Reconstructing Q: Some Research Done

There are a plethora of Carbon Dating books written by Orthodox Jewish scientists that have shot it down.
The fact that neither one of us can argue the actual science leads me to believe the people who will actually give a lecture on the pros and cons.
I think the term Orthodox Jewish scientists should be a red flag. Radiometric dating is a proven science, tested and accepted by the majority scientists, at least those without an agenda.

yes it is-----but to call it PRECISE is truly idiotic
Precise is exactly what it is. Whenever you see a radiometric date it should have the PRECISION included, e.g. 3200 years old + 50 years.
Get the point?[/QUOTE]
You can't find oil deposits with a Torah.
You can't find gas deposits with a Torah.
You can't find precious metals with a Torah.[/QUOTE]
That is not necessarily true...In Genesis 49 Blessings were given to the sons of Jacob...Joseph was specifically given a blessing that he would receive the Blessings of the Deep that lieth under..The tribe of Joseph was split into two tribes Ephraim and Manasseh ...If one looks at a map of their tribal boundaries one would find that to the west where the boundary is the meditereanean sea huge deposits of natural gas have been found and to the east massive quantities of oil have been just found on the Golan Heights...Is this just a coincidence or can you really use the Torah to find oil and gas don’t be so closed minded...I always find that if you are this way it rears up and bites you in the Too too.. There is much more I could say but this is off topic and you were discussing Q so I will leave you guys at it...
Be specific...what degree do you possess?
Just between the two of us, a Masters in Geology

that's good------then you should know that in order to understand
LITERATURE of any kind------the bedrock of that literature----THE LANGUAGE ----is important. In order to understand language------its USAGE AT THE TIME IT IS USED-----is a
MAIN FACTOR in interpreting it
On the other hand, not knowing a language shouldn't prevent someone from mining that literature for a vein of truth and gaining an understanding of its layers. It's that ore just give up. Anyway those are just my sediments.

SEDIMENT is the sludge that falls to the bottom. Are you sure that you are searching for SEDIMENT?

getting back to that which I am guessing is your point----if you want to know what the words in the NT meant----especially those specifically said by Jesus-------ask a scholar of the Talmud. Jesus quotes the Talmud incessantly and ACTUALLY SPOKE THE LANGUAGE OF THE TALMUD----
which is the form of Aramaic that talmudists used in Jerusalem----and also in Babylon.---to a great extent. Reading the NT without knowing Talmudic Aramaic-----which actually does include a good amount of Hebrew ----is like
reading Cantebury tales without a translation----just as a speaker of American English. I am relatively clueless in Aramaic----but Hebrew helps. As to English-----I am also cluelsss in cockney
I'm sure you're correct about the Talmud but there is very little in the way of Jesus' words. I believe in the entire NT there are less than 2 pages of quotes. Really unimportant anyway since the NT is not the religion of Jesus, it is the religion about Jesus.
Geology is so accurate that...
Finding Oil Deposits is 100% accurate.
Finding Gas Deposits is 100% accurate.
Finding precious metals is 100% accurate.

Get the point?
You can't find oil deposits with a Torah.
You can't find gas deposits with a Torah.
You can't find precious metals with a Torah.
But I'm not the one who called the Torah bullshit and Geology infallible science capable of exposing the secrets of the world.

You realize by now that you've been crushed?
lol, man, you're seriously deluded if you think that you can crush geology with the Torah. That's the funniest thing that I've heard here in a while, and that's saying something! :lmao:
Your hatred for religion has truly marred your ability to follow a conversation.
You initiated an attack.
I enlightened you, much to your chagrin, that your complete lack of knowledge regarding the subject of your attack renders your attack meaningless.
You then lost control of your ability to follow a structured, logical flow of facts.
It's ok, you're not the first atheist I have encountered who throws feces at the wall at random and hopes that I'm not keeping track of their inability to express themselves regarding anything they hate.
I am agnostic, as there's no proof either way for or against a god. So no, I don't hate religion, and you've presented zero facts, just a book of myths.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
Be specific...what degree do you possess?
Just between the two of us, a Masters in Geology

