Realistic Reparations

Should blacks demand monetary reparations from the Democratic party.

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Whites owe us and that's the way it is. No amount of you talking stupid changes his reality.

The fact that the standard of living of Blacks in America, regardless of relative economic level, is substantially higher than that of Blacks anywhere else in the world exists as ipso facto reparation and has for at least the past half century. So consider yourself fortunate to be living here and stop lamenting the price your forebears paid for the advantages you presently enjoy.

Reality holds that you have not endured any of the suffering which was imposed on your forebears and no contemporary White person has imposed any such cruelty upon you or upon any of your ethnic counterparts. There are millions of American Blacks who lead relatively comfortable, dignified lives. There are Black doctors, lawyers, police managers, mayors, councilmen, congressmen, celebrities of every kind, and many Black millionaires. We've even had a Black President. If you haven't managed to achieve some relative level of success in your life, don't blame it on "racism," a refrain which has become tiresome, increasingly annoying bullshit.

When you look in a mirror what you see is not Whitey's fault.

The report specifically recommends that investigations of excessive use of force complaints and extrajudicial killings be done independently of departments, and that "policing in schools should be abolished.”

UN Report of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent on its mission to the United States of America , 18 August 2016, UN Human Rights Council

I'll begin and end with this.
Every one of these so-called experts should be required to comment on the level of Black on White crime in America for the past half century and how it has been quietly tolerated by our federal, state, and local governments. And those experts should comment on the living standards of Blacks in their respective countries as it compares with that of Blacks in the U.S.
You whites here can hurl all the snarky commnts you want but you better heed these words:

You will pay what you owe or you will lose what you got. Spiritual law says that.

Nope. Nobody owes you anything. Go get a job and work for your things like everyone else has to do. You are not special and are certainly not deserving of any special privileges.

Whites owe us and that's the way it is. No amount of you talking stupid changes his reality.

You will pay what you owe or you will lose what you got. Spiritual law says that.

You're simply a troll, throwing out red meat knowing full well that there is a better chance of seeing Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office than seeing "African American's" (which includes whites.

You whites here can hurl all the snarky commnts you want but you better heed these words:

You will pay what you owe or you will lose what you got. Spiritual law says that.

Nope. Nobody owes you anything. Go get a job and work for your things like everyone else has to do. You are not special and are certainly not deserving of any special privileges.

Whites owe us and that's the way it is. No amount of you talking stupid changes his reality.

You will pay what you owe or you will lose what you got. Spiritual law says that.

You're simply a troll, throwing out red meat knowing full well that there is a better chance of seeing Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office than seeing "African American's" (which includes whites.


African Americans do not include whites. None of the systems of racism excluded whites from Africa. It's amazing how far some whites will go to stick their heads up their asses to deny things..

Please explain to us all why the heirs of all former slaves do NOT owe America reparations for all you have that far exceeds anything you might have had if slavery had never existed?

Where are your ancestors today? Where would you be today? Are you the heir of former slaves from Africa? If you are, and you had your way, you would be living in an African country, would you not?

Where would you enjoy a superior lifestyle, where would you prefer to live today?

As for me, I am a second generation American. Three of my grandparents emigrated to the United States from Norway and one from Denmark around 1880-1890. That being the case, my ancestors may have been slave owners or slaves. What about me?

The report specifically recommends that investigations of excessive use of force complaints and extrajudicial killings be done independently of departments, and that "policing in schools should be abolished.”

UN Report of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent on its mission to the United States of America , 18 August 2016, UN Human Rights Council

I'll begin and end with this.
Every one of these so-called experts should be required to comment on the level of Black on White crime in America for the past half century and how it has been quietly tolerated by our federal, state, and local governments. And those experts should comment on the living standards of Blacks in their respective countries as it compares with that of Blacks in the U.S.

Yep, they should get to show whites how they are 6 times more likely to be killed by another white person and they should also show the entire impact of colonization on the continent of Africa to include events now that stem from that same colonization..

Please explain to us all why the heirs of all former slaves do NOT owe America reparations for all you have that far exceeds anything you might have had if slavery had never existed?

Where are your ancestors today? Where would you be today? Are you the heir of former slaves from Africa? If you are, and you had your way, you would be living in an African country, would you not?

Where would you enjoy a superior lifestyle, where would you prefer to live today?

As for me, I am a second generation American. Three of my grandparents emigrated to the United States from Norway and one from Denmark around 1880-1890. That being the case, my ancestors may have been slave owners or slaves. What about me?

.You really think these questions are valid? What about you?

