Reasons for Homeschooling.

A free public school education is what made this country great

An abundance of natural resources and very few restrictions upon their development was what made the USA great.

With the exception of military academies, Intellectual Resources have never been developed through a centralized authority.

America would be a bunch of dirt farmers without an educated workforce. In terms of centralized authority, most schools in the world function from a centralized authority and perform much better than the US with it's hodge podge of independent school districts

Most countries in the world are nothing like the USA.

However, there is ONLY ONE STATE that has a centralized school system.



Huffpo ranks it 37th in the nation "below average"
An abundance of natural resources and very few restrictions upon their development was what made the USA great.

With the exception of military academies, Intellectual Resources have never been developed through a centralized authority.

America would be a bunch of dirt farmers without an educated workforce. In terms of centralized authority, most schools in the world function from a centralized authority and perform much better than the US with it's hodge podge of independent school districts

Most countries in the world are nothing like the USA.

However, there is ONLY ONE STATE that has a centralized school system.



Huffpo ranks it 37th in the nation "below average"

Sample of scientific
Yeah, you keep believing that..........:lol::lol::lol::lol:

A free public school education is what made this country great
That was before the greedy, corrupt unions got their grubby hands in the system....And that is one of the reasons why our public school system is helping to make this country not so great.

Actually, guys...I'm gonna have to disagree.

Not the teachers or their unions.....the educrats who run the system.

Give teachers a meaningful curriculum and they'd do the right things.....and kids would respond to them.

Instead, indoctrination is the goal.

1. "The multicultural project and the National History Standards were major ideological assaults on our nation’s mission. Besides an emphasis on group consciousness over individual citizenship, and on ethnic subcultures over national identity, the standards described the Cold War in terms of moral equivalence (e.g., the “sword play of the US and the USSR”) and actually reversed our history (“Americans believed in the perfectibility of man”).

They rejected, and indoctrinated our children in beliefs inimical to the design of our nation. Where was the belief and emphasis on equality of individual citizenship, strong American identity, anticommunism, and they faith of the Fathers of our Nation?

2. Substituted was the progressive utopianism of the Soviet-leaning Vice-President Henry Wallace. No wonder sentient Liberals such as Arthur Schlesinger, jr. launched vigorous attacks on multiculturalism in his book “The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society.”
Fonte, “Sovereignty of Submission,” p.79

3. Guess who was a stand-out favorite in the Soviet Union?

John Dewey was a Potemkin Progressive. And this man is the greatest single influence on American schoolchildren; his books have been used to train generations of teachers. Even while the Russian civil war was still going on (some seven million killed between 1917 and 1921), Dewey’s books were translated into Russian by the Bolsheviks: they immediately recognized the importance of his ideas to the Soviet collective communist state.
a. 1918, “School’s of Tomorrow,” published in Russian.
b. 1919, “How We Think,” published in Russian.
c. 1920, “The School and Society,” published in Russian.
d. 1921, “Democracy and Education,” published in Russian. The English version, of course, became a bible at Columbia Teacher’s College.
Hmm; have responsible, often very educated, caring wise parents teach real world concepts and applications or have drones, who do not have to care indoctrinate children. That's any easy choice for the communist left.
Don't homeschool kids turn into serial killers?


That is one if the side effects.

There was an anti depressant advertised on American television where one of the side effects was 'sudden death'.

Quit being such a baby.

Obviously, its mother realized it was not normal. Of course, evidence indicates its mother was also lacking. That does not mean that all parents that choose home-schooling over public school indoctrination are wrong.
Of all the reasons, I think this is the most important =

7. Our family spends our best hours of each day together. We were giving away our kids during their best hours, when they were rested and happy, and getting them back when they were tired, grumpy and hungry... Now, our kids have happy time together each day. At recess time, the kids are actually excited about playing with each other!


Sounds good but doesn't reflect our current economy. Families are struggling to stay above water. They need two incomes and a mother can't afford to stay home and teach children for twenty years

Frankly, many parents are just plain stupid. There is no educational requirement for procreating.

Ignoring the fact that most liberal parents are too stoopid to teach their spawn anything but the standard regurgitated party talking points.
A free public school education is what made this country great

An abundance of natural resources and very few restrictions upon their development was what made the USA great.

With the exception of military academies, Intellectual Resources have never been developed through a centralized authority.

