Reconstructing Q: Some Research Done

The word Nah-chash doesn't mean serpent.
Satan was the shining one (Nachash). That was always my understanding.
Don't confuse Shah-Char (shining), as in the Shah-Char that provided light within Noach's ark with Nah-chash.
The creature, as all creatures, was named by Ah-dahm (dust) and it's inner essence was the ability to exude charm.
We can only surmise what this creature is today due to the descibed curse.

On the other hand, it's amazing how people can accept a Power that can create the universe we live in and yet have a breakdown because this Power created something other than a human with the ability to speak.

Even though atheists and agnostics with argue from today till forever that animals can speak to each other and will eventually master architecture.
Interesting. Is there a more accurate English translation of Genesis than the KJV?
Many rabinnic commentators say that the Tree of Life was the antidote to the Tree of Knowledge if partaken of in the spirit of dwelling with God's will as opposed to one's own will.

My source teaches me that the tree of life is symbolic of the law standing at the center of paradise, the promise of eternal life for those who receive its teaching and conform to its demands righteously...creating the firmament, basis, for them to experience life on earth as it is in heaven.....

If someone tries to hand you something that is not pleasing to the eye nor good to eat, don't swallow it.
The word Nah-chash doesn't mean serpent.
Satan was the shining one (Nachash). That was always my understanding.
Don't confuse Shah-Char (shining), as in the Shah-Char that provided light within Noach's ark with Nah-chash.
The creature, as all creatures, was named by Ah-dahm (dust) and it's inner essence was the ability to exude charm.
We can only surmise what this creature is today due to the descibed curse.

On the other hand, it's amazing how people can accept a Power that can create the universe we live in and yet have a breakdown because this Power created something other than a human with the ability to speak.

Even though atheists and agnostics with argue from today till forever that animals can speak to each other and will eventually master architecture.
Interesting. Is there a more accurate English translation of Genesis than the KJV?
You have to check out the ArtScroll Chumash series. It contains tons of commentaries, written in erudite English, that explain words, phrases, verses and chapters.
The Anthologies are better for beginners before seeking out the commentators that are more to your liking in various phases of your life.
I am currently more immersed in how doing a commandment actually affects reality; it's much more concrete than my sentence makes it sound.
Many rabinnic commentators say that the Tree of Life was the antidote to the Tree of Knowledge if partaken of in the spirit of dwelling with God's will as opposed to one's own will.

My source teaches me that the tree of life is symbolic of the law standing at the center of paradise, the promise of eternal life for those who receive its teaching and conform to its demands righteously...creating the firmament, basis, for them to experience life on earth as it is in heaven.....

If someone tries to hand you something that is not pleasing to the eye nor good to eat, don't swallow it.
God is at the center of existence, not any of the Trees.
If course the Torah is referred to by Scripture as The Tree of Life.
The Torah also states that God created a universe that would provide appropriate pleasure to humans.
The value of everything one encounters must be evaluated through God's "Eyes" and not through one's physical, mental and emotional evaluations.
Of course the Talmud states that the "Eyes of God" are the Torah leaders of each generation.
And yes, if you or I dedicate our lives to God and community, we can become "God's Eyes".
The Torah also states that God created a universe that would provide appropriate pleasure to humans.

Of course that created universe, the world above and the world below is not material in nature but are figurative terms for two realms of conscious existence. God is present in one, absent in the other. . Angels and demons and the lower beasts of the field beyond the boundaries of law including cultivated fruit trees and garden pests, mountains and valleys, stars in the sky to smoldering garbage dumps, unfailing rivers to clouds that bring no rain, are all figurative depictions of the human universe reflecting the heights and depths of human potential. ....

you must pass by the cherubim with the flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction before you can experience the pleasures and fullness of life in the kingdom of God on earth.
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The Torah also states that God created a universe that would provide appropriate pleasure to humans.

Of course that created universe, the world above and the world below is not material in nature but are figurative terms for realms of conscious existence. Angels and demons and the lower beasts of the field beyond the boundaries of law including cultivated fruit trees and garden pests are all depictions of the human landscape reflecting the heights and depths of human potential. ....

you must pass by the cherubim with the flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction before you can experience the pleasures of life in the kingdom of God on earth.
Now how does that make what we do not real.
Because if the Torah is only allegory, so are we.
My actions are real but also affect both the physical and non-physical realms.
You have to check out the ArtScroll Chumash series. It contains tons of commentaries, written in erudite English, that explain words, phrases, verses and chapters.
The Anthologies are better for beginners before seeking out the commentators that are more to your liking in various phases of your life.
I am currently more immersed in how doing a commandment actually affects reality; it's much more concrete than my sentence makes it sound.
I need an online source. Anything out there?

I found an amusingly terrible one that uses the term serpent:
It translated (Yiddish?):
דוַיֹּ֥אמֶר הַנָּחָ֖שׁ אֶל־הָֽאִשָּׁ֑ה לֹא־מ֖וֹת תְּמֻתֽוּן:​
4 And the serpent said to the woman, "You will surely not die.​
Amusingly Google translated it as:
For the sake of the greatness of the word,​
The Torah also states that God created a universe that would provide appropriate pleasure to humans.

