Reckless Democrats Just Ruined US-International Relations

Trump has thrown away the US mantle of world leader. He has made enemies of our friends and isolated this country.

He is a danger, not only to the US, but to the world.
FALSE! He has the support of everyone in the sane world fighting against the international jihad, of which Obama & Hillary were a part of themselves.

The only ones around the world who don't like him are those who have been abusing us (the USA) (ex Mexico, China, Iran) and those who have stupidly allowed radical Islam to take over in their countries, which Trump has correctly criticized.
17) Treated jihadists like street criminals. Trying them in civilian courts, rather than military tribunals.

The ones Obama had tried are in prison for life.

Bush let them go to rejoin terrorists in the field.

You know that, right?
After some talk of treating jihadist like street criminals and trying them in civilian courts, my ex-Army National Guard Battalion Commander was asked by a news reporter>> "Lt. Colonel Shea, how do you deal with your enemies ?"

The Colonel replied "In the Army, the way we deal with our enemies is very simple. It can be summed up in 3 simple words. >> We kill them. "

As for Bush, he was a Muslim ass-kisser from day one, and letting terrorists go to rejoin terrorists in the field, was just one of his offenses, but he made up for it with the surge in 2008, while Obama diod the reverse, pulling troops out of Iraq in 2011, and himself, letting 182 terrorists go from GITMO, to rejoin terrorists in the field.
I was in uniform and on base when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Ever spend a day wondering if you would even see the flash of the bomb that killed you? We should have stopped the Soviet Union before it reached that point. And that is what we are doing now. Stopping their idiocy before it reaches the point it did in 1962.

Just because you are a Putin asskissing coward does not mean the rest of us are.
EARTH TO OR: There IS NO Soviet Union, and this is 2017. And whatever "idiocy" you're talking about perhaps only you know.
As you well know, that idiocy is trying to re-establish the Soviet Union. Putin is old line KGB, and, from you posts, one can only assume that you approve of what Putin is trying to do.
As you well know, that idiocy is trying to re-establish the Soviet Union. Putin is old line KGB, and, from you posts, one can only assume that you approve of what Putin is trying to do.
I neither approve or disapprove. If you are asking me what I'm doing, my answer is >> "I'm minding my own business"

For a good analysis of Russia and our relations with it, see Pat Buchanan's book > Suicide of a Superpower
I used to read a lot of George Will and Pat Buchanan. If I disagreed with Will, I looked carefully at my logic. If I agreed with Buchanan, I looked over my logic, twice.
Putin is a pussy and his whining isn't going to work. You kick the tiger buddy boy you get the claws. Who cares if Russia is 'upset', they're lucky sanctions are all they got.

Really, tough guy? You gonna don the uniform and stand a post? Highly unlikely, ya pussbag.
I was in uniform and on base when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Ever spend a day wondering if you would even see the flash of the bomb that killed you? We should have stopped the Soviet Union before it reached that point. And that is what we are doing now. Stopping their idiocy before it reaches the point it did in 1962.

Just because you are a Putin asskissing coward does not mean the rest of us are.

How could you stop a ship unless you were part of the naval blockade? If you were working for USA.INC in 1962? That puts you in your late 70's at least and yet you are talking smack to me? Someone with scant bladder control? HILARIOUS! I wasn't born in 1962 either. Read Major George Jordan's Diaries..........learn a little something.

BTW, it was your beloved "gubermint" that opened up the patent office to the commies and gave them the blueprints for the bomb. There could have been no Bolshevik Revolution without USA.Inc and their owners , the banks and Wall Street. Without Woodrow Wilson demanding that Trotsky be allowed to continue to Russia with the millions in gold to fund it? There wouldn't have been a "red menace" to deal with to begin with. USA.Inc not only profited from the commie revolution but nurtured it in order to make it an alleged formidable foe to keep the military industrial complex funded. Bottom line? You don't know shit and never have.

Russia isn't a communist country anymore. This country is more like the old USSR today than current Russia. Stopping the idiocy of Russia? What countries have they invaded in the past 30 years??? Who is going to stop the idiocy of the How many governments has toppled due to this phony war on terror due to a false flag event that was 9/11/01?

AND you can save your homo talk for the senior citizens bath-house, sport.
I used to read a lot of George Will and Pat Buchanan. If I disagreed with Will, I looked carefully at my logic. If I agreed with Buchanan, I looked over my logic, twice.
If I agree with Pat, I stand pat.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?
If Trump is Putins puppet, as you guys have been claiming since the election, how do you explain Trump imposing sanctions on him? Oh, and i assume now is about the time when Putin should be releasing all the shit theyve been blackmailing Trump with, you know, like piss videos and shit. Should we expect to see all that come out today?
Look, Shitboy, had the treasonous fat senile old orange clown veto'ed that bill, Congress would have overridden his veto by an overwhelming vote. Politically, he had no choice but to sign it, he has lost too many times already.
Forced by Congress? I thought Trump was Putins puppet. Isnt he supposed to be the one forcing him to do stuff? Whats the point of having Trump as a puppet if Putin cant even stop him from signing off on sanctions? :laugh:
You are reckless and irresponsible. You want to appease Russia and we saw what happened when we tried appeasement with Hitler.
No, there is nothing to appease. Hitler was doing things wrong. Russia isn't.
Trying to Strangle the Bear Is Not a Wise Move

