Reason #59,538 on Why to Homeschool

Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.

The above comment is proof of the failure of our government schools.
I have no problem with Home School

Some kids just can’t cut it in a real school. Nobody wants to eat lunch with them, last one picked for the ball team, everyone laughs at them.
Best stay home with Mommy

Look at me! I is a Teecher
I got my own skool. I teach Reeding, Riting, Jesus and hating Homos
Thanks for giving us a show on the intellectual level of public education supporters.

Chillen, Chillen
Time for skool. Pick up yer Bible and find me the parts where Jesus hates fags, negroes and librals
If you send your kids to a school in a blue area, you're a bad parent. Democrats indoctrinate, not educate. Flee blue areas while you still can because when the inevitable happens, nobody will feel sorry for you.
Oh believe me it isn't just the blue areas. We have ALWAYS lived in red areas on purpose and just 2 years ago I had to politely let an English teacher know my daughter was NOT doing report on a known communist homosexual for class. She picked someone else and got an A. Parents HAVE to stay vigilant. The school systems no matter in a red or blue area have an agenda they are expected to push on students and its up to us the parents to keep up with what's going on.
Who was the "known communist homosexual?"
The government school systems are a collection of fascists.

During on online class the teacher saw a Red Ryder BB gun so called the cops to have his home raided.

The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well.

I see

one teacher behaved badly

and THAT proves that ALL teachers in the government school system are EVIL!

It wasn't just the teacher who behaved badly. The entire system contributed.
You forgot to say "liberal'"system.
All government schools are liberal systems.
More bullshit? Why don't you STFU about a topic you obviously know nothing about?
I clearly know plenty about it. I just don't swallow Educational Bureaucracy bullshit.

No you don't! You are wrong on bbn just about everything you post. I am retired. Why would I lie?
Home schooling is better than government schooling any day of the week.
Depends on the home; depends on the school.
Not much.
Very, very much.
Wrong. The worst home schooler is as good as the best public school
We only hear about the home school kids who test well. The ones who don’t are off the radar and fall through it he academic cracks

The Demographic Argument

Johnna Burns of Northeastern State University made the demographic case in a 1999 study called "The Correlational Relationship between Homeschooling Demographics and High Test Scores." 1

According to Burns, homeschoolers are more likely to come from homes with educated parents and higher incomes. Homeschooling parents are less likely to divorce (which is true of higher income couples in general). Homeschooled kids watch less television. All of this results in higher academic achievement. As a result, Burns says that there is "inconclusive evidence of the actual quality of homeschool instruction."

A U.S. Department of Education study found that homeschooling parents are about twice as likely to have advanced degrees. But the percentages with Bachelors degrees or some college is similar to the population overall


the judges say; YOU get the point!

Critics point out that successful homeschooling parents may be more likely to allow their children to be tested than less successful homeschoolers.

Homeschoolers either report or don’t report how their children are doing. The low end does not report
IN most states, home schooled kids have to take the same standardized tests as the other kids.
If you send your kids to a school in a blue area, you're a bad parent. Democrats indoctrinate, not educate. Flee blue areas while you still can because when the inevitable happens, nobody will feel sorry for you.
Oh believe me it isn't just the blue areas. We have ALWAYS lived in red areas on purpose and just 2 years ago I had to politely let an English teacher know my daughter was NOT doing report on a known communist homosexual for class. She picked someone else and got an A. Parents HAVE to stay vigilant. The school systems no matter in a red or blue area have an agenda they are expected to push on students and its up to us the parents to keep up with what's going on.
Who was the "known communist homosexual?"

Obviously it was a previous lover!
Home schooling is better than government schooling any day of the week.
Depends on the home; depends on the school.
Not much.
Very, very much.
Wrong. The worst home schooler is as good as the best public school
We only hear about the home school kids who test well. The ones who don’t are off the radar and fall through it he academic cracks

The Demographic Argument

Johnna Burns of Northeastern State University made the demographic case in a 1999 study called "The Correlational Relationship between Homeschooling Demographics and High Test Scores." 1

According to Burns, homeschoolers are more likely to come from homes with educated parents and higher incomes. Homeschooling parents are less likely to divorce (which is true of higher income couples in general). Homeschooled kids watch less television. All of this results in higher academic achievement. As a result, Burns says that there is "inconclusive evidence of the actual quality of homeschool instruction."

