Real reason Trump wants another four years

Again, libbers live in Bizarro World.....plenty of documented evidence on Clinton's e-mail felony....Biden on tape with his Ukraine threat and his millions while in office...those documented crimes.

On in Neocon whackadoodle land. Those who are a lot closer to the situation, and have seen more evidence than you and I, see it differently.

Only in whackadoodle land does a US politician, trying to get rid of a piece of shit prosecutor from a tinpot country, tries to blame the person trying to clean it up.

Then again, look at who they are trying to confirm in the USSC.
So now trying to disparage Judge Barrett. Confirming your status as a true piece of shit who knows nothing about anything. Your defense of criminals is noted.

Barrett herself, totally unqualified for the position.
Again, libbers live in Bizarro World.....plenty of documented evidence on Clinton's e-mail felony....Biden on tape with his Ukraine threat and his millions while in office...those documented crimes.

On in Neocon whackadoodle land. Those who are a lot closer to the situation, and have seen more evidence than you and I, see it differently.

Only in whackadoodle land does a US politician, trying to get rid of a piece of shit prosecutor from a tinpot country, tries to blame the person trying to clean it up.

Then again, look at who they are trying to confirm in the USSC.
So now trying to disparage Judge Barrett. Confirming your status as a true piece of shit who knows nothing about anything. Your defense of criminals is noted.

Barrett herself, totally unqualified for the position.
Talks cheap, you're a liar.
Trump had better lawyers and a bigger salary when he was a civilian. He had to take a cut in pay to be President. The reason Biden wants the job is obscure. Indications are that he still thinks he is running for senator.
Again, libbers live in Bizarro World.....plenty of documented evidence on Clinton's e-mail felony....Biden on tape with his Ukraine threat and his millions while in office...those documented crimes.

On in Neocon whackadoodle land. Those who are a lot closer to the situation, and have seen more evidence than you and I, see it differently.

Only in whackadoodle land does a US politician, trying to get rid of a piece of shit prosecutor from a tinpot country, tries to blame the person trying to clean it up.

Then again, look at who they are trying to confirm in the USSC.
So now trying to disparage Judge Barrett. Confirming your status as a true piece of shit who knows nothing about anything. Your defense of criminals is noted.

Barrett herself, totally unqualified for the position.
Totally unqualified? YOU obviously know nothing about this. By the way it’s Kagan who isn’t qualified. So, fuck you.
Again, libbers live in Bizarro World.....plenty of documented evidence on Clinton's e-mail felony....Biden on tape with his Ukraine threat and his millions while in office...those documented crimes.

Stalinists were also big on kangaroo courts for faked charges, followed by a sentence to TheGulag.

It's not a question of how Trump cultists are like Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any signifcant way from Stalinists. They don't. Trump cultists are Stalinist all the way down to their excrement-encrusted souls.

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