Reasons Why We Should Welcome Syrian Refugees


6. America should demonstrate moral courage: During World War II, the U.S. turned away Jews due to security concerns. We sent shiploads back to the camps because we were scared that Nazi spies could hide in their midst (which was not an entirely unfounded concern). The lesson of the Holocaust, as I noted here, is that we must deal with threats without rejecting our ethical obligations. We must not send those fleeing persecution back to their persecutors. The definition of moral courage is to resist allowing fear to overwhelm our humanity.

I wouldn't support sending REAL refugees back to be slaughtered, but from a lot of the pictures I've seen there is an abundance of men that either should be resisting and fighting for their homeland or they're jihadists blending into the crowd.

Either way these people do not belong here, and even if just %0.1 are jihadists we are talking about hundreds of people seeking entry into the US.

That is an unacceptable risk.

Set up refugee camps and guard them against being murdered, but do not allow them across the ocean.

Nazi spies may have been a problem, but they weren't likely to blow themselves up in a mall. That was a poor reason to allow jews to get put back in the camps, I agree with that.

(Laughing) Good job, LL.

Lots of misinformation about the refugees. A client of mine has been in Greece for several months working as a volunteer helping the refugees get to shore and then onward from Kos. One of his articles was posted on HuffPost. I'd post a link to it but I don't want the haters here to attack him. He has told me that 60% of the refugees are Syrians who have lost their homes and jobs due to the 4-year-long civil war. This notion that radicals are sending over young men is distorted information. Families are sending their sons first to see if, 1) They can actually make it safely to Europe and 2) Get all the way to Germany and safety before they pack up their entire families and risk everyone, including small children.

It's sad to see so many people turn their back on people who have lost everything to a real dictator, Bashar al-Assad. Instead they spin and spin on stupid stories from Fox about Obama taking their guns away and putting them in FEMA camps. Idiots.
I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?

Stalin was the enemy of our enemy and he was not our friend.

Excellent contribution. Of great value, as always.

And as always you have nothing real to say in return.

Naturally. Who would dare engage you in a battle of wits? You are a known winner here. I'm intimidated.
Well... he did shoot your fallacy down. I could name a few more, too. But why waste my time?

Oh!I know! He absolutely demolished my entire premise by focusing on a single sentence and using a grossly unrelated example to stake his argument upon.

And you've done the same thing! You are awesome.
I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?

Stalin was the enemy of our enemy and he was not our friend.

Excellent contribution. Of great value, as always.

And as always you have nothing real to say in return.

Naturally. Who would dare engage you in a battle of wits? You are a known winner here. I'm intimidated.

And nothing again. Are there not liberal only boards where you could go, since you are not interested in any disagreement?

I would never think of debating you. You are THE masterbater here. Everyone knows it. You are a man of great integrity and sound reasoning. An awesome person in all ways.
LL, I have no problem with true refugees entering the US. Thing is, there is no vetting program in place to confirm these folks are not terrorists. In fact, Obama seems determined to avoid any type of vetting. There in lies the problem. Surely you can see the importance of proving a refugee is who he says he is and has no terrorist affiliation or violent past.

Misinformation. All of it.
I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?
You do not have your Nazi history correct. The Jews aboard the St. Louis were not denied entry because of the fear Nazi's were among them. You merely made that up.

As such, everything else you posted is usual.

Why post here when everyone knows you post nothing but partisan foolishness?

Another awesome contribution. Kudos!
Stalin was the enemy of our enemy and he was not our friend.

Excellent contribution. Of great value, as always.

And as always you have nothing real to say in return.

Naturally. Who would dare engage you in a battle of wits? You are a known winner here. I'm intimidated.
Well... he did shoot your fallacy down. I could name a few more, too. But why waste my time?

Oh!I know! He absolutely demolished my entire premise by focusing on a single sentence and using a grossly unrelated example to stake his argument upon.

And you've done the same thing! You are awesome.
You said the fallacy, dumbass. And you wont try and refute it. Kinda quaint in a rather pathetic kind of way.
You do not have your Nazi history correct. The Jews aboard the St. Louis were not denied entry because of the fear Nazi's were among them. You merely made that up.

As such, everything else you posted is usual.

Why post here when everyone knows you post nothing but partisan foolishness?

LoneLooney posted historical bullshit? No fuckin way....

Today was the first I've heard of the "Nazi spy fear", regarding FDR's decision to send jews back to the ovens. If there's any truth to it I'd like to see the proof.

I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?
You do not have your Nazi history correct. The Jews aboard the St. Louis were not denied entry because of the fear Nazi's were among them. You merely made that up.

As such, everything else you posted is usual.

Why post here when everyone knows you post nothing but partisan foolishness?

Another awesome contribution. Kudos!
Another person calling you out on your bullshit and you cant refute it but resort to your usual bullshit. Pathetic.
Are you right or wrong asshole?
I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?
You do not have your Nazi history correct. The Jews aboard the St. Louis were not denied entry because of the fear Nazi's were among them. You merely made that up.

As such, everything else you posted is usual.

Why post here when everyone knows you post nothing but partisan foolishness?

Why were they denied, then? I love these half-assed posts from whole asses.
So how many far left drones want to take these refugees into their homes?

