Reason and Experience tell us that there is Evidence for a Creator

No. lol....

Go figure...
So while it may be true that all Christians don't practice these values, the ones that do will enjoy a happiness advantage, right?
You have to first go out and sell off everything you own and then give in charity to the poor, before it is even possible for you to understand or follow me....follow my thinking that is.

It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle with all that useless baggage that you are carrying around.
You just contradicted what you wrote in post #715. So basically, what you are saying is that the laws of science don't apply for Christians, right?


I will tell you something. Try to hear.

You have to first go out and sell off everything you own and then give in charity to the poor, before it is even possible for you to understand or follow me....follow my thinking that is.

It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle with all that useless baggage that you are carrying around.
Given that you believe that all of Christianity is a lie, I would not expect you to understand a religion that is not your own. Please try and separate religion from our present discussion.

Do you believe that Christians who experience a happiness effect as defined by science will be more successful than Christians who don't?

A person suffering from hunger and dehydration in the desert will only find happiness while dreaming of having a banquet in an oasis but only until he wakes up and realizes it was just a mirage and he is still in a lifeless desert, starving and dehydrated.
So while it may be true that all Christians don't practice these values, the ones that do will enjoy a happiness advantage, right?
You have to first go out and sell off everything you own and then give in charity to the poor, before it is even possible for you to understand or follow me....follow my thinking that is.

It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle with all that useless baggage that you are carrying around.
You just contradicted what you wrote in post #715. So basically, what you are saying is that the laws of science don't apply for Christians, right?


I will tell you something. Try to hear.

You have to first go out and sell off everything you own and then give in charity to the poor, before it is even possible for you to understand or follow me....follow my thinking that is.

It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle with all that useless baggage that you are carrying around.
Given that you believe that all of Christianity is a lie, I would not expect you to understand a religion that is not your own. Please try and separate religion from our present discussion.

Do you believe that Christians who experience a happiness effect as defined by science will be more successful than Christians who don't?

A person suffering from hunger and dehydration in the desert will only find happiness while dreaming of having a banquet in an oasis but only until he wakes up and realizes it was just a mirage and he is still in a lifeless desert, starving and dehydrated.
Sure, but we aren't discussing a person suffering from hunger and dehydration in the desert. We are discussing the scientifically proven concept that happiness leads to more successful outcomes. Do you believe that Christians who experience a happiness effect as defined by science will be more successful than Christians who don't?
You have to first go out and sell off everything you own and then give in charity to the poor, before it is even possible for you to understand or follow me....follow my thinking that is.

It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle with all that useless baggage that you are carrying around.
You just contradicted what you wrote in post #715. So basically, what you are saying is that the laws of science don't apply for Christians, right?


I will tell you something. Try to hear.

You have to first go out and sell off everything you own and then give in charity to the poor, before it is even possible for you to understand or follow me....follow my thinking that is.

It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle with all that useless baggage that you are carrying around.
Given that you believe that all of Christianity is a lie, I would not expect you to understand a religion that is not your own. Please try and separate religion from our present discussion.

Do you believe that Christians who experience a happiness effect as defined by science will be more successful than Christians who don't?

A person suffering from hunger and dehydration in the desert will only find happiness while dreaming of having a banquet in an oasis but only until he wakes up and realizes it was just a mirage and he is still in a lifeless desert, starving and dehydrated.
Sure, but we aren't discussing a person suffering from hunger and dehydration in the desert. We are discussing the scientifically proven concept that happiness leads to more successful outcomes. Do you believe that Christians who experience a happiness effect as defined by science will be more successful than Christians who don't?

I'd say its entirely possible. People who are successful at fraud will not feel bad if their deception is successful.

But then again, what does it benefit a person if they should gain worldly success and the entire wealth in the world if it is at the cost of losing their mind?

Don't all branches of Christianity teach that any rational question about or rational objection to your belief in a three in one mangod is demonic attack?

What this does is sets the mind against itself creating a program, rooted in your head, that systematically rejects every rational thought as evil like malware in a computer that causes it to malfunction until it crashes..

