Reckless Democrats Just Ruined US-International Relations

He was forced by republicans controlled congress----- means Trump is a weakling.
So Trump is a weakling, because he doesn't follow idiotic, Democrat designs ?

Sorry bud. You may want to tell that to GOPs that initiated this sanctions and shove it to Trump's throat.
Trump is weak.
Should Israel do us the same way, we meddled in their election, how bout the other countries we meddled in.
We have proof of our meddling in their elections, where is the proof of Russian meddling, heck muller is investigating meddling so with all the leaks in DC don't you think if they have any evidence it would be leaked to the media so fast, they leak how many scoops of ice cream Trump gets, real evidence would be triple breaking news.

Mueller's long track record as FBI head, consorting with seditious Muslim Brotherhood organizations and leaders, should have put him behind bars long ago.

Why do you plugged all these lies? I forgot a Trump supporter.
I knew it was going to happen. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced yesterday that hope of new relations with Trump are over. Well why wouldn’t they be – after every Democrat (ad many Republicans) just voted for sanctions against Russia. This was in the aftermath of a year of Democrat babbling of fabricated Russian collusion, scapegoating Russia for Democrats’ failure to win public support for the idiotic choice of a presidential candidate.

Nevertheless, Trump, who only signed the sanctions bill when it showed up as veto-proof, still says he can negotiate better deals with Russia than Congress – whose sanctions bill is just plain stupid.

There are far better reasons to develop friendly relations with Russia than to wreck them, as Democrats have been doing for the past 12 months. First, one might ask why should there be sanctions ? To villainize Russia and oil the skids for the Russian collusion scam ?

Reasons for keeping Trump’s warm-up to Russia (as demonstrated when he and Putin met recently), are numerous and important.

1) Russia could be an important ally for us, to offset problems with North Korea, China, Iran, and Syria.

2) They hold high economic cards with US-European allies, especially as a source of oil.

3) They are a valuable ally in the world war against the international jihad (most notably ISIS).

4) They still are a powerful nation with a large stock of nuclear weapons, which we wouldn’t like to see proliferate to other countries.

These are the things Democrats should have thought of, when they came up with their dopey scheme to blame Russia for their 2016 election loss. And they’re still doing it now, and have worsened it with the dumb sanctions bill.
What you should be commenting on is that Russia wants a refund....Trump is a bad package!! LOLOLO Dude, you need to get your head out of your ass, stop sniffin the shit and get with me, the truth and fresh is amazing once you get use to it, you dumb fuck!!
Should Israel do us the same way, we meddled in their election, how bout the other countries we meddled in.
We have proof of our meddling in their elections, where is the proof of Russian meddling, heck muller is investigating meddling so with all the leaks in DC don't you think if they have any evidence it would be leaked to the media so fast, they leak how many scoops of ice cream Trump gets, real evidence would be triple breaking news.

Mueller's long track record as FBI head, consorting with seditious Muslim Brotherhood organizations and leaders, should have put him behind bars long ago.

Why do you plugged all these lies? I forgot a Trump supporter.
What this moron fail to realize is that Putin is not a friend, but a foe and it pisses me off to know end, knowing where this Obama showing unyielding allegence to Putin, the melt down of white mf's would be endless.
Should Israel do us the same way, we meddled in their election, how bout the other countries we meddled in.
We have proof of our meddling in their elections, where is the proof of Russian meddling, heck muller is investigating meddling so with all the leaks in DC don't you think if they have any evidence it would be leaked to the media so fast, they leak how many scoops of ice cream Trump gets, real evidence would be triple breaking news.

Mueller's long track record as FBI head, consorting with seditious Muslim Brotherhood organizations and leaders, should have put him behind bars long ago.

Why do you plugged all these lies? I forgot a Trump supporter.
What this moron fail to realize is that Putin is not a friend, but a foe and it pisses me off to know end, knowing where this Obama showing unyielding allegence to Putin, the melt down of white mf's would be endless.

I think these dudes are Russian or a bunch of traitors.
Yes- Democrats are to blame for the Republican majority Congress and Senate passing the bill and responsible for President Snowflake signing it.

You snowflakes.....
The bill is relatively minor. .

Yet you poor snowflakes are wigging out trying to blame Democrats for what the majority of Republicans did- and for what President Snowflake signed into law.

Poor little snowflakes.
Should Israel do us the same way, we meddled in their election, how bout the other countries we meddled in.
We have proof of our meddling in their elections, where is the proof of Russian meddling, heck muller is investigating meddling so with all the leaks in DC don't you think if they have any evidence it would be leaked to the media so fast, they leak how many scoops of ice cream Trump gets, real evidence would be triple breaking news.

