Reality check:How many of you would let 100,000 children starve??


Since it turned out that Saddam didn't have any WMD's, whoever was pretending he did in order to prevent lifting the sanctions are to blame for the sanctions being in place,

if that's supposed to be blameworthy.

So your claim that since the oil for food program existed that sanctions didn't case anyone to starve. When I proved your claim wrong you moved on to WMDs.

Which you're wrong about also:

WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq ? With Surprising Results | Danger Room | WIRED


Since it turned out that Saddam didn't have any WMD's, whoever was pretending he did in order to prevent lifting the sanctions are to blame for the sanctions being in place,

if that's supposed to be blameworthy.

So your claim that since the oil for food program existed that sanctions didn't case anyone to starve. When I proved your claim wrong you moved on to WMDs.

Which you're wrong about also:

WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq ? With Surprising Results | Danger Room | WIRED

Food was excepted in the sanctions. How many times will I have to type that fact before you'll acknowledge its existence?


Since it turned out that Saddam didn't have any WMD's, whoever was pretending he did in order to prevent lifting the sanctions are to blame for the sanctions being in place,

if that's supposed to be blameworthy.

So your claim that since the oil for food program existed that sanctions didn't case anyone to starve. When I proved your claim wrong you moved on to WMDs.

Which you're wrong about also:

WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq ? With Surprising Results | Danger Room | WIRED

Citing information on maternal and child mortality rates collected by UNICEF, Professor Richard Garfield estimates that between 1991 and 2002, the number of excess deaths in Iraq among children under age 5 is 343,900 to 525,400.

Reprinted from Morbidity and Mortality Among Iraqi Children From 1990 to 1998: Assessing the Impact of Economic Sanctions, by Richard Garfield.
Courtesy of Fourth Freedom Forum
FRONTLINE/WORLD . Iraq - Truth and Lies in Baghdad . The Debate Over U.N. Sanctions | PBS

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