddenly their problem was gone.

So when the GOP says they do not want to pay for abortions, do remember they do not want to pay for POOR FOLKS' abortions,

Their gals will be just fine, thanks.

I really must thank you. For proving my point. You only care about women when it comes to politics or is convenient to you. I hope you're happy with yourself, my friend. Frankly if I were you, I'd be ashamed. Women overseas are being abused and mistreated daily, and the worst you have to worry about is abortion. Seriously. The two pale in comparison.

Perhaps we need stick to reality, okay? Put away the time machine.

Temp..the GOP has no say over the treatment of women in other nations.

they have plenty to say about what's happening here.

Trying to change the subject might impress the stupid but now you're posting to me, lad.

The war on American women IS a class war.

Address that issue if you have the gravitas,
unk i will be happy to discuss that issue but not with someone who's life experiences are playing video games in his grandmother's basement....

Well then feel free to begin the discussion. No need for a preamble.
So... it appears I've struck a nerve. Not one liberal here is willing to admit this is true. So, do women have it so bad here, as compared to there? Why is it you use these imagined plights of women here stateside to politically bludgeon your opponents? Hmm? Why are you ignoring the real crisis going on overseas? To women of all people? Where is your outrage now? Is it because the people actually mistreating women, the actual misogynists are not Republicans?

Stop. No, you never were outraged, never have been. It's all false, and nothing but hypocrisy.

Women generally have it better the more educated and liberal the country. Scandinavian countries and Germanic countries probably treat women with far more respect than other countries.

I lived in Spain 10 years back and they had a massive TV news campaign against men who beat on their wives and killed them. It happened a lot, and every time it happened they put it on the national news so people would know about it.

It's not necessarily about what political party you support, whether you beat on women.

Do you have statistical proof to back up that claim? Or are you parroting nonsense? Anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal. Nothing more. No, it doesn't matter what party you belong to, but it matters when people are misusing tragedies like these to beat their opponents over the head with. It's frankly appalling.

How do you provide statistical data on where women are treated better exactly?

Well, I will try.

United Nations Statistics Division - Demographic and Social Statistics

We can look at percentage of women represented in parliament. Of course, number one, Afghanistan, is unusually large for a country that doesn't treat women well. The US is at 17%, Sweden 44.7%, Norway 39.6%, Denmark 39.1%, Germany 32.9%, Austria 27.9%.

Countries I don't think women are going to be treated well at all would include Pakistan 22.5%, India 11%, Russia 13.6%. Now, I just went and picked these countries based on my view of the world, and I come back with the results I would have expected.

But as with all statistics, you can't just look at them on their own.

file:///D:/Downloads/SN02936.pdf which seems to come from

Gender gap

1 Iceland 0.8731
2 Finland 0.8421
3 Norway 0.8417
4 Sweden 0.8129
5 Philippines 0.7832
6 Ireland 0.7823
7 New Zealand 0.7799
8 Denmark 0.7779
9 Switzerland 0.7736
10 Nicaragua 0.7715

These are considered the best 10 countries in the world for equality for women.

And at the bottom

127 Saudi Arabia 0.5879
128 Mali 0.5872
129 Morocco 0.5845
130 Iran 0.5842
131 Côte d'Ivoire 0.5814
132 Mauritania 0.5810
133 Syria 0.5661
134 Chad 0.5588
135 Pakistan 0.5459
136 Yemen 0.5128

We can look at gender parity for education, though this is only for region, though we'd expect a country like the US to be about equal.

We could look at rape, however rape statistics say whatever the country want the statistics to say, so that would be a hard one.

International Women's Day 2014: The shocking statistics that show why it is still so important - World - News - The Independent

This is for the UK, just what came up, but it's telling.


Globally, about one in three women will be beaten or raped during their lifetime. About 44 per cent of all UK women have experienced either physical or sexual violence since they were 15-years-old. Britain ranks among the worst countries in Europe when it comes to women being violently abused.

On average, 30% of women who have been in a relationship report that they have experienced some form of physical or sexual violence by their partner.

38 per cent of all murders of women worldwide are committed by a woman's intimate partner.

A UN report said 99.3% of women and girls in Egypt had been subjected to sexual harassment."

You see reports of how many men are beaten by their wives? It happens, of course it does, but it happens a lot less than husbands beating wives.

As for Spain

Fight Against Domestic Violence in Spain only Strong on Paper | womensphere

Spain calls for Europe-wide protection for battered women | World news | The Guardian

There's plenty of information about this.

"But the violence continues: between 2001 and 2007, 425 women were killed in domestic violence cases in Spain, with 71 of the murders occurring in 2007 alone."
the women's lib movement did more to help men than women ...if that is the point you are trying to make.....then you are preaching to the choir
You American chicks should just STFU and be glad men let you vote. At least you aren't being stoned or genitally mutilated!

Seriously Templar? I thought your "gays should shut up because we aren't killing you here" was bad, but this?

Oh, well that would seem to be the conservative view then. You can wear pants damn it, what more do you want? You mean you want to be able to go outside without permission? Damn it women, get back in the kitchen.
really is that nonsense.....the gop is trying to restrict a legal activity......yes or no?

All legal activities are restricted to one degree or another...right?

name another legal activity that a polical party is trying to restrict till it is non existent?

I can't answer disingenuous questions based on false premises. Very few Republicans want to 'outlaw' all abortions at all times under all conditions. On the other hand, very many democrats have expressed the sentiment that they want abortions to be as rare as possible. Come on now, let's have an honest discussion.
You American chicks should just STFU and be glad men let you vote. At least you aren't being stoned or genitally mutilated!

Seriously Templar? I thought your "gays should shut up because we aren't killing you here" was bad, but this?

Oh, well that would seem to be the conservative view then. You can wear pants damn it, what more do you want? You mean you want to be able to go outside without permission? Damn it women, get back in the kitchen.

Is kiddie time over? Can the adults talk now?
You American chicks should just STFU and be glad men let you vote. At least you aren't being stoned or genitally mutilated!

Seriously Templar? I thought your "gays should shut up because we aren't killing you here" was bad, but this?

Oh, well that would seem to be the conservative view then. You can wear pants damn it, what more do you want? You mean you want to be able to go outside without permission? Damn it women, get back in the kitchen.

Is kiddie time over? Can the adults talk now?

You'd better go ask them.

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