Reason #59,538 on Why to Homeschool

Home schooling is better than government schooling any day of the week.
Depends on the home; depends on the school.
Not much.
Very, very much.
Wrong. The worst home schooler is as good as the best public school
We only hear about the home school kids who test well. The ones who don’t are off the radar and fall through it he academic cracks
Post some evidence for this claim.
You made the first claim, you go first


You have day in day out shown no ability to discuss issues and educate yourself, you show little to no idea how to understand if information you are given is true or just something you like to hear....

You are an example of poor education... No only are you factually wrong a lot but you are incapable to see what is right when shown to you....
What does "ability to discuss issues" mean, swallowing your leftist bullshit?

Don't bother answering. That was purely a rhetorical question.

BTW, turd, I'm not here to discuss issues. I'm here to ridicule leftists propaganda, and that's all you ever post.

So you think coming on the forum acting like a fool some how ridicules anyone (apart from yourself)?

Time and time again you have been shown up to be a gullible, you are show us that day on day...

You read a article which is laughably false. You post it with the usual gusto that finally found proof...
The there is 3 pages of written masturbation as climax in a frenzy with similar idiotic behaviour.

Then we find out either:
  • You didn't read article
  • The source is hardly a news source
  • Clear Evidence proves wrong
Then there is usual denial while evidence is being rolled out... Rather than being embarrassed at your public orgy you just personally insult everyone... It is laughable really... It is the only way you can justify supporting Trump...
What a douchebag. Every one of you TDS douchebags get's proven wrong a dozen time a say. If you find one mistake I make in a month, you crow about it for the next month.

What a fucking moron. "Gullible" defines anyone who regurgitates the DNC talking points, and that's all you do.
Don't see this as a big deal... Teacher probably din't know it was a BB gun and thought child had guns on his wall..

It as simple as this he shouldn't have guns on the wall behind him it was rude and can lead to other people feeling uncomfortable and ring the cops... Also not porn going on behind you either for the same reasons...
ROFL! So it's the victims fault?

How beautifully liberal!

What fucking victim... A victim is someone who was hurt... The police investigated and found he had done nothing wrong legally.... No knees on neck until dead, no beating him while performing his constitutional rights... Just a simple look around and everything is alright...
The family the sicked the police on is the victim, moron. Have the police crash your door down and drag you into the station for questioning before you claim they weren't the victims.

The mother said officer was very nice and she consented to everything he did...

How does that work as a victim? Show us what definition this makes them a victim...
She was subjected to being investigated against her will. That makes her a victim.
The government school systems are a collection of fascists.

During on online class the teacher saw a Red Ryder BB gun so called the cops to have his home raided.

The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well.

It’s a shame your blob hasn’t fixed any of the problems you consistently bitch about...isn’t it?
The government school systems are a collection of fascists.

During on online class the teacher saw a Red Ryder BB gun so called the cops to have his home raided.

The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well.

I see

one teacher behaved badly

and THAT proves that ALL teachers in the government school system are EVIL!

It wasn't just the teacher who behaved badly. The entire system contributed.
You forgot to say "liberal'"system.
All government schools are liberal systems.
More bullshit? Why don't you STFU about a topic you obviously know nothing about?
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Home schooling is better than government schooling any day of the week.
Depends on the home; depends on the school.
Not much.
Very, very much.
Wrong. The worst home schooler is as good as the best public school
We only hear about the home school kids who test well. The ones who don’t are off the radar and fall through it he academic cracks

The Demographic Argument

Johnna Burns of Northeastern State University made the demographic case in a 1999 study called "The Correlational Relationship between Homeschooling Demographics and High Test Scores." 1

According to Burns, homeschoolers are more likely to come from homes with educated parents and higher incomes. Homeschooling parents are less likely to divorce (which is true of higher income couples in general). Homeschooled kids watch less television. All of this results in higher academic achievement. As a result, Burns says that there is "inconclusive evidence of the actual quality of homeschool instruction."