that's good------then you should know that in order to understand
LITERATURE of any kind------the bedrock of that literature----THE LANGUAGE ----is important. In order to understand language------its USAGE AT THE TIME IT IS USED-----is a
MAIN FACTOR in interpreting it
On the other hand, not knowing a language shouldn't prevent someone from mining that literature for a vein of truth and gaining an understanding of its layers. It's that ore just give up. Anyway those are just my sediments.

SEDIMENT is the sludge that falls to the bottom. Are you sure that you are searching for SEDIMENT?

getting back to that which I am guessing is your point----if you want to know what the words in the NT meant----especially those specifically said by Jesus-------ask a scholar of the Talmud. Jesus quotes the Talmud incessantly and ACTUALLY SPOKE THE LANGUAGE OF THE TALMUD----
which is the form of Aramaic that talmudists used in Jerusalem----and also in Babylon.---to a great extent. Reading the NT without knowing Talmudic Aramaic-----which actually does include a good amount of Hebrew ----is like
reading Cantebury tales without a translation----just as a speaker of American English. I am relatively clueless in Aramaic----but Hebrew helps. As to English-----I am also cluelsss in cockney
I'm sure you're correct about the Talmud but there is very little in the way of Jesus' words. I believe in the entire NT there are less than 2 pages of quotes. Really unimportant anyway since the NT is not the religion of Jesus, it is the religion about Jesus.

true-----little of the NT stuff can be attributed to JESUS----but that which OBVIOUSLY CAN------is very very consistent with
Please provide 3 explanations of Genesis 1:1.
Of course you can't because you can read it forever in English and have no idea if how bad the Christian English abortions are.
"In the beginning" amounts to "once upon a time".....

ta da!
Guess what?
Strike 1...
It doesn't say In The Beginning.
That's a King James abortion.

Thats irrelevant.

As soon as a talking serpent is introduced the beginning of the story amounts to 'once upon a time'.

Do you really think that the beginning in genesis is about the beginning of the universe or solar system?
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You can't find oil deposits with a Torah.
You can't find gas deposits with a Torah.
You can't find precious metals with a Torah.
But I'm not the one who called the Torah bullshit and Geology infallible science capable of exposing the secrets of the world.

You realize by now that you've been crushed?
lol, man, you're seriously deluded if you think that you can crush geology with the Torah. That's the funniest thing that I've heard here in a while, and that's saying something! :lmao:
Your hatred for religion has truly marred your ability to follow a conversation.
You initiated an attack.
I enlightened you, much to your chagrin, that your complete lack of knowledge regarding the subject of your attack renders your attack meaningless.
You then lost control of your ability to follow a structured, logical flow of facts.
It's ok, you're not the first atheist I have encountered who throws feces at the wall at random and hopes that I'm not keeping track of their inability to express themselves regarding anything they hate.
I am agnostic, as there's no proof either way for or against a god. So no, I don't hate religion, and you've presented zero facts, just a book of myths.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
Explain how I deny science.
The fact that you are stating that Carbon Dating is an exact science proves you're a moron.

the same goes for the 'rationalist' illiterates who claim they can date events via DNA as well.

And we find yet again the un-educated 'rationalists' being reduced to basing much of their alleged 'rationalism' on their utter ignorance of allegory and on some babbling about the use of anthropomorphism as a literary device, another admission of ignorance and lack of real reasoning.
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Just between the two of us, a Masters in Geology

that's good------then you should know that in order to understand
LITERATURE of any kind------the bedrock of that literature----THE LANGUAGE ----is important. In order to understand language------its USAGE AT THE TIME IT IS USED-----is a
MAIN FACTOR in interpreting it
On the other hand, not knowing a language shouldn't prevent someone from mining that literature for a vein of truth and gaining an understanding of its layers. It's that ore just give up. Anyway those are just my sediments.