So enjoy your delusions while they last while you sleep away your life in that house built on sand.

There's a hard rain gonna fall...
Last edited:
You just contradicted what you wrote in post #715. So basically, what you are saying is that the laws of science don't apply for Christians, right?


I will tell you something. Try to hear.

You have to first go out and sell off everything you own and then give in charity to the poor, before it is even possible for you to understand or follow me....follow my thinking that is.

It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle with all that useless baggage that you are carrying around.
Given that you believe that all of Christianity is a lie, I would not expect you to understand a religion that is not your own. Please try and separate religion from our present discussion.

Do you believe that Christians who experience a happiness effect as defined by science will be more successful than Christians who don't?

A person suffering from hunger and dehydration in the desert will only find happiness while dreaming of having a banquet in an oasis but only until he wakes up and realizes it was just a mirage and he is still in a lifeless desert, starving and dehydrated.
Sure, but we aren't discussing a person suffering from hunger and dehydration in the desert. We are discussing the scientifically proven concept that happiness leads to more successful outcomes. Do you believe that Christians who experience a happiness effect as defined by science will be more successful than Christians who don't?

I'd say its entirely possible. People who are successful at fraud will not feel bad if their deception is successful.

But then again, what does it benefit a person if they should gain worldly success and the entire wealth in the world if it is at the cost of losing their mind?

Don't all branches of Christianity teach that any rational question about or rational objection to your belief in a three in one mangod is demonic attack?

What this does is sets the mind against itself creating a program, rooted in your head, that systematically rejects every rational thought as evil like malware in a computer that causes it to malfunction until it crashes..
Excellent. Now we are getting somewhere. So it isn't a surprise to you why Western Civilization was so successful. Thank you. That wasn't so hard, now was it?

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

You have to first go out and sell off everything you own and then give in charity to the poor, before it is even possible for you to understand or follow me....follow my thinking that is.

It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle with all that useless baggage that you are carrying around.
Given that you believe that all of Christianity is a lie, I would not expect you to understand a religion that is not your own. Please try and separate religion from our present discussion.

Do you believe that Christians who experience a happiness effect as defined by science will be more successful than Christians who don't?

A person suffering from hunger and dehydration in the desert will only find happiness while dreaming of having a banquet in an oasis but only until he wakes up and realizes it was just a mirage and he is still in a lifeless desert, starving and dehydrated.
Sure, but we aren't discussing a person suffering from hunger and dehydration in the desert. We are discussing the scientifically proven concept that happiness leads to more successful outcomes. Do you believe that Christians who experience a happiness effect as defined by science will be more successful than Christians who don't?

I'd say its entirely possible. People who are successful at fraud will not feel bad if their deception is successful.

But then again, what does it benefit a person if they should gain worldly success and the entire wealth in the world if it is at the cost of losing their mind?

Don't all branches of Christianity teach that any rational question about or rational objection to your belief in a three in one mangod is demonic attack?

What this does is sets the mind against itself creating a program, rooted in your head, that systematically rejects every rational thought as evil like malware in a computer that causes it to malfunction until it crashes..
Excellent. Now we are getting somewhere. So it isn't a surprise to you why Western Civilization was so successful. Thank you. That wasn't so hard, now was it?

Successful? lol.. the Romans were by far more successful and for millennia.

Turning people into mindless drones isn't really that hard to do....

All it took was the threat of imaginary punishment in an imaginary hell to cut off your balls.

How good could you possibly feel about that?
Given that you believe that all of Christianity is a lie, I would not expect you to understand a religion that is not your own. Please try and separate religion from our present discussion.

Do you believe that Christians who experience a happiness effect as defined by science will be more successful than Christians who don't?