Of course that created universe, the world above and the world below is not material in nature but are figurative terms for realms of conscious existence. Angels and demons and the lower beasts of the field beyond the boundaries of law including cultivated fruit trees and garden pests are all depictions of the human landscape reflecting the heights and depths of human potential. ....

you must pass by the cherubim with the flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction before you can experience the pleasures of life in the kingdom of God on earth.
Now how does that make what we do not real.
Because if the Torah is only allegory, so are we.
My actions are real but also affect both the physical and non-physical realms.

Nonsense. What the Torah alludes to an actual reality that is by far more bizarre than any fairy tale ever imagined.

There are actually some people out there who to this day believe that a person can become defiled or holy as God is holy by either eating or abstaining from certain food. Then there are those who profess to believe that they will receive eternal life by eating something made by human hands that has no life.

Imagine that!
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You have to check out the ArtScroll Chumash series. It contains tons of commentaries, written in erudite English, that explain words, phrases, verses and chapters.
The Anthologies are better for beginners before seeking out the commentators that are more to your liking in various phases of your life.
I am currently more immersed in how doing a commandment actually affects reality; it's much more concrete than my sentence makes it sound.
I need an online source. Anything out there?

I found an amusingly terrible one that uses the term serpent:
It translated (Yiddish?):
דוַיֹּ֥אמֶר הַנָּחָ֖שׁ אֶל־הָֽאִשָּׁ֑ה לֹא־מ֖וֹת תְּמֻתֽוּן:​
4 And the serpent said to the woman, "You will surely not die.​
Amusingly Google translated it as:
For the sake of the greatness of the word,​
There's one rule in Jewish life...
Show me the money.
These seforim cost a fortune to produce and sell for pennies on the dollar of input.

If you speak what we jokingly call Heblish you can listen to lectures on Torah Anytime.
If you don't you have to invest a little bit of money.
The Torah also states that God created a universe that would provide appropriate pleasure to humans.

Of course that created universe, the world above and the world below is not material in nature but are figurative terms for realms of conscious existence. Angels and demons and the lower beasts of the field beyond the boundaries of law including cultivated fruit trees and garden pests are all depictions of the human landscape reflecting the heights and depths of human potential. ....

you must pass by the cherubim with the flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction before you can experience the pleasures of life in the kingdom of God on earth.
Now how does that make what we do not real.
Because if the Torah is only allegory, so are we.
My actions are real but also affect both the physical and non-physical realms.

Nonsense. What the Torah alludes to an actual reality that is by far more bizarre than any fairy tale ever imagined.
In a sense you are correct.
There's one rule in Jewish life...
Show me the money.
These seforim cost a fortune to produce and sell for pennies on the dollar of input.

If you speak what we jokingly call Heblish you can listen to lectures on Torah Anytime.
If you don't you have to invest a little bit of money.
Thanks. Luckily I'm a very patient man.
"endless" is NOT "infinite" ?? -----that's not what my calc prof said

Have you ever tested the endless fries or endless salad bar promotions?
IT'S LIKE UNLIMITED DATA on your phone plan. :)
There's one rule in Jewish life...
Show me the money.
These seforim cost a fortune to produce and sell for pennies on the dollar of input.

If you speak what we jokingly call Heblish you can listen to lectures on Torah Anytime.
If you don't you have to invest a little bit of money.
Thanks. Luckily I'm a very patient man.
You are lucky because the Torah cycle has just begun.
The verses state that the sun, as a sphere was not "formed" as is until the 4th day.
And what proof is there of that?
Ask a physicist.
I'm not the one here who is posing as an expert in every subject under the sun.
That would be you.

You have left behind an electronically audited trail of making a claim about something you don't know.
Try reading the verse where God tells Adam & Chava to subdue the Earth; in other words, don't waste time asking random questions, learn math, chemistry, physics, etc and appreciate the universe I created for the 2 of you.
Your egocentric attempt to throw cynicism at the wall is duly noted.
You make a statement, I ask you for proof, and you admit that you have none. So why make the claim in the first place?
The verses state that the sun, as a sphere was not "formed" as is until the 4th day.
And what proof is there of that?
Ask a physicist.
I'm not the one here who is posing as an expert in every subject under the sun.
That would be you.

You have left behind an electronically audited trail of making a claim about something you don't know.
Try reading the verse where God tells Adam & Chava to subdue the Earth; in other words, don't waste time asking random questions, learn math, chemistry, physics, etc and appreciate the universe I created for the 2 of you.
Your egocentric attempt to throw cynicism at the wall is duly noted.
You make a statement, I ask you for proof, and you admit that you have none. So why make the claim in the first place?
So you don't believe the universe was created?
Read the Scriptural sources...describes The Big Bang.
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions. Of course, almost no originals of anything exist, they deteriorate over time, even clay and stone tablets, so that silly point is just dissembling and hand-waving.

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

Carbon Dating Confirms World's Oldest Torah Scroll

A scroll at the University of Bologna is shown to be 800 years old.


With so many copies of the NT available, much older than the newest Torah, why not a bunch of hair-brained idiotic conspiratard theories about it from Rosie and the other mental cases? They would have far more arguments from silence to work with there, obviously.
Rosie, Kaballah has it's own nomenclature.
Does that mean its own load of crap? :lol:
You need not display your low IQ once again.
You testified against yourself quite enough in the last 2 days.
Now get back to your assignment and start from Genesis 1:1 and show me how each verse is a fairy tale as you have asserted.

What? Asking some poster to know what they're talking about before babbling away in a thread??? .... That's not fair!

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