Reckless Democrats Just Ruined US-International Relations

Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?
If Trump is Putins puppet, as you guys have been claiming since the election, how do you explain Trump imposing sanctions on him? Oh, and i assume now is about the time when Putin should be releasing all the shit theyve been blackmailing Trump with, you know, like piss videos and shit. Should we expect to see all that come out today?

Trump signed off on the sanctions but still whined about it. He had to sign it because the congress voted on it and he would look guilty otherwise.

Don't pretend Agent Orange was keen on singing off on those sanctions.
So now Putin is going to release all the shit he was blackmailing him with, right?

Funny thing about how blackmail works.

You can only use the blackmail material once. And then its useless.

Not that I necessarily believe Putin has anything to blackmail Trump with- but Putin not going through with it now- doesn't prove it doesn't exist- because Putin could be using the blackmail for other things.
If Trump is Putins puppet, as you guys have been claiming since the election, how do you explain Trump imposing sanctions on him?
Don THE Con didn't impose sanctions on Putin, Congress did nearly unanimously.
As Putin said through one of his puppets, Tramp has demonstrated total impotence by surrendering his executive authority to Congress in the most humiliating way.
I knew it was going to happen. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced yesterday that hope of new relations with Trump are over. Well why wouldn’t they be – after every Democrat (ad many Republicans) just voted for sanctions against Russia. This was in the aftermath of a year of Democrat babbling of fabricated Russian collusion, scapegoating Russia for Democrats’ failure to win public support for the idiotic choice of a presidential candidate.

Nevertheless, Trump, who only signed the sanctions bill when it showed up as veto-proof, still says he can negotiate better deals with Russia than Congress – whose sanctions bill is just plain stupid.

There are far better reasons to develop friendly relations with Russia than to wreck them, as Democrats have been doing for the past 12 months. First, one might ask why should there be sanctions ? To villainize Russia and oil the skids for the Russian collusion scam ?

Reasons for keeping Trump’s warm-up to Russia (as demonstrated when he and Putin met recently), are numerous and important.

1) Russia could be an important ally for us, to offset problems with North Korea, China, Iran, and Syria.

2) They hold high economic cards with US-European allies, especially as a source of oil.

3) They are a valuable ally in the world war against the international jihad (most notably ISIS).

4) They still are a powerful nation with a large stock of nuclear weapons, which we wouldn’t like to see proliferate to other countries.

These are the things Democrats should have thought of, when they came up with their dopey scheme to blame Russia for their 2016 election loss. And they’re still doing it now, and have worsened it with the dumb sanctions bill.

That is a bad joke. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to interfere. Witness the TRUMP NSC document which showed Russians hacking into state election commission websites this year.

1) Russia is a ally of Iran. They want to dominate the Mid-east along with Iran. They also vetoed a UN resolution on N Korea. They are not friends.

2) We can supply our allies with liquefied natural gas as well. We have so much natural gas, we burn it to get rid of it.

3) They are only interested in ISIS as it is a competitor in Syria. They have hit more anti-Assad targets than they have ISIS targets. They are allied with Islamic jihadists in Iran.

4) They are protecting Iran which allows them to develop nuclear weapons.

5) Russians are supplying arms to the Taliban which are being used against American troops.

Why do you bother arguing with liberals and democrats? They are liars and retards. Facts mean nothing to them it is all about feelings. Hilary lost and they are mad nothing else matters.
I am pointing out to anyone (independents) still mindless enough to choose to vote for these rogues, that they are engaging in a reckless, irresponsible act.

You are reckless and irresponsible. You want to appease Russia and we saw what happened when we tried appeasement with Hitler.
They colluded with Trump to fix a US election. They are our enemy. They also tried to do the same in France, a NATO ally.

You conservatives are just lost souls now. You don't know which way is up anymore. Russia is lucky there aren't 5 divisions of NATO troops massing on the border of Ukraine and the US should tell Russia any aircraft of yours that comes within 5 miles of one of our ships will get one warning, if they don't turn away they will be shot down.
1. :laugh: No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

2. I seem to recall there was meddling in the Israeli election by DEMOCRATS who actively tried to keep Netanyahu from winning, - and there was ACTUAL PROOF in that case.

And Obama also meddled in the elections of 5 other countries (Honduras, Libya, Macedonia, Egypt, and Kenya.

