Reason #59,538 on Why to Homeschool

The government school systems are a collection of fascists.

During on online class the teacher saw a Red Ryder BB gun so called the cops to have his home raided.

The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well.

Do people who support home schooling never compare them to regular kids?

Control for IQ every kid who went through public education will be ten times as socially capable.....

Never met a home schooled kid in Illinois when I was a boy who wasn't a fucking weirdo.

Maybe it's different in other places, but in the midwest. Homeschooling is the mark of the indoctrinated
Homeschool kids are under 100 percent control of their parents. Who they meet, who they play with, what they read, what they are exposed to

Like you said......Weird kids
How is that weird? That's how life was for 99.99% of the last 100,000 years.

Because like dogs, children need to be socialized

I'm sure well socialized home schooled children from Kindergarten to senior year exist. But it would take an extreme amount of effort relative to just sending him to public or private school. Now try that with 3 kids

That's why they're so weird. They just don't have the experience of spending so many hours in class with their peers. Like a dog who wasn't socialized properly

No amount of travel baseball is gonna fix that. Certainly not debate club lol
Ah, the old "socialized" malarkey. Here's a tip. "Socialized" basically is code for herdthink. I do believe that the biggest push behind the "socialized" garbage is the fear that some kids are going to grow up out of the control of government bureaucrats.

Consider, do I want my child to learn how to act like an adult in society from a bunch of children, or do I want my child to learn how to act like an adult from adults? Do I want my child to learn how to think about complex situations or do I want my child to simply learn to regurgitate what everybody else is saying? In a classroom setting, contrary thought is denied, not encouraged. In a classroom setting where a teacher has too many students, the slowest bring down the fastest, and the fastest get bored. Recipe for trouble. In a classroom setting the slowest know they're slower and seek other ways to get attention and approval. Another recipe for trouble.

Interesting as well that some of the very same people complaining about how dangerous schools are vigorously reject parents' attempts to take their kids out of those same situations.

Yea again if your kid can't buck his own mother, he's not gonna buck group think once he gets out into the world anyway.

And yes that's the price you pay for easy socialization. Pick a private school if you're that worried. All schooling is indoctrination. It benefits one to be indoctrinated into the same beliefs most of the society you live in is relative to just any other random set of beliefs a parent might spout.

If your kid was born to be an independent thinker they will be one. You teaching them or some one else, either way they're gonna say fuck you if they're actually independent. Might as well have them rage against the system instead of you.
Would it be better for such a kid to face an entire school system geared more towards getting him to "sit down and shut up" instead of actually educating him to be a strong, independent thinker, or better to have a school situation tailored for his unique needs? You get what you pay for, and if you're looking to help your kids function in society, you get a better product when you invest more of yourself in the process than the "easy socialization". In that model, you're abandoning your child to someone else, in essence saying, "Do this to my child for me because I don't care enough to make sure it's done right".

yea because sometimes in life you have to sit down and shut teh fuck up

and sometimes u gotta deal with some oen fucking with you

or try to get the girl

All those things are stunted by home schooling

Just not properly socialized relative to their peers and it seems to always show...Learning self control is the biggest indicator of success beyond IQ. Mormons do great just by teaching their kids delayed gratification. And they believe some crazy shit with no independence.
You're not listening. Mom and Dad teach when to sit down and shut up. The classroom teaches that "sit down and shut up" can get you better grades and more approval from the teacher than being brilliant. Can you show us:

1. Vast numbers of home schooled kids that don't know how to be polite in society?
2. Vast numbers of home schooled kids with little to no self control?

I know you're aware of a large number of college aged students who were NOT home schooled, but have little to no self-control and no idea how to exist politely in society. They're all over YouTube, yelling and screeching about everything under the sun, demanding their professors be fired for making them take tests, etc.

Literally every single one of them would be lower status socially had they been homeschooled

Just a fact

Kids need socialization

Home schooling doesn't breed alphas.
Ours attend private schools. Focused on academics and the curriculum has heavy parental input.

Three of our daughters debate on the high school level and with all honesty home schooled teams impress me. They're focused and even our daughters will tell you they're formidable foes.

They don't break a sweat with public school teams. True child's play for them
It will be interesting to see how many children actually return to public schools when reopened, and from what social class.
A good number will return because their parents are not capable of homeschooling. If my Facebook is any measure, not a single person I know enjoyed homeschooling.
Home schooling, just like parenting in general, requires forethought and determination to be done well.
Yes, and very few people are educated and organized to make that happen. If homeschooling works for you, great! I just can't stand morons like the OP who thinks anyone and everyone should be doing it. As a teacher, I was stuck with students who failed at homeschooling.

You mean their parents failed.

