Reason to hate progressives #742:

Are you sure you hate progressives? Hate is such a strong word.

Yeah I'm pretty sure.

You should not HATE progressives. They are merely uninformed brainwashed people. Hating them is nonsensical.

Anyone who believes in big unlimited government, as progressives do, is likely just dumb. We must help them out of their mental handicap...hating them does you and them no good.
Progressives don't believe that. Now who's the moron?


You don't know what you believe in.
I know what I believe and I know what they believe, and it isn't what you believe.
Depends on the issue, and the action. Unlike you I'm not loyal to someone just because they wave a flag and praise Jesus.
Oh bullshit, your one of Obama's best swallowers. As to my support to a candidate. I openly criticized Bush, also ole Lindsay Graham didn't get my vote, even though if he lost our win wouldn't of been as great.
As long as you reject reality I can't help you. Obama is just a pol. One of these days you guys will figure that out,
Keep dancing around the question.
You had a question? No, you had an accusation. Carry on...
Wow a yes or no question, are you mentally ill?
Do you have that in English?
Are you sure you hate progressives? Hate is such a strong word.

Yeah I'm pretty sure.

You should not HATE progressives. They are merely uninformed brainwashed people. Hating them is nonsensical.

Anyone who believes in big unlimited government, as progressives do, is likely just dumb. We must help them out of their mental handicap...hating them does you and them no good.
Progressives don't believe that. Now who's the moron?


You don't know what you believe in.
I know what I believe and I know what they believe, and it isn't what you believe.

What do progressives believe?
Yeah I'm pretty sure.

You should not HATE progressives. They are merely uninformed brainwashed people. Hating them is nonsensical.

Anyone who believes in big unlimited government, as progressives do, is likely just dumb. We must help them out of their mental handicap...hating them does you and them no good.
Progressives don't believe that. Now who's the moron?


You don't know what you believe in.
I know what I believe and I know what they believe, and it isn't what you believe.

What do progressives believe?
A very good question, and exactly what you need to find out. I'll start you off: Progressive Democrats of America
Are you sure you hate progressives? Hate is such a strong word.

Yeah I'm pretty sure.

You should not HATE progressives. They are merely uninformed brainwashed people. Hating them is nonsensical.

Anyone who believes in big unlimited government, as progressives do, is likely just dumb. We must help them out of their mental handicap...hating them does you and them no good.

I hate them because it isn't something they can't help. It's purposeful.
Are you sure you hate progressives? Hate is such a strong word.

Yeah I'm pretty sure.

You should not HATE progressives. They are merely uninformed brainwashed people. Hating them is nonsensical.

Anyone who believes in big unlimited government, as progressives do, is likely just dumb. We must help them out of their mental handicap...hating them does you and them no good.
Progressives don't believe that. Now who's the moron?


You don't know what you believe in.
His whole posting scheme is to stir shit up and nothing more............and post the same dribble over and over again......when you ask for facts to back it up he just spins in circles in order to make those who post against him lose patience and simply disregard his posts in the future.......I had enough of it in the past that I simply didn't engage with him anymore...........Just seems this morning I'd spar a little with his posts are endless BS and eventually I leave the fool to play with himself.

That's reason to hate progressives #413
You should not HATE progressives. They are merely uninformed brainwashed people. Hating them is nonsensical.

Anyone who believes in big unlimited government, as progressives do, is likely just dumb. We must help them out of their mental handicap...hating them does you and them no good.
Progressives don't believe that. Now who's the moron?


You don't know what you believe in.
I know what I believe and I know what they believe, and it isn't what you believe.

What do progressives believe?
A very good question, and exactly what you need to find out. I'll start you off: Progressive Democrats of America

It doesn't matter what progressives believe, that is off track from the point of this thread. Progressives are lying, decietful assholes.
Progressives don't believe that. Now who's the moron?


You don't know what you believe in.
I know what I believe and I know what they believe, and it isn't what you believe.

