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Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force - Breitbart

The economy is laughable.............on DRUDGE right now...............


Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force...
Participation Rate Lowest Since 1977...
Record 56,647,000 Women Not Working...
Jobs Up ONLY For IMMIGRANTS; Down 262,000 For 'Native-Borns'...
'Payrolls Disaster'...
'Fed never going to raise rates'...

And Im laughing........Rush Limbaugh said waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in February of 2009 that Soertero would leave the economy in the shitter.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
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I'll tell you how to turn this around
1. Get rid of the h1b's
2. Raise taxes on the riches and remove the loop holes. They're taking advantage of the market. Enforce anti-trust laws.
3. Stop the outsourcing
4. Free college for all programs and jobs skills needed for Americans.
5. Remove the immmigrants.
How f...ing stupid do you have to be to fall for this EVERY MONTH BLS announces another boffo employment report?

He was reporting an observation in the employment data, what is there to fall for?

The unemployable/no longer seeking work count has never been higher, and that is due to Obama's pathetic failure in setting economic policy.
And the number employed has also never been higher. What is that due to?
Matthew wrote: Well, happens when you allow the super rich to out source, bring in h1b's and shut out competition.

H-1B visas to go cheaper as 'discriminatory' outsourcing fee lapses
Oct 2, 2015 | WASHINGTON: In a breather for Indian IT firms, the "discriminatory" $2,000 H-1B fee mostly imposed on them has now lapsed in a Republican-majority US Congress.
The charges, often called outsourcing fee, had forced Indian IT companies in the last few years to pay millions of dollars towards protecting the US-Mexican border from illegal immigration. Indian firms had described the fee on highly-qualified IT professionals coming to the US on a H-1B visa as "discriminatory." The legislation with regard to a $2,000 fee on H-1B visas for companies having more than 50% of its employees oversees was adopted by the US Congress in 2010 mainly at the instance of a group of lawmakers led by Senator Charles Schumer. Passed on August 10, the law contains provision to hike H-1B and L-1 Visa fee per application by $2,000 and $2,250 respectively for qualifying firm; which mainly targeted Indian IT companies.


The duration of law was extended from four to five years under James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 to provide healthcare and financial compensation for the firefighters and other 'First Responders' who helped out in the aftermath of the 9/11 attack. In a report released last month, NASSCOM said Indian tech industry contributed an estimated over $375 million during this period to the US Treasury including helping America secure its borders. In a recent interview, NASSCOM president R Chandrashekhar described the fee as unjustified. "It had nothing to do with the IT industry. It was applied in an inequitable way, which specifically targeted Indian companies," he said, adding that he would welcome any move to eliminate the fee. The Congress can still come up with a legislation to reinstall the discriminatory H-1B fee, which lapsed yesterday night, Congressional sources said.

However, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-USA) in a statement criticised the US Congress for the lapse of the H-1B fee. "Congress watched employers discriminate against Americans in hiring and firing, and then ship American jobs overseas. Congress promised to do something about these pernicious practices -- and it did. It made them cheaper," said IEEE-USA president Jim Jefferies. "Congress should be looking for ways to discourage outsourcing, not make it more profitable," Jefferies said. "The fee isn't enough, of course. Do the math -- the going rate for the kind of work being done at Disney and Southern California Edison was in the $100,000 to $120,000 annual salary range," he said. "Congress allows H-1B outsources to pay as little as $60,000 for this work. So paying $2,000 for each H-1B to replace a middle class American worker is embarrassing," he added.

Where are the idiot Democrats who spout lower unemployment under Obama than under Bush.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a record 94,610,000 people (ages 16 and over) were not in the labor force in September. In other words they were neither employed nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks.

The number of individuals out of the work force last month — due to discouragement, retirement or otherwise — represented a substantial 579,000 person increase over the most recent record, hit in August, of 94,031,000 people out of the workforce.

While the prior two months saw a labor force participation rate of 62.2 percent, September’s participation rate dropped to 62.4 percent, matching the lowest level seen since October 1977.

The civilian labor force in September clocked in at 156,715,000, declining by 350,000 people, compared to August’s 157,065,000 labor force level.

In total 148,800,000 people were employed last month, 7,915,000 were unemployed, and 5,955,000 people were looking for a job.
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force - Breitbart

If this is the case why do we keep closing abortion clinics.

Why don't we have drive-thru Planned Parenthood and birth control required for unfit parents.
I think this is OT but I'm all for the sterilization of all poor people. They can have kids once they can afford to undo the surgery.

Of all the issues we have going on in this country, why do people stress the poor....why? Poor people aren't shooting up schools, poor people aren't running around killing white folk, poor people aren't having abortions, you know how much that shit cost? with or without PP? Poor people didn't rage 3 wars overseas, didn't cause the market to crash, I mean for the last time, please people please get a fuckin hobby and stop with the poor bashing....life is just too damned short!!
The economy is laughable.............on DRUDGE right now...............


Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force...
Participation Rate Lowest Since 1977...
Record 56,647,000 Women Not Working...
Jobs Up ONLY For IMMIGRANTS; Down 262,000 For 'Native-Borns'...
'Payrolls Disaster'...
'Fed never going to raise rates'...

And Im laughing........Rush Limbaugh said waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in February of 2009 that Soertero would leave the economy in the shitter.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Unemployment is the lowest in 7 years, and people are working. When it was double digit, you ass ho's complained, now that its low, you ass ho's complain, so help me......the only thing that will truly make idiots such as yourself happy.....is uhmmmmmmmmm, not a damn thing but famine and global disasters....which will happen should a conservative hit the white house, especially that nut Trump!!
We have the largest number of workers in our history.