America would be a bunch of dirt farmers without an educated workforce. In terms of centralized authority, most schools in the world function from a centralized authority and perform much better than the US with it's hodge podge of independent school districts

Hey, asswipe..dirtfarmers are who feed this f**kin' nation.
Don't homeschool kids turn into serial killers?

Two points dick weed. And I say that, meaning the full force of the insult because I know you're trolling and making fallacious arguments intentionally.

1. How many serial killers went to public school?
2. He's not a serial killer. He's a spree killer.
An abundance of natural resources and very few restrictions upon their development was what made the USA great.

With the exception of military academies, Intellectual Resources have never been developed through a centralized authority.

America would be a bunch of dirt farmers without an educated workforce. In terms of centralized authority, most schools in the world function from a centralized authority and perform much better than the US with it's hodge podge of independent school districts

Hey, asswipe..dirtfarmers are who feed this f**kin' nation.

No they are not

It is the corporate farmers that feed the nation
Of all the reasons, I think this is the most important =


Sounds good but doesn't reflect our current economy. Families are struggling to stay above water. They need two incomes and a mother can't afford to stay home and teach children for twenty years

Frankly, many parents are just plain stupid. There is no educational requirement for procreating.

Ignoring the fact that most liberal parents are too stoopid to teach their spawn anything but the standard regurgitated party talking points.

Good point and a reason for much of our homeschooling. Not giving your child a superior education but making sure your child is not subjected to a view you don't agree with. Want your child to be a creationist? Can't cloud his mind with that evolution bullshit. Want 80% of your childs day to be used for bible study? Homeschooling is made for you. Don't want your kid to go to school with blacks? Better Homeschool
Sounds good but doesn't reflect our current economy. Families are struggling to stay above water. They need two incomes and a mother can't afford to stay home and teach children for twenty years

Frankly, many parents are just plain stupid. There is no educational requirement for procreating.

Ignoring the fact that most liberal parents are too stoopid to teach their spawn anything but the standard regurgitated party talking points.

Good point and a reason for much of our homeschooling. Not giving your child a superior education but making sure your child is not subjected to a view you don't agree with. Want your child to be a creationist? Can't cloud his mind with that evolution bullshit. Want 80% of your childs day to be used for bible study? Homeschooling is made for you. Don't want your kid to go to school with blacks? Better Homeschool

You're a joke. Keep your Reductio ad absurdum to yourself.
Ignoring the fact that most liberal parents are too stoopid to teach their spawn anything but the standard regurgitated party talking points.

Good point and a reason for much of our homeschooling. Not giving your child a superior education but making sure your child is not subjected to a view you don't agree with. Want your child to be a creationist? Can't cloud his mind with that evolution bullshit. Want 80% of your childs day to be used for bible study? Homeschooling is made for you. Don't want your kid to go to school with blacks? Better Homeschool

You're a joke. Keep your Reductio ad absurdum to yourself.

Lets be honest with ourselves shall we?

Most parents don't homeschool because they can do a better job teaching Calculus. They are afraid that Junior might have to read a book they don't agree with, they want Junior to spend his day reading the Bible and god forbid, they don't want Junior to go to that school down the street that is 60% black and hispanic
Good point and a reason for much of our homeschooling. Not giving your child a superior education but making sure your child is not subjected to a view you don't agree with. Want your child to be a creationist? Can't cloud his mind with that evolution bullshit. Want 80% of your childs day to be used for bible study? Homeschooling is made for you. Don't want your kid to go to school with blacks? Better Homeschool

You're a joke. Keep your Reductio ad absurdum to yourself.

Lets be honest with ourselves shall we?

Most parents don't homeschool because they can do a better job teaching Calculus. They are afraid that Junior might have to read a book they don't agree with, they want Junior to spend his day reading the Bible and god forbid, they don't want Junior to go to that school down the street that is 60% black and hispanic

"...Not giving your child a superior education..."

Gee, you know how I hate to keep proving you to be incorrect....but:

Standardized test results for 16,000 home educated children, grades K-12, were analyzed in 1994 by researcher Dr. Brian Ray. He found the nationwide grand mean in reading for homeschoolers was at the 79th percentile; for language and math, the 73rd percentile. This ranking means home-educated students performed better than approximately 77% of the sample population on whom the test was normed. Nearly 80% of homeschooled children achieved individual scores above the national average and 54.7% of the 16,000 homeschoolers achieved individual scores in the top quarter of the population, more than double the number of conventional school students who score in the top quarter.