What do progressives believe?
A very good question, and exactly what you need to find out. I'll start you off: Progressive Democrats of America

It doesn't matter what progressives believe, that is off track from the point of this thread. Progressives are lying, decietful assholes.
They are? How would you know, since you don't know what they believe?
You should not HATE progressives. They are merely uninformed brainwashed people. Hating them is nonsensical.

Anyone who believes in big unlimited government, as progressives do, is likely just dumb. We must help them out of their mental handicap...hating them does you and them no good.
Progressives don't believe that. Now who's the moron?


You don't know what you believe in.
I know what I believe and I know what they believe, and it isn't what you believe.

What do progressives believe?
A very good question, and exactly what you need to find out. I'll start you off: Progressive Democrats of America

Home cpusa

They're nearly identical
The progressive democrats crashing the housing and banking industries, throwing millions of mortgages underwater, was no accident. It was purposeful and deliberate. We have video.
This post pretty much encapsulates extreme right wing 'thought'. Deny, reframe history, double down. If you had a brain, your head would explode from the forces of cognitive dissonance.
Should the GOP fight fire with fire,...........that is the real question.
Please do, since you were elected to do just the opposite.

aka We should restore integrity that was lost by the corruption of the left.................and reverse the perversion of the Dems changing the rules in the Senate for temporary gain..........and in doing so give the rights of the minority party that were lost by changing the rules in the Senate............

Part of me wants revenge for the actions of Reid and the Dems...........and to give them a taste of their own medicine................

The other part of me wants a restoration of the rules that guarantees the rights of minority parties within the Senate and restore the principles that were bedrocks before the libs SOLD THEIR SOULS for temporary gain.

The restoration of the principles of the Republic outweigh the needs of revenge.............Two Wrongs don't make a Right...............and refusal to be the scumbags like Reid and the Dems by changing a rule that had been in place for a very very long time...............

Your side has no HONOR..............NO INTEGRITY...........which is why you have lost....................and we should not make the same mistake for temporary revenge.
Your party tried to make Obama a one-termer. Don't talk to me about integrity, this is politics.
And it looks like a majority of Americans agree, since you got your ass handed to you on Tuesday.
The loss was entirely expected. It's a cycle and this is normal for the cycle, but you wouldn't know that now would you?

The Democrats said they were going to take the Governorships of the States which would help them win in 2016.
They lost big time all the way around.
Please do, since you were elected to do just the opposite.

aka We should restore integrity that was lost by the corruption of the left.................and reverse the perversion of the Dems changing the rules in the Senate for temporary gain..........and in doing so give the rights of the minority party that were lost by changing the rules in the Senate............

Part of me wants revenge for the actions of Reid and the Dems...........and to give them a taste of their own medicine................

The other part of me wants a restoration of the rules that guarantees the rights of minority parties within the Senate and restore the principles that were bedrocks before the libs SOLD THEIR SOULS for temporary gain.

The restoration of the principles of the Republic outweigh the needs of revenge.............Two Wrongs don't make a Right...............and refusal to be the scumbags like Reid and the Dems by changing a rule that had been in place for a very very long time...............

Your side has no HONOR..............NO INTEGRITY...........which is why you have lost....................and we should not make the same mistake for temporary revenge.
Your party tried to make Obama a one-termer. Don't talk to me about integrity, this is politics.
And it looks like a majority of Americans agree, since you got your ass handed to you on Tuesday.
The loss was entirely expected. It's a cycle and this is normal for the cycle, but you wouldn't know that now would you?

The Democrats said they were going to take the Governorships of the States which would help them win in 2016.
They lost big time all the way around.
They did? Well, that was a silly thing to say but maybe you weren't reading between the lines because no one comes out and says, boy are we going to be spanked, or didn't you know that?

You don't know what you believe in.
I know what I believe and I know what they believe, and it isn't what you believe.

What do progressives believe?
A very good question, and exactly what you need to find out. I'll start you off: Progressive Democrats of America

It doesn't matter what progressives believe, that is off track from the point of this thread. Progressives are lying, decietful assholes.
They are? How would you know, since you don't know what they believe?