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

3. Russia is not our enemy. You are brainwashed by goofball Democrats fabricating that screwball idea.

4. Who cares about Ukraine ? It has been part of Russia for 300 years, so why not now too ? For that matter has anyone asked the Ukrainian people what they think ? I haven't heard a word from the media about that. I suspect they're afraid to ask. North Korea, China, and Iran are who we need to be concerned about, not Ukraine. :rolleyes:

5. You liberals are just lost souls now. You don't know which way is up anymore, and as far as the Democratic party is concerned, maybe you haven't noticed. It no longer exists.

1. Our intelligence agencies agree that Russia interfered in our elections. So does Trump's CIA Director and DNI. You are fool who refuses to see the truth.

2. Obama supported other candidates but he did not hack anybody's servers looking for damaging information as was done in the US and France.

3. Russia is already at war with us. Trump's Defense Secretary has said that Russia is not our friend.

4. It was Ukrainians who helped drive the Russia backed President after he was lawfully removed by the Parliament. There are no Ukrainian rebels. They are a Russian invention.

5. All Americans should be concerned. That is why Trump gets low approval ratings on dealing with Russia.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?
If Trump is Putins puppet, as you guys have been claiming since the election, how do you explain Trump imposing sanctions on him? Oh, and i assume now is about the time when Putin should be releasing all the shit theyve been blackmailing Trump with, you know, like piss videos and shit. Should we expect to see all that come out today?

Because Trump wants to be on the winning side no matter what. He was told his veto would be overridden so he signed it. His signing statement shows what he really thought of it.
I knew it was going to happen. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced yesterday that hope of new relations with Trump are over. Well why wouldn’t they be – after every Democrat (ad many Republicans) just voted for sanctions against Russia. This was in the aftermath of a year of Democrat babbling of fabricated Russian collusion, scapegoating Russia for Democrats’ failure to win public support for the idiotic choice of a presidential candidate.

Nevertheless, Trump, who only signed the sanctions bill when it showed up as veto-proof, still says he can negotiate better deals with Russia than Congress – whose sanctions bill is just plain stupid.

There are far better reasons to develop friendly relations with Russia than to wreck them, as Democrats have been doing for the past 12 months. First, one might ask why should there be sanctions ? To villainize Russia and oil the skids for the Russian collusion scam ?

Reasons for keeping Trump’s warm-up to Russia (as demonstrated when he and Putin met recently), are numerous and important.

1) Russia could be an important ally for us, to offset problems with North Korea, China, Iran, and Syria.

2) They hold high economic cards with US-European allies, especially as a source of oil.

3) They are a valuable ally in the world war against the international jihad (most notably ISIS).

4) They still are a powerful nation with a large stock of nuclear weapons, which we wouldn’t like to see proliferate to other countries.

These are the things Democrats should have thought of, when they came up with their dopey scheme to blame Russia for their 2016 election loss. And they’re still doing it now, and have worsened it with the dumb sanctions bill.

Russia is a dangerous adversary and the Donald can't be trusted with them.

how did the "democrats" ruin relations with Russia moron, the senate voted to control the Donald by a vote of 98 to 2. and last I checked there weren't 98 democrats in the senate you dishonest loon.
Putin is a pussy and his whining isn't going to work. You kick the tiger buddy boy you get the claws. Who cares if Russia is 'upset', they're lucky sanctions are all they got.
This constant push against Russia is counter productive and ultimately dangerous. We may be a superpower, but Russia has many nukes and plenty to deliver with submarines and does joint maneuvers with China. If you push someone too far, they can react with bloody results.
Now, you will thump your chest and chant how great a military we have and how we would be able to destroy them, but keep this in mind. Russia and China both have huge anti-nuke bunkers for its citizens in various cities. Our country's basic philosophy is, every man for himself and basic basement parking garages, there are no massive anti-nuke bunkers in our cities (excluding your pampered Washington, D.C. politicians bunker). I don't know if you reside in Philadelphia, New York, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, or Honolulu, but you can bet that these are primary targets and almost everyone and I do mean almost everyone in those cities would be obliterated and no doubt those two nations have secondary and third option cities on their next hit list, along with various military bases and while our missile silos are stationary, theirs are mobile and thus we have no guarantee of getting all or many of them.
Always strive for mediation from a point of strength, but always strive for mediation, not confrontation first.
I knew it was going to happen. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced yesterday that hope of new relations with Trump are over. Well why wouldn’t they be – after every Democrat (ad many Republicans) just voted for sanctions against Russia. This was in the aftermath of a year of Democrat babbling of fabricated Russian collusion, scapegoating Russia for Democrats’ failure to win public support for the idiotic choice of a presidential candidate.

