Reckless Democrats Just Ruined US-International Relations

I knew it was going to happen. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced yesterday that hope of new relations with Trump are over. Well why wouldn’t they be – after every Democrat (ad many Republicans) just voted for sanctions against Russia. This was in the aftermath of a year of Democrat babbling of fabricated Russian collusion, scapegoating Russia for Democrats’ failure to win public support for the idiotic choice of a presidential candidate.

Nevertheless, Trump, who only signed the sanctions bill when it showed up as veto-proof, still says he can negotiate better deals with Russia than Congress – whose sanctions bill is just plain stupid.

There are far better reasons to develop friendly relations with Russia than to wreck them, as Democrats have been doing for the past 12 months. First, one might ask why should there be sanctions ? To villainize Russia and oil the skids for the Russian collusion scam ?

Reasons for keeping Trump’s warm-up to Russia (as demonstrated when he and Putin met recently), are numerous and important.

1) Russia could be an important ally for us, to offset problems with North Korea, China, Iran, and Syria.

2) They hold high economic cards with US-European allies, especially as a source of oil.

3) They are a valuable ally in the world war against the international jihad (most notably ISIS).

4) They still are a powerful nation with a large stock of nuclear weapons, which we wouldn’t like to see proliferate to other countries.

These are the things Democrats should have thought of, when they came up with their dopey scheme to blame Russia for their 2016 election loss. And they’re still doing it now, and have worsened it with the dumb sanctions bill.

This is a good example of how you people plugged in a lot of lies and garbage post.

Republicans are in charge both Senate and Congress that lead this sanctions against Russia. It's the Republicans who initiated and pushed for this sanctions. NOT the Democrats. Keep that in mind.
Maybe you are forgetting something it's Republicans investigating Republican president. NOT the Democrats.

1. Really? I mean REALLY? Russia supply arms and very close ally of Iran and Syria. Do you think Russia will just give up Syria and Iran just for the sake of US? Zero to None.
China's relations with Russia is always been close. If we go to war with China guarantee you Russia will back up China. You may want to read the link to update yourself. If we go to war with North Korea I guarantee you China will not stand there and watch.

China and Russia Hold First Joint Naval Drill in the Baltic Sea

2. We did not applied these sanctions just to pissed off Putin. You need to tell Putin not to meddle into our democracy and do not invade his neighbors.

3. Really? REALLY? So far Putin has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria just to make sure Assad will remain in power.

4. That is right and they are pointing at our ass.
Do you honestly believe Putin will give up their military interest and other just because of Trump?

Aside from that you don't know anything. Fuck Russia.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
Because he's a trumpanzee...everything is the Democrats' fault to them...even the disaster that is trump is their fault.
Why do you bother arguing with liberals and democrats? They are liars and retards. Facts mean nothing to them it is all about feelings. Hilary lost and they are mad nothing else matters.

Really? Did you even read post #1?

I don't even know what to call you people because real conservative or republicans do not post these kind of lying garbage

Maybe you are all Russians. If not then you are all a bunch traitors.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

1. That is incorrect. Both Republicans and Democrats are after Russia not only Democrats.

2. So you know more than Pompeo CIA Director?

Russia ‘meddled’ in US election - CIA director Mike Pompeo

3. They are humans like you and America and other countries are more civilized than Russia. We do not kill people just for the sake of sexual orientation.
I knew it was going to happen. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced yesterday that hope of new relations with Trump are over. Well why wouldn’t they be – after every Democrat (ad many Republicans) just voted for sanctions against Russia. This was in the aftermath of a year of Democrat babbling of fabricated Russian collusion, scapegoating Russia for Democrats’ failure to win public support for the idiotic choice of a presidential candidate.

Nevertheless, Trump, who only signed the sanctions bill when it showed up as veto-proof, still says he can negotiate better deals with Russia than Congress – whose sanctions bill is just plain stupid.

