Reconstructing Q: Some Research Done

Your husband is an atheist? Atheists don't "try out" the "belief of no god." Atheists don't believe there IS a god period. How do you reconcile that in your marriage? Seems a bit awkward.

Atheists are able to think about "What if?" What if there is a God? The answer: Even if there should be a God, I'd want Him to leave me be because I want to figure this out on my own. (And they do.)

How do we reconcile our marriage? I'm not sure I understand. What problems are you imaging we have?

That is not what an atheist is. An atheist is a person who does not believe in the existence of a god. Period. Sure, you can think "what ifs." What if animals could talk? What does that mean in the big picture?
Your husband is an atheist? Atheists don't "try out" the "belief of no god." Atheists don't believe there IS a god period. How do you reconcile that in your marriage? Seems a bit awkward.

Atheists are able to think about "What if?" What if there is a God? The answer: Even if there should be a God, I'd want Him to leave me be because I want to figure this out on my own. (And they do.)

How do we reconcile our marriage? I'm not sure I understand. What problems are you imaging we have?

I'm not imagining anything. I'm wondering how you would reconcile your inability to accept that some people just don't believe in your god with your husband actually NOT believing in your god.
I don't think that has much to do with a belief but more in the way you conduct yourself.

Every action is preceded by a thought.

What a person believes has everything thing to do with how they conduct themselves.

How a person conducts themselves demonstrates their beliefs whatever they may or may not express.

Well I and I'm sure plenty of other people who don't believe in gods know exactly how to conduct ourselves. In fact, I've overcome quite a few obstacles in my life. I'm not sad or depressed most of the time. I have a good relationship with my family. I live in a house and not in a dump. Lol. I go to work. I have a pet rabbit and I just live a regular boring life like anyone else.

I'm sure that thats all true as much as it is relative to your current level of growth.

I have shown unbelievers how they are already conforming to the teaching in kosher law by standing guard over what teaching they will or will not swallow at the same time they are saying they find no value in the Bible that they claim is full of irrelevant and outdated archaic superstitions...

Would you object to a more fulfilling and abundant experience of all that is good about life?

My life is very fulfilling as it is. I don't need for anything, and I'm satisfied with what I have.
Glad to hear it...

And fyi, I am not someone who is bothered by your caution and refusal to believe in something that makes no sense to you.

That is exactly what a loving and benevolent God would want you do do if he existed, right? Isn't, Don't be gullible, exactly what you would teach your own child?.

I'm sure that when something does make sense you will have to acknowledge that and include it in your speculations or else risk becoming just as phony as the ones that you revile....

You may not know this but unbelievers can be every bit as duplicitous and malevolently deceptive as any fundamentalist religious nut job out there.
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But I don't believe there is a god, so how can I "try out" believing in a god? I would just be lying to myself.

Not what I was saying. Let me clarify. One of the things Orthodox Jews teach is following certain procedures or rituals throughout the day. It helps keep their focus on God and their lives holy. Does it do the same for you? Christ also taught specific things. Perhaps start with the Beatitudes. If incorporated into your life, would they make a difference.

In studying Judaism, it occurred to me that they begin with the love of God's ways leads to a love a God. Christianity enters the circle from a different point. Beginning with a love of God results in a love of God's ways.
But I don't believe there is a god, so how can I "try out" believing in a god? I would just be lying to myself.

Not what I was saying. Let me clarify. One of the things Orthodox Jews teach is following certain procedures or rituals throughout the day. It helps keep their focus on God and their lives holy. Does it do the same for you? Christ also taught specific things. Perhaps start with the Beatitudes. If incorporated into your life, would they make a difference.

In studying Judaism, it occurred to me that they begin with the love of God's ways leads to a love a God. Christianity enters the circle from a different point. Beginning with a love of God results in a love of God's ways.

Why do you make assumptions that I need something in my life? Lol. I don't. You seem to view me as if there is something that matter with me because I don't believe in the same things you believe in. I am willing to accept that we have different beliefs but that your beliefs may make you happy. Are you willing to accept that I don't believe and I'm perfectly fine with that? I don't need any of that in my life?
You religious people just don't understand. I do NOT believe that a god exists. I do NOT lie to myself or delude myself into believing otherwise.

Of course we understand that. It is a no-brainer. Simply because one has no belief in God doesn't blind them to the value of some customs believers follow regarding behavior. One does not have to believe in God to see the value of loving one's fellow man. No belief in God is necessary for an employer to generously pay everyone a fair day's wage--even those workers who only worked a portion of the day, but needed a full day's wage in order to feed their families that night. It does not take a belief in God for a parent to welcome a wayward child back into the fold.
I don't think that has much to do with a belief but more in the way you conduct yourself.

Every action is preceded by a thought.

What a person believes has everything thing to do with how they conduct themselves.

How a person conducts themselves demonstrates their beliefs whatever they may or may not express.

Well I and I'm sure plenty of other people who don't believe in gods know exactly how to conduct ourselves. In fact, I've overcome quite a few obstacles in my life. I'm not sad or depressed most of the time. I have a good relationship with my family. I live in a house and not in a dump. Lol. I go to work. I have a pet rabbit and I just live a regular boring life like anyone else.