A U.S. Department of Education study found that homeschooling parents are about twice as likely to have advanced degrees. But the percentages with Bachelors degrees or some college is similar to the population overall


the judges say; YOU get the point!

Critics point out that successful homeschooling parents may be more likely to allow their children to be tested than less successful homeschoolers.

Homeschoolers either report or don’t report how their children are doing. The low end does not report
If you send your kids to a school in a blue area, you're a bad parent. Democrats indoctrinate, not educate. Flee blue areas while you still can because when the inevitable happens, nobody will feel sorry for you.
Oh believe me it isn't just the blue areas. We have ALWAYS lived in red areas on purpose and just 2 years ago I had to politely let an English teacher know my daughter was NOT doing report on a known communist homosexual for class. She picked someone else and got an A. Parents HAVE to stay vigilant. The school systems no matter in a red or blue area have an agenda they are expected to push on students and its up to us the parents to keep up with what's going on.
My wife was in the system. Teaching certificate and all that rubbish. Our son was in public school till age nine.

Gawd did they hate her. She called them out at every opportunity, and rightfully so.

I met with the admins once over an issue of bullying, where my son had defended himself. They held him equally at fault. I told them no, in clear terms.

They were stonefaced and silent, and that was the end of it.

Stand up to these fools. They WILL back down.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
You have no clue how homeschooling works.
If my child had an interest in chemistry, and I had no experience with chemistry, how do I set up a laboratory for chemistry education? When they go to college and walk into a college level chemistry lab, how could she not be befuddled by the equipment?

If my child has musical talent, how can home schooling educate him in music theory if playing a kazoo is all I can manage?

My daughter shows a real proclivity for high mathematics. Balancing my checkbook is a real arithmatical challenge for me. Who is going to teach her trigonometry and calculus?

If I merely want to raise a missionary or militia member, I can see how home schooling would work out. But if the Arts and Sciences are involved, how are people who can barely count to 21 teach?
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
You have no clue how homeschooling works.
If my child had an interest in chemistry, and I had no experience with chemistry, how do I set up a laboratory for chemistry education? When they go to college and walk into a college level chemistry lab, how could she not be befuddled by the equipment?

If my child has musical talent, how can home schooling educate him in music theory if playing a kazoo is all I can manage?

My daughter shows a real proclivity for high mathematics. Balancing my checkbook is a real arithmatical challenge for me. Who is going to teach her trigonometry and calculus?

If I merely want to raise a missionary or militia member, I can see how home schooling would work out. But if the Arts and Sciences are involved, how are people who can barely count to 21 teach?

Follow the curriculum.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
You have no clue how homeschooling works.
If my child had an interest in chemistry, and I had no experience with chemistry, how do I set up a laboratory for chemistry education? When they go to college and walk into a college level chemistry lab, how could she not be befuddled by the equipment?

If my child has musical talent, how can home schooling educate him in music theory if playing a kazoo is all I can manage?

My daughter shows a real proclivity for high mathematics. Balancing my checkbook is a real arithmatical challenge for me. Who is going to teach her trigonometry and calculus?

If I merely want to raise a missionary or militia member, I can see how home schooling would work out. But if the Arts and Sciences are involved, how are people who can barely count to 21 teach?

Follow the curriculum.
Where's the chem lab?

You make it sound as if it's as easy as doing your taxes or filing a lawsuit without an attorney. Or using WebMD to treat Muscular Dystrophy.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.

The above comment is proof of the failure of our government schools.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
You have no clue how homeschooling works.
If my child had an interest in chemistry, and I had no experience with chemistry, how do I set up a laboratory for chemistry education? When they go to college and walk into a college level chemistry lab, how could she not be befuddled by the equipment?

If my child has musical talent, how can home schooling educate him in music theory if playing a kazoo is all I can manage?

My daughter shows a real proclivity for high mathematics. Balancing my checkbook is a real arithmatical challenge for me. Who is going to teach her trigonometry and calculus?

If I merely want to raise a missionary or militia member, I can see how home schooling would work out. But if the Arts and Sciences are involved, how are people who can barely count to 21 teach?

