Real Misogyny: Debunking the War on Women

I've been pointing this out for decades now. Finally, it seems like the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM has taken notice. Maybe.

Not really

People, Islam is the left's favored religion. It just simply is. There is absolutely no question about it.

And I don't believe it is a "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation. I truly believe that dimocrap scum favor Islam by a WIDE margin over Christianity.

Maybe it's because Islam has a 'socialist' organizational structure to it. Don't know, don't care.

Maybe it's because, just like dimocrap scum, Islam is a sickness, a disease, an affliction the world needs to find a cure for.

This shouldn't be a 'taboo' subject. This shouldn't be something we talk about in hushed tones with nervous words, afraid to offend some religious whack jobs.

This is something we should be shouting from the roof tops, something that needs to come to a screeching halt -- Right fucking now.

But, dimocrap scum will try to silence the conversation. They always do. Wonder why the scum-sucking slime that did this article failed to mention Islam? Which is the ONLY place it is routinely practiced.....

I'm right. I always am.

NBC News Scrubs Any Mention of “Islam” And “Muslim” From Story On Female Genital Mutilation…


You’d think the fact that the vast majority of FGM takes place in Islamic societies would be relevant to the story… and you’d be wrong.

Via NBC News:

When Marie was two years old, a woman in her village in Africa cut off her clitoris and labia. Now 34 and living thousands of miles away in New York, she is still suffering.

“I have so many problems, with my husband, with sex, with childbirth,” she told NBC News, withholding her real name to protect her identity. “The consequences on my life are all negative, both physically and psychologically.”

The practice of Female Genital Mutilation is common across much of Africa, where it is believed to ensure sexual purity before marriage. But Marie says FGM is also “very common” in some communities in America.

“The pressure to get daughters cut is great,” she said.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 150,000 to 200,000 girls in the U.S. are at risk of being forced to undergo cutting. The CDC says “at risk” because there are no actual records of the practice, only estimates – and old estimates at that. Its latest data date to 1997, the year after it was banned in the U.S.

But citing anecdotal evidence from health professionals and frontline workers, experts who work with victims and their communities say FGM is on the rise. [...]

For Americans on the outside of communities where it is practiced, FGM is such an unknown that many medical workers, law enforcement and child protection officers are not informed on how to proceed when confronted with it.

“This has been such a taboo topic, we [haven’t been able to] take it out from under the table. We need to make it something that can be discussed,” said Shelby Quast, senior policy adviser of Equality Now, an international women’s rights NGO.

“There has to be a huge shift so that we identify this as a form of violence against girls – and not something that’s protected as a cultural and religious tradition,” she said.

I've been trying to bring awareness to this subject for years. But every time I do, I get shouted down or ignored by the usual suspects.... dimocrap scum.

In fact, I'm quite certain this post will receive the same treatment. Which is why I didn't start a new thread on it. It wouldn't have lasted ten minutes before every dimocrap scumbag on the Board reported it and it got sent to the Siberia of the Forum.

The War on Women is being waged from the left. It's not just cowardice (which dimocraps certainly are cowards) -- It's omething more than that. Much more.

I think they see mooslums as allies in the war against Freedom
it is not be a stay at home mom....i was a stay at home mom....working mostly part time when son was in was not impossible...what was impossible....driving a new car every two last new car...not just new to me...but new car was in 1986....i dont have a 100 pairs of shoes....i got 4 pairs of jeans and i shop at the good will or salvation army....why....cause it allows me the options i want....i felt it was much better for me to be raising my child than paying others to do it..when you factor in the costs of working....childcare, clothes, transportation, etc and so will find the woman is working for peanuts...

Well, then I should have clarified that it is difficult. Otherwise I stand corrected.

Yes, staying at home does involved a lot of sacrifices. and day care might be more expensive than staying at home.

The point I was trying to make, though, is that there aren't a hoarde of "Feminists" dissing Stay at Home moms. As some people were claiming.

Mommy wars are an instigated argument most often created when there is an economic crisis. Bachmann, Angle and folks like Schlafly are heavily involved in that rhetoric when it suits them.
Worst Week for Abortion in 50 Years - Phyllis Schlafly - Page 1

And then there is this:

You can always tell the GOP sentiment because all of their problems began with feminism. They create issues where none exist because they don't have the cajones to address the actual issues.
Debunking the War on Women
Fact: Cons try to take women's right to not have a child.
Fact: Cons refuse to give women equal pay.
Fact: Cons believe women should be subservient to men in their evangelical religion.
Fact: Cons try to take women's birth control, while allowing men to get government paid penis pumps and Viagra.
Cons do all these things against women, then deny they have a war on women. They really do take Americans for a bunch of chumps.
I've been pointing this out for decades now. Finally, it seems like the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM has taken notice. Maybe.

