Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics

Nobody sane thought Obama was the next messiah. And certainly you don't think we'll take the onion seriously do ya?

Common Core Lesson Teaches Children Obama Is A Messiah

Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ‘Second Coming’?

Barack Obama Depicted As Jesus: 'The Truth' Painting Draws

Except you ain't right. You try projecting your qualities on to me. There is only one God and it certainly ain't Obama.
If I was projecting my qualities onto you the. You would be right more often than you are.
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How are they controlling the world.
It is a meeting of companies and countries that discuss how to work together for mutual protection and mutual business interests. I t can bring more jobs to the USA. If the USA does not participate we lose opportunity.
You are paranoid. You are letting your fear rule your life. The only thing to fear is fear itself. Many people's lives are ruined by fear. Trump plays on those fears.
No, what we need to do is to go tell the rest of the world to fuck off. President Trump had the right idea. Kick the Chinks in the nuts and force them to stop dumping their crap on us.
For starters
  • There are only two genders. Male and female. Any biological man seeking to play in a women’s sport that still has his package intact should be banned from participating. Nor should he be allowed in girls' bathrooms.
  • Donald Trump lost the 2020 election because it was stolen with mass fraud perpetrated by the Democrat party. All efforts to present credible evidence was denied even though the proof was egregious and clearly visible. How can anyone explain the video showing paper ballots, unsigned and unverified, being brought into the polling center after hours and after GOP poll watchers were forced to leave?
  • Al Gore is probably the first climate change billionaire since initiating the global warming hoax with his An Inconvenient Truth film. Although he is not the only charlatan who’s grown wealthier by scamming municipalities to invest in useless alternate energy sources like eagle-killing wind turbines. Soon, brain dead academic disciples were shoving this lie down the throats of public-school students. The very idea that humans need to save the billions year-old planet by going green is beyond dumb. The fact is that the levels of carbon dioxide that we’ve been told is so deadly is actually way lower than what the planet requires for life. Carbon dioxide is necessary for plant life which will convert it to oxygen which the planet needs. Do your homework and buy Fake Catastrophes and Threats of Doom by a real scientist, Patrick Moore. You will be amazed at how many lies we’ve swallowed as gospel.
  • In 2020, Antifa riots organized by a certain left-wing billionaire looted and burned their way to infamy while somehow convincing communities to defund the police who were there to protect them. Black Lives Matter (BLM) which promoted anti-cop protests received millions of donations from Americans under the delusion that innocent unarmed blacks were being murdered by police even though statistics show that more unarmed whites had been during police actions. Ironically, three Black Lives Matter leaders, Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Melina Abdullah allegedly paid $6 million that was donated to the activist group to buy a 6,500-square foot mansion. These funds should have gone to restore the businesses that had been destroyed by the senseless violent protests.
This is all malarkey.

There were 7500 protests in 2500 locations with violence in 220 of them. According to police reports from, NYC, Philly, Baltimore, Chicago, Dallas, Denver and LA, most of the violence came from people not associated with BLM. They caught a white supremacist setting fires in Minneapolis. Your post is garbage based on selective news coverage by right wing media. In short, the race hustlers pimped you.
When these people start saying Trump is "far right," I know the article is going to be retarded. Trump is left of center on almost all issues. Abortions, 2A, spending, debt & budgets, trade & covid.

Blah, blah, boring, blah, blah.
No, what we need to do is to go tell the rest of the world to fuck off. President Trump had the right idea. Kick the Chinks in the nuts and force them to stop dumping their crap on us.
That is a closed economy. A closed economy is socialism.
America has become an insane asylum. This is an example of a national lunacy fueld by delusion, psychosis and amnesia.

Trump Voters Say He's 'Appointed' by God, Critics Trying to 'Crucify' Him​

A group of Donald Trump loyalists said that the former president was "appointed" by God and that his critics are trying to "crucify" him.

Trump, the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has built a dedicated base of supporters since his successful 2016 run, typically referred to as MAGA (Make America Great Again).

In the wake of Trump's 2020 loss to President Joe Biden, Trump's supporters were enraged when the former president claimed that the election was stolen from him via widespread voter fraud. While Trump did not provide any evidence, his base has continued to claim that the election was rigged.

"I believe Trump is appointed by God—appointed-slash-anointed, however you want to say it," Joannie Firkins, 63, of Iowa told the Boston Globe at a Trump rally in Coralville, Iowa last week. "He's the only one that's speaking the truth."

Read it and weep.



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Trump Voters Say He's 'Appointed' by God, Critics Trying to 'Crucify' Him​

We know how obsessional and stressed you are .

Learn to see Life as one dark and strange game . Always .
Expect the worst and threfore always be pleased to see reality turn into disappointment but not disaster .

Admittedly with the USeLess being an obvious possible exception .

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