Reality Winner Is An Indoctrinated, Traitorous Liberal Loser

Kill the messenger.

Ah, so you SUPPORT treason. :thup:

Well, you are a democrat, so no surprise to that.
You may call it treason but many will call it patriotic and courageous Find a jury that will convict her
Manning was convicted, and so will Winner be.
Not if I'm on the jury
She violated the law.

She has admitted to the crime.

You would have to vote to convict.
It's more than ironic the leaker sounds exactly like cut and run Democrat Trump did in 2007.

And her name is Reality Winner.

The bizarro Trump universe is turning in on itself in some kind of weird poetic justice vortex.

Kill the messenger.

Ah, so you SUPPORT treason. :thup:

Well, you are a democrat, so no surprise to that.
You may call it treason but many will call it patriotic and courageous Find a jury that will convict her
Manning was convicted, and so will Winner be.
Not if I'm on the jury
She violated the law.

She has admitted to the crime.

You would have to vote to convict.
OK but 30 days is my max
So Susan Rice is not getting locked up?

What makes you think that? She has been the focus of Mueller's investigation, so far. Much to the chagrin of the Soros Reich.

Because all you RussianWNJ's said she was the one who revealed the classified information. Well I say 'said', it was more like "salivating like Pavlov's dogs" when the name "Susan Rice" was mentioned. Her name is a code word for 'Red Meat' by your handlers.
The leaker is a female version of 2007's cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump.

And her name is Reality Winner? Seriously?

Are we suuuuuure this isn't some flaming hoax? :lol:
Kill the messenger.

Ah, so you SUPPORT treason. :thup:

Well, you are a democrat, so no surprise to that.
You may call it treason but many will call it patriotic and courageous Find a jury that will convict her
Manning was convicted, and so will Winner be.
Not if I'm on the jury

You'd be more likely to be a co-defendant.
For you uncensored
Proverbs 11:29: He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise in heart...You have inherited the wind
Ah, so you SUPPORT treason. :thup:

Well, you are a democrat, so no surprise to that.
You may call it treason but many will call it patriotic and courageous Find a jury that will convict her
Manning was convicted, and so will Winner be.
Not if I'm on the jury
She violated the law.

She has admitted to the crime.

You would have to vote to convict.
OK but 30 days is my max


That would be for the judge to decide.
If the PC/Identity Politics zealots can get enough white kids to hate themselves like this, they won't need to rely on jihadists to bring the country down a few notches.
Hating the Russians trying to hack elections here is hating Whitey? Don't think so.

Her race has nothing to do with what she did. Patriotism might have? We'll see.
I imagine she was frustrated at all the tards out there who keep denying the Russians attacked our election system.

She is probably also a Hillary or Bernie voter who thinks Trump stole the election with the help of the Russians.
If the PC/Identity Politics zealots can get enough white kids to hate themselves like this, they won't need to rely on jihadists to bring the country down a few notches.
Hating the Russians trying to hack elections here is hating Whitey? Don't think so.

Her race has nothing to do with what she did. Patriotism might have? We'll see.
Her race is why she hates herself, and you folks are making great strides there.


You may call it treason but many will call it patriotic and courageous Find a jury that will convict her
Manning was convicted, and so will Winner be.
Not if I'm on the jury
She violated the law.

She has admitted to the crime.

You would have to vote to convict.
OK but 30 days is my max


That would be for the judge to decide.
Then I couldn't leave it up to a blood thirsty Repub judge NOT GUILTY
What I find interesting is libs will excuse anything if they think it might help them,,,,meaning there are no community standards they adhere to any longer. I think more than what has been discovered about her needs investigating. With her stated support of Iran and lingual ability what else was she passing to who?

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