Nevertheless, Trump, who only signed the sanctions bill when it showed up as veto-proof, still says he can negotiate better deals with Russia than Congress – whose sanctions bill is just plain stupid.

There are far better reasons to develop friendly relations with Russia than to wreck them, as Democrats have been doing for the past 12 months. First, one might ask why should there be sanctions ? To villainize Russia and oil the skids for the Russian collusion scam ?

Reasons for keeping Trump’s warm-up to Russia (as demonstrated when he and Putin met recently), are numerous and important.

1) Russia could be an important ally for us, to offset problems with North Korea, China, Iran, and Syria.

2) They hold high economic cards with US-European allies, especially as a source of oil.

3) They are a valuable ally in the world war against the international jihad (most notably ISIS).

4) They still are a powerful nation with a large stock of nuclear weapons, which we wouldn’t like to see proliferate to other countries.

These are the things Democrats should have thought of, when they came up with their dopey scheme to blame Russia for their 2016 election loss. And they’re still doing it now, and have worsened it with the dumb sanctions bill.

That's so typical of how partisans purposely emphasize only part of the whole story. One deal that was canceled by the NWO sanctions was worth $500 billion. Assisting other countries in oil production creates thousands of jobs and brings back billions in p
Why do you give a shit about having good relations with Russia? They offer nothing except oil, which we don't need.
That's so typical of how dishonest partisans refuse to tell the whole story. One of the canceled projects alone was worth $500 billion dollars. Assisting other countries to drill oil using our superior technology and expertise creates thousands of American jobs and brings back trillions in profits that wouldn't exist otherwise.
Yes- Democrats are to blame for the Republican majority Congress and Senate passing the bill and responsible for President Snowflake signing it.

You snowflakes.....
The bill is relatively minor. A YEAR of ragging at Russia is the issue.
All the Right ever has is LIES. You would need a "flux capacitor" for those lies not to be lies!!!
There have been many threads on this forum debunking those lies with something as simple as a TIMELINE!!!!!
Yeah ? But your post doesn't have anything to present to "debunk" anything. Links stand as posted, and it looks like YOU are the liar. You and and your 2016 laughingstock presidential candidate, Hillary (the # 1 LIAR of all time)

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
Russia is a dangerous adversary and the Donald can't be trusted with them.

how did the "democrats" ruin relations with Russia moron, the senate voted to control the Donald by a vote of 98 to 2. and last I checked there weren't 98 democrats in the senate you dishonest loon.
They are not an "adversary" at all, except to bonehead Democrats who dangerously make them become that.

Again, the sanctions vote is relatively minor. A YEAR of ragging at the Russians over the phony collusion ruse, is the primary point.

And :laugh: while you were trying to call me a moron, you displayed an inability to pass a 4th grade English grammar test. Back to the drawing board for you. And be careful how you talk, and to whom. You just committed a FELONY.
1. Our intelligence agencies agree that Russia interfered in our elections. So does Trump's CIA Director and DNI. You are fool who refuses to see the truth.

2. Obama supported other candidates but he did not hack anybody's servers looking for damaging information as was done in the US and France.

3. Russia is already at war with us. Trump's Defense Secretary has said that Russia is not our friend.

4. It was Ukrainians who helped drive the Russia backed President after he was lawfully removed by the Parliament. There are no Ukrainian rebels. They are a Russian invention.

5. All Americans should be concerned. That is why Trump gets low approval ratings on dealing with Russia.
NO! "OUR" intelligence agencies did nothing of the sort. It was OBAMA intelligence agencies you are referring to.

As for your # 2 listing HERE is what Obama did >>

Unlike the empty accusations against Trump, Obama has a long, 8 year list of collusion with ISIS and the Brotherhood, with clear charges of treason.

1) Allowed Major Nidal Hasan to remain in place in Fort Hood despite his constant jihadist ranting, and requests from Army brass to dishonorably discharge him. > 13 soldiers killed, 38 wounded.

2) Troop pullout from Iraq in December 2011, despite military advice against it.

3) Pulled troops out of Afghanistan.

4) Called ISIS a “JV team”, despite much evidence to the contrary.

5) Blamed intelligence community for ISIS advance in Mosul (June 2014)

6) Cairo speech in 2009

7) Declared ISIS is not Islamic

8) Declared “We don’t have a strategy yet”

9) GAO report Nov. 2014) – Obama missed most of his daily intelligence briefings

10) In 2015, long after ISIS had established itself in Iraq, Obama sent 3000 troops to Iraq but in limited roles of training, being confined to HQ and training bases (not combat)

11) Did nothing regarding Comey statement that he was aware of only a dozen Americans who have joined ISIS, and “they’re entitled to come back to the US”

12) Took no action against lone “known” wolves

13) Prohibited investigations of radical mosques. Stopped undercover surveillance without evidence of criminal activity occurring.