I'm sure that thats all true as much as it is relative to your current level of growth.

I have shown unbelievers how they are already conforming to the teaching in kosher law by standing guard over what teaching they will or will not swallow at the same time they are saying they find no value in the Bible that they claim is full of irrelevant and outdated archaic superstitions...

Would you object to a more fulfilling and abundant experience of all that is good about life?

My life is very fulfilling as it is. I don't need for anything, and I'm satisfied with what I have.
Glad to hear it...

And fyi, I am not someone who is bothered by your caution and refusal to believe in something that makes no sense to you.

That is exactly what a loving and benevolent God would want you do do if he existed, right? Isn't, Don't be gullible, exactly what you would teach your own child?.

I'm sure that when something does make sense you will have to acknowledge that and include it in your speculations or else risk becoming just as phony as the ones that you revile....

You may not know this but unbelievers can be every bit as duplicitous and malevolently deceptive as any fundamentalist religious nut job out there.

Well that is what I would like to think, but many of them do not feel that way, and it seems as if those people are the loudest and the "norm."
You religious people just don't understand. I do NOT believe that a god exists. I do NOT lie to myself or delude myself into believing otherwise.

Of course we understand that. It is a no-brainer. Simply because one has no belief in God doesn't blind them to the value of some customs believers follow regarding behavior. One does not have to believe in God to see the value of loving one's fellow man. No belief in God is necessary for an employer to generously pay everyone a fair day's wage--even those workers who only worked a portion of the day, but needed a full day's wage in order to feed their families that night. It does not take a belief in God for a parent to welcome a wayward child back into the fold.

Like I mentioned earlier, I can see that religion helps some people to cope with whatever they might be dealing with in their lives. If it makes them happier people, then more power to them. What I do not like is the assumption that I am a "bad person" or something must be wrong with me or I must be missing something in my life simply because I don't share in this belief.

I asked another poster (supposedly a "believer") a series of serious questions, and all he could respond with was "you must be drunk" or something to that effect, and then he went on to speak about me to other posters, calling me a drunk, etc. A sad attempt at character assassination. This is the normal attitude that I'm used to getting from "believers." They see you as a "lower life form" or something.
I'm not imagining anything. I'm wondering how you would reconcile your inability to accept that some people just don't believe in your god with your husband actually NOT believing in your god.

Ah. From the beginning of my childhood I have known and accepted people have no belief in God, because some well-loved members of my family (grandfather, uncle) were atheists. Atheism has always been a part of my life. You are greatly mistaken in your belief that I don't accept some people don't believe in God. All my life there have always been people close to me who have no belief.
I have morals and values. I understand right from wrong, and that is based on my basic human instincts. It is not pleasurable to see someone in pain and agony, especially if I am the cause of that. IT is pleasurable to make people laugh and to make them happy and smile. It is a simple concept that I don't need a religious belief to understand or adhere to.
I'm not imagining anything. I'm wondering how you would reconcile your inability to accept that some people just don't believe in your god with your husband actually NOT believing in your god.

Ah. From the beginning of my childhood I have known and accepted people have no belief in God, because some well-loved members of my family (grandfather, uncle) were atheists. Atheism has always been a part of my life. You are greatly mistaken in your belief that I don't accept some people don't believe in God. All my life there have always been people close to me who have no belief.

Well then why would you treat me as if my life "could be better" if I had a belief in a god?
Why do you make assumptions that I need something in my life? Lol. I don't. You seem to view me as if there is something that matter with me because I don't believe in the same things you believe in. I am willing to accept that we have different beliefs but that your beliefs may make you happy. Are you willing to accept that I don't believe and I'm perfectly fine with that? I don't need any of that in my life?

Pay attention! I am making no assumptions about YOU! You asked a question about how a person knows which interpretation is correct. I answered that people can incorporate their interpretation into their own personal life and then evaluate the results based on personal experience. That means you (being a person) can incorporate your interpretation of no God into your life, analyze your personal experience. If you are anything close to the atheists in my family, you will probably discover you are quite happy with what you see. And I never thought there was.
Why do you make assumptions that I need something in my life? Lol. I don't. You seem to view me as if there is something that matter with me because I don't believe in the same things you believe in. I am willing to accept that we have different beliefs but that your beliefs may make you happy. Are you willing to accept that I don't believe and I'm perfectly fine with that? I don't need any of that in my life?

Pay attention! I am making no assumptions about YOU! You asked a question about how a person knows which interpretation is correct. I answered that people can incorporate their interpretation into their own personal life and then evaluate the results based on personal experience. That means you (being a person) can incorporate your interpretation of no God into your life, analyze your personal experience. If you are anything close to the atheists in my family, you will probably discover you are quite happy with what you see. And I never thought there was.