Read the OP moron.
The progressive democrats crashing the housing and banking industries, throwing millions of mortgages underwater, was no accident. It was purposeful and deliberate. We have video.
This post pretty much encapsulates extreme right wing 'thought'. Deny, reframe history, double down. If you had a brain, your head would explode from the forces of cognitive dissonance.

That is exactly what Barney Frank and the Dems did when the evidence was right in front of him with Freddie Macs illegal trade dealings.
It was the Dems on the Housing and Banking committee that blocked any reform that Bush asked for 17 times.
Whose policies led to the credit crisis Hot Air
TheNew York Timesreported this five years ago:
The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.
Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.
The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.
The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt — is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.
This should have been a no-brainer, right? With hindsight, we can see that the Bush administration had accurately diagnosed the problem in the lending market and had a plan to address it. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reluctantly supported the plan. However, Democrats objected

Dems are the biggest Liars and spinners especially the progressives and the people who vote for them need to wake up an understand this.
The Republican voters are trying to get rid of the progressives in their party.
Democrat voters need to do the same thing with their progressives in their party.
Progressive ideology is what is harming our great nation.
The progressive democrats crashing the housing and banking industries, throwing millions of mortgages underwater, was no accident. It was purposeful and deliberate. We have video.
Yep. Democrats held the House and Senate, and managed to sit back and do nothing but shovel money into the mouths of the big banks. Americans lost their homes, and Obama and the Dems were like 'not my problem'. After years of doing shit all, besides the ACA, they got voted out.

If I was a Democrat I would be thinking of how my so-called representative wasted his time in office. And acted just like he portrayed his GOP opponent as, the party of 'no' action.

Hell, with the power they had they could have passed Single Payer, doubled the education budget, or expanded social security. Instead they only passed the ACA and played voters for fools.
The progressive democrats crashing the housing and banking industries, throwing millions of mortgages underwater, was no accident. It was purposeful and deliberate. We have video.
This post pretty much encapsulates extreme right wing 'thought'. Deny, reframe history, double down. If you had a brain, your head would explode from the forces of cognitive dissonance.

That is exactly what Barney Frank and the Dems did when the evidence was right in front of him with Freddie Macs illegal trade dealings.
It was the Dems on the Housing and Banking committee that blocked any reform that Bush asked for 17 times.
Whose policies led to the credit crisis Hot Air
TheNew York Timesreported this five years ago:
The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.
Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.
The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.
The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt — is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.
This should have been a no-brainer, right? With hindsight, we can see that the Bush administration had accurately diagnosed the problem in the lending market and had a plan to address it. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reluctantly supported the plan. However, Democrats objected

Dems are the biggest Liars and spinners especially the progressives and the people who vote for them need to wake up an understand this.
The Republican voters are trying to get rid of the progressives in their party.
Democrat voters need to do the same thing with their progressives in their party.
Progressive ideology is what is harming our great nation.
Oh, the old Freddy Mac thing again huh. Maybe you can tell me why other countries that didn't have anything to do with Freddy Mac had a similar housing implosion.
aka We should restore integrity that was lost by the corruption of the left.................and reverse the perversion of the Dems changing the rules in the Senate for temporary gain..........and in doing so give the rights of the minority party that were lost by changing the rules in the Senate............

Part of me wants revenge for the actions of Reid and the Dems...........and to give them a taste of their own medicine................

The other part of me wants a restoration of the rules that guarantees the rights of minority parties within the Senate and restore the principles that were bedrocks before the libs SOLD THEIR SOULS for temporary gain.

The restoration of the principles of the Republic outweigh the needs of revenge.............Two Wrongs don't make a Right...............and refusal to be the scumbags like Reid and the Dems by changing a rule that had been in place for a very very long time...............

Your side has no HONOR..............NO INTEGRITY...........which is why you have lost....................and we should not make the same mistake for temporary revenge.
Your party tried to make Obama a one-termer. Don't talk to me about integrity, this is politics.
And it looks like a majority of Americans agree, since you got your ass handed to you on Tuesday.
The loss was entirely expected. It's a cycle and this is normal for the cycle, but you wouldn't know that now would you?

