Real Misogyny: Debunking the War on Women

You don't have enough brains to figure out your own beliefs, don't presume to tell me or anyone else what theirs are, douchebag. The EXACT point is YOUR fucking hypocrisy. You are doing a very poor job trying to deflect away from it with this stupidity.

guy, I know exactly what my beliefs are. There is no God, he was created by primitive people to explain what they didn't understand.

But Mormonism is beneath contempt because Joseph Smith had to know he was committing fraud. I can't say the same for Jesus or Mohammed because their lives have drifted into legend and we don't knwo what they were actually thinking.

Smith. Yeah. He made up a fake religion stolen from other sources so he could make money and have sex with lots of women and girls.

The longer I live the more convinced I am that not everybody was born with a soul.

You being a prime example.

No God?

Please explain the Big Bang. It was a 'creationist event' and everybody knows it. Why do you think Scientists are looking into 'M' Theory so hard?

They can't just say, "God created the Universe" and quit their research. I wouldn't want that either. Scientists need to do what they do -- Research.

But for you to dismiss the idea of 'God' when creationism is being shoved up your ass is why I call you names. scumbag.

As to the 'primitive peoples' theory, you probably got that from me. Somewhat accurate. But when you say it, it just sounds stupid.

You don't like the idea of 'God' because you don't want to be judged.

That simple. And those who don't want to be judged are virtually always...

You don't have enough brains to figure out your own beliefs, don't presume to tell me or anyone else what theirs are, douchebag. The EXACT point is YOUR fucking hypocrisy. You are doing a very poor job trying to deflect away from it with this stupidity.

guy, I know exactly what my beliefs are. There is no God, he was created by primitive people to explain what they didn't understand.

But Mormonism is beneath contempt because Joseph Smith had to know he was committing fraud. I can't say the same for Jesus or Mohammed because their lives have drifted into legend and we don't knwo what they were actually thinking.

Smith. Yeah. He made up a fake religion stolen from other sources so he could make money and have sex with lots of women and girls.

The longer I live the more convinced I am that not everybody was born with a soul.

You being a prime example.

No God?

Please explain the Big Bang. It was a 'creationist event' and everybody knows it. Why do you think Scientists are looking into 'M' Theory so hard?

They can't just say, "God created the Universe" and quit their research. I wouldn't want that either. Scientists need to do what they do -- Research.

But for you to dismiss the idea of 'God' when creationism is being shoved up your ass is why I call you names. scumbag.

As to the 'primitive peoples' theory, you probably got that from me. Somewhat accurate. But when you say it, it just sounds stupid.

You don't like the idea of 'God' because you don't want to be judged.

That simple. And those who don't want to be judged are virtually always...


You're the modern example of primitive man. Can't explain it? Must be god.

You don't get it. It isn't anger, it's accuracy.

It's what you people are. It's who you are.

I am serious as serious can be.... You people are the scum of the earth.

No shit. You can't smell the shit because you're knee deep in it

Feel good vid for the day


No, guy, it's anger, and I don't know what happened to you to make you so angry, but you probably need to deal with it.

Because, frankly, the GOP has lost the room.

Now, for this vid, I guess I'm a little depressed these servicemen think the symbol is more important than what it stands for.

I'm telling you, punk..... I don't care what you think. Eat shit and die. I don't care.

You people are seriously the scum of the earth. All you do is lie, cheat and steal. Plus, you are the most divisive cocksuckers in American History.

Your entire basis of existence is founded on lies and deception. You are, truly, the scum of the earth.

It's not anger, it's observation.

We've "Lost the room" huh, scumbag?

Hope you're here the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November so you can remind me again how we've 'lost the room'.

You're scum.

You're not 'Good people with bad ideas'. You're not the 'opposition', loyal or otherwise.

You're seriously scum.

And, I'm telling you, it's not anger. It's just stating the facts. And I am seriously not kidding
It's anger.

Huge piles of misplaced, pathological anger to comfort your deep self-loathing.

It comes across with every post.
I know exactly what my beliefs are.

No you don't. You are just a frightened, ignorant little animal lashing out in panic at what you lack the capacity to understand. If you ever managed to rise to the level of a human being you might not suffer so much. Oh well...
Debunking the War on Women
Fact: Cons try to take women's right to not have a child.
Fact: Cons refuse to give women equal pay.
Fact: Cons believe women should be subservient to men in their evangelical religion.
Fact: Cons try to take women's birth control, while allowing men to get government paid penis pumps and Viagra.
Cons do all these things against women, then deny they have a war on women. They really do take Americans for a bunch of chumps.

