Reasons why liberals can't understand the real world

I asked you honest questions, Dullard. If these philosophical questions regarding liberalism are too scholarly for you, there are plenty of troll threads to fap too.

I answered them, chief. They weren't particularly interesting....and they weren't YOURS. you claim to want liberals to explain themselves to you. Why so shy when it comes to coming up with questions?
The War on Poverty has been a failure? How do you figure?

We have the richest poor in the world what with all their fancy schmancy indoor plumbing and electricity and what not.
I asked you honest questions, Dullard. If these philosophical questions regarding liberalism are too scholarly for you, there are plenty of troll threads to fap too.

Bad enough that this is little more than a flame thread that shouldn't be in the Politics forum to begin with but when someone tries to conflate their name calling with a claim to being "scholarly" then it descends into the absurd!

As far as individual liberty and autonomy of the individual, would you then say the ACA, as one example, is liberty and autonomy to the individual?

Here is one I noticed you were trolling to quickly to bother to answer. Is it that difficult to answer a question? Of course it is.

The ACA is a law that promotes personal responsibility. People are free to purchase insurance or not. If not....they will pay for their own health care via fines. We don't allow people to be denied care when sick or injured. That isn't a recipe for a healthy nation. So.....this is how we have chosen to pay for it.

What's the problem. Private companies selling health insurance to private citizens.....and the care provided by private medical businesses.
The whole point of your article is to point out "Liberals emphasize feeling superior" about themselves. But, isn't that exactly what conservatives are doing by posting this article. Put another way you are saying conservatives are superior to liberials because liberals feel superior about themselves. If you wish to condemn those who feel superior about themselves take plenty of time to condemn yourself.

On side merits a feeling of superiority, the other should be ashamed.

A rational person can differentiate between the two. Someone who is either a bed wetting leftist malcontent, or a mindless "centrist" fence sitter may have difficulty making the choice.

Of course that's my biased opinion.

Your statement that "On (sp) side merits a feeling of superiority .... " is pretty much as biased as you can get. If you feel conservatives are superior at taking food out of the mouths of the poor, treating women as second class citizens, trying to take the vote away from other Americans, ignoring veterans, and trying to stop millions from receiving healthcare than you are 100% correct with your baised opinion. Conservatives ARE superior in the above mentioned areas. IT IS NOTHING TO BRAG OR BE PROUD ABOUT.

Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can brag about or be proud of?

Eat my shit bed wetter.

First of all your premise is utter bullshit, but then again, you're a bed wetter. You entire philosophical foundation is a heap of soft steaming bullshit.

Conservatives have nothing to do with the stupid shit you just regurgitated off some pinko blog you get your "arguements" from.

Conservative policies enable individuals. Promote independence and self reliance. They create prosperous people.

Fuckheaded libtard "progressive" bullshit leads to bread lines, shortages of common goods, gulags, poverty, illiteracy and disease. From the nightmarish hell holes of the USSR to the current Orwellian clusterfuck that is North Korea the record for you prog tools is nothing to brag about.

I asked you honest questions, Dullard. If these philosophical questions regarding liberalism are too scholarly for you, there are plenty of troll threads to fap too.

Bad enough that this is little more than a flame thread that shouldn't be in the Politics forum to begin with but when someone tries to conflate their name calling with a claim to being "scholarly" then it descends into the absurd!


It's a confused republican flame thread. Calling out modern day "liberals" that do not fit the description. THAT was my point.
As far as individual liberty and autonomy of the individual, would you then say the ACA, as one example, is liberty and autonomy to the individual?

Here is one I noticed you were trolling to quickly to bother to answer. Is it that difficult to answer a question? Of course it is.

The ACA is a law that promotes personal responsibility. People are free to purchase insurance or not. If not....they will pay for their own health care via fines. We don't allow people to be denied care when sick or injured. That isn't a recipe for a healthy nation. So.....this is how we have chosen to pay for it.

What's the problem. Private companies selling health insurance to private citizens.....and the care provided by private medical businesses.

So, it's not liberty or autonomy. A great dodge, 10 points.

the problem is that it is a FORCED purchase of PAY anyway. it's called coercion and force of authority. The exact opposite of autonomy and liberty.
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I've always said liberalism is a war against the obvious.

This article nails it right down to the ground.