A person suffering from hunger and dehydration in the desert will only find happiness while dreaming of having a banquet in an oasis but only until he wakes up and realizes it was just a mirage and he is still in a lifeless desert, starving and dehydrated.
Sure, but we aren't discussing a person suffering from hunger and dehydration in the desert. We are discussing the scientifically proven concept that happiness leads to more successful outcomes. Do you believe that Christians who experience a happiness effect as defined by science will be more successful than Christians who don't?

I'd say its entirely possible. People who are successful at fraud will not feel bad if their deception is successful.

But then again, what does it benefit a person if they should gain worldly success and the entire wealth in the world if it is at the cost of losing their mind?

Don't all branches of Christianity teach that any rational question about or rational objection to your belief in a three in one mangod is demonic attack?

What this does is sets the mind against itself creating a program, rooted in your head, that systematically rejects every rational thought as evil like malware in a computer that causes it to malfunction until it crashes..
Excellent. Now we are getting somewhere. So it isn't a surprise to you why Western Civilization was so successful. Thank you. That wasn't so hard, now was it?

Successful? lol.. the Romans were by far more successful and for millennia.

Turning people into mindless drones isn't really that hard to do....

All it took was the threat of imaginary punishment in an imaginary hell to cut off your balls.

How good could you possibly feel about that?
You see many Romans around here. :cuckoo:
Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows ...
LOL. Are you throwing pies against the wall & hoping one will stick? How about focusing on one social science article and i'll be glad to explain it to you in layman terms.
You not only failed in your thread topic's premise, but you will fail again in associating God belief with mental health.
Here is one we can discuss ...
The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity

A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior.

Three possible interpretations were discussed.
First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma.
Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs.
Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

Personality and Social Psychology Review
Reason and experience tell us that there has been reason and experience. Everything else is inference at best.
Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows ...
LOL. Are you throwing pies against the wall & hoping one will stick? How about focusing on one social science article and i'll be glad to explain it to you in layman terms.
You not only failed in your thread topic's premise, but you will fail again in associating God belief with mental health.
Here is one we can discuss ...
The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity

A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior.

Three possible interpretations were discussed.
First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma.
Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs.
Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

Personality and Social Psychology Review
Do you believe what you posted refutes:

Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows that being happy has a competitiveness advantage to being neutral, negative or stressed. Furthermore, research shows that we can train our brains to be happy by being thankful, prayerful and performing random acts of kindness over a 30 day period. All things that Christianity teaches its adherents to practice on a regular basis. So while it may be true that all Christians don't practice these values, the ones that do will enjoy a happiness advantage. (thankfulness)

Dweck, C. (2007). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Ballantine Books. (meditation/prayer) (conscious/random acts of kindness)
Last edited:
Engineers are not scientists, usually; they use scientific knowledge.
I'm a behavioral scientist in the field of academic developmental psychology.
Engineering is the commercial application of science. We're pretty well versed in physical phenomenon. Are you saying that engineers are less equipped to understand physics than a behavior scientist in the field of academic developmental psychology? Exactly what degree do you have?
What i am saying is that most engineers are much less equipped to understand scientific methods & related epistemology concepts. You are a good case.
Although you may understand some physics knowledge that resulted from scientific research, the actual methods & philosophy of science interpretations used to produce that knowledge is another cognitive matter (pun intended).
I have a strong scientific methodology background that is necessary in the "soft sciences" like psychology where many variables are involved in research & analysis. Compared to most engineers, and I know many, I have a much broader education that includes philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, research design, statistics, physical sciences, biological sciences, anthropology, sociology, social psychology, and various psychology subjects, especially developmental issues, including self-organizing processes without a "creator" in addition to influences from external sources, both cognitive and physical.
For privacy reasons, and not to appear that I am showing off my advanced training/research at multiple major universities, i will refrain from additional specifics.
In this discussion forum, the focus should be on what we say and its justification.
Or better yet we could discuss how Christian values lead to happiness and success. Or maybe we could discuss why atheists are less happy than Christians.
Let's stick with the thread topic and not make this a psychology lesson.