Just like how many of you far left drones want to house the Gitmo visitors?
LL, I have no problem with true refugees entering the US. Thing is, there is no vetting program in place to confirm these folks are not terrorists. In fact, Obama seems determined to avoid any type of vetting. There in lies the problem. Surely you can see the importance of proving a refugee is who he says he is and has no terrorist affiliation or violent past.

Misinformation. All of it.

Really? Then you will be providing a copy of Obama's vetting system and verification that no refugees could possibly be terrorists. Awesome! I await your post.
Stalin was the enemy of our enemy and he was not our friend.

Excellent contribution. Of great value, as always.

And as always you have nothing real to say in return.

Naturally. Who would dare engage you in a battle of wits? You are a known winner here. I'm intimidated.

And nothing again. Are there not liberal only boards where you could go, since you are not interested in any disagreement?

I would never think of debating you. You are THE masterbater here. Everyone knows it. You are a man of great integrity and sound reasoning. An awesome person in all ways.

I haven't seen you engaging anyone who is to the Right of Che Guevara in anything other that trolling behavior.

So, maybe the problem isn't me...
Excellent contribution. Of great value, as always.

And as always you have nothing real to say in return.

Naturally. Who would dare engage you in a battle of wits? You are a known winner here. I'm intimidated.
Well... he did shoot your fallacy down. I could name a few more, too. But why waste my time?

Oh!I know! He absolutely demolished my entire premise by focusing on a single sentence and using a grossly unrelated example to stake his argument upon.

And you've done the same thing! You are awesome.
You said the fallacy, dumbass. And you wont try and refute it. Kinda quaint in a rather pathetic kind of way.

I said nothing. Do you see the question mark? I posed a query. Is it not sometimes true that the enemy of our enemy is our friend?
LL, I have no problem with true refugees entering the US. Thing is, there is no vetting program in place to confirm these folks are not terrorists. In fact, Obama seems determined to avoid any type of vetting. There in lies the problem. Surely you can see the importance of proving a refugee is who he says he is and has no terrorist affiliation or violent past.

Misinformation. All of it.

Really? Then you will be providing a copy of Obama's vetting system and verification that no refugees could possibly be terrorists. Awesome! I await your post.

Stop listening to liars. Thanks.
I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?
You do not have your Nazi history correct. The Jews aboard the St. Louis were not denied entry because of the fear Nazi's were among them. You merely made that up.

As such, everything else you posted is usual.

Why post here when everyone knows you post nothing but partisan foolishness?

Another awesome contribution. Kudos!
Oh please stop with your foolishness. Partisan fools like you are responsible for much of the problems in our nation.

The St. Louis was denied entry not because Nazi's were among them dummy, but due to concerns about immigration during the Great Depression and the people wanted immigration halted for a time. Unlike today, politicians then did consider the will of the American people when making decisions.
I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?
You do not have your Nazi history correct. The Jews aboard the St. Louis were not denied entry because of the fear Nazi's were among them. You merely made that up.

As such, everything else you posted is usual.

Why post here when everyone knows you post nothing but partisan foolishness?

Teacher Resources

The United States Department of State

The Department of State was the U.S. government agency most directly responsible for dealing with the refugees seeking to escape Nazi persecution. It had the power to grant visas, formulate refugee policy, and deal with foreign governments and international agencies.

Between 1933 and 1941, as increasing numbers of Jews sought refuge outside of Nazi Germany, American consuls added severe restrictions to the already stringent U.S. visa regulations. With these restrictions, and in its opposition to increasing the number of refugees allowed into the United States under the quota system, the State Department reflected the prevalent public opinion on immigration restrictions.

Throughout the 1930s and 1940s, the U.S. State Department interpreted existing immigration regulations and visa requirements in a highly restrictive manner. Fearing an infiltration of spies and saboteurs among the refugees, and wishing to protect the United States from people they perceived as ethnically and politically undesirable, officials in the State Department raised the barrier to refugees from Europe at precisely the time that they were desperately seeking a safe haven. By the time the United States had entered World War II in December 1941, the State Department had implemented new procedures that identified refugees in German-occupied countries as "enemy aliens" and required them to undergo a new, more extreme examination before being granted a visa. Refugees with "close relatives" living in German-occupied territory were denied entry to the U.S., ostensibly out of fear that they could be blackmailed into working as agents for Germany. By 1941 these policies had effectively prevented most refugees from immigrating to the United States.
Interesting that the geniuses at Niskanen apparently lost touch with the English language. Not one of the "six reasons" explained why Syrian refugees should be "welcomed" in the U.S. The six reasons were about why they shouldn't be turned away. There is a big difference. Even a sub standard "intelligence" analyst would admit that the vetting process doesn't work unless there is a record of arrest or investigation. In the case of a Syrian jihadist disguised as a refugee it's unlikely there would be a record on him until he murdered some poor citizen.
And as always you have nothing real to say in return.

Naturally. Who would dare engage you in a battle of wits? You are a known winner here. I'm intimidated.
Well... he did shoot your fallacy down. I could name a few more, too. But why waste my time?

Oh!I know! He absolutely demolished my entire premise by focusing on a single sentence and using a grossly unrelated example to stake his argument upon.

And you've done the same thing! You are awesome.
You said the fallacy, dumbass. And you wont try and refute it. Kinda quaint in a rather pathetic kind of way.

I said nothing. Do you see the question mark? I posed a query. Is it not sometimes true that the enemy of our enemy is our friend?
Do you want to consider history or rhetoric?

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