Reality : Russia is a Technologically Challenged Backwater


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Putin, the "establishment" politicians in the US, the media, and LWNJ's want Americans to be afraid, be very afraid! of the great big Russian Bear. They tell us that an army of tech savvy "Russians" have hacked our elections!! Oh my!! They will soon have nukes with eyes and wings!! Oh dear!! They will rule Artificial Intelligence and turn it on America and rule the entire world!! Oh No!! Bwuhahahahaahahaha!!!!!

The reality is the "Russians" are essentially tech retards. They are not a threat to anyone, except possibly, themselves.

The SJR maintains a database of scientific publications by country and subject for the past 20 years.


The Soviet Union in 1986 produced around 7.6% of the world’s scientific articles, which was a quarter of the American rate and comparable to other leading industrialized countries like the UK, Japan, West Germany, and France. In the wake of the brain drain and financial collapse in the wake of the USSR’s dissolution, this figure plummeted to below 3% by the mid-1990s and below 2% by the mid-2000s, in a drop made all the more remarkable by the absence of a “publish or perish” scientific culture in the erstwhile USSR. It was only in 2014 that Russia’s relative standing began to recover.

However, with 73,000 articles published in 2016, Russia remains far below the United States (602,000) and China (471,000), as well the bigger European countries like the UK (183,000), Germany (166,000), and France (113,000). As the 13th most scientifically productive country in the world, it is wedged in between South Korea and Brazil. This is true across the board. For instance, even in the sphere where Russia does best, in the Soviet mainstay of “Physics and Astronomy”, it is still only fourth in the world with 23,000 articles, well behind both China (79,000) and the United States (59,000).

Russia’s Technological Backwardness
Russia has a sub-segment of extremely well-educated and intelligent individuals. (Notwithstanding many of the Russian posters on this site.)

You don't need a whole nation of tech geniuses to wage cyberwarfare. You just need a handful.
The upside to Russia's technology-challenge is that they still use and produce old-school vacuum tubes, typical of 1950's TV's and perfect for guitar amplifiers rooted in 1950's technology. Great for generating awesome guitar tone. Sovtek is the name of the tubes.
Idk, but I saw a rusty Russian ship today, getting loaded up with free food from the good ol' USA.

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