3) Liberals emphasize feeling superior, not superior results. Liberalism is all about appearances, not outcomes. What matters to liberals is how a program makes them FEEL about themselves, not whether it works or not. Thus a program like Headstart, which sounds good because it's designed to help children read, makes liberals feel good about themselves, even though the program doesn't work and wastes billions. A ban on DDT makes liberals feel good about themselves because they're "protecting the environment" even though millions of people have died as a result. For liberals, it's not what a program does in the real world; it's about whether they feel better about themselves for supporting it.

7 Reasons Why Liberals Are Incapable of Understanding The World - John Hawkins - Page full

That's why when you argue with liberals about the failure of the War on Poverty, the Failure of Headstart, the Failure of Obamacare (for pity sake), liberals won't address the actual FACTS about the failure.

Instead they will attack you for being against the "good intentions" of those laws and initiatives. Nor will they address the damage that's been done to the family. Nope they won't talk about any of that. Instead they will banter about the good intentions and try to change the subject to why YOU are against those good intentions.

It's never about the actual results. Nope it's about them feeling "morally" superior to you regardless of whether it helps a single solitary person.

Blogs are boring.
You think blogs are facts.
Blogs are not facts.
Therefore you are boring.

See! Liberals are also very logical.

Here is one I noticed you were trolling to quickly to bother to answer. Is it that difficult to answer a question? Of course it is.

The ACA is a law that promotes personal responsibility. People are free to purchase insurance or not. If not....they will pay for their own health care via fines. We don't allow people to be denied care when sick or injured. That isn't a recipe for a healthy nation. So.....this is how we have chosen to pay for it.

What's the problem. Private companies selling health insurance to private citizens.....and the care provided by private medical businesses.

So, it's not liberty or autonomy. A great dodge, 10 points.

the problem is that it is a FORCED purchase of PAY anyway. it's called coercion and force of authority. The exact opposite of autonomy and liberty.

You want to be free not to buy insurance? Is that what autonomy and liberty means to you?
Of course I am a proponent of all of those things and more. I also think that anyone who is a proponent of conscription into government schemes does not believe in the autonomy and freedom of the individual.

See social security, ACA and dozens of other government schemes as examples.

Sounds like you lack a few important details in liberalism. SO I rest my case.

Ok. Then let's take your responses.

Do you believe in individual freedom and the autonomy of the individual? You are opposed to any form of restriction on abortions. You oppose any restrictions upon drug use. You oppose any type of zoning restrictions. I should be able to drive drunk so long as I don't actually hit anyone. The list can go on, but let's start there.

Do you believe in a gold standard, self regulating markets and no barriers (free) to competition? You are in favor of monopolies. I should be able to package rat feces and sell it as a headache remedy.

Do you believe in the inherent good of human kind, the protection of civil/political liberties? I would ask you to define "inherent good" and "civil/political liberties" but I don't think we need another argument on that.

Holy shit.

1. Yes, I am opposed to those things. The individual, as long as the decisions do not infringe upon someone else, should be free to chose what they want to do. Abortion is a doctor/patient issue, not a State issue. Drug use is a personal decision, not a State decision. The list is endless.

2. Competition without barrier does not equal monopoly. Quite the opposite. Monopolies are the result of government interference and favoritism. :badgrin:
Selling rat shit as a headache remedy? You actual think people are stupid, then. So you do not believe in humanity as good. You think the opposite of that by suggesting that people would sell rat shit and that people would buy it. Thanks for clearing up that point at which you're not liberal at all.


Now I had to laugh my ass off at that!

I've always said liberalism is a war against the obvious.

This article nails it right down to the ground.

3) Liberals emphasize feeling superior, not superior results. Liberalism is all about appearances, not outcomes. What matters to liberals is how a program makes them FEEL about themselves, not whether it works or not. Thus a program like Headstart, which sounds good because it's designed to help children read, makes liberals feel good about themselves, even though the program doesn't work and wastes billions. A ban on DDT makes liberals feel good about themselves because they're "protecting the environment" even though millions of people have died as a result. For liberals, it's not what a program does in the real world; it's about whether they feel better about themselves for supporting it.

7 Reasons Why Liberals Are Incapable of Understanding The World - John Hawkins - Page full

That's why when you argue with liberals about the failure of the War on Poverty, the Failure of Headstart, the Failure of Obamacare (for pity sake), liberals won't address the actual FACTS about the failure.

Instead they will attack you for being against the "good intentions" of those laws and initiatives. Nor will they address the damage that's been done to the family. Nope they won't talk about any of that. Instead they will banter about the good intentions and try to change the subject to why YOU are against those good intentions.

It's never about the actual results. Nope it's about them feeling "morally" superior to you regardless of whether it helps a single solitary person.