No, Christian values do not necessarily "lead to" happiness and success. Wishful thinking on your part & other "Christians". However, they may be spurious correlates.
How do you explain Denmark being evaluated as the "happiest country in the world" when 80% of its population believe that "religion is unimportant in daily life" ?

I can understand that; i have no use for religion or theology, and i am happy almost all the time, except when i'm too busy and get little sleep.
:) :) :)
Spurious? No. Unless by spurious you mean being supported by scientific studies, lol. No offense, but you are citing statistics instead of research papers. Can you show me some scientific research that proves atheism is good for human health and Christianity or religion is bad for human health? After all you do have a much broader education that includes philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, research design, statistics, physical sciences, biological sciences, anthropology, sociology, social psychology, and various psychology subjects, especially developmental issues, including self-organizing processes without a "creator" in addition to influences from external sources, both cognitive and physical, and advanced training/research at multiple major universities, right?
In scientific research, spurious correlations do NOT reflect causal relations between independent & dependent variables.
Yes, i was citing statistics that you could not explain, e.g., why most people in the 10 "happiest countries" consider RELIGION NOT IMPORTANT in their daily lives.
All scientific papers cite statistical data and then draw interpretations.
For example, this one examines ...
Religiosity and life satisfaction across nations

This paper investigates the relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction in 79 nations using World Values Survey data. Extant literature analyzes religiosity and life satisfaction at person level. But religiosity is an attribute of both, persons and societies. To solve methodological problems evident in previous work a random coefficient multilevel model is employed to account for the fact that individuals are nested within countries. This study shows that the relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction is bimodal. Religious people tend to be either very satisfied or dissatisfied with life. The relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction is also two-dimensional. Forms of religiosity that promote social capital predict high life satisfaction. People have so called “need to belong” and religion helps to satisfy it. On the other hand, forms of religiosity that do not promote social capital do not predict high life satisfaction. Religiosity is also context-dependent. Religious people are happier in religious nations. In other words, it is not only religiosity per se that makes people happy, but rather a social setting it offers.
Reason and experience tell us that there has been reason and experience. Everything else is inference at best.
You gotta love a philosopher who argues against reason and experience.
Engineering is the commercial application of science. We're pretty well versed in physical phenomenon. Are you saying that engineers are less equipped to understand physics than a behavior scientist in the field of academic developmental psychology? Exactly what degree do you have?
What i am saying is that most engineers are much less equipped to understand scientific methods & related epistemology concepts. You are a good case.
Although you may understand some physics knowledge that resulted from scientific research, the actual methods & philosophy of science interpretations used to produce that knowledge is another cognitive matter (pun intended).
I have a strong scientific methodology background that is necessary in the "soft sciences" like psychology where many variables are involved in research & analysis. Compared to most engineers, and I know many, I have a much broader education that includes philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, research design, statistics, physical sciences, biological sciences, anthropology, sociology, social psychology, and various psychology subjects, especially developmental issues, including self-organizing processes without a "creator" in addition to influences from external sources, both cognitive and physical.
For privacy reasons, and not to appear that I am showing off my advanced training/research at multiple major universities, i will refrain from additional specifics.
In this discussion forum, the focus should be on what we say and its justification.
Or better yet we could discuss how Christian values lead to happiness and success. Or maybe we could discuss why atheists are less happy than Christians.
Let's stick with the thread topic and not make this a psychology lesson.

No, Christian values do not necessarily "lead to" happiness and success. Wishful thinking on your part & other "Christians". However, they may be spurious correlates.
How do you explain Denmark being evaluated as the "happiest country in the world" when 80% of its population believe that "religion is unimportant in daily life" ?