Not really

People, Islam is the left's favored religion. It just simply is. There is absolutely no question about it.

And I don't believe it is a "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation. I truly believe that dimocrap scum favor Islam by a WIDE margin over Christianity.

Maybe it's because Islam has a 'socialist' organizational structure to it. Don't know, don't care.

Maybe it's because, just like dimocrap scum, Islam is a sickness, a disease, an affliction the world needs to find a cure for.

This shouldn't be a 'taboo' subject. This shouldn't be something we talk about in hushed tones with nervous words, afraid to offend some religious whack jobs.

This is something we should be shouting from the roof tops, something that needs to come to a screeching halt -- Right fucking now.

But, dimocrap scum will try to silence the conversation. They always do. Wonder why the scum-sucking slime that did this article failed to mention Islam? Which is the ONLY place it is routinely practiced.....

I'm right. I always am.

NBC News Scrubs Any Mention of “Islam” And “Muslim” From Story On Female Genital Mutilation…


You’d think the fact that the vast majority of FGM takes place in Islamic societies would be relevant to the story… and you’d be wrong.

Via NBC News:

When Marie was two years old, a woman in her village in Africa cut off her clitoris and labia. Now 34 and living thousands of miles away in New York, she is still suffering.

“I have so many problems, with my husband, with sex, with childbirth,” she told NBC News, withholding her real name to protect her identity. “The consequences on my life are all negative, both physically and psychologically.”

The practice of Female Genital Mutilation is common across much of Africa, where it is believed to ensure sexual purity before marriage. But Marie says FGM is also “very common” in some communities in America.

“The pressure to get daughters cut is great,” she said.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 150,000 to 200,000 girls in the U.S. are at risk of being forced to undergo cutting. The CDC says “at risk” because there are no actual records of the practice, only estimates – and old estimates at that. Its latest data date to 1997, the year after it was banned in the U.S.

But citing anecdotal evidence from health professionals and frontline workers, experts who work with victims and their communities say FGM is on the rise. [...]

For Americans on the outside of communities where it is practiced, FGM is such an unknown that many medical workers, law enforcement and child protection officers are not informed on how to proceed when confronted with it.

“This has been such a taboo topic, we [haven’t been able to] take it out from under the table. We need to make it something that can be discussed,” said Shelby Quast, senior policy adviser of Equality Now, an international women’s rights NGO.

“There has to be a huge shift so that we identify this as a form of violence against girls – and not something that’s protected as a cultural and religious tradition,” she said.

I've been trying to bring awareness to this subject for years. But every time I do, I get shouted down or ignored by the usual suspects.... dimocrap scum.

In fact, I'm quite certain this post will receive the same treatment. Which is why I didn't start a new thread on it. It wouldn't have lasted ten minutes before every dimocrap scumbag on the Board reported it and it got sent to the Siberia of the Forum.

The War on Women is being waged from the left. It's not just cowardice (which dimocraps certainly are cowards) -- It's omething more than that. Much more.

I think they see mooslums as allies in the war against Freedom

Here's the deal.

I don't like Islam. Actually I don't like Christianity or any other religion either. I also don't like basketball, baseball or gay sex.

That doesn't mean I want to stop people doing what they want to do.

Actually I want to protect people doing what they want to do as long as it doesn't hurt or harm other people.

Also, I can think for myself.

I don't need the US govt to tell me every day how much I hate Islam. That is exactly what Bush did, and we know why he did it, his invasion of Iraq is proof of this. Equate Arabs and Muslims as evil, then take them over and make sure they're pumping oil out of their wells at a high rate, and if we get 4,000 US soldiers killed in the process, well it's worth it, isn't it?
No, actually it isn't.

You're being taken for a ride, and it's so damn easy for these people to take you for a ride, they're sitting there in their massive houses laughing at how much they can make most americans so damn docile and so willing to look the other way.

All you have to do now is mention the word "muslim" and you can blow anyone up you like.
FFS, FMG or Female Genital Mutilation is outlawed in just about every country that it takes place in. Fun filled fact, folks. Further, it is actually older women-the grandmothers that are actually having it done. Tribal. It takes place far more in Africa then in the Middle East. So, take your time and money to those that are still living in tribal areas and ethnic enclaves to "educate" the women.
People, Islam is the left's favored religion. It just simply is. There is absolutely no question about it.