And you're saying that Liberals are the ones who can't face reality?

Let's take a walk down memory lane...shall we?

yes.,'s the polls' fault except when you post one in your favor.


Yeah, this has been the common tactic with you libs when faced with reality. Every lib I've encountered has responsed the same.

"The polls are only accurate when they tell you what you want to hear."

But what that ignores is the obvious. YOU only believe the skewed polls because they tell you what you want to hear.


The polls you want to believe, ARE SKEWED.

Do you libs honestly believe 10% more Democrats are going to vote than Republicans, in the face of how the 2010 Midterms came out?

That's just believing in fairytales, I'm sorry. It is.

But, don't believe me. On November 7, the day after election, I'll most likely be telling you, I TOLD YOU SO!


I'm tell you libs. You are being led down the primrose path.

More and more it's becoming obvious the numbers in the polls just don't add up to reality.


These polls are all over the place and most of them are demonstrably oversampled.

If they have to do that to show Obama ahead, what's it really going to be like on election day.

We shall see.

November is coming!


Oh yeah...Liberals are the ones who can't deal with reality. When you were bitchslapped by reality, you even welched on the bet and didn't follow through.

How not-shocking.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I had forgotten how pathetic you are.
I asked you honest questions, Dullard. If these philosophical questions regarding liberalism are too scholarly for you, there are plenty of troll threads to fap too.

Bad enough that this is little more than a flame thread that shouldn't be in the Politics forum to begin with but when someone tries to conflate their name calling with a claim to being "scholarly" then it descends into the absurd!


It's a confused republican flame thread. Calling out modern day "liberals" that do not fit the description. THAT was my point.

So we both agree that this is a flame thread that doesn't belong in the Politics forum, right?
Hilarious bs from the new bs GOP and the bs propaganda alternate universe the dupes call reality. The world's laughingstock and horror...
Right. You do not subscribe to liberalism. OK, then.

As far as individual liberty and autonomy of the individual, would you then say the ACA, as one example, is liberty and autonomy to the individual?

No. But while I am primarily a libertarian I am not rabid about it. There are some issues which are clearly better handled through the government. Health care is one of them. The problem with ACA is that it is a bastardization, incorporating the worst parts of both systems. However, when compared to our putting 1% of our population in prisons, primarily for drugs, the ACA is way down on the list when it comes to encroaching on liberty and autonomy.
The War on Poverty has been a failure? How do you figure?

We have the richest poor in the world what with all their fancy schmancy indoor plumbing and electricity and what not.

It was a failure. It was intended to bring people out of poverty and it failed to do that. In fact, it hampered it.
The War on Poverty has been a failure? How do you figure?

We have the richest poor in the world what with all their fancy schmancy indoor plumbing and electricity and what not.

That's actually funny to see coming from a libtard.

Not only is he (sorta) correct, our "poor" people are lard asses.

Where he's wrong is that the "War on Poverty" was sold as a program to END poverty.

Of course all the feel good emotional bullshit clouded people's vision and they forgot that if you subsidize something, you end up with more of it.

You don't end poverty by making it easier to be poor.

You give people an incentive and a hand up, but they have to be aware that eventually the free ride stops.

Everytime a republicrat suggests ending the ride, the moonbat mantra is "republicant's are starving kids".

Democrook libtards are empowered by the dependency class. Freeing the dependency class from that oppression would mean the bed wetters would have to become productive.

The War on Poverty has been a failure? How do you figure?

We have the richest poor in the world what with all their fancy schmancy indoor plumbing and electricity and what not.

It was a failure. It was intended to bring people out of poverty and it failed to do that. In fact, it hampered it.

You're not a liberal if you're cognizant of that fact.

For that matter if you're cognizant of facts at all that makes being a liberal nearly impossible.

Right. You do not subscribe to liberalism. OK, then.

As far as individual liberty and autonomy of the individual, would you then say the ACA, as one example, is liberty and autonomy to the individual?

No. But while I am primarily a libertarian I am not rabid about it. There are some issues which are clearly better handled through the government. Health care is one of them. The problem with ACA is that it is a bastardization, incorporating the worst parts of both systems. However, when compared to our putting 1% of our population in prisons, primarily for drugs, the ACA is way down on the list when it comes to encroaching on liberty and autonomy.

I could tolerate tax payer funded clinics and charity based medical services, coupled with a free enterprise system.

Getting bureaucrooks and government drones into the system stagnates things. The ACA is a giant goat fuck, and it was designed to be.


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