I can understand that; i have no use for religion or theology, and i am happy almost all the time, except when i'm too busy and get little sleep.
:) :) :)
Spurious? No. Unless by spurious you mean being supported by scientific studies, lol. No offense, but you are citing statistics instead of research papers. Can you show me some scientific research that proves atheism is good for human health and Christianity or religion is bad for human health? After all you do have a much broader education that includes philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, research design, statistics, physical sciences, biological sciences, anthropology, sociology, social psychology, and various psychology subjects, especially developmental issues, including self-organizing processes without a "creator" in addition to influences from external sources, both cognitive and physical, and advanced training/research at multiple major universities, right?
In scientific research, spurious correlations do NOT reflect causal relations between independent & dependent variables.
Yes, i was citing statistics that you could not explain, e.g., why most people in the 10 "happiest countries" consider RELIGION NOT IMPORTANT in their daily lives.
All scientific papers cite statistical data and then draw interpretations.
For example, this one examines ...
Religiosity and life satisfaction across nations

This paper investigates the relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction in 79 nations using World Values Survey data. Extant literature analyzes religiosity and life satisfaction at person level. But religiosity is an attribute of both, persons and societies. To solve methodological problems evident in previous work a random coefficient multilevel model is employed to account for the fact that individuals are nested within countries. This study shows that the relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction is bimodal. Religious people tend to be either very satisfied or dissatisfied with life. The relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction is also two-dimensional. Forms of religiosity that promote social capital predict high life satisfaction. People have so called “need to belong” and religion helps to satisfy it. On the other hand, forms of religiosity that do not promote social capital do not predict high life satisfaction. Religiosity is also context-dependent. Religious people are happier in religious nations. In other words, it is not only religiosity per se that makes people happy, but rather a social setting it offers.
Again I ask....

Do you believe what you posted refutes:

Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows that being happy has a competitiveness advantage to being neutral, negative or stressed. Furthermore, research shows that we can train our brains to be happy by being thankful, prayerful and performing random acts of kindness over a 30 day period. All things that Christianity teaches its adherents to practice on a regular basis. So while it may be true that all Christians don't practice these values, the ones that do will enjoy a happiness advantage. (thankfulness)

Dweck, C. (2007). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Ballantine Books. (meditation/prayer) (conscious/random acts of kindness)
Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows ...
LOL. Are you throwing pies against the wall & hoping one will stick? How about focusing on one social science article and i'll be glad to explain it to you in layman terms.
You not only failed in your thread topic's premise, but you will fail again in associating God belief with mental health.
Here is one we can discuss ...
The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity

A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior.

Three possible interpretations were discussed.
First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma.
Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs.
Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

Personality and Social Psychology Review
Do you believe what you posted refutes:

Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows that being happy has a competitiveness advantage to being neutral, negative or stressed. Furthermore, research shows that we can train our brains to be happy by being thankful, prayerful and performing random acts of kindness over a 30 day period. All things that Christianity teaches its adherents to practice on a regular basis. So while it may be true that all Christians don't practice these values, the ones that do will enjoy a happiness advantage.
What you cited has NOTHING to do with God belief vs intelligence.
Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows ...
LOL. Are you throwing pies against the wall & hoping one will stick? How about focusing on one social science article and i'll be glad to explain it to you in layman terms.
You not only failed in your thread topic's premise, but you will fail again in associating God belief with mental health.
Here is one we can discuss ...
The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity

A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior.

Three possible interpretations were discussed.
First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma.
Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs.
Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

Personality and Social Psychology Review
Do you believe what you posted refutes:

Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows that being happy has a competitiveness advantage to being neutral, negative or stressed. Furthermore, research shows that we can train our brains to be happy by being thankful, prayerful and performing random acts of kindness over a 30 day period. All things that Christianity teaches its adherents to practice on a regular basis. So while it may be true that all Christians don't practice these values, the ones that do will enjoy a happiness advantage.
What you cited has NOTHING to do with God belief vs intelligence.
Are you arguing against this scientific evidence?
Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows ...
LOL. Are you throwing pies against the wall & hoping one will stick? How about focusing on one social science article and i'll be glad to explain it to you in layman terms.
You not only failed in your thread topic's premise, but you will fail again in associating God belief with mental health.
Here is one we can discuss ...
The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity

A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior.