SEDIMENT is the sludge that falls to the bottom. Are you sure that you are searching for SEDIMENT?

getting back to that which I am guessing is your point----if you want to know what the words in the NT meant----especially those specifically said by Jesus-------ask a scholar of the Talmud. Jesus quotes the Talmud incessantly and ACTUALLY SPOKE THE LANGUAGE OF THE TALMUD----
which is the form of Aramaic that talmudists used in Jerusalem----and also in Babylon.---to a great extent. Reading the NT without knowing Talmudic Aramaic-----which actually does include a good amount of Hebrew ----is like
reading Cantebury tales without a translation----just as a speaker of American English. I am relatively clueless in Aramaic----but Hebrew helps. As to English-----I am also cluelsss in cockney
I'm sure you're correct about the Talmud but there is very little in the way of Jesus' words. I believe in the entire NT there are less than 2 pages of quotes. Really unimportant anyway since the NT is not the religion of Jesus, it is the religion about Jesus.

true-----little of the NT stuff can be attributed to JESUS----but that which OBVIOUSLY CAN------is very very consistent with

Misleading rubbish. We know Paul was a Pharisee, and it's clear John was, but not much else indicates that they were all Pharisees, just some of them. Most of Jesus's sayings are based on the Torah; his premise was that the 'modern' Judaism of his time had strayed drastically from the Judaism of Moses. He was a 'neo-conservative' for his times. Paul and the other Christian leaders in fact rejected the Pharisees' strict legalism, especially re Gentiles; the Pharisees, like most orthodox Jews were obsessed with 'racial purity' and their own genealogies as a prerequisite for various priest posts, the Christian Jewish converts were not, they were advocates of catholicity and expansion of The Way, not making it some exclusive club for bigots.
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Most of Jesus's sayings are based on the Torah; his premise was that the 'modern' Judaism of his time had strayed drastically from the Judaism of Moses. He was a 'neo-conservative' for his times.
I see him as a revolutionary zealot. God had given the Holy Land to the Israelites and it was their duty and right to take it back from the Romans. His revolutionary message was mostly erased by those that followed him and had to live under Roman rule. What he said and did was not important anyway. As Paul said, the only important thing about Jesus was that he rose from the dead.
Please provide 3 explanations of Genesis 1:1.
Of course you can't because you can read it forever in English and have no idea if how bad the Christian English abortions are.
"In the beginning" amounts to "once upon a time".....

ta da!
Guess what?
Strike 1...
It doesn't say In The Beginning.
That's a King James abortion.

Thats irrelevant.

As soon as a talking serpent is introduced the beginning of the story amounts to 'once upon a time'.

Do you really think that the beginning in genesis is about the beginning of the universe or solar system?
The word Nah-chash doesn't mean serpent.
But I'm not the one who called the Torah bullshit and Geology infallible science capable of exposing the secrets of the world.