The UE rate is 5.1%.

And the far right can't crunch the numbers.

All is well with the world.
AND people are wondering WHY these MEN are going out shooting up people and things. read it and WEEP. JUST AWFUL
I have been studying this Labor Force Participation Crisis and it seems it was increasing under Bill Clinton

Somehow, when the economy was given to George Bush, workforce participation reversed downward and has been dropping every year

It is obvious to me that George Bush instituted economic policies that have been driving workers out of the economy for fifteen years
Hey, care

I got that chart off here from the comments section with this article

Obamanomics in Action: Worst Labor Force Participation Rate Since 1977

Jim Hoft Oct 2nd, 2015 9:49 am 20 Comments

Obamanomics in action–
The Obama economy added only 142,000 jobs in September – much lower than expected.

The US labor participation rate is the lowest it’s been since October 1977.

** After the worst recovery since World War II the US economy is moving towards recession.

CNS News reported:

all of it here:
Obamanomics in Action: Worst Labor Force Participation Rate Since 1977 - The Gateway Pundit
It's Boooosh's fault!!! :lol:

Not unless you think falling 8 million jobs short of labor force growth over 8 years is a bad thing.....

Baby Boomer retirement. Say it over and over until you grasp the concept. This drop in employment has been predicted since Boomers were in public school.

Yet every month, right wingers, with their lack of short term memory, have to be reminded of this fact.
It's Boooosh's fault!!! :lol:

Not unless you think falling 8 million jobs short of labor force growth over 8 years is a bad thing.....

Baby Boomer retirement. Say it over and over until you grasp the concept. This drop in employment has been predicted since Boomers were in public school.

Yet every month, right wingers, with their lack of short term memory, have to be reminded of this fact.

Baby Boomers Retire

According to this article since Jan 1, 2011, there have been 10,000 Boomers coming of age to retire each day, and this trend will continue for the next 19 years after, so 15 more years from today. That is roughly 17 million Baby Boomers eligible to retire, but only about 60% of those Boomers plan to retire at 65 or earlier, taking that 17 million down to about 10 million retired. So that is one ninth of the total number of people in the unemployable pile, not nearly enough to account for all the people dropping out of the job search.

Many Baby Boomers Reluctant to Retire

The sad fact is that since 2001 and the end of the Y2K fiasco, jobs have been steadily shed to off shore countries and Obama never changed this, despite his promises to do so. In fact he has been the biggest promoter of foreign labor, black market labor and H1-B serfdom of all time. And so it turns out that statistically all job growth in this country has gone to foreign immigrants, legal and illegal.

All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants

Bush was bad for American workers, but Obama has been a disaster of epidemic proportions.
How f...ing stupid do you have to be to fall for this EVERY MONTH BLS announces another boffo employment report?

He was reporting an observation in the employment data, what is there to fall for?

The unemployable/no longer seeking work count has never been higher, and that is due to Obama's pathetic failure in setting economic policy.
And the number employed has also never been higher. What is that due to?
The foreign workers are counted also in the employment calculations.

That doesn't really help US citizens.
I also ran across this in the COMMENT section of that same article

There used to be a time when a low unemployment rate (it's currently 5.1%) signaled a healthy economy, but that's not the case under Obama, whose BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) number-fudgers and book-cookers are full of BLS*t. Recall who oversees them: Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez, who lied under oath during his confirmation.

2013: 'Obama Appoints Radical Who Lied Under Oath About New Black Panther Party Case to Head Labor Department'

There used to be a time when the fiscal policy behind a stagnating economy was news. Now instead, mainstream media ignores this administration's job-destroying strategies. Or in covering (for) them, they run their obligatory "unexpectedly" in headlines. This as things sour even more -- this as we leave our seventh 'Summer of Recovery' behind! So much for Obama's conjured-up 'jobs-created-or-saved' metric (BLS*t) or his "laser-like focus" on J-O-B-S <--a three-letter word to Biden.

What should be news is the slow death of an economy that once created more jobs, wealth, and freedom, playing the pivotal role for human liberation the last century, and its death spiral is by design. Say, "Obama built that." He impacted entrepreneurship, the lifeblood of America. He politicized the #EPA and the #IRS then introduced a staggering regulatory burden on the private sector. And his #Obamacare mandate redefined the work week.

No wonder millions of Americans are still out-of-work. (And Obama not having them figured in, formula-wise, is really him saying they don't count.) No wonder Obama is called President Downgrade and, debt-wise, the country is in dire straights. This as federal tax revenue$ continue to set records. No wonder so many small businesses closed, many family-owned and open for generations, and now gone forever. This is all part of Obama's legacy.

Obamanomics in Action: Worst Labor Force Participation Rate Since 1977 - The Gateway Pundit
The OP is about the population that is no longer counted as in the labor pool, not the labor participation pool.
Which is a worthless economic indicator when demographic changes, like Boomers retiring and family members leaving their jobs to care for sick and aging family members, are not factored in, which they aren't.

But the Right has nothing else, so a worthless previously never used economic indicator is suddenly elevated into the most important economic indicator in the universe, but only until a Republican is elected and then just as suddenly the Right will claim that demographics make the LPR worthless as it continues to decline.
Baby Boomer retirement. Say it over and over until you grasp the concept. This drop in employment has been predicted since Boomers were in public school.

Yet every month, right wingers, with their lack of short term memory, have to be reminded of this fact.
Exactly, in fact, when Bush was pushing his plan to privatize Social Security all you ever heard from the Right was the impending SS crisis from the future drop in LPR as the Boomers retire.
The far right fails on this issue every fucking time.

No wonder the millennials reject their ideology.

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