Putin is more like Czar Peter the Great or the 19th Century German leader, Otto von Bismarck. But the Education/Media Complex limits our ability to use analogies in order to get away with its simple-minded and ignorant punditry. If our minds were freed, we could also compare him to our own President Monroe and the doctrine of not allowing hostile forces such as NYETO to encircle his country at its borders.
Why are you singling out democrats? Majority of republicans voted for sanctions against Russia as well. 419-3 but you're only criticizing democrats. This was a bipartisan decision. Only Trump was against sanctions. That should tell you something.

And there should be sanctions. They meddled in our election. Putin is dictator who kills his opponents and oppresses minority groups like the LGBT community.
1. I just told you why. Because for a year they have been villainizing Russia, and have set up a mindset in the Congress to see things that way. Even without the sanctions vote, they have been going after Russia for a year. Dumb, very dumb.

2. No one has ever offered a shred of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. If you think you have some, let's hear it.

3. The LGBT community SHOULD be oppressed, at as the abnormal crazies that they are. What has Russia done to "oppress" them ? I don't know offhand, but I probably would agree with that more than the idiotic way they have been accepted in America. (SSM, teaching in schools , etc)

So why did the Republicans vote for sanctions? If it was truly a democratic conspiracy, why did republicans vote for it?
If Trump is Putins puppet, as you guys have been claiming since the election, how do you explain Trump imposing sanctions on him? Oh, and i assume now is about the time when Putin should be releasing all the shit theyve been blackmailing Trump with, you know, like piss videos and shit. Should we expect to see all that come out today?
Look, Shitboy, had the treasonous fat senile old orange clown veto'ed that bill, Congress would have overridden his veto by an overwhelming vote. Politically, he had no choice but to sign it, he has lost too many times already.
Forced by Congress? I thought Trump was Putins puppet. Isnt he supposed to be the one forcing him to do stuff? Whats the point of having Trump as a puppet if Putin cant even stop him from signing off on sanctions? :laugh:

He was forced by republicans controlled congress----- means Trump is a weakling.
Putin is a pussy and his whining isn't going to work. You kick the tiger buddy boy you get the claws. Who cares if Russia is 'upset', they're lucky sanctions are all they got.
The American people should (and probably DO care) for the 4 reasons I cited in the OP (that's just the minimum)

They colluded with Trump to fix a US election. They are our enemy. They also tried to do the same in France, a NATO ally.

You conservatives are just lost souls now. You don't know which way is up anymore. Russia is lucky there aren't 5 divisions of NATO troops massing on the border of Ukraine and the US should tell Russia any aircraft of yours that comes within 5 miles of one of our ships will get one warning, if they don't turn away they will be shot down.

Should Israel do us the same way, we meddled in their election, how bout the other countries we meddled in.
We have proof of our meddling in their elections, where is the proof of Russian meddling, heck muller is investigating meddling so with all the leaks in DC don't you think if they have any evidence it would be leaked to the media so fast, they leak how many scoops of ice cream Trump gets, real evidence would be triple breaking news.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Trying to Strangle the Bear Is Not a Wise Move

Putin is more like Czar Peter the Great or the 19th Century German leader, Otto von Bismarck. But the Education/Media Complex limits our ability to use analogies in order to get away with its simple-minded and ignorant punditry. If our minds were freed, we could also compare him to our own President Monroe and the doctrine of not allowing hostile forces such as NYETO to encircle his country at its borders.
We could also compare Russia and Ukraine with Lincoln going to war against the US South to bring them back to the Union (except the Ukraine was part of Russia for far longer)
He was forced by republicans controlled congress----- means Trump is a weakling.
So Trump is a weakling, because he doesn't follow idiotic, Democrat designs ?
You've been creamed all over your thread. Don't you ever get tired people here blasting your ass all over the place?
HA HA. I guess you don't know what the definition of "creamed" is.. It's what is happening to YOU, in this thread, and your Democrat non-existent "party"
Should Israel do us the same way, we meddled in their election, how bout the other countries we meddled in.
We have proof of our meddling in their elections, where is the proof of Russian meddling, heck muller is investigating meddling so with all the leaks in DC don't you think if they have any evidence it would be leaked to the media so fast, they leak how many scoops of ice cream Trump gets, real evidence would be triple breaking news.

Mueller's long track record as FBI head, consorting with seditious Muslim Brotherhood organizations and leaders, should have put him behind bars long ago.
Putin is a pussy and his whining isn't going to work. You kick the tiger buddy boy you get the claws. Who cares if Russia is 'upset', they're lucky sanctions are all they got.
You talk big for a coward America hating lilb.

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