Real Misogyny: Debunking the War on Women

but that is a good point....why hasnt simple put his beliefs into actions....o wait....wait ...he is a conservative who would rather sit on his ass all day on the computer being a 'hero' not realizing he is a zero
Hence this documentary film, dubbed "Honor Diaries," which was released on March 8, 2014; by producer Paula Kweskin. It shows of how in these Middle Eastern honor societies, women are treated as chattel; beaten, lashed, or killed for so much as wearing the wrong type of clothing, showing their faces or driving; things most women here take for granted.

This is an inappropriate translation. That is not what "honor" means, whatever lie some people in some (all?) parts of the world want to tell themselves.
OK - so I'm about 1/4 the way through my first cup of coffee this morning and no one listens to Granny anyway, so here goes:

The so-called "war on women" is being waged by women - women of a certain class. Organizations like the NOW are not interested in ALL women ... only certain women ... those who are of the same or similar frame of mind politically and ideologically. They put on a pretty good show - they've got it all going on.

My observation/opinion over the last few decades is that these women would kill their own mothers (or fathers) if they thought it would get them where they think they're entitled to be. In today's world I think men should NEVER walk out of their home without substantially reinforced jock straps lest they be temporarily maimed or otherwise completely emasculated by these women. They're never happy, these women. Underneath it all, they're not satisfied with a damned thing in life and if they can't find something legitimate to bitch about they'll create something to bitch about.

I'm going back to bed. Maybe I'll wake up in a better mood later.
So... it appears I've struck a nerve. Not one liberal here is willing to admit this is true. So, do women have it so bad here, as compared to there? Why is it you use these imagined plights of women here stateside to politically bludgeon your opponents? Hmm? Why are you ignoring the real crisis going on overseas? To women of all people? Where is your outrage now? Is it because the people actually mistreating women, the actual misogynists are not Republicans?

Stop. No, you never were outraged, never have been. It's all false, and nothing but hypocrisy.

Women generally have it better the more educated and liberal the country. Scandinavian countries and Germanic countries probably treat women with far more respect than other countries.

I lived in Spain 10 years back and they had a massive TV news campaign against men who beat on their wives and killed them. It happened a lot, and every time it happened they put it on the national news so people would know about it.

It's not necessarily about what political party you support, whether you beat on women.

Do you have statistical proof to back up that claim? Or are you parroting nonsense? Anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal. Nothing more. No, it doesn't matter what party you belong to, but it matters when people are misusing tragedies like these to beat their opponents over the head with. It's frankly appalling.
granny being of the same age....i think i understand what you may be and all that did nothing but free men from the responsibilities of marriage and fatherhood....i am old school in that i believe a woman cannot do it all...job family kids etc...i do not understand the concept of working to pay for childcare etc...

but there is a war on women reproductive the gop tries their best to limit or ban abortions are that legal in this country
So... it appears I've struck a nerve. Not one liberal here is willing to admit this is true. So, do women have it so bad here, as compared to there? Why is it you use these imagined plights of women here stateside to politically bludgeon your opponents? Hmm? Why are you ignoring the real crisis going on overseas? To women of all people? Where is your outrage now? Is it because the people actually mistreating women, the actual misogynists are not Republicans?

Stop. No, you never were outraged, never have been. It's all false, and nothing but hypocrisy.

Women generally have it better the more educated and liberal the country. Scandinavian countries and Germanic countries probably treat women with far more respect than other countries.

I lived in Spain 10 years back and they had a massive TV news campaign against men who beat on their wives and killed them. It happened a lot, and every time it happened they put it on the national news so people would know about it.

It's not necessarily about what political party you support, whether you beat on women.

Do you have statistical proof to back up that claim? Or are you parroting nonsense? Anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal. Nothing more. No, it doesn't matter what party you belong to, but it matters when people are misusing tragedies like these to beat their opponents over the head with. It's frankly appalling.

that right we need proof you lived in spain and of course the idiot simple cant google to find the facts..that would dissolve his paper tiger arguements

Stop. No, you never were outraged, never have been. It's all false, and nothing but hypocrisy. Women in America are treated with far more respect and dignity than anywhere else in the world, and you have the unmitigated gall to play politics with the actual tragedies that happen to other women around the world. I don't know what to say. And yes, I'm angry, very angry. Women here in America have far more choices and far more freedom, yet to hear some say it, they are treated badly, to the point of being robbed of their lives and their choices.

Spare me.

GUy, again, the thing is, America can't change the culture of a country. That's not our job. The country has to want to change its own culture.

Arguing that a woman should tolerate having an ultrasound wand shoved up her hoo-haa and be forced to watch a fuzzy ultrasound in an attempt to guilt her into not having an abortion isn't as bad as cutting into her clitoris, but it's still pretty bad.
Just to clarify, you are stating that the war on women in the US is not occurring because women are mistreated in the Middle East. Yes?

No, what you call a "war" is nothing more than propaganda. It is political hyperbole. Drummed up hysteria. You can't possibly believe that there is a war being waged against women here in America, can you? Since when do we stage public beatings and stonings of women in the streets as a matter of punishment or twisted justice? Hmm? Do you see anyone doing such a thing here? No. Because you would be arrested and put away for a long, long time if you did.

So, what "war" are we talking about exactly? The real one in the Middle East, against those poor women.
Interestingly enough, I love how one of these folks can't help but spam my thread with vitriol rather than to discuss the point cogently. I guess I'll glean that to be an admission of defeat.
Don't get too confused about the GOP's war on women.

It's not a war on THEIR women.

Don't any of you remember back when abortions were illegal?

I do.

Let's go back to the 60's shall we?

I also remember that my rich female friends who get knocked up disappeared for a few months and then Magic! - their problem was gone.

So when the GOP says they do not want to pay for abortions, do remember they do not want to pay for POOR FOLKS' abortions,

Their gals will be just fine, thanks.

Political battles in this nation are basically CLASS WAR ISSUES disguised as race or gender issues
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your ability to understand things is the root of your problem

Your inability to make a cogent argument is at the root of yours. Calling me stupid isn't an argument.

If I can understand something, it is not a weakness, but a strength. It is the root of knowledge, not of incompetence. Or perhaps that was a typo?
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