You realize by now that you've been crushed?
lol, man, you're seriously deluded if you think that you can crush geology with the Torah. That's the funniest thing that I've heard here in a while, and that's saying something! :lmao:
Your hatred for religion has truly marred your ability to follow a conversation.
You initiated an attack.
I enlightened you, much to your chagrin, that your complete lack of knowledge regarding the subject of your attack renders your attack meaningless.
You then lost control of your ability to follow a structured, logical flow of facts.
It's ok, you're not the first atheist I have encountered who throws feces at the wall at random and hopes that I'm not keeping track of their inability to express themselves regarding anything they hate.
I am agnostic, as there's no proof either way for or against a god. So no, I don't hate religion, and you've presented zero facts, just a book of myths.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.
lol, man, you're seriously deluded if you think that you can crush geology with the Torah. That's the funniest thing that I've heard here in a while, and that's saying something! :lmao:
Your hatred for religion has truly marred your ability to follow a conversation.
You initiated an attack.
I enlightened you, much to your chagrin, that your complete lack of knowledge regarding the subject of your attack renders your attack meaningless.
You then lost control of your ability to follow a structured, logical flow of facts.
It's ok, you're not the first atheist I have encountered who throws feces at the wall at random and hopes that I'm not keeping track of their inability to express themselves regarding anything they hate.
I am agnostic, as there's no proof either way for or against a god. So no, I don't hate religion, and you've presented zero facts, just a book of myths.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.
What you just posted was not proof. Please try again.
lol, man, you're seriously deluded if you think that you can crush geology with the Torah. That's the funniest thing that I've heard here in a while, and that's saying something! :lmao:
Your hatred for religion has truly marred your ability to follow a conversation.
You initiated an attack.
I enlightened you, much to your chagrin, that your complete lack of knowledge regarding the subject of your attack renders your attack meaningless.
You then lost control of your ability to follow a structured, logical flow of facts.
It's ok, you're not the first atheist I have encountered who throws feces at the wall at random and hopes that I'm not keeping track of their inability to express themselves regarding anything they hate.
I am agnostic, as there's no proof either way for or against a god. So no, I don't hate religion, and you've presented zero facts, just a book of myths.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.

The Sun (Baal) was not shining for 3 (ages) which is why I talked about this when referring to the 3 day resurrection of Baal through his son the morning star 3 days=ages later.
In the Baal mythology, Baal rose from death after 3 days(ages). Go back to where I mention these ages where Baal started and the age he came back in the new image son on 3rd day= age.

Baal and Asherah (Mother Mary) goes back to 5000 or more BC where the age(day) is Hunter / Gatherers - then the next age (day) theAgricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of the earth.
Then the 3rd day(age) Age of Trade: he Baal resurrected as the Jesus mythology.
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[QUOTE="Picaro, post: 18383236,

Misleading rubbish. We know Paul was a Pharisee, and it's clear John was, but not much else indicates that they were all Pharisees,

Yes---paul was likely a Pharisee. John who? ----who is
"all" ?

just some of them. Most of Jesus's sayings are based on the Torah;

Actually ----just about all that it is logical and likely
that Jesus said is based on the SCHOOL OF HILLEL
----Pharisee-----Hillel was a Talmudist who died at about
the same time that Jesus is said to have been born--
Pharisees quoted him all the time back then and orthodox
jews still do.

his premise was that the 'modern' Judaism of his time had strayed drastically from the Judaism of Moses.

No ---that is an interpretation by latinized Christians--you
got an example of Jesus claiming that the JUDAISM OF
HIS TIME ---has strayed. Not----"YOU ARE DOING
A LOUSY JOB OF IT, YOU SCHMUCKS" which is nothing
more than "Nathan, Jeremiah, Amos, Nehemiah, Ezra ---
in fact TYPICAL PHARISEE style" of rhetoric ?

He was a 'neo-conservative' for his times. Paul and the other Christian leaders in fact rejected the Pharisees' strict legalism, especially re Gentiles; the Pharisees, like most orthodox Jews were obsessed with 'racial purity' and their own genealogies as a prerequisite for various priest posts,

From where did you get the geneology bullshit libel?
Levites were levites-----it was no mystery and---nobody
had to present a family tree. BTW---I am a levite.
"various priest posts" ??? being a priest at that time
was not like being a priest in the church----it did not
guarantee wealth. In fact---Priests (for that matter all
levites) are denied ANCESTRAL LAND--quite a handicap.
It would be far better to lay a claim on ancestry
from the royal LANDED LINE----like Jesus did---
tribe of Judah----the rich kids. The one Jacob claimed
on his death bed as his HEIR

the Christian Jewish converts were not, they were advocates of catholicity and expansion of The Way, not making it some exclusive club for bigots.[/QUOTE]

try again-----they were expansionists like all Imperialists
which is why Constantine (genocidal animal) liked it

