Reconstructing Q: Some Research Done

Please provide 3 explanations of Genesis 1:1.
Of course you can't because you can read it forever in English and have no idea if how bad the Christian English abortions are.
"In the beginning" amounts to "once upon a time".....

ta da!
Guess what?
Strike 1...
It doesn't say In The Beginning.
That's a King James abortion.

Thats irrelevant.

As soon as a talking serpent is introduced the beginning of the story amounts to 'once upon a time'.

Do you really think that the beginning in genesis is about the beginning of the universe or solar system?
The word Nah-chash doesn't mean serpent.

that is a little deceptive isn't it...

as a noun nachash means serpent. as a verb it means deceiver or one who practices divination. as an adjective it means brazen or shiny one...
Hey guys, I came here hoping to learn more about the mysterious source, Q. Instead I have to listen to you two fuss over bullshit?

Q from Star Dreck - The Politically Correct, Unbearably Boring Generation?
Yes, of course I thought of the Q from Star Trek. But I thought this thread might be about something else. Nevermind.
As with most USMB threads, the first pages are interesting and then everything is downhill from there. Hopefully you knew Q is not from Star Trek.
I had never heard of this Q source for the NT. I had heard a bit about some of the lost gospels, including the Gospel of Mary (Magdalene) which is pretty darned fragmentary.
The word Nah-chash doesn't mean serpent.
Satan was the shining one (Nachash). That was always my understanding.
Don't confuse Shah-Char (shining), as in the Shah-Char that provided light within Noach's ark with Nah-chash.
The creature, as all creatures, was named by Ah-dahm (dust) and it's inner essence was the ability to exude charm.
We can only surmise what this creature is today due to the descibed curse.

On the other hand, it's amazing how people can accept a Power that can create the universe we live in and yet have a breakdown because this Power created something other than a human with the ability to speak.

Even though atheists and agnostics with argue from today till forever that animals can speak to each other and will eventually master architecture.
Your hatred for religion has truly marred your ability to follow a conversation.
You initiated an attack.
I enlightened you, much to your chagrin, that your complete lack of knowledge regarding the subject of your attack renders your attack meaningless.
You then lost control of your ability to follow a structured, logical flow of facts.
It's ok, you're not the first atheist I have encountered who throws feces at the wall at random and hopes that I'm not keeping track of their inability to express themselves regarding anything they hate.
I am agnostic, as there's no proof either way for or against a god. So no, I don't hate religion, and you've presented zero facts, just a book of myths.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.

The Sun (Baal) was not shining for 3 (ages) which is why I talked about this when referring to the 3 day resurrection of Baal through his son the morning star 3 days=ages later.
In the Baal mythology, Baal rose from death after 3 days(ages). Go back to where I mention these ages where Baal started and the age he came back in the new image son on 3rd day= age.

Baal and Asherah (Mother Mary) goes back to 5000 or more BC where the age(day) is Hunter / Gatherers - then the next age (day) theAgricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of the earth.
Then the 3rd day(age) Age of Trade: he Baal resurrected as the Jesus mythology.
The verses state that the sun, as a sphere was not "formed" as is until the 4th day.
I am agnostic, as there's no proof either way for or against a god. So no, I don't hate religion, and you've presented zero facts, just a book of myths.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.

The Sun (Baal) was not shining for 3 (ages) which is why I talked about this when referring to the 3 day resurrection of Baal through his son the morning star 3 days=ages later.
In the Baal mythology, Baal rose from death after 3 days(ages). Go back to where I mention these ages where Baal started and the age he came back in the new image son on 3rd day= age.

Baal and Asherah (Mother Mary) goes back to 5000 or more BC where the age(day) is Hunter / Gatherers - then the next age (day) theAgricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of the earth.
Then the 3rd day(age) Age of Trade: he Baal resurrected as the Jesus mythology.
The verses state that the sun, as a sphere was not "formed" as is until the 4th day.

a sphere of light in heaven is analogous to a higher circle or sphere of intelligences, the firmament or basis of heaven being the law spoken into existence as a light to the nations..

Just like when Jesus said, "I am the light of the world" or when God placed lights in the firmament of heaven to divide day from night, the story has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the solar system, the sun earth or moon........
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The verses state that the sun, as a sphere was not "formed" as is until the 4th day.
And what proof is there of that?
Ask a physicist.
I'm not the one here who is posing as an expert in every subject under the sun.
That would be you.

You have left behind an electronically audited trail of making a claim about something you don't know.
Try reading the verse where God tells Adam & Chava to subdue the Earth; in other words, don't waste time asking random questions, learn math, chemistry, physics, etc and appreciate the universe I created for the 2 of you.
Your egocentric attempt to throw cynicism at the wall is duly noted.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.