Fact: Someone from the DNC drops off a bottle of thunderbird every day at the empty refrigerator box you call home as payment for you to post this pointless idiocy here everyday.

Playground debater.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Fact: Cons try to take women's right to not have a child.
Fact: Cons refuse to give women equal pay.
Fact: Cons believe women should be subservient to men in their evangelical religion.
Fact: Cons try to take women's birth control, while allowing men to get government paid penis pumps and Viagra.
Cons do all these things against women, then deny they have a war on women. They really do take Americans for a bunch of chumps.

Fact: Someone from the DNC drops off a bottle of thunderbird every day at the empty refrigerator box you call home as payment for you to post this pointless idiocy here everyday.

Playground debater.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Did they drop off your 'payment' for the day, Stinky?

The longer I live the more convinced I am that not everybody was born with a soul.

You being a prime example.

No God?

Please explain the Big Bang. It was a 'creationist event' and everybody knows it. Why do you think Scientists are looking into 'M' Theory so hard?

They can't just say, "God created the Universe" and quit their research. I wouldn't want that either. Scientists need to do what they do -- Research.

But for you to dismiss the idea of 'God' when creationism is being shoved up your ass is why I call you names. scumbag.

As to the 'primitive peoples' theory, you probably got that from me. Somewhat accurate. But when you say it, it just sounds stupid.


Explaining the "big bang" as God is like explaining thunder as God, which is what the primitive goat-lovers who wrote the bible did. "I don't understand it, must be God."

Not, "I don't understand it, must be a logical scientific explaination for it."

This has nothing to do wiht my point about Mormons. It's kind of improbable than an omnipotent being with a 14 billion year plan for a universe would stop out of his busy day and tell a two-bit con man to write a fake bible and bang teenage girls.

But that's Mormonism in a nutshell.

You don't like the idea of 'God' because you don't want to be judged.

That simple. And those who don't want to be judged are virtually always...

Actually, I wouldn't think that a God would have any business judging me. The Christian god is one that lets children starve in Africa, but he makes sure that Tebow wins his football games.

Which makes him far to silly a character to judge me.
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Yeah, douchebag. You were probably only 5 years old at the time, but President Bush appeared on national television very shortly after the attacks of 9/11 to remind the nation that we were NOT at war with Islam and that we should NOT lay blame on all Muslims for the actions of some evil individuals. He reiterated the fact that our enemy was not the Islamic faith many times over the following years. It might help you avoid this embarrassment if you knew what the hell you were talking about before posting next time.


Then I show you I know what the hell I'm talking about and you conveniently ignore me. :eusa_clap:
So, Bush comes out and says the US wasn't at war with Islam, then went and made it happen.

He did no such thing. We are not and have not been at war with Islam. You're being illogical because you are a mindless partisan.
Republicans are misogynists, they hate women and want to deprive them of choice.

No, republicans/conservatives are, for the most part, authoritarian ideologues who fear expressions of individual liberty and seek to compel conformity.

When a woman exercises her right to privacy concerning making a decision whether to have a child or not, and that decision conflicts with conservative religious and social dogma, as authoritarians most on the right will seek to use the power and authority of the state to violate a women’s right to privacy and compel her to conform to their subjective religious and social dogma and bear a child against her will.

Whether that makes conservatives ‘misogynists’ or not is irrelevant; it does, however, make most conservatives enemies of the Constitution and its case law, violators of the rights to substantive due process and privacy, and hostile to the civil liberties of American women who wish only to make decisions concerning personal, private matters free from interference by the state, as guaranteed by the Constitution.

Consequently, being perceived as a ‘misogynist’ should be the least of a conservative’s worries.
Just to clarify, you are stating that the war on women in the US is not occurring because women are mistreated in the Middle East. Yes?

That's America today.

Our pay is good, just look at this other country!

Our standards are fine, just look at this other country!

And primarily, "How can we succeed if we don't hold the standards of a 3rd world Country?"
So, Bush comes out and says the US wasn't at war with Islam, then went and made it happen.

He did no such thing. We are not and have not been at war with Islam. You're being illogical because you are a mindless partisan.

He said, bush said, we aren't at war with Islam.

You corrected him stating he is wrong and we aren't at war with Islam. :eusa_shifty:
No, guy, it's anger, and I don't know what happened to you to make you so angry, but you probably need to deal with it.