Picaro----sheeeesh----your paragraph is a MASTERPIECE!!!
You have managed to express centuries of sunday school
bullshit lies and misinformation and propaganda into so short an essay. Do not argue about sunday school----I grew up in a WASP town and did not have any exposure to "jewish" education at all----but some sunday school. Above please find a "point by point"
Your hatred for religion has truly marred your ability to follow a conversation.
You initiated an attack.
I enlightened you, much to your chagrin, that your complete lack of knowledge regarding the subject of your attack renders your attack meaningless.
You then lost control of your ability to follow a structured, logical flow of facts.
It's ok, you're not the first atheist I have encountered who throws feces at the wall at random and hopes that I'm not keeping track of their inability to express themselves regarding anything they hate.
I am agnostic, as there's no proof either way for or against a god. So no, I don't hate religion, and you've presented zero facts, just a book of myths.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.

The Sun (Baal) was not shining for 3 (ages) which is why I talked about this when referring to the 3 day resurrection of Baal through his son the morning star 3 days=ages later.
In the Baal mythology, Baal rose from death after 3 days(ages). Go back to where I mention these ages where Baal started and the age he came back in the new image son on 3rd day= age.

Baal and Asherah (Mother Mary) goes back to 5000 or more BC where the age(day) is Hunter / Gatherers - then the next age (day) theAgricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of the earth.
Then the 3rd day(age) Age of Trade: he Baal resurrected as the Jesus mythology.
The Thing is most people cannot get their head around certain jewish concepts because their thinking is trained in a different direction....This is not a knock on their thinking but on the different ways of learning for example hebrew is written from the RIGHT Side moving to the left while English for example is Written from the LEFT side written to the right,,,Both start at the opposite sides and end up on the opposite sides...Sure there is some crossover but the directions are polar opposites..... Are we not taught in the passover Haggadah that all the DAYS of your Life are the DAYS of your LIFE but The time of the NIGHTS belong to the TIME of the Moshiach...... IF one can grasp this concept then they can then understand that is an Allegory alluding to a specific time when the Moshiach will come and replace the times of the DAYS...There are other deeper meanings to this but if one is going to take this concept as purely LITERAL then one will miss the deeper meaning .
Your hatred for religion has truly marred your ability to follow a conversation.
You initiated an attack.
I enlightened you, much to your chagrin, that your complete lack of knowledge regarding the subject of your attack renders your attack meaningless.
You then lost control of your ability to follow a structured, logical flow of facts.
It's ok, you're not the first atheist I have encountered who throws feces at the wall at random and hopes that I'm not keeping track of their inability to express themselves regarding anything they hate.
I am agnostic, as there's no proof either way for or against a god. So no, I don't hate religion, and you've presented zero facts, just a book of myths.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.
What you just posted was not proof. Please try again.
Coming from the guy who states that Geology is an exact science.
How I am so shivering in my sneakers.
Why not let go of your ego and admit you blurt things on subjects of which you know little or nothing.
I am agnostic, as there's no proof either way for or against a god. So no, I don't hate religion, and you've presented zero facts, just a book of myths.
What I did was point out to you, who stated that the Bible was a bunch of myths, was that you have no reference point upon which to make your statement.
Basing our back and forth chronologically you are dishonest about who stated what and when.
There's no proof that the universe was made in 6 days, there's no proof of a flood that killed nearly everyone alive... making them all myths.
There was no sun for 3 days so what does the word Yome mean?
I've posted this already.
You either have alzheimers or are intellectually dishonest.
What you just posted was not proof. Please try again.
Coming from the guy who states that Geology is an exact science.
How I am so shivering in my sneakers.
Why not let go of your ego and admit you blurt things on subjects of which you know little or nothing.
So you have no proof that the universe was made in 6 days. Got it.

So they made it up that story?

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