The Democrats said they were going to take the Governorships of the States which would help them win in 2016.
They lost big time all the way around.
They did? Well, that was a silly thing to say but maybe you weren't reading between the lines because no one comes out and says, boy are we going to be spanked, or didn't you know that?

That seems to be a big problem with some of the left they read between the lines rather than what is actually said.

Democrats take aim at eight key states MSNBC

According to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, the party believes it has a strong shot at winning majorities in the Arizona Senate, Arkansas House, Iowa House, Michigan House, Montana Senate, New Hampshire Senate, Pennsylvania Senate, and Wisconsin Senate.

“I think we’re in a great position now to make gains, win some new majorities, hold where we are and to make key investments and key gains in chambers we can flip in 2016, 2018 and 2020,” DLCC executive director Michael Sargeant said in a call with reporters
I know what I believe and I know what they believe, and it isn't what you believe.

What do progressives believe?
A very good question, and exactly what you need to find out. I'll start you off: Progressive Democrats of America

It doesn't matter what progressives believe, that is off track from the point of this thread. Progressives are lying, decietful assholes.
They are? How would you know, since you don't know what they believe?

Read the OP moron.
I did, that's why I know you're an idiot.
The progressive democrats crashing the housing and banking industries, throwing millions of mortgages underwater, was no accident. It was purposeful and deliberate. We have video.
This post pretty much encapsulates extreme right wing 'thought'. Deny, reframe history, double down. If you had a brain, your head would explode from the forces of cognitive dissonance.

That is exactly what Barney Frank and the Dems did when the evidence was right in front of him with Freddie Macs illegal trade dealings.
It was the Dems on the Housing and Banking committee that blocked any reform that Bush asked for 17 times.
Whose policies led to the credit crisis Hot Air
TheNew York Timesreported this five years ago:
The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.
Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.
The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.
The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt — is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.
This should have been a no-brainer, right? With hindsight, we can see that the Bush administration had accurately diagnosed the problem in the lending market and had a plan to address it. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reluctantly supported the plan. However, Democrats objected

Dems are the biggest Liars and spinners especially the progressives and the people who vote for them need to wake up an understand this.
The Republican voters are trying to get rid of the progressives in their party.
Democrat voters need to do the same thing with their progressives in their party.
Progressive ideology is what is harming our great nation.
Oh, the old Freddy Mac thing again huh. Maybe you can tell me why other countries that didn't have anything to do with Freddy Mac had a similar housing implosion.

The lending market deals in all of the worlds stock markets.
Had they done what Bush wanted they would have found the illegal stock market trading that was going on world wide and something could have been corrected.
The progressive democrats crashing the housing and banking industries, throwing millions of mortgages underwater, was no accident. It was purposeful and deliberate. We have video.
This post pretty much encapsulates extreme right wing 'thought'. Deny, reframe history, double down. If you had a brain, your head would explode from the forces of cognitive dissonance.

That is exactly what Barney Frank and the Dems did when the evidence was right in front of him with Freddie Macs illegal trade dealings.
It was the Dems on the Housing and Banking committee that blocked any reform that Bush asked for 17 times.
Whose policies led to the credit crisis Hot Air
TheNew York Timesreported this five years ago:
The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.
Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.
The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.
The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt — is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.
This should have been a no-brainer, right? With hindsight, we can see that the Bush administration had accurately diagnosed the problem in the lending market and had a plan to address it. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reluctantly supported the plan. However, Democrats objected

Dems are the biggest Liars and spinners especially the progressives and the people who vote for them need to wake up an understand this.
The Republican voters are trying to get rid of the progressives in their party.
Democrat voters need to do the same thing with their progressives in their party.
Progressive ideology is what is harming our great nation.
Oh, the old Freddy Mac thing again huh. Maybe you can tell me why other countries that didn't have anything to do with Freddy Mac had a similar housing implosion.

Why is it that we have to always educate you left wing morons?

Our economy affects the worlds economy. Duh.

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