Three possible interpretations were discussed.
First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma.
Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs.
Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

Personality and Social Psychology Review
Do you believe what you posted refutes:

Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows that being happy has a competitiveness advantage to being neutral, negative or stressed. Furthermore, research shows that we can train our brains to be happy by being thankful, prayerful and performing random acts of kindness over a 30 day period. All things that Christianity teaches its adherents to practice on a regular basis. So while it may be true that all Christians don't practice these values, the ones that do will enjoy a happiness advantage.
What you cited has NOTHING to do with God belief vs intelligence.
Are you arguing against this scientific evidence?
You don't understand scientific research, evidence and interpretations.
What's your specific premise?
Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows ...
LOL. Are you throwing pies against the wall & hoping one will stick? How about focusing on one social science article and i'll be glad to explain it to you in layman terms.
You not only failed in your thread topic's premise, but you will fail again in associating God belief with mental health.
Here is one we can discuss ...
The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity

A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior.

Three possible interpretations were discussed.
First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma.
Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs.
Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

Personality and Social Psychology Review
Do you believe what you posted refutes:

Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows that being happy has a competitiveness advantage to being neutral, negative or stressed. Furthermore, research shows that we can train our brains to be happy by being thankful, prayerful and performing random acts of kindness over a 30 day period. All things that Christianity teaches its adherents to practice on a regular basis. So while it may be true that all Christians don't practice these values, the ones that do will enjoy a happiness advantage.
What you cited has NOTHING to do with God belief vs intelligence.
Are you arguing against this scientific evidence?
You don't understand scientific research, evidence and interpretations.
What's your specific premise?
I have already explained it to you in post #706. Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows that being happy has a competitiveness advantage to being neutral, negative or stressed. Furthermore, research shows that we can train our brains to be happy by being thankful, prayerful and performing random acts of kindness over a 30 day period. All things that Christianity teaches its adherents to practice on a regular basis. So while it may be true that all Christians don't practice these values, the ones that do will enjoy a happiness advantage. (thankfulness)

Dweck, C. (2007). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Ballantine Books. (meditation/prayer) (conscious/random acts of kindness)
Human "happiness" reflects SWB (subjective well being) associated with both short-term & long-term cognitions (synaptic brain patterns).
Many psychologists have defined happiness as a combination of life satisfaction and the relative frequency of positive and negative affect.
Religion or IQ intelligence may not be directly correlated with "happiness".
Religious or dumb people can feel very happy!
LOL. Are you throwing pies against the wall & hoping one will stick? How about focusing on one social science article and i'll be glad to explain it to you in layman terms.
You not only failed in your thread topic's premise, but you will fail again in associating God belief with mental health.
Here is one we can discuss ...
The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity

A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior.

Three possible interpretations were discussed.
First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma.
Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs.
Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

Personality and Social Psychology Review
Do you believe what you posted refutes:

Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows that being happy has a competitiveness advantage to being neutral, negative or stressed. Furthermore, research shows that we can train our brains to be happy by being thankful, prayerful and performing random acts of kindness over a 30 day period. All things that Christianity teaches its adherents to practice on a regular basis. So while it may be true that all Christians don't practice these values, the ones that do will enjoy a happiness advantage.
What you cited has NOTHING to do with God belief vs intelligence.
Are you arguing against this scientific evidence?
You don't understand scientific research, evidence and interpretations.
What's your specific premise?
I have already explained it to you in post #706. Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy; 2. it turns on all of the learning centers of the brain. Research shows that being happy has a competitiveness advantage to being neutral, negative or stressed. Furthermore, research shows that we can train our brains to be happy by being thankful, prayerful and performing random acts of kindness over a 30 day period. All things that Christianity teaches its adherents to practice on a regular basis. So while it may be true that all Christians don't practice these values, the ones that do will enjoy a happiness advantage. (thankfulness)

Dweck, C. (2007). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Ballantine Books. (meditation/prayer) (conscious/random acts of kindness)
Why are you repeating yourself and NOT answering my simple Q, or do you not know what a basic logical premise is?

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