Would you like to explain why you are still paying Native Americans reparations on an annual basis? Would you like to explain why all groups harmed by the American government has received reparations but us?

Please explain to us all why the heirs of all former slaves do NOT owe America reparations for all you have that far exceeds anything you might have had if slavery had never existed?

Where are your ancestors today? Where would you be today? Are you the heir of former slaves from Africa? If you are, and you had your way, you would be living in an African country, would you not?

Where would you enjoy a superior lifestyle, where would you prefer to live today?

As for me, I am a second generation American. Three of my grandparents emigrated to the United States from Norway and one from Denmark around 1880-1890. That being the case, my ancestors may have been slave owners or slaves. What about me?

.You really think these questions are valid? What about you?

Would you like to explain why you are still paying Native Americans reparations on an annual basis? Would you like to explain why all groups harmed by the American government has received reparations but us?

Not surprised you have no response troll.

In your opinion, blacks should have been put on reservations but they are for Native Indians who already used the name reservations so I guess you want to use the name Plantation. Work for you?

You whites here can hurl all the snarky commnts you want but you better heed these words:

You will pay what you owe or you will lose what you got. Spiritual law says that.

Sounds like a threat to me, we still got them chains in the barn, you might need to think this through.

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Blacks want money for reparations. Like, what did they repair? :dunno:
The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says United Nations

The 22-page document issued by the U.N. Working Group includes 37 “manifestations of racial discrimination” in criminal justice, health care, education, and more.

Many of the conclusions relate to criminal justice, specifically policing and incarceration and their relation to history.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent," the report states. "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

The report specifically recommends that investigations of excessive use of force complaints and extrajudicial killings be done independently of departments, and that "policing in schools should be abolished.”

The recommendations are not binding but do increase the visibility and scrutiny of human rights issues in the United States.

You will pay what you owe or you will lose what you got. Spiritual law says that.

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says U.N. Report

You already get welfare, food stamps, low-cost housing, medicare... Now you want some spending money as well? How much?

The report specifically recommends that investigations of excessive use of force complaints and extrajudicial killings be done independently of departments, and that "policing in schools should be abolished.”

UN Report of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent on its mission to the United States of America , 18 August 2016, UN Human Rights Council

I'll begin and end with this.
Every one of these so-called experts should be required to comment on the level of Black on White crime in America for the past half century and how it has been quietly tolerated by our federal, state, and local governments. And those experts should comment on the living standards of Blacks in their respective countries as it compares with that of Blacks in the U.S.

Yep, they should get to show whites how they are 6 times more likely to be killed by another white person ..

Does not refute, or even address his point.
Well given the fact that everyone else wronged by the government has been paid reparations and that you pay Native Americans every year, I can say what I do with full confidence that your comment has nothing to do with anything.

You didn't get your Obama fone?

There is no such thing.

I realize this was days ago but I was browsing the threads when I came across this newscast video about the so called "Obama Phones". In the video the narrator says that all they need to receive their free phone was to show their driver's license and some proof that they are at the poverty level. Okay, so where was the hue and cry from the black community and the liberals about the driver's license requirement? No one has I.D. to vote but everyone has I.D. to get a free phone?
Blacks should pay us for the privalege of living in a better civilization than they could build on their own. They should pay us for all the crimes they commit. We would be better off without them. They would be lost without us.
Blacks should pay us for the privalege of living in a better civilization than they could build on their own. They should pay us for all the crimes they commit. We would be better off without them. They would be lost without us.
It's hard to argue with facts.

Please explain to us all why the heirs of all former slaves do NOT owe America reparations for all you have that far exceeds anything you might have had if slavery had never existed?

Where are your ancestors today? Where would you be today? Are you the heir of former slaves from Africa? If you are, and you had your way, you would be living in an African country, would you not?

Where would you enjoy a superior lifestyle, where would you prefer to live today?

As for me, I am a second generation American. Three of my grandparents emigrated to the United States from Norway and one from Denmark around 1880-1890. That being the case, my ancestors may have been slave owners or slaves. What about me?

.You really think these questions are valid? What about you?

Would you like to explain why you are still paying Native Americans reparations on an annual basis? Would you like to explain why all groups harmed by the American government has received reparations but us?
You have no valid answers for his questions. You are paying what everyone is paying today in America. Why should whites whose ancestors were not even here pay anything? What is it you think you are owed? How were you harmed by the American Government?
IM2, for some strange reason you have grown conspicuously silent. Why do you refuse to answer my simple questions?
Black people are just as capable of as any other color of people to make a living. Stop whining, get to work and buy your own stuff. Some people obviously have WAY too much time on their hands.

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