Mueller's long track record as FBI head,

Yep- Mueller's long- distinguished record as head of the FBI- putting away terrorist bad guys- towers over the record of President Snowflake.
Sorry bud. You may want to tell that to GOPs that initiated this sanctions and shove it to Trump's throat.
Trump is weak.
One attribute of detatched liberals, is that they rarely ever say what is correct. Ho hum. :rolleyes:
Will see. You may want to ask the majority of Americans that hate this dude.
The majority of Americans just elected him president, while your fake news liberal media and their polls pretended that Hillary was going to win.

Now the same pitiful, fake polls claim that Trump is unpopular. (and you fall for it) Sad. So sad. Bwa ha ha ha ha. (Burt Reynolds laugh)

Why do you plugged all these lies? I forgot a Trump supporter.
How do you justify calling public information lies ?


LOL. You're apparently just another typical information-deprived liberal, who is obliviously ignorant of Mueller's support for Muslim Brotherhood front groups, and his ACTIONS as FBI director, which supported these seditious groups.

As FBI director, Mueller bent over backwards to please radical Islamic groups and caved into their demands. The agency eliminated the valuable anti-terrorism training material and curricula after Mueller met with various Islamic organizations, including those with documented ties too terrorism. Among them were two organizations— Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)—named by the U.S. government as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing case. CAIR is a terrorist front group with extensive links to foreign and domestic Islamists. It was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine.

Mueller actions could actually earn him the title of "jihadist" himself >> The records obtained as part of a Judicial Watch lawsuit show that Mueller, who served 12 years as FBI chief, met with the Islamic organizations on February 8, 2012 to hear their demands. Shortly later, the director assured the Muslim groups that he had ordered the removal of presentations and curricula on Islam from FBI offices nationwide. The purge was part of a broader Islamist operation designed to influence the opinions and actions of persons, institutions, governments and the public at-large.

Mueller’s actions have had a widespread effect because many local law enforcement agencies followed the FBI’s lead in allowing Islamic groups like CAIR to dictate what anti-terrorism material could be used to train officers. Among them are police departments in three Illinois cities— Lombard, Elmhurst and Highland Park—as well as the New York Police Department (NYPD). In the case of the Lombard Police Department, CAIR asserted that the instructor of a training course called “Islamic Awareness as a Counter-Terrorist Strategy” was anti-Muslim though there was no evidence to support it. Like the FBI, Lombard officials got rid of the “offensive” course. The NYPD purged a highly-acclaimed report that’s proven to be a critical tool in terrorism investigations after three New York Muslims, two mosques and an Islamic nonprofit filed a lawsuit.

Considering Mueller’s role in much of this, it makes him a bizarre choice to lead the heated Russia investigation. Any YOU are "deplorable" for not doing your homework, and posting in here with ignorance.

Russia Special Counsel Mueller Worked with Radical Islamist Groups to Purge Anti-Terrorism Training Material Offensive to Muslims - Judicial Watch

Washington watchdog challenges Mueller’s judgment
What you should be commenting on is that Russia wants a refund....Trump is a bad package!! LOLOLO Dude, you need to get your head out of your ass, stop sniffin the shit and get with me, the truth and fresh is amazing once you get use to it, you dumb fuck!!
So you're one of the dum dums who fall for this badly baked scam job about Russia, huh ?

Why am I not surprised ? :rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
What this moron fail to realize is that Putin is not a friend, but a foe and it pisses me off to know end, knowing where this Obama showing unyielding allegence to Putin, the melt down of white mf's would be endless.
Whatever this babble was supposed to mean, it was predictable that t59 just couldn't contain his famous racism, to avoid throwing something in here against whites. Is there a doctor in the house ? Gag!
I think these dudes are Russian or a bunch of traitors.
Being that you are in synch with the Russian collusion idiocy, one would have to conclude that you don't "think" at all. More like Pavlov's dog. Democrats ring the bell - you salivate. :rolleyes:
Yet you poor snowflakes are wigging out trying to blame Democrats for what the majority of Republicans did- and for what President Snowflake signed into law.

Poor little snowflakes.
Democrats have villainized Russia - everyone sees it & knows it.
Yet you poor snowflakes are wigging out trying to blame Democrats for what the majority of Republicans did- and for what President Snowflake signed into law.

Poor little snowflakes.
Democrats have villainized Russia - everyone sees it & knows it.

Actually Putin has done a great job of villainizing Russia.

Amazing how Conservatives now love them their Russia.
Sorry bud. You may want to tell that to GOPs that initiated this sanctions and shove it to Trump's throat.
Trump is weak.
One attribute of detatched liberals, is that they rarely ever say what is correct. Ho hum. :rolleyes:

Do you want me to repeat it again?

You may want to tell that to GOPs that initiated the sanctions and shoved it to Trump's throat. Trump is weak.

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