The Sun (Baal) was not shining for 3 (ages) which is why I talked about this when referring to the 3 day resurrection of Baal through his son the morning star 3 days=ages later.
In the Baal mythology, Baal rose from death after 3 days(ages). Go back to where I mention these ages where Baal started and the age he came back in the new image son on 3rd day= age.

Baal and Asherah (Mother Mary) goes back to 5000 or more BC where the age(day) is Hunter / Gatherers - then the next age (day) theAgricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of the earth.
Then the 3rd day(age) Age of Trade: he Baal resurrected as the Jesus mythology.
The verses state that the sun, as a sphere was not "formed" as is until the 4th day.

a sphere of light in heaven is analogous to a higher circle of intelligences, the firmament or basis of heaven being the law spoken into existence as a light to the nations..

the story has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the solar system.......
The "story" is an infinite layer of truths.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.

The Sun (Baal) was not shining for 3 (ages) which is why I talked about this when referring to the 3 day resurrection of Baal through his son the morning star 3 days=ages later.
In the Baal mythology, Baal rose from death after 3 days(ages). Go back to where I mention these ages where Baal started and the age he came back in the new image son on 3rd day= age.

Baal and Asherah (Mother Mary) goes back to 5000 or more BC where the age(day) is Hunter / Gatherers - then the next age (day) theAgricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of the earth.
Then the 3rd day(age) Age of Trade: he Baal resurrected as the Jesus mythology.
The verses state that the sun, as a sphere was not "formed" as is until the 4th day.

a sphere of light in heaven is analogous to a higher circle of intelligences, the firmament or basis of heaven being the law spoken into existence as a light to the nations..

the story has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the solar system.......
The "story" is an infinite layer of truths.
sure, many layers of truths,many teachings, but not infinite.... thats silly.

but one thing the story is not and never was about is the creation or beginning of the solar system.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.

The Sun (Baal) was not shining for 3 (ages) which is why I talked about this when referring to the 3 day resurrection of Baal through his son the morning star 3 days=ages later.
In the Baal mythology, Baal rose from death after 3 days(ages). Go back to where I mention these ages where Baal started and the age he came back in the new image son on 3rd day= age.

Baal and Asherah (Mother Mary) goes back to 5000 or more BC where the age(day) is Hunter / Gatherers - then the next age (day) theAgricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of the earth.
Then the 3rd day(age) Age of Trade: he Baal resurrected as the Jesus mythology.
The verses state that the sun, as a sphere was not "formed" as is until the 4th day.

a sphere of light in heaven is analogous to a higher circle of intelligences, the firmament or basis of heaven being the law spoken into existence as a light to the nations..

the story has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the solar system.......
The "story" is an infinite layer of truths.
sure, many layers of truths,many teachings, but not infinite.... thats silly.

but one thing the story is not and never was about is the creation or beginning of the solar system.
I stand corrected as only the Ain Sofe is infinite.
I am agnostic, as there's no proof either way for or against a god. So no, I don't hate religion, and you've presented zero facts, just a book of myths.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.
What you just posted was not proof. Please try again.
Coming from the guy who states that Geology is an exact science.
How I am so shivering in my sneakers.
Why not let go of your ego and admit you blurt things on subjects of which you know little or nothing.

geology IS a science-----and is based on math and physics and lots of hope. -------but there is so much SEDIMENT---
between the rocks and layers and stuff------that it has lots of
The Sun (Baal) was not shining for 3 (ages) which is why I talked about this when referring to the 3 day resurrection of Baal through his son the morning star 3 days=ages later.
In the Baal mythology, Baal rose from death after 3 days(ages). Go back to where I mention these ages where Baal started and the age he came back in the new image son on 3rd day= age.

Baal and Asherah (Mother Mary) goes back to 5000 or more BC where the age(day) is Hunter / Gatherers - then the next age (day) theAgricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of the earth.
Then the 3rd day(age) Age of Trade: he Baal resurrected as the Jesus mythology.
The verses state that the sun, as a sphere was not "formed" as is until the 4th day.

a sphere of light in heaven is analogous to a higher circle of intelligences, the firmament or basis of heaven being the law spoken into existence as a light to the nations..

the story has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the solar system.......
The "story" is an infinite layer of truths.
sure, many layers of truths,many teachings, but not infinite.... thats silly.

but one thing the story is not and never was about is the creation or beginning of the solar system.
I stand corrected as only the Ain Sofe is infinite.
nah, even that has a meaning more like endless which is not the same as infinite.