A U.S. Department of Education study found that homeschooling parents are about twice as likely to have advanced degrees. But the percentages with Bachelors degrees or some college is similar to the population overall


the judges say; YOU get the point!

Critics point out that successful homeschooling parents may be more likely to allow their children to be tested than less successful homeschoolers.

Homeschoolers either report or don’t report how their children are doing. The low end does not report
IN most states, home schooled kids have to take the same standardized tests as the other kids.
Which tests?
What happens when you get to the more advanced subjects like physics and calculus and (God forbid) a foreign language?
What happens when you get to the more advanced subjects like physics and calculus and (God forbid) a foreign language?
I have an engineering degree, so I can teach those subjects. However, I realize many parents may not have the relevant education. They can farm those out to private academies. Some parents band together and teach a group of kids collectively. Each parent can teach what they are qualified in.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
You have no clue how homeschooling works.
If my child had an interest in chemistry, and I had no experience with chemistry, how do I set up a laboratory for chemistry education? When they go to college and walk into a college level chemistry lab, how could she not be befuddled by the equipment?

If my child has musical talent, how can home schooling educate him in music theory if playing a kazoo is all I can manage?

My daughter shows a real proclivity for high mathematics. Balancing my checkbook is a real arithmatical challenge for me. Who is going to teach her trigonometry and calculus?

If I merely want to raise a missionary or militia member, I can see how home schooling would work out. But if the Arts and Sciences are involved, how are people who can barely count to 21 teach?

Follow the curriculum.
Yep. The odds are the public school teacher has little knowledge of the subject matter.

I know over 2 dozen homeschooled kids, all are years ahead of kids going to public schools, both socially and knowledge. Heck, I had a 10 year old who initiated a discussion of various theories in astronomy with me.

Even more bullshit? I taught history with a degree in history and math with the coursework for a degree split between two universities. To teach out of area, the parents must be notified and it cannot be done except when no other teacher is available. I did not know a single teacher as a fellow teacher and administrator that did not have a degree in their area or were certified by exam to teach it.
I understand now who got to teach kids that boys can be girls and girls can be boys.
The government school systems are a collection of fascists.

During on online class the teacher saw a Red Ryder BB gun so called the cops to have his home raided.

The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well.

Do people who support home schooling never compare them to regular kids?

Control for IQ every kid who went through public education will be ten times as socially capable.....

Never met a home schooled kid in Illinois when I was a boy who wasn't a fucking weirdo.

Maybe it's different in other places, but in the midwest. Homeschooling is the mark of the indoctrinated
Homeschool kids are under 100 percent control of their parents. Who they meet, who they play with, what they read, what they are exposed to

Like you said......Weird kids
How is that weird? That's how life was for 99.99% of the last 100,000 years.

Because like dogs, children need to be socialized

I'm sure well socialized home schooled children from Kindergarten to senior year exist. But it would take an extreme amount of effort relative to just sending him to public or private school. Now try that with 3 kids

That's why they're so weird. They just don't have the experience of spending so many hours in class with their peers. Like a dog who wasn't socialized properly

No amount of travel baseball is gonna fix that. Certainly not debate club lol
Ah, the old "socialized" malarkey. Here's a tip. "Socialized" basically is code for herdthink. I do believe that the biggest push behind the "socialized" garbage is the fear that some kids are going to grow up out of the control of government bureaucrats.