There are far better reasons to develop friendly relations with Russia than to wreck them, as Democrats have been doing for the past 12 months. First, one might ask why should there be sanctions ? To villainize Russia and oil the skids for the Russian collusion scam ?

Reasons for keeping Trump’s warm-up to Russia (as demonstrated when he and Putin met recently), are numerous and important.

1) Russia could be an important ally for us, to offset problems with North Korea, China, Iran, and Syria.

2) They hold high economic cards with US-European allies, especially as a source of oil.

3) They are a valuable ally in the world war against the international jihad (most notably ISIS).

4) They still are a powerful nation with a large stock of nuclear weapons, which we wouldn’t like to see proliferate to other countries.

These are the things Democrats should have thought of, when they came up with their dopey scheme to blame Russia for their 2016 election loss. And they’re still doing it now, and have worsened it with the dumb sanctions bill.

Democrats HATE, LOATHE, post-Communist Russia. They adored "Uncle" Joe of the Gulags and killing the Kulaks. They are Gollum to Putin's Precious over his abandonment of Communism as a failed system only embraced by morons and losers
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.

I don't even know what to call these people.
Maybe they woke up in the morning they saw this news about sanctions---- AHA the democrats did it.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?

I bet you 100% they cannot answer your question.
Hard to comprehend why Congress is encouraging Russia to take North Korea's side at a time when there's actually a chance that NK's Fatboy might decide to nuke Washington (state or DC doesn't matter as either would clean out a nest of liberalism).
I knew it was going to happen. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced yesterday that hope of new relations with Trump are over. Well why wouldn’t they be – after every Democrat (ad many Republicans) just voted for sanctions against Russia. This was in the aftermath of a year of Democrat babbling of fabricated Russian collusion, scapegoating Russia for Democrats’ failure to win public support for the idiotic choice of a presidential candidate.

Nevertheless, Trump, who only signed the sanctions bill when it showed up as veto-proof, still says he can negotiate better deals with Russia than Congress – whose sanctions bill is just plain stupid.

There are far better reasons to develop friendly relations with Russia than to wreck them, as Democrats have been doing for the past 12 months. First, one might ask why should there be sanctions ? To villainize Russia and oil the skids for the Russian collusion scam ?

Reasons for keeping Trump’s warm-up to Russia (as demonstrated when he and Putin met recently), are numerous and important.

1) Russia could be an important ally for us, to offset problems with North Korea, China, Iran, and Syria.

2) They hold high economic cards with US-European allies, especially as a source of oil.

3) They are a valuable ally in the world war against the international jihad (most notably ISIS).

4) They still are a powerful nation with a large stock of nuclear weapons, which we wouldn’t like to see proliferate to other countries.

These are the things Democrats should have thought of, when they came up with their dopey scheme to blame Russia for their 2016 election loss. And they’re still doing it now, and have worsened it with the dumb sanctions bill.

Yes- Democrats are to blame for the Republican majority Congress and Senate passing the bill and responsible for President Snowflake signing it.

You snowflakes.....
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?
If Trump is Putins puppet, as you guys have been claiming since the election, how do you explain Trump imposing sanctions on him? Oh, and i assume now is about the time when Putin should be releasing all the shit theyve been blackmailing Trump with, you know, like piss videos and shit. Should we expect to see all that come out today?
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?
If Trump is Putins puppet, as you guys have been claiming since the election, how do you explain Trump imposing sanctions on him? Oh, and i assume now is about the time when Putin should be releasing all the shit theyve been blackmailing Trump with, you know, like piss videos and shit. Should we expect to see all that come out today?

Trump signed off on the sanctions but still whined about it. He had to sign it because the congress voted on it and he would look guilty otherwise.

Don't pretend Agent Orange was keen on singing off on those sanctions.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?
If Trump is Putins puppet, as you guys have been claiming since the election, how do you explain Trump imposing sanctions on him? Oh, and i assume now is about the time when Putin should be releasing all the shit theyve been blackmailing Trump with, you know, like piss videos and shit. Should we expect to see all that come out today?