Not to mention that the Atzmus is above (so to speak) the Ein Sofe....
The verses state that the sun, as a sphere was not "formed" as is until the 4th day.

a sphere of light in heaven is analogous to a higher circle of intelligences, the firmament or basis of heaven being the law spoken into existence as a light to the nations..

the story has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the solar system.......
The "story" is an infinite layer of truths.
sure, many layers of truths,many teachings, but not infinite.... thats silly.

but one thing the story is not and never was about is the creation or beginning of the solar system.
I stand corrected as only the Ain Sofe is infinite.
nah, even that has a meaning more like endless which is not the same as infinite.

Not to mention that the Atzmus is above (so to speak) the Ein Sofe....
And yet you deny the Torah has almost infinite layers of meaning.

The Ein Sofe is above Atzmus as Adam had aspects of Atzmus but Adam, as a creation, is not without an end limit.
a sphere of light in heaven is analogous to a higher circle of intelligences, the firmament or basis of heaven being the law spoken into existence as a light to the nations..

the story has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the solar system.......
The "story" is an infinite layer of truths.
sure, many layers of truths,many teachings, but not infinite.... thats silly.

but one thing the story is not and never was about is the creation or beginning of the solar system.
I stand corrected as only the Ain Sofe is infinite.
nah, even that has a meaning more like endless which is not the same as infinite.

Not to mention that the Atzmus is above (so to speak) the Ein Sofe....
And yet you deny the Torah has almost infinite layers of meaning.

The Ein Sofe is above Atzmus as Adam had aspects of Atzmus but Adam, as a creation, is not without an end limit.
I stand were correct that Atzmus is higher than Ain Sofe.
a sphere of light in heaven is analogous to a higher circle of intelligences, the firmament or basis of heaven being the law spoken into existence as a light to the nations..

the story has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the solar system.......
The "story" is an infinite layer of truths.
sure, many layers of truths,many teachings, but not infinite.... thats silly.

but one thing the story is not and never was about is the creation or beginning of the solar system.
I stand corrected as only the Ain Sofe is infinite.
nah, even that has a meaning more like endless which is not the same as infinite.

Not to mention that the Atzmus is above (so to speak) the Ein Sofe....
And yet you deny the Torah has almost infinite layers of meaning.

The Ein Sofe is above Atzmus as Adam had aspects of Atzmus but Adam, as a creation, is not without an end limit.

only because that deceitful and ever brazen shiny serpent of old diverted him east of Eden where the wild things are, never eating of the fruit of the tree of life.

those who do not fall for the charms of the Nachash, have the opportunity to share in the endless nature of divine existence never knowing what it is to die...if only they reached out their hand to take and eat the fruit of the tree of life.

Don't avoid dealing with things that cause other people to stumble, clear the way....
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Your hatred for religion has truly marred your ability to follow a conversation.
You initiated an attack.
I enlightened you, much to your chagrin, that your complete lack of knowledge regarding the subject of your attack renders your attack meaningless.
You then lost control of your ability to follow a structured, logical flow of facts.
It's ok, you're not the first atheist I have encountered who throws feces at the wall at random and hopes that I'm not keeping track of their inability to express themselves regarding anything they hate.
I am agnostic, as there's no proof either way for or against a god. So no, I don't hate religion, and you've presented zero facts, just a book of myths.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.

The Sun (Baal) was not shining for 3 (ages) which is why I talked about this when referring to the 3 day resurrection of Baal through his son the morning star 3 days=ages later.
In the Baal mythology, Baal rose from death after 3 days(ages). Go back to where I mention these ages where Baal started and the age he came back in the new image son on 3rd day= age.

Baal and Asherah (Mother Mary) goes back to 5000 or more BC where the age(day) is Hunter / Gatherers - then the next age (day) theAgricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of the earth.
Then the 3rd day(age) Age of Trade: he Baal resurrected as the Jesus mythology.
The verses state that the sun, as a sphere was not "formed" as is until the 4th day.

a sphere of light in heaven is analogous to a higher circle of intelligences, the firmament or basis of heaven being the law spoken into existence as a light to the nations..

the story has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the solar system.......
The "story" is an infinite layer of truths.
sure, many layers of truths,many teachings, but not infinite.... thats silly.

but one thing the story is not and never was about is the creation or beginning of the solar system.
I stand corrected as only the Ain Sofe is infinite.
nah, even that has a meaning more like endless which is not the same as infinite.

Not to mention that the Atzmus is above (so to speak) the Ein Sofe....

"endless" is NOT "infinite" ?? -----that's not what my calc prof said
Many rabinnic commentators say that the Tree of Life was the antidote to the Tree of Knowledge if partaken of in the spirit of dwelling with God's will as opposed to one's own will.

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