Consider, do I want my child to learn how to act like an adult in society from a bunch of children, or do I want my child to learn how to act like an adult from adults? Do I want my child to learn how to think about complex situations or do I want my child to simply learn to regurgitate what everybody else is saying? In a classroom setting, contrary thought is denied, not encouraged. In a classroom setting where a teacher has too many students, the slowest bring down the fastest, and the fastest get bored. Recipe for trouble. In a classroom setting the slowest know they're slower and seek other ways to get attention and approval. Another recipe for trouble.

Interesting as well that some of the very same people complaining about how dangerous schools are vigorously reject parents' attempts to take their kids out of those same situations.

Yea again if your kid can't buck his own mother, he's not gonna buck group think once he gets out into the world anyway.

And yes that's the price you pay for easy socialization. Pick a private school if you're that worried. All schooling is indoctrination. It benefits one to be indoctrinated into the same beliefs most of the society you live in is relative to just any other random set of beliefs a parent might spout.

If your kid was born to be an independent thinker they will be one. You teaching them or some one else, either way they're gonna say fuck you if they're actually independent. Might as well have them rage against the system instead of you.
Would it be better for such a kid to face an entire school system geared more towards getting him to "sit down and shut up" instead of actually educating him to be a strong, independent thinker, or better to have a school situation tailored for his unique needs? You get what you pay for, and if you're looking to help your kids function in society, you get a better product when you invest more of yourself in the process than the "easy socialization". In that model, you're abandoning your child to someone else, in essence saying, "Do this to my child for me because I don't care enough to make sure it's done right".

yea because sometimes in life you have to sit down and shut teh fuck up

and sometimes u gotta deal with some oen fucking with you

or try to get the girl

All those things are stunted by home schooling

Just not properly socialized relative to their peers and it seems to always show...Learning self control is the biggest indicator of success beyond IQ. Mormons do great just by teaching their kids delayed gratification. And they believe some crazy shit with no independence.
You're not listening. Mom and Dad teach when to sit down and shut up. The classroom teaches that "sit down and shut up" can get you better grades and more approval from the teacher than being brilliant. Can you show us:

1. Vast numbers of home schooled kids that don't know how to be polite in society?
2. Vast numbers of home schooled kids with little to no self control?

I know you're aware of a large number of college aged students who were NOT home schooled, but have little to no self-control and no idea how to exist politely in society. They're all over YouTube, yelling and screeching about everything under the sun, demanding their professors be fired for making them take tests, etc.

Literally every single one of them would be lower status socially had they been homeschooled

Just a fact

Kids need socialization

Home schooling doesn't breed alphas.
You're arguing like a government school drop-out.

First you claim that a rebellious child (aka, alpha) will rebel against anyone and everyone, now you say that home schooling squashes that. That's simply changing your story to fit your argument at the time, which is something most people grow out of when they achieve adulthood.
You claim as fact that "every single one of them would be lower status socially had they been homeschooled". Since you claim it as fact, present evidence or admit you just made it up.
You claim that kids need "socialization", but when presented with evidence that the "socialized" government school grads are acting, shall we say, FAR from civilized and more like savages, you pretend it doesn't happen and reiterate yourself. Address it.
I notice that you are much more interested in kids being "socialized" than in them being educated. Ever wonder why that is?

I would prefer my child be able to present a cogent argument for the way he thinks and be respectful of dissenting opinions than for him to act like these government school "socialized" idiots who try to forcefully prevent certain points of view from being presented on campus and demand safe spaces when they see a name written in chalk on the sidewalk.

Like I said, government school drop-out. Prove me wrong.
The government school systems are a collection of fascists.

During on online class the teacher saw a Red Ryder BB gun so called the cops to have his home raided.

The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well.

Do people who support home schooling never compare them to regular kids?

Control for IQ every kid who went through public education will be ten times as socially capable.....

Never met a home schooled kid in Illinois when I was a boy who wasn't a fucking weirdo.

Maybe it's different in other places, but in the midwest. Homeschooling is the mark of the indoctrinated
Homeschool kids are under 100 percent control of their parents. Who they meet, who they play with, what they read, what they are exposed to

Like you said......Weird kids
How is that weird? That's how life was for 99.99% of the last 100,000 years.