A Harvard University (MA) admissions officer said most of their home-educated students "have done very well. They usually are very motivated in what they do." Results of the SAT and SAT II, an essay, an interview, and a letter of recommendation are the main requirements for home-educated applicants. "[Transcripts are] irrelevant because a transcript is basically a comparison to other students in the school."
HSLDA | Homeschooled Students Excel in College

Recent statistics from The College Board and the American College Testing Program (ACT) indicate that home schoolers are exceeding the national average test scores on both the SAT and the ACT college entrance exams. In 1999, the 2219 students who identified themselves as home schooled students on the SAT test, scored an average of 1083 (verbal 548, math 535), 67 points above the national average of 1016. A perfect SAT score is 1600. Also in 1999, 3616 home school students taking the ACT scored an average of 22.7, compared to the national average of 21, a perfect score being 36.
College-bound Home Schoolers Make Headlines (HSLDA | National Center News)

The facts will certainly change your perspective.....

...won't they?
FWIW a homeschooled Mainer will be representing the state in the NATIONAL run-ups for US SPELLING champion.
You're a joke. Keep your Reductio ad absurdum to yourself.

Lets be honest with ourselves shall we?

Most parents don't homeschool because they can do a better job teaching Calculus. They are afraid that Junior might have to read a book they don't agree with, they want Junior to spend his day reading the Bible and god forbid, they don't want Junior to go to that school down the street that is 60% black and hispanic

"...Not giving your child a superior education..."

Gee, you know how I hate to keep proving you to be incorrect....but:

Standardized test results for 16,000 home educated children, grades K-12, were analyzed in 1994 by researcher Dr. Brian Ray. He found the nationwide grand mean in reading for homeschoolers was at the 79th percentile; for language and math, the 73rd percentile. This ranking means home-educated students performed better than approximately 77% of the sample population on whom the test was normed. Nearly 80% of homeschooled children achieved individual scores above the national average and 54.7% of the 16,000 homeschoolers achieved individual scores in the top quarter of the population, more than double the number of conventional school students who score in the top quarter.

A Harvard University (MA) admissions officer said most of their home-educated students "have done very well. They usually are very motivated in what they do." Results of the SAT and SAT II, an essay, an interview, and a letter of recommendation are the main requirements for home-educated applicants. "[Transcripts are] irrelevant because a transcript is basically a comparison to other students in the school."
HSLDA | Homeschooled Students Excel in College

Recent statistics from The College Board and the American College Testing Program (ACT) indicate that home schoolers are exceeding the national average test scores on both the SAT and the ACT college entrance exams. In 1999, the 2219 students who identified themselves as home schooled students on the SAT test, scored an average of 1083 (verbal 548, math 535), 67 points above the national average of 1016. A perfect SAT score is 1600. Also in 1999, 3616 home school students taking the ACT scored an average of 22.7, compared to the national average of 21, a perfect score being 36.
College-bound Home Schoolers Make Headlines (HSLDA | National Center News)

The facts will certainly change your perspective.....

...won't they?

The key with looking at statistics is not what they tell you but what they do not tell you. All of these Homeschool studies make the same basic mistake. Namely, assuming that the population of homeschool kids is the same as the population of public school kids. They are not

So the question to be asked is not "Do homeschool kids do better than public school kids?" but "Do Homeschool kids perform better than they would have in public school?"

I stick by my assertion as to the motivations behind home schooling. Restricting contradictory teachings, religion and protecting your child from an "element" that you don't want them exposed to
Even if your child goes to public school, any good parent still partially homeschools their child. Sometimes by correcting things they learn from the public school system. Or most of the time filling the gap of inadequate teaching.
Even if your child goes to public school, any good parent still partially homeschools their child. Sometimes by correcting things they learn from the public school system. Or most of the time filling the gap of inadequate teaching.

My daughter spends a lot of time both correcting and supplementing what her daughters are taught in public schools. She likes the school her girls attend now, though. Posted at the entry to the school is a notice that the school is "T.E.A. Party Approved". While the curriculum still contains way too much liberal bullshit, they do manage to teach the children to read, write, and cipher. I think they will miss Texas when they move later this year.

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