Because, frankly, the GOP has lost the room.

Now, for this vid, I guess I'm a little depressed these servicemen think the symbol is more important than what it stands for.

I'm telling you, punk..... I don't care what you think. Eat shit and die. I don't care.

You people are seriously the scum of the earth. All you do is lie, cheat and steal. Plus, you are the most divisive cocksuckers in American History.

Your entire basis of existence is founded on lies and deception. You are, truly, the scum of the earth.

It's not anger, it's observation.

We've "Lost the room" huh, scumbag?

Hope you're here the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November so you can remind me again how we've 'lost the room'.

You're scum.

You're not 'Good people with bad ideas'. You're not the 'opposition', loyal or otherwise.

You're seriously scum.

And, I'm telling you, it's not anger. It's just stating the facts. And I am seriously not kidding
It's anger.

Huge piles of misplaced, pathological anger to comfort your deep self-loathing.

It comes across with every post.


And much of this anger is common to the authoritarian right, where anger and fear are very close emotions, almost identical.

In most cases the anger and fear expressed by conservatives is based on their unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and dissent – somehow perceived to be a ‘personal threat.’

It’s extremely sad and bizarre.
When a woman exercises her right to privacy concerning making a decision whether to have a child or not, and that decision conflicts with conservative religious and social dogma, as authoritarians most on the right will seek to use the power and authority of the state to violate a women’s right to privacy and compel her to conform to their subjective religious and social dogma and bear a child against her will.

OR, some people actually value human life. This can be hard for liberals to understand after they have been conditioned to reject the notion of right and wrong.
So, Bush comes out and says the US wasn't at war with Islam, then went and made it happen.

He did no such thing. We are not and have not been at war with Islam. You're being illogical because you are a mindless partisan.

He said, bush said, we aren't at war with Islam.

You corrected him stating he is wrong and we aren't at war with Islam. :eusa_shifty:

Read his entire illogical post and then try to follow along, Chuckles.
The longer I live the more convinced I am that not everybody was born with a soul.

You being a prime example.

No God?

Please explain the Big Bang. It was a 'creationist event' and everybody knows it. Why do you think Scientists are looking into 'M' Theory so hard?

They can't just say, "God created the Universe" and quit their research. I wouldn't want that either. Scientists need to do what they do -- Research.

But for you to dismiss the idea of 'God' when creationism is being shoved up your ass is why I call you names. scumbag.

As to the 'primitive peoples' theory, you probably got that from me. Somewhat accurate. But when you say it, it just sounds stupid.

You don't like the idea of 'God' because you don't want to be judged.

That simple. And those who don't want to be judged are virtually always...


God is a strange one. Depending on how you define God, depends on what people can say.

If I say "God is everything" then if everything exists then God exists.
If I say "God is an old white man in the sky" then you're going to have really think about it.

Some people believe in God because it's what they've been told from a young age. Some don't really have a definition for what God really is. However Atheists who say there is no God will often contradict themselves when proving there is no God.

I'm willing to wait until I find out the truth, which I clearly cannot actually know and will probably never know.

But if you say you can't prove God exists, then you can't prove God doesn't exist.
I guess I'm a little depressed these servicemen think the symbol is more important than what it stands for.

I'm a little disappointed you weren't there to tell them that to their faces so you could finally add your last tooth to the cracked mason jar you keep the rest of them in.

Guy, no one wants to hear about your sexual fantasies.
When a woman exercises her right to privacy concerning making a decision whether to have a child or not, and that decision conflicts with conservative religious and social dogma, as authoritarians most on the right will seek to use the power and authority of the state to violate a women’s right to privacy and compel her to conform to their subjective religious and social dogma and bear a child against her will.

OR, some people actually value human life. This can be hard for liberals to understand after they have been conditioned to reject the notion of right and wrong.

When you wingnuts stop trying to yank food out of the mouths of poor children, then I'll take you seriously about how much you value "human life".

Sorry, this is because you just can't stand the idea of a woman controlling her lady parts.
I guess I'm a little depressed these servicemen think the symbol is more important than what it stands for.

I'm a little disappointed you weren't there to tell them that to their faces so you could finally add your last tooth to the cracked mason jar you keep the rest of them in.

Guy, no one wants to hear about your sexual fantasies.

If you read some "sexual fantasy" into that post, you have even more problems than the glaring ones we already knew about.

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