It ain't easy. On the other hand, with all the online courses and services offered, if you can read you can homeschool.
Don't see this as a big deal... Teacher probably din't know it was a BB gun and thought child had guns on his wall..

It as simple as this he shouldn't have guns on the wall behind him it was rude and can lead to other people feeling uncomfortable and ring the cops... Also not porn going on behind you either for the same reasons...
Home schooling is better than government schooling any day of the week.
Depends on the home; depends on the school.
Not much.
Very, very much.
Wrong. The worst home schooler is as good as the best public school
We only hear about the home school kids who test well. The ones who don’t are off the radar and fall through it he academic cracks
It will be interesting to see how many children actually return to public schools when reopened, and from what social class.
A good number will return because their parents are not capable of homeschooling. If my Facebook is any measure, not a single person I know enjoyed homeschooling.
Home schooling, just like parenting in general, requires forethought and determination to be done well.
Yes, and very few people are educated and organized to make that happen. If homeschooling works for you, great! I just can't stand morons like the OP who thinks anyone and everyone should be doing it. As a teacher, I was stuck with students who failed at homeschooling.
I would add that even poorly educated parents can successfully home-school if they use an on-line curriculum like we did. Both my wife and I hold degrees and we used one of those. It was great to have teachers available on the other end to grade papers and answer questions when we couldn't immediately.
Yeah, those PE classes I am sure were strenuous! :abgg2q.jpg:
It will be interesting to see how many children actually return to public schools when reopened, and from what social class.
A good number will return because their parents are not capable of homeschooling. If my Facebook is any measure, not a single person I know enjoyed homeschooling.
Home schooling, just like parenting in general, requires forethought and determination to be done well.
Yes, and very few people are educated and organized to make that happen. If homeschooling works for you, great! I just can't stand morons like the OP who thinks anyone and everyone should be doing it. As a teacher, I was stuck with students who failed at homeschooling.

You mean their parents failed.

It ain't easy. On the other hand, with all the online courses and services offered, if you can read you can homeschool.

Online courses sometimes do not work, as you do not get any discussion. Also, many people struggle with online instructional material. My son took one class online, and he was a "B' student but could not handle a course that would normally be well below his ability. He managed because I taught the course to him instead of the teacher who never seemed to be available.
Home schooling is better than government schooling any day of the week.
Depends on the home; depends on the school.
Not much.
Very, very much.
Wrong. The worst home schooler is as good as the best public school
Upon what do you base that foolishly ignorant comment?
They produce better results.
It will be interesting to see how many children actually return to public schools when reopened, and from what social class.
A good number will return because their parents are not capable of homeschooling. If my Facebook is any measure, not a single person I know enjoyed homeschooling.
Home schooling, just like parenting in general, requires forethought and determination to be done well.
Yes, and very few people are educated and organized to make that happen. If homeschooling works for you, great! I just can't stand morons like the OP who thinks anyone and everyone should be doing it. As a teacher, I was stuck with students who failed at homeschooling.
Home schooling is better than government schooling any day of the week.

Were you homeschooled? Did you attend public or private school? What are your qualifications to make that assessment?
Home schooling is better than government schooling any day of the week.
Depends on the home; depends on the school.
Not much.
Very, very much.
Wrong. The worst home schooler is as good as the best public school
We only hear about the home school kids who test well. The ones who don’t are off the radar and fall through it he academic cracks
Post some evidence for this claim.
Don't see this as a big deal... Teacher probably din't know it was a BB gun and thought child had guns on his wall..

It as simple as this he shouldn't have guns on the wall behind him it was rude and can lead to other people feeling uncomfortable and ring the cops... Also not porn going on behind you either for the same reasons...

Are you a Brit? No one in the US "rings" the cops!
Home schooling is better than government schooling any day of the week.
Depends on the home; depends on the school.
Not much.
Very, very much.
Wrong. The worst home schooler is as good as the best public school
Upon what do you base that foolishly ignorant comment?
They produce better results.

There is absolutely no evidence that this is true. Of course it SHOULD be true as you are teaching one student vice 150 or so.
Ours attend private schools. Focused on academics and the curriculum has heavy parental input.

Three of our daughters debate on the high school level and with all honesty home schooled teams impress me. They're focused and even our daughters will tell you they're formidable foes.

They don't break a sweat with public school teams. True child's play for them

4 of the top 5 are public schools... The private one is tuition free Jesuit college...
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
Those are dumb reasons. The best reasons are to get your children out of a toxic environment where bullying is rampant, teachers are more interested in teaching political correctness then educating, and the slowest students hold the faster ones back. What government school allows a very bright kid to take math classes three grades above grade level, science classes two above, and civics at grade level, all in the same classroom? Face reality, you simply can't handle the idea that people are free to educate in the way that works best for their children. Everybody should be good little automatons in their little gray cubicles, surrounded by government observers. That way we can make sure that everybody gets fed the party line with no chance they'll hear disagreement.
That is what I said
Your child is socially awkward and does not get along with others
Here's a reality check, then you will not bad mouth my children again. My son is on the autism spectrum, and in the 90's was going to be short bussed because he couldn't handle the crowded classrooms and constant stimulus. Instead, we pulled him out of government school and taught him at home. He's now an AVP in a financial firm that bends over backwards to keep him on board. I know what I'm talking about when I say the government school "sit down and shut up" model doesn't work well for kids who can thrive in the right setting.