Lefties in this country don't "favor" it, they fear it. They know that Christians are unlikely to riot in the streets, burn cars and put out a world-wide 'hit' over anyone who disrespects Christianity, so they are 'brave' enough to speak out against something that they know won't harm them.

They don't "favor" Islam, they are just pussies and hypocrites.
I don't need the US govt to tell me every day how much I hate Islam. That is exactly what Bush did.

That is a flat-out lie. That is exactly the opposite of what President Bush did. You are a brainless, partisan douchebag.
Debunking the War on Women
Fact: Cons try to take women's right to not have a child.
Fact: Cons refuse to give women equal pay.
Fact: Cons believe women should be subservient to men in their evangelical religion.
Fact: Cons try to take women's birth control, while allowing men to get government paid penis pumps and Viagra.
Cons do all these things against women, then deny they have a war on women. They really do take Americans for a bunch of chumps.

Fact: Someone from the DNC drops off a bottle of thunderbird every day at the empty refrigerator box you call home as payment for you to post this pointless idiocy here everyday.
Interestingly enough, I love how one of these folks can't help but spam my thread with vitriol rather than to discuss the point cogently. I guess I'll glean that to be an admission of defeat.

Oh look the victim post. Strolling has been really polite in debating this and you are ignoring her . which is something you tend to do. Whine about people attacking you but ignore anyone who actually disproves you.

The war on women has many faces. Comparing it to the middle east is a weak example.

But anyways go back to you thinking you are the greatest mind in human history.
Interestingly enough, I love how one of these folks can't help but spam my thread with vitriol rather than to discuss the point cogently. I guess I'll glean that to be an admission of defeat.

Oh look the victim post. Strolling has been really polite in debating this and you are ignoring her . which is something you tend to do. Whine about people attacking you but ignore anyone who actually disproves you.

The war on women has many faces. Comparing it to the middle east is a weak example.

But anyways go back to you thinking you are the greatest mind in human history.

So... They're not women?

That's what you're saying, isn't it?

Or is it that they're dark-skinned women? And they don't count as much?

Kinda like when the obscenity laws in the United States stated that it was okay to show dark-skinned women topless in magazines and on public TV like National Geographic or other documentaries, but topless White Females?


Every time you people post, you expose your elitism, your racism and your phony air of superiority.

Those women in the ME mean something to me.

To dimocraps? Not so much :dunno:
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There is a war on women sponsored and legislated by the GOP. It is not my problem that you lack the capacity to grasp this. It is yours. Our conversation has reached the end.

In this, the real world, your opinions don't trump the law. Gee, now where have I heard that one before?

Exactly, and since we are dealing with legislation then you don't have a case. It's coming via the states.

Right, so ignore the law already in place. No efforts have been taken to repeal it. So, does your opinion trump this law? I think not. I mean I'm using your logic here.
Don't get too confused about the GOP's war on women.

It's not a war on THEIR women.

Don't any of you remember back when abortions were illegal?

I do.

Let's go back to the 60's shall we?

I also remember that my rich friends who get knocked op disappeared for a few months and then suddenly their problem was gone.

So when the GOP says they do not want to pay for abortions, do remember they do not want to pay for POOR FOLKS' abortions,

Their gals will be just fine, thanks.

I really must thank you. For proving my point. You only care about women when it comes to politics or is convenient to you. I hope you're happy with yourself, my friend. Frankly if I were you, I'd be ashamed. Women overseas are being abused and mistreated daily, and the worst you have to worry about is abortion. Seriously. The two pale in comparison.

Perhaps we need stick to reality, okay? Put away the time machine.

Temp..the GOP has no say over the treatment of women in other nations.

they have plenty to say about what's happening here.

Trying to change the subject might impress the stupid but now you're posting to me, lad.

The war on American women IS a class war.

Address that issue if you have the gravitas,

Temp..the GOP has no say over the treatment of women in other nations.

Who said they did? But alas, you claim to be for women, yet ignore the ones who are actually being hurt by misogyny overseas. Nobody has a say in how women are treated, and nobody in the Democratic Party cares about women if they don't serve some sort of political interest. Right then. That's just how hypocritical your party can be.

Trying to change the subject might impress the stupid but now you're posting to me, lad.

