Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics

Nah, we can start at the top. Your party is led by a nutjob who after 4 years of producing no evidence still says he won an election he clearly lost. And you loons actually believe him. That is stupid. And each time your leader is shown to be corrupt, we see threats of violence from one of you loons. That is evil.
And you are a fool or a stone cold gutless liar. PA, GA, AZ and WI very questionable results and possibly Nev and Michigan.
For starters
  • There are only two genders. Male and female. Any biological man seeking to play in a women’s sport that still has his package intact should be banned from participating. Nor should he be allowed in girls' bathrooms.
  • Donald Trump lost the 2020 election because it was stolen with mass fraud perpetrated by the Democrat party. All efforts to present credible evidence was denied even though the proof was egregious and clearly visible. How can anyone explain the video showing paper ballots, unsigned and unverified, being brought into the polling center after hours and after GOP poll watchers were forced to leave?
  • Al Gore is probably the first climate change billionaire since initiating the global warming hoax with his An Inconvenient Truth film. Although he is not the only charlatan who’s grown wealthier by scamming municipalities to invest in useless alternate energy sources like eagle-killing wind turbines. Soon, brain dead academic disciples were shoving this lie down the throats of public-school students. The very idea that humans need to save the billions year-old planet by going green is beyond dumb. The fact is that the levels of carbon dioxide that we’ve been told is so deadly is actually way lower than what the planet requires for life. Carbon dioxide is necessary for plant life which will convert it to oxygen which the planet needs. Do your homework and buy Fake Catastrophes and Threats of Doom by a real scientist, Patrick Moore. You will be amazed at how many lies we’ve swallowed as gospel.
  • In 2020, Antifa riots organized by a certain left-wing billionaire looted and burned their way to infamy while somehow convincing communities to defund the police who were there to protect them. Black Lives Matter (BLM) which promoted anti-cop protests received millions of donations from Americans under the delusion that innocent unarmed blacks were being murdered by police even though statistics show that more unarmed whites had been during police actions. Ironically, three Black Lives Matter leaders, Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Melina Abdullah allegedly paid $6 million that was donated to the activist group to buy a 6,500-square foot mansion. These funds should have gone to restore the businesses that had been destroyed by the senseless violent protests.
Okay I am only going to respond to these points one at a time. For the most part I agree with your first point, but it is absolutely moronic to suggest any of that is “evil”. Can you people be any more of a drama queens?
America has become an insane asylum. This is an example of a national lunacy fueld by delusion, psychosis and amnesia.

Trump Voters Say He's 'Appointed' by God, Critics Trying to 'Crucify' Him​

A group of Donald Trump loyalists said that the former president was "appointed" by God and that his critics are trying to "crucify" him.

Trump, the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has built a dedicated base of supporters since his successful 2016 run, typically referred to as MAGA (Make America Great Again).

In the wake of Trump's 2020 loss to President Joe Biden, Trump's supporters were enraged when the former president claimed that the election was stolen from him via widespread voter fraud. While Trump did not provide any evidence, his base has continued to claim that the election was rigged.

"I believe Trump is appointed by God—appointed-slash-anointed, however you want to say it," Joannie Firkins, 63, of Iowa told the Boston Globe at a Trump rally in Coralville, Iowa last week. "He's the only one that's speaking the truth."

Deranged is a pos like you that cannot stop yapping about Trump. You're insane.
So you thought Obama was the next messiah then. You can think anything you want your of no concern to me you’ve been proven wrong many times this is just another example.
Only a Trumper would quote someone saying “I never thought Obama was the Messiah “

And think that means that they are saying that they do…

Only a Trumper would quote someone saying “I never thought Obama was the Messiah “

And think that means that they are saying that they do…

He said no sane person would have thought that so that leaves him out. I have no doubt he thought Obama was the second coming because he had the only quality he cares about, the right skin tone.
He said no sane person would have thought that so that leaves him out. I have no doubt he thought Obama was the second coming because he had the only quality he cares about, the right skin tone.
Sure buddy
  • Thanks
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Don’t be a retard about this. That woman was being absolutely serious. You’re all in a such a pathetic cult to an idiotic, whiny sack of orange garbage who doesn’t give a flying fuck about you.
I leave the retard thing to you.

For obvious reasons.
So one crackpot makes an absurd statement, and "Republicans" all believe it.

As for being "crucified" that is an acceptable metaphor which is indeed apropos. It is proven over and over again in our newspapers.
No it isn't. But victimhood is essential for right wing membership..
America has become an insane asylum. This is an example of a national lunacy fueld by delusion, psychosis and amnesia.

Trump Voters Say He's 'Appointed' by God, Critics Trying to 'Crucify' Him​

A group of Donald Trump loyalists said that the former president was "appointed" by God and that his critics are trying to "crucify" him.

Trump, the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has built a dedicated base of supporters since his successful 2016 run, typically referred to as MAGA (Make America Great Again).

In the wake of Trump's 2020 loss to President Joe Biden, Trump's supporters were enraged when the former president claimed that the election was stolen from him via widespread voter fraud. While Trump did not provide any evidence, his base has continued to claim that the election was rigged.

"I believe Trump is appointed by God—appointed-slash-anointed, however you want to say it," Joannie Firkins, 63, of Iowa told the Boston Globe at a Trump rally in Coralville, Iowa last week. "He's the only one that's speaking the truth."

A quasi-religious component is common among cults.




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