You obviously have no idea wtf you're talking about.

Our children attend private schools but have homeschooled friends, they're at our home frequently and are well adjusted, bright, well mannered and the majority off to great lives

They participate in sports, clubs, can hold their own in academia and usually act more mature than they are.

I can't say the same for more than a few of their friends who attend public schools.
The government school systems are a collection of fascists.

During on online class the teacher saw a Red Ryder BB gun so called the cops to have his home raided.

The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well.

Do people who support home schooling never compare them to regular kids?

Control for IQ every kid who went through public education will be ten times as socially capable.....

Never met a home schooled kid in Illinois when I was a boy who wasn't a fucking weirdo.

Maybe it's different in other places, but in the midwest. Homeschooling is the mark of the indoctrinated
Homeschool kids are under 100 percent control of their parents. Who they meet, who they play with, what they read, what they are exposed to

Like you said......Weird kids
How is that weird? That's how life was for 99.99% of the last 100,000 years.

Because like dogs, children need to be socialized

I'm sure well socialized home schooled children from Kindergarten to senior year exist. But it would take an extreme amount of effort relative to just sending him to public or private school. Now try that with 3 kids

That's why they're so weird. They just don't have the experience of spending so many hours in class with their peers. Like a dog who wasn't socialized properly

No amount of travel baseball is gonna fix that. Certainly not debate club lol
Ah, the old "socialized" malarkey. Here's a tip. "Socialized" basically is code for herdthink. I do believe that the biggest push behind the "socialized" garbage is the fear that some kids are going to grow up out of the control of government bureaucrats.

Consider, do I want my child to learn how to act like an adult in society from a bunch of children, or do I want my child to learn how to act like an adult from adults? Do I want my child to learn how to think about complex situations or do I want my child to simply learn to regurgitate what everybody else is saying? In a classroom setting, contrary thought is denied, not encouraged. In a classroom setting where a teacher has too many students, the slowest bring down the fastest, and the fastest get bored. Recipe for trouble. In a classroom setting the slowest know they're slower and seek other ways to get attention and approval. Another recipe for trouble.

Interesting as well that some of the very same people complaining about how dangerous schools are vigorously reject parents' attempts to take their kids out of those same situations.

Yea again if your kid can't buck his own mother, he's not gonna buck group think once he gets out into the world anyway.

And yes that's the price you pay for easy socialization. Pick a private school if you're that worried. All schooling is indoctrination. It benefits one to be indoctrinated into the same beliefs most of the society you live in is relative to just any other random set of beliefs a parent might spout.

If your kid was born to be an independent thinker they will be one. You teaching them or some one else, either way they're gonna say fuck you if they're actually independent. Might as well have them rage against the system instead of you.
Would it be better for such a kid to face an entire school system geared more towards getting him to "sit down and shut up" instead of actually educating him to be a strong, independent thinker, or better to have a school situation tailored for his unique needs? You get what you pay for, and if you're looking to help your kids function in society, you get a better product when you invest more of yourself in the process than the "easy socialization". In that model, you're abandoning your child to someone else, in essence saying, "Do this to my child for me because I don't care enough to make sure it's done right".

yea because sometimes in life you have to sit down and shut teh fuck up

and sometimes u gotta deal with some oen fucking with you

or try to get the girl

All those things are stunted by home schooling

Just not properly socialized relative to their peers and it seems to always show...Learning self control is the biggest indicator of success beyond IQ. Mormons do great just by teaching their kids delayed gratification. And they believe some crazy shit with no independence.
You're not listening. Mom and Dad teach when to sit down and shut up. The classroom teaches that "sit down and shut up" can get you better grades and more approval from the teacher than being brilliant. Can you show us:

1. Vast numbers of home schooled kids that don't know how to be polite in society?
2. Vast numbers of home schooled kids with little to no self control?

I know you're aware of a large number of college aged students who were NOT home schooled, but have little to no self-control and no idea how to exist politely in society. They're all over YouTube, yelling and screeching about everything under the sun, demanding their professors be fired for making them take tests, etc.

Literally every single one of them would be lower status socially had they been homeschooled

Just a fact

Kids need socialization

Home schooling doesn't breed alphas.
Where is the documentation for this "fact?"

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