Because like dogs, children need to be socialized

I'm sure well socialized home schooled children from Kindergarten to senior year exist. But it would take an extreme amount of effort relative to just sending him to public or private school. Now try that with 3 kids

That's why they're so weird. They just don't have the experience of spending so many hours in class with their peers. Like a dog who wasn't socialized properly

No amount of travel baseball is gonna fix that. Certainly not debate club lol
Ah, the old "socialized" malarkey. Here's a tip. "Socialized" basically is code for herdthink. I do believe that the biggest push behind the "socialized" garbage is the fear that some kids are going to grow up out of the control of government bureaucrats.

Consider, do I want my child to learn how to act like an adult in society from a bunch of children, or do I want my child to learn how to act like an adult from adults? Do I want my child to learn how to think about complex situations or do I want my child to simply learn to regurgitate what everybody else is saying? In a classroom setting, contrary thought is denied, not encouraged. In a classroom setting where a teacher has too many students, the slowest bring down the fastest, and the fastest get bored. Recipe for trouble. In a classroom setting the slowest know they're slower and seek other ways to get attention and approval. Another recipe for trouble.

Interesting as well that some of the very same people complaining about how dangerous schools are vigorously reject parents' attempts to take their kids out of those same situations.

Yea again if your kid can't buck his own mother, he's not gonna buck group think once he gets out into the world anyway.

And yes that's the price you pay for easy socialization. Pick a private school if you're that worried. All schooling is indoctrination. It benefits one to be indoctrinated into the same beliefs most of the society you live in is relative to just any other random set of beliefs a parent might spout.

If your kid was born to be an independent thinker they will be one. You teaching them or some one else, either way they're gonna say fuck you if they're actually independent. Might as well have them rage against the system instead of you.
Would it be better for such a kid to face an entire school system geared more towards getting him to "sit down and shut up" instead of actually educating him to be a strong, independent thinker, or better to have a school situation tailored for his unique needs? You get what you pay for, and if you're looking to help your kids function in society, you get a better product when you invest more of yourself in the process than the "easy socialization". In that model, you're abandoning your child to someone else, in essence saying, "Do this to my child for me because I don't care enough to make sure it's done right".

yea because sometimes in life you have to sit down and shut teh fuck up

and sometimes u gotta deal with some oen fucking with you

or try to get the girl

All those things are stunted by home schooling

Just not properly socialized relative to their peers and it seems to always show...Learning self control is the biggest indicator of success beyond IQ. Mormons do great just by teaching their kids delayed gratification. And they believe some crazy shit with no independence.
You're not listening. Mom and Dad teach when to sit down and shut up. The classroom teaches that "sit down and shut up" can get you better grades and more approval from the teacher than being brilliant. Can you show us:

1. Vast numbers of home schooled kids that don't know how to be polite in society?
2. Vast numbers of home schooled kids with little to no self control?

I know you're aware of a large number of college aged students who were NOT home schooled, but have little to no self-control and no idea how to exist politely in society. They're all over YouTube, yelling and screeching about everything under the sun, demanding their professors be fired for making them take tests, etc.

Literally every single one of them would be lower status socially had they been homeschooled

Just a fact

Kids need socialization

Home schooling doesn't breed alphas.
You're arguing like a government school drop-out.

First you claim that a rebellious child (aka, alpha) will rebel against anyone and everyone, now you say that home schooling squashes that. That's simply changing your story to fit your argument at the time, which is something most people grow out of when they achieve adulthood.
You claim as fact that "every single one of them would be lower status socially had they been homeschooled". Since you claim it as fact, present evidence or admit you just made it up.
You claim that kids need "socialization", but when presented with evidence that the "socialized" government school grads are acting, shall we say, FAR from civilized and more like savages, you pretend it doesn't happen and reiterate yourself. Address it.
I notice that you are much more interested in kids being "socialized" than in them being educated. Ever wonder why that is?