14) Obama DOJ intervened in favor of mosques, against the will of the people, where local jurisdictions had opposed the opening of the mosques.

15) Sent an official to the Oklahoma City mosque Alton Nolan attended with a personal letter of thanks from Obama – to counter negative attention the mosque received after the beheading of Colleen Hufford.

16) Obama administration never seemed to decide if it was at war with ISIS or not. Called the fighting >> “Overseas Contingency Operation” and “Man Caused Disasters”

17) Treated jihadists like street criminals. Trying them in civilian courts, rather than military tribunals.

18) Proposed shutting down GITMO.

19) Refused to say “radical Islam, “jihad”, “Muslim terrorists”. Purged these words from FBI training manuals.

20) July 22, 2014, Obama cancelled commercial flights to Israel, giving a victory to Hamas.

21) Rewarded the Palestinian Authority with a $47 million aid package. Ted Cruz called it “in effect, $47 Million for Hamas.”

22) Spoke in favor of a Palestinian state (they already have one > Jordan).

23) Refused to acknowledge reason for Islamic terrorism > Islam (the Koran), and kept calling it “religion of peace”

24) Obama did not attend the Jan 11, 2014 Solidarity March Against Islamic Terrorism in Paris. 40 world leaders attended but no US official.

25) May 2013 speech at Natl Defense Univ. declared >> Global War on Terror was over.

26) Was silent on Egyptian president Abdel Fatah al-Sisi’s important speech Jan. 1, 2015, at al-Azhar Univ. to Egypt’s top Islamic authorities, about the need to reform Islam.

27) Suspended military aid to Egypt after al-Sisi smashed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

28) Embraced Turkey, Iran, and Qatar, while exhibiting isolation and hostility to Israel and Egypt.

29) Bad Iran deal, and continued receptivity to Iran, and painting Iran as a responsible nation (despite every indication to the contrary). Suggested opening a US embassy in Iran.

30) Willing to allow Iran to control the war against ISIS.

31) Enacted bad Iran deal, and continued receptivity to Iran, and painting Iran as a responsible nation (despite every indication to the contrary). Suggested opening a US embassy in Iran.

32) Willing to allow Iran to control the war against ISIS.

33) Reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

33) Funded Hamas;

34) Continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

35) Dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

36) Hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

37) Issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

38) Announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

39) Excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

40) Pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president (Morsi), just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

Lastly, I don't need coaching regarding the Ukranians. Over the time of the Romanovs, they have been a part of Russia for longer the the US has existed. And Trump only gets low approval ratings from the same MSM goons who gave him low approval ratings just before the 2016 election. :laugh:
You are reckless and irresponsible. You want to appease Russia and we saw what happened when we tried appeasement with Hitler.
No, there is nothing to appease. Hitler was doing things wrong. Russia isn't.
Trump has thrown away the US mantle of world leader. He has made enemies of our friends and isolated this country.

He is a danger, not only to the US, but to the world.
1. Our intelligence agencies agree that Russia interfered in our elections. So does Trump's CIA Director and DNI. You are fool who refuses to see the truth.

2. Obama supported other candidates but he did not hack anybody's servers looking for damaging information as was done in the US and France.

3. Russia is already at war with us. Trump's Defense Secretary has said that Russia is not our friend.

4. It was Ukrainians who helped drive the Russia backed President after he was lawfully removed by the Parliament. There are no Ukrainian rebels. They are a Russian invention.

5. All Americans should be concerned. That is why Trump gets low approval ratings on dealing with Russia.
NO! "OUR" intelligence agencies did nothing of the sort. It was OBAMA intelligence agencies you are referring to.

As for your # 2 listing HERE is what Obama did >>

Unlike the empty accusations against Trump, Obama has a long, 8 year list of collusion with ISIS and the Brotherhood, with clear charges of treason.

1) Allowed Major Nidal Hasan to remain in place in Fort Hood despite his constant jihadist ranting, and requests from Army brass to dishonorably discharge him. > 13 soldiers killed, 38 wounded.

2) Troop pullout from Iraq in December 2011, despite military advice against it.

3) Pulled troops out of Afghanistan.

4) Called ISIS a “JV team”, despite much evidence to the contrary.