Follow the curriculum.

Following the curriculum? That's like trying to bake a cake according to a recipe, but you don't have any of the ingredients.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.

The above comment is proof of the failure of our government schools.
I have no problem with Home School

Some kids just can’t cut it in a real school. Nobody wants to eat lunch with them, last one picked for the ball team, everyone laughs at them.
Best stay home with Mommy
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
You have no clue how homeschooling works.
If my child had an interest in chemistry, and I had no experience with chemistry, how do I set up a laboratory for chemistry education? When they go to college and walk into a college level chemistry lab, how could she not be befuddled by the equipment?

If my child has musical talent, how can home schooling educate him in music theory if playing a kazoo is all I can manage?

My daughter shows a real proclivity for high mathematics. Balancing my checkbook is a real arithmatical challenge for me. Who is going to teach her trigonometry and calculus?

If I merely want to raise a missionary or militia member, I can see how home schooling would work out. But if the Arts and Sciences are involved, how are people who can barely count to 21 teach?

Follow the curriculum.
Yep. The odds are the public school teacher has little knowledge of the subject matter.

I know over 2 dozen homeschooled kids, all are years ahead of kids going to public schools, both socially and knowledge. Heck, I had a 10 year old who initiated a discussion of various theories in astronomy with me.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.

The above comment is proof of the failure of our government schools.
I have no problem with Home School

Some kids just can’t cut it in a real school. Nobody wants to eat lunch with them, last one picked for the ball team, everyone laughs at them.
Best stay home with Mommy
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.

The above comment is proof of the failure of our government schools.
I have no problem with Home School

Some kids just can’t cut it in a real school. Nobody wants to eat lunch with them, last one picked for the ball team, everyone laughs at them.
Best stay home with Mommy

Look at me! I is a Teecher
I got my own skool. I teach Reeding, Riting, Jesus and hating Homos
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.

The above comment is proof of the failure of our government schools.
I have no problem with Home School

Some kids just can’t cut it in a real school. Nobody wants to eat lunch with them, last one picked for the ball team, everyone laughs at them.
Best stay home with Mommy

Look at me! I is a Teecher
I got my own skool. I teach Reeding, Riting, Jesus and hating Homos
Thanks for giving us a show on the intellectual level of public education supporters.
The government school systems are a collection of fascists.

During on online class the teacher saw a Red Ryder BB gun so called the cops to have his home raided.

The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well.

I see

one teacher behaved badly

and THAT proves that ALL teachers in the government school system are EVIL!

It wasn't just the teacher who behaved badly. The entire system contributed.
You forgot to say "liberal'"system.
All government schools are liberal systems.
More bullshit? Why don't you STFU about a topic you obviously know nothing about?
I clearly know plenty about it. I just don't swallow Educational Bureaucracy bullshit.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
You have no clue how homeschooling works.
If my child had an interest in chemistry, and I had no experience with chemistry, how do I set up a laboratory for chemistry education? When they go to college and walk into a college level chemistry lab, how could she not be befuddled by the equipment?

If my child has musical talent, how can home schooling educate him in music theory if playing a kazoo is all I can manage?

My daughter shows a real proclivity for high mathematics. Balancing my checkbook is a real arithmatical challenge for me. Who is going to teach her trigonometry and calculus?

If I merely want to raise a missionary or militia member, I can see how home schooling would work out. But if the Arts and Sciences are involved, how are people who can barely count to 21 teach?

Follow the curriculum.
Yep. The odds are the public school teacher has little knowledge of the subject matter.

I know over 2 dozen homeschooled kids, all are years ahead of kids going to public schools, both socially and knowledge. Heck, I had a 10 year old who initiated a discussion of various theories in astronomy with me.

Even more bullshit? I taught history with a degree in history and math with the coursework for a degree split between two universities. To teach out of area, the parents must be notified and it cannot be done except when no other teacher is available. I did not know a single teacher as a fellow teacher and administrator that did not have a degree in their area or were certified by exam to teach it.

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