First, trying to post in sentence fragments does not make you look smarter, bub. Frankly, you looking down on me is pretty lame and outwardly arrogant. Second, I've not tried to change any subject. You've been dodging it this entire time with your propagandist views about women. No.

The war on American women IS a class war.

And how is this so? How is this a "class war"? Think about that for a minute. There is an all out gender war being waged in the middle east, yet you sit here whining about a woman's "right to choose." Hey, there are millions of women in the middle east who are being deprived of their rights daily, where are you? Where is the liberal horde to speak out about the injustices being perpetrated against women, huh?
I've been pointing this out for decades now. Finally, it seems like the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM has taken notice. Maybe.

Not really

People, Islam is the left's favored religion. It just simply is. There is absolutely no question about it.

And I don't believe it is a "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation. I truly believe that dimocrap scum favor Islam by a WIDE margin over Christianity.

Maybe it's because Islam has a 'socialist' organizational structure to it. Don't know, don't care.

Maybe it's because, just like dimocrap scum, Islam is a sickness, a disease, an affliction the world needs to find a cure for.

yes, your belief in invisible sky fairies is much better than their belief in invisible sky fairies... I know you need to believe this.

This shouldn't be a 'taboo' subject. This shouldn't be something we talk about in hushed tones with nervous words, afraid to offend some religious whack jobs.

This is something we should be shouting from the roof tops, something that needs to come to a screeching halt -- Right fucking now.

But, dimocrap scum will try to silence the conversation. They always do. Wonder why the scum-sucking slime that did this article failed to mention Islam? Which is the ONLY place it is routinely practiced.....

I'm right. I always am.

You’d think the fact that the vast majority of FGM takes place in Islamic societies would be relevant to the story… and you’d be wrong.[/quote]

The reason why it is irrelevant is because the issue isn't religious, it's cultural. This is something that is common in North African nations. But Coptic Christians in the region also practice it. So did pre-Christian/Islamic societies in that region. We have mummies of women who had undergone the practice dating back to the New Kingdom of Egypt.

I've been trying to bring awareness to this subject for years. But every time I do, I get shouted down or ignored by the usual suspects.... dimocrap scum.

In fact, I'm quite certain this post will receive the same treatment. Which is why I didn't start a new thread on it. It wouldn't have lasted ten minutes before every dimocrap scumbag on the Board reported it and it got sent to the Siberia of the Forum.

The War on Women is being waged from the left. It's not just cowardice (which dimocraps certainly are cowards) -- It's omething more than that. Much more.

I think they see mooslums as allies in the war against Freedom

Does it occur to you the reason why you get shouted down is because you come off like a rabid bigot?

I think a lot of people would be happy to have a discussion how to endthis practice. However, a diatribe where you call people "disease" and "scum" isn't going to get anyone receptive to what you have to say.
Interestingly enough, I love how one of these folks can't help but spam my thread with vitriol rather than to discuss the point cogently. I guess I'll glean that to be an admission of defeat.

Oh look the victim post. Strolling has been really polite in debating this and you are ignoring her . which is something you tend to do. Whine about people attacking you but ignore anyone who actually disproves you.

The war on women has many faces. Comparing it to the middle east is a weak example.

But anyways go back to you thinking you are the greatest mind in human history.

So... They're not women?

That's what you're saying, isn't it?

Or is it that they're dark-skinned women? And they don't count as much?

Kinda like when the obscenity laws in the United States stated that it was okay to show dark-skinned women topless in magazines and on public TV like National Geographic or other documentaries, but topless White Females?


Every time you people post, you expose your elitism, your racism and your phony air of superiority.

Those women in the ME mean something to me.

To dimocraps? Not so much :dunno:

granny being of the same age....i think i understand what you may be and all that did nothing but free men from the responsibilities of marriage and fatherhood....i am old school in that i believe a woman cannot do it all...job family kids etc...i do not understand the concept of working to pay for childcare etc...

but there is a war on women reproductive the gop tries their best to limit or ban abortions are that legal in this country

Don't get too confused about the GOP's war on women.

It's not a war on THEIR women.

Don't any of you remember back when abortions were illegal?

I do.

Let's go back to the 60's shall we?

I also remember that my rich female friends who get knocked up disappeared for a few months and then Magic! - their problem was gone.

So when the GOP says they do not want to pay for abortions, do remember they do not want to pay for POOR FOLKS' abortions,

Their gals will be just fine, thanks.