I would prefer my child be able to present a cogent argument for the way he thinks and be respectful of dissenting opinions than for him to act like these government school "socialized" idiots who try to forcefully prevent certain points of view from being presented on campus and demand safe spaces when they see a name written in chalk on the sidewalk.

Like I said, government school drop-out. Prove me wrong.

No, i never said homeschooling will squash an independent kid

I said it won't socialize them, and that if you can't buck your mom, you can't buck the state. It's a pointless task with an actually independent child. If your kid is sheep society will get him sooner or later anyway.

Your attempts to indoctrinate are very similar....

Being an "alpha" is about being able to navigate social situations in a way that gets you what you want. Being with your mom all day isn't gonna make men capable of dealing with their peers in that way.

Reading comprehension clearly wasn't your strong suit, another benefit of public school. You know where you stand on the cognitive hierarchy instead of being delusional about it.
Don't see this as a big deal... Teacher probably din't know it was a BB gun and thought child had guns on his wall..

It as simple as this he shouldn't have guns on the wall behind him it was rude and can lead to other people feeling uncomfortable and ring the cops... Also not porn going on behind you either for the same reasons...
1. Guns on the wall =/= porn.
2. Guns on the wall =/= rude.
It will be interesting to see how many children actually return to public schools when reopened, and from what social class.
A good number will return because their parents are not capable of homeschooling. If my Facebook is any measure, not a single person I know enjoyed homeschooling.
Home schooling, just like parenting in general, requires forethought and determination to be done well.
Yes, and very few people are educated and organized to make that happen. If homeschooling works for you, great! I just can't stand morons like the OP who thinks anyone and everyone should be doing it. As a teacher, I was stuck with students who failed at homeschooling.

You mean their parents failed.

It ain't easy. On the other hand, with all the online courses and services offered, if you can read you can homeschool.

Online courses sometimes do not work, as you do not get any discussion. Also, many people struggle with online instructional material. My son took one class online, and he was a "B' student but could not handle a course that would normally be well below his ability. He managed because I taught the course to him instead of the teacher who never seemed to be available.
How about this? NO ONE SOLUTION WORKS 100% FOR EVERY STUDENT. We have to have options, because the government school "sit down and shut up" model doesn't work for all students.
Don't see this as a big deal... Teacher probably din't know it was a BB gun and thought child had guns on his wall..

It as simple as this he shouldn't have guns on the wall behind him it was rude and can lead to other people feeling uncomfortable and ring the cops... Also not porn going on behind you either for the same reasons...
ROFL! So it's the victims fault?

How beautifully liberal!

What fucking victim... A victim is someone who was hurt... The police investigated and found he had done nothing wrong legally.... No knees on neck until dead, no beating him while performing his constitutional rights... Just a simple look around and everything is alright...
The point, though, is that a BB gun hanging on the wall should not have triggered a police investigation into the home. That was an overreaction.
What happens when you get to the more advanced subjects like physics and calculus and (God forbid) a foreign language?
I have an engineering degree, so I can teach those subjects. However, I realize many parents may not have the relevant education. They can farm those out to private academies. Some parents band together and teach a group of kids collectively. Each parent can teach what they are qualified in.
That explains a lot. Most engineers could not teach a fish to swim. You are jealous!
It will be interesting to see how many children actually return to public schools when reopened, and from what social class.
A good number will return because their parents are not capable of homeschooling. If my Facebook is any measure, not a single person I know enjoyed homeschooling.
Home schooling, just like parenting in general, requires forethought and determination to be done well.
Yes, and very few people are educated and organized to make that happen. If homeschooling works for you, great! I just can't stand morons like the OP who thinks anyone and everyone should be doing it. As a teacher, I was stuck with students who failed at homeschooling.

You mean their parents failed.

It ain't easy. On the other hand, with all the online courses and services offered, if you can read you can homeschool.