Trump signed off on the sanctions but still whined about it. He had to sign it because the congress voted on it and he would look guilty otherwise.

Don't pretend Agent Orange was keen on singing off on those sanctions.
So now Putin is going to release all the shit he was blackmailing him with, right?
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?
If Trump is Putins puppet, as you guys have been claiming since the election, how do you explain Trump imposing sanctions on him? Oh, and i assume now is about the time when Putin should be releasing all the shit theyve been blackmailing Trump with, you know, like piss videos and shit. Should we expect to see all that come out today?

Trump signed off on the sanctions but still whined about it. He had to sign it because the congress voted on it and he would look guilty otherwise.

Don't pretend Agent Orange was keen on singing off on those sanctions.
So now Putin is going to release all the shit he was blackmailing him with, right?

I don't know what Putin will so. He's not as transparent and foolish with his plans as Trump is.

But I would imagine an intelligent man like Putin would understand that Trump had to sign the sanctions bill as he would look guilty for not signing it.
So now Putin is going to release all the shit he was blackmailing him with, right?

WATCH: Republican squirms when questioned about why Trump’s State Dept isn’t enforcing Russia law
Republican Senator Rob Portman (OH) squirmed under questioning from CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday when asked why the State Department and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson have not used money the senator specifically earmarked to fight Russian disinformation programs.

“The State Department has the ability to use about $60 million in funds to push back against some of the disinformation that Russia puts out, and apparently the state department is hesitant to do that.”
I knew it was going to happen. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced yesterday that hope of new relations with Trump are over. Well why wouldn’t they be – after every Democrat (ad many Republicans) just voted for sanctions against Russia. This was in the aftermath of a year of Democrat babbling of fabricated Russian collusion, scapegoating Russia for Democrats’ failure to win public support for the idiotic choice of a presidential candidate.

Nevertheless, Trump, who only signed the sanctions bill when it showed up as veto-proof, still says he can negotiate better deals with Russia than Congress – whose sanctions bill is just plain stupid.

There are far better reasons to develop friendly relations with Russia than to wreck them, as Democrats have been doing for the past 12 months. First, one might ask why should there be sanctions ? To villainize Russia and oil the skids for the Russian collusion scam ?

Reasons for keeping Trump’s warm-up to Russia (as demonstrated when he and Putin met recently), are numerous and important.

1) Russia could be an important ally for us, to offset problems with North Korea, China, Iran, and Syria.

2) They hold high economic cards with US-European allies, especially as a source of oil.

3) They are a valuable ally in the world war against the international jihad (most notably ISIS).

4) They still are a powerful nation with a large stock of nuclear weapons, which we wouldn’t like to see proliferate to other countries.

These are the things Democrats should have thought of, when they came up with their dopey scheme to blame Russia for their 2016 election loss. And they’re still doing it now, and have worsened it with the dumb sanctions bill.
Why do you give a shit about having good relations with Russia? They offer nothing except oil, which we don't need.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?
If Trump is Putins puppet, as you guys have been claiming since the election, how do you explain Trump imposing sanctions on him? Oh, and i assume now is about the time when Putin should be releasing all the shit theyve been blackmailing Trump with, you know, like piss videos and shit. Should we expect to see all that come out today?

Since you know a lot maybe you can update us.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?
If Trump is Putins puppet, as you guys have been claiming since the election, how do you explain Trump imposing sanctions on him? Oh, and i assume now is about the time when Putin should be releasing all the shit theyve been blackmailing Trump with, you know, like piss videos and shit. Should we expect to see all that come out today?

Hopefully Trump is not Putin's puppet, and hopefully that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Or this could be a falling out among thieves. Or Putin may be regretting the deal he bought into.

Meanwhile- tell us more about how Democrats are to blame for Trump signing this bill....

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