5) Blamed intelligence community for ISIS advance in Mosul (June 2014)

6) Cairo speech in 2009

7) Declared ISIS is not Islamic

8) Declared “We don’t have a strategy yet”

9) GAO report Nov. 2014) – Obama missed most of his daily intelligence briefings

10) In 2015, long after ISIS had established itself in Iraq, Obama sent 3000 troops to Iraq but in limited roles of training, being confined to HQ and training bases (not combat)

11) Did nothing regarding Comey statement that he was aware of only a dozen Americans who have joined ISIS, and “they’re entitled to come back to the US”

12) Took no action against lone “known” wolves

13) Prohibited investigations of radical mosques. Stopped undercover surveillance without evidence of criminal activity occurring.

14) Obama DOJ intervened in favor of mosques, against the will of the people, where local jurisdictions had opposed the opening of the mosques.

15) Sent an official to the Oklahoma City mosque Alton Nolan attended with a personal letter of thanks from Obama – to counter negative attention the mosque received after the beheading of Colleen Hufford.

16) Obama administration never seemed to decide if it was at war with ISIS or not. Called the fighting >> “Overseas Contingency Operation” and “Man Caused Disasters”

17) Treated jihadists like street criminals. Trying them in civilian courts, rather than military tribunals.

18) Proposed shutting down GITMO.

19) Refused to say “radical Islam, “jihad”, “Muslim terrorists”. Purged these words from FBI training manuals.

20) July 22, 2014, Obama cancelled commercial flights to Israel, giving a victory to Hamas.

21) Rewarded the Palestinian Authority with a $47 million aid package. Ted Cruz called it “in effect, $47 Million for Hamas.”

22) Spoke in favor of a Palestinian state (they already have one > Jordan).

23) Refused to acknowledge reason for Islamic terrorism > Islam (the Koran), and kept calling it “religion of peace”

24) Obama did not attend the Jan 11, 2014 Solidarity March Against Islamic Terrorism in Paris. 40 world leaders attended but no US official.

25) May 2013 speech at Natl Defense Univ. declared >> Global War on Terror was over.

26) Was silent on Egyptian president Abdel Fatah al-Sisi’s important speech Jan. 1, 2015, at al-Azhar Univ. to Egypt’s top Islamic authorities, about the need to reform Islam.

27) Suspended military aid to Egypt after al-Sisi smashed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

28) Embraced Turkey, Iran, and Qatar, while exhibiting isolation and hostility to Israel and Egypt.

29) Bad Iran deal, and continued receptivity to Iran, and painting Iran as a responsible nation (despite every indication to the contrary). Suggested opening a US embassy in Iran.

30) Willing to allow Iran to control the war against ISIS.

31) Enacted bad Iran deal, and continued receptivity to Iran, and painting Iran as a responsible nation (despite every indication to the contrary). Suggested opening a US embassy in Iran.

32) Willing to allow Iran to control the war against ISIS.

33) Reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

33) Funded Hamas;

34) Continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

35) Dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

36) Hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

37) Issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

38) Announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

39) Excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

40) Pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president (Morsi), just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

Lastly, I don't need coaching regarding the Ukranians. Over the time of the Romanovs, they have been a part of Russia for longer the the US has existed. And Trump only gets low approval ratings from the same MSM goons who gave him low approval ratings just before the 2016 election. :laugh:
17) Treated jihadists like street criminals. Trying them in civilian courts, rather than military tribunals.

The ones Obama had tried are in prison for life.

Bush let them go to rejoin terrorists in the field.

You know that, right?
Putin is a pussy and his whining isn't going to work. You kick the tiger buddy boy you get the claws. Who cares if Russia is 'upset', they're lucky sanctions are all they got.

Really, tough guy? You gonna don the uniform and stand a post? Highly unlikely, ya pussbag.
I was in uniform and on base when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Ever spend a day wondering if you would even see the flash of the bomb that killed you? We should have stopped the Soviet Union before it reached that point. And that is what we are doing now. Stopping their idiocy before it reaches the point it did in 1962.

Just because you are a Putin asskissing coward does not mean the rest of us are.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?
If Trump is Putins puppet, as you guys have been claiming since the election, how do you explain Trump imposing sanctions on him? Oh, and i assume now is about the time when Putin should be releasing all the shit theyve been blackmailing Trump with, you know, like piss videos and shit. Should we expect to see all that come out today?
Look, Shitboy, had the treasonous fat senile old orange clown veto'ed that bill, Congress would have overridden his veto by an overwhelming vote. Politically, he had no choice but to sign it, he has lost too many times already.

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