Online courses sometimes do not work, as you do not get any discussion. Also, many people struggle with online instructional material. My son took one class online, and he was a "B' student but could not handle a course that would normally be well below his ability. He managed because I taught the course to him instead of the teacher who never seemed to be available.
How about this? NO ONE SOLUTION WORKS 100% FOR EVERY STUDENT. We have to have options, because the government school "sit down and shut up" model doesn't work for all students.
Agreed. That is why we have special education classes.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
You have no clue how homeschooling works.
If my child had an interest in chemistry, and I had no experience with chemistry, how do I set up a laboratory for chemistry education? When they go to college and walk into a college level chemistry lab, how could she not be befuddled by the equipment?

If my child has musical talent, how can home schooling educate him in music theory if playing a kazoo is all I can manage?

My daughter shows a real proclivity for high mathematics. Balancing my checkbook is a real arithmatical challenge for me. Who is going to teach her trigonometry and calculus?

If I merely want to raise a missionary or militia member, I can see how home schooling would work out. But if the Arts and Sciences are involved, how are people who can barely count to 21 teach?

Follow the curriculum.
Yep. The odds are the public school teacher has little knowledge of the subject matter.

I know over 2 dozen homeschooled kids, all are years ahead of kids going to public schools, both socially and knowledge. Heck, I had a 10 year old who initiated a discussion of various theories in astronomy with me.

Even more bullshit? I taught history with a degree in history and math with the coursework for a degree split between two universities. To teach out of area, the parents must be notified and it cannot be done except when no other teacher is available. I did not know a single teacher as a fellow teacher and administrator that did not have a degree in their area or were certified by exam to teach it.
I understand now who go to each kids that boys can be girls and girls can be boys.
Your post makes no sense as it does not apply to my post. This what you always do when proven to be wrong.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.
You have no clue how homeschooling works.
If my child had an interest in chemistry, and I had no experience with chemistry, how do I set up a laboratory for chemistry education? When they go to college and walk into a college level chemistry lab, how could she not be befuddled by the equipment?

If my child has musical talent, how can home schooling educate him in music theory if playing a kazoo is all I can manage?

My daughter shows a real proclivity for high mathematics. Balancing my checkbook is a real arithmatical challenge for me. Who is going to teach her trigonometry and calculus?

If I merely want to raise a missionary or militia member, I can see how home schooling would work out. But if the Arts and Sciences are involved, how are people who can barely count to 21 teach?
Have you not heard of online academies? We used one very successfully with our son after the government school system failed him. They shipped us the chemistry equipment we needed for the lab work and there were teachers available for questions and grading work, etc. Now, my wife and I both hold degrees, so we could have directly taught the math and science courses ourselves, but decided to oversee and monitor instead. It worked extremely well, so consider this an answer to your postulated problem. Homeschoolers worth their salt know when they reach the end of their abilities and reach outside for help. The people you seem to fear who turtle their kids and themselves are a minority in the homeschooling world. And do you not think that a student with interest in music has access to vast numbers of music teachers willing and able to help them? This is not a true argument against homeschooling, as most parents will find someone to teach their kids, even in government schools, as the music classes there are not going to produce a true musician.

Let's face reality. The numbers of homeschooled kids graduating from high school and being successful in college argues for the continued success of homeschooling.
Reasons to Home School

Your child does not socialize well with others
You are too lazy to get up early to get your kids to school
You want to isolate your child from negroes, Hispanics and Jews
You want to indoctrinate your child to your religious and political beliefs and you don’t want them exposed to others.

The above comment is proof of the failure of our government schools.
I have no problem with Home School

Some kids just can’t cut it in a real school. Nobody wants to eat lunch with them, last one picked for the ball team, everyone laughs at them.
Best stay home with Mommy

Look at me! I is a Teecher
I got my own skool. I teach Reeding, Riting, Jesus and hating Homos
Post the requirements in your district to become a home schooler. This is the third time I've asked you.
The government school systems are a collection of fascists.

During on online class the teacher saw a Red Ryder BB gun so called the cops to have his home raided.

The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well.

This is almost certainly a lie.

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