Oh well, sorry! I misunderstood what you were saying and thought you were saying that I could try incorporating god into my life and "evaluate the results" as proof or evidence that a god exists.
Why do you make assumptions that I need something in my life? Lol. I don't. You seem to view me as if there is something that matter with me because I don't believe in the same things you believe in. I am willing to accept that we have different beliefs but that your beliefs may make you happy. Are you willing to accept that I don't believe and I'm perfectly fine with that? I don't need any of that in my life?

Pay attention! I am making no assumptions about YOU! You asked a question about how a person knows which interpretation is correct. I answered that people can incorporate their interpretation into their own personal life and then evaluate the results based on personal experience. That means you (being a person) can incorporate your interpretation of no God into your life, analyze your personal experience. If you are anything close to the atheists in my family, you will probably discover you are quite happy with what you see. And I never thought there was.

There are plenty of other religious people who do. Like I said earlier, a lot of times a religious person will think he or she is a better person or better off in some way than a nonbeliever because of their belief. They seem to believe that their god helps them accomplish goals in their lives or something like that. I believe that if there was a supernatural entity, it probably wouldn't be helping specific individuals while ignoring others.
Like I mentioned earlier, I can see that religion helps some people to cope with whatever they might be dealing with in their lives. If it makes them happier people, then more power to them. What I do not like is the assumption that I am a "bad person" or something must be wrong with me or I must be missing something in my life simply because I don't share in this belief.

I asked another poster (supposedly a "believer") a series of serious questions, and all he could respond with was "you must be drunk" or something to that effect, and then he went on to speak about me to other posters, calling me a drunk, etc. A sad attempt at character assassination. This is the normal attitude that I'm used to getting from "believers." They see you as a "lower life form" or something.

Religion is not a coping mechanism. It is a philosophy of life, a way of life. It is not a magic potion for happiness, any more than any other philosophy or way of life guarantees happiness. I do not think you are a bad person. Atheism does not make anyone bad, anymore than belief makes someone good.

Doesn't make you drunk, either.
Like I mentioned earlier, I can see that religion helps some people to cope with whatever they might be dealing with in their lives. If it makes them happier people, then more power to them. What I do not like is the assumption that I am a "bad person" or something must be wrong with me or I must be missing something in my life simply because I don't share in this belief.

I asked another poster (supposedly a "believer") a series of serious questions, and all he could respond with was "you must be drunk" or something to that effect, and then he went on to speak about me to other posters, calling me a drunk, etc. A sad attempt at character assassination. This is the normal attitude that I'm used to getting from "believers." They see you as a "lower life form" or something.

Religion is not a coping mechanism. It is a philosophy of life, a way of life. It is not a magic potion for happiness, any more than any other philosophy or way of life guarantees happiness. I do not think you are a bad person. Atheism does not make anyone bad, anymore than belief makes someone good.

Doesn't make you drunk, either.

It most certainly is a coping mechanism for many people.
Every action is preceded by a thought.

What a person believes has everything thing to do with how they conduct themselves.

How a person conducts themselves demonstrates their beliefs whatever they may or may not express.

Well I and I'm sure plenty of other people who don't believe in gods know exactly how to conduct ourselves. In fact, I've overcome quite a few obstacles in my life. I'm not sad or depressed most of the time. I have a good relationship with my family. I live in a house and not in a dump. Lol. I go to work. I have a pet rabbit and I just live a regular boring life like anyone else.

I'm sure that thats all true as much as it is relative to your current level of growth.

I have shown unbelievers how they are already conforming to the teaching in kosher law by standing guard over what teaching they will or will not swallow at the same time they are saying they find no value in the Bible that they claim is full of irrelevant and outdated archaic superstitions...

Would you object to a more fulfilling and abundant experience of all that is good about life?

My life is very fulfilling as it is. I don't need for anything, and I'm satisfied with what I have.
Glad to hear it...

And fyi, I am not someone who is bothered by your caution and refusal to believe in something that makes no sense to you.

That is exactly what a loving and benevolent God would want you do do if he existed, right? Isn't, Don't be gullible, exactly what you would teach your own child?.

I'm sure that when something does make sense you will have to acknowledge that and include it in your speculations or else risk becoming just as phony as the ones that you revile....

You may not know this but unbelievers can be every bit as duplicitous and malevolently deceptive as any fundamentalist religious nut job out there.

Well that is what I would like to think, but many of them do not feel that way, and it seems as if those people are the loudest and the "norm."
I agree, and its a shame that people in this day and age could be so brazenly pretentious and get away with it which doesn't reflect very well on those who claim to be rational but are too cowardly to do anything about it..

Setting all of that aside, can you see how the story of the talking serpent from the beginning was just a hebrew story teaching hebrew children to not be gullible?

Can you see how that explains why when the romans came along and said that Jesus was Jewish God man, "here, have a cookie," they said no thank you, we''ll risk burning in flames forever after we die..
I hear "nonbelievers are immoral." They would just kill people because they have nobody to worship, I suppose. *shrugs*
Yeah, and I hear we believers are responsible for all the bad things that happen (or have happened) in the world--including mass killings.

Both serve only as not very good distractions to an ongoing discussion.

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