Political battles in this nation are basically CLASS WAR ISSUES disguised as race or gender issues

it is not be a stay at home mom....i was a stay at home mom....working mostly part time when son was in was not impossible...what was impossible....driving a new car every two last new car...not just new to me...but new car was in 1986....i dont have a 100 pairs of shoes....i got 4 pairs of jeans and i shop at the good will or salvation army....why....cause it allows me the options i want....i felt it was much better for me to be raising my child than paying others to do it..when you factor in the costs of working....childcare, clothes, transportation, etc and so will find the woman is working for peanuts...

It's not that I'm in a better mood than I was this morning when I posted ... but perhaps have more of a civil tongue in my head. Bones and I do have somewhat differing political views but at the same time, I think she brings up some good points and I certainly feel she is a genuine and down-to-earth persons with crosses to bear as we all do.

"Back in the day" my impression seemed to be that certain women went out of their way to belittle other women (the "stay-at-home moms") because they were staying at home like mealy-mouthed little idiots instead of out crusading, marching, burning bras, etc.

I think I've progressively developed this thought that these women who are so hell-bent on "success" actually have some sort of psychological issue of not knowing who they are in the first place so they have to step on everyone and everything in the process of proving who they are - or who they think they are. By "knowing who they are" I mean being comfortable in their own skin and having this sort of "inner peace" of happiness that by virtue of being a human being they have value in and of itself. It just seems to me that these women somehow think they have to be men in order to be successful and they will absolutely destroy anything/anyone in their path to achieve this "success" - which is to make themselves equal to men. I don't get it - or maybe "success" for me personally does not equate to "equal pay" or "equal status." Money does NOT define success.

Two personal examples: Many years ago I worked for a female attorney for a long time. She came from a prominent family, went to an "elite" college and law school, social debutante, etc. She knew who she was and to this day she remains in my mind "the consummate lady." Could never figure out why co-workers were so intimidated by her - I'd tell them "no worries" and when they came out of her office they would stop at my desk with the biggest grin saying, "She was SOOOO nice and she made me feel soooo comfortable!" She went very quietly and confidently on her own power and even using her husband's name she never relied on his name - he came from a very prominent family as well.

I worked for another female attorney who was such a piece of work that even her own mother said she was a hand full. Her father made a remark about her at her wedding that astounded me. She was so hell-bent on the partnership path and so clamoring for attention that her treatment of me and her behavior landed me in a psyche ward. She screamed like a banshee, stomped her feet - and had her husband report me to OUR supervising attorney for not giving her a birthday party!!!!

And there were other female attorneys who were of the same mind - beat the hell out of their secretaries and chopped the balls off the male attorneys on their path to partnership.

As to the post by editec - I sense a real attitude problem. Those "rich friends" most likely disappeared for a few months to a home for unwed mothers where the "problem was solved" by giving up their child for adoption. That's exactly what happened when one of my roommates disappeared for a few months - she was in a Catholic home for unwed mothers in another state. Problem solved.

Bones, I'm with you. I was a stay-at-home mom for a few years but by necessity due to divorce went to work full-time, came home to three children every night, looked at the bills, never had enough money, cried sometimes, saw that they had what they needed but they didn't get everything they wanted, and maybe a couple times a year managed to get something for myself. They are beautiful adults and I am proud of every one of them. As far as I'm concerned ... I am a successful woman. Still don't have any money, but I'm happy.
Does it occur to you the reason why you get shouted down is because you come off like a rabid bigot?

Just look who the fuck is talking. You filthy, ignorant hypocrite.

Sorry, not even in the same category.

Mormons really are nuts. They were started by pedophiles and their religion is a lie.

It's in the history books, look it up.
FOr all the idiots like Unkatard, Tampon Kotex and EdgeOver who want to blame Islam for female circumcission.

Where did female genital cutting come from? | Orchid Project

Gerry Mackie a prominent theorist on FGC, talks about early examples of cutting in his book ‘Ending Footbinding and Infibulation: A Convention Account’, in which he directly relates FGC to Chinese footbinding. Mackie conjectures that the earliest documented evidence of FGC (2,200 years ago) reports infibulation in the Nubian region which is now Egypt and Sudan. This was almost certainly associated with slavery.

It is interesting to note that even in its infancy, the practice of FGC varied between ethnic groups. Mackie notes that ‘second century BCE geographer Agatharchides of Cnidus, reporting on the tribes residing on the Western coast of the Red Sea, wrote that one group excised their women in the manner of the Egyptians, and that another group ‘cut off in infancy with razors the whole portion that others circumcise”.

In short, this practice predates the religions by centuries.

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