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Record COLD temps in US this week!!!!

Meanwhile, Greenland sees an all-time record high for anywhere in Greenland at any time (since official records began in 1958) of 25.9C (78.6F).

Grønland sætter temperaturrekord: DMI

Those who understand climate and the jet stream understand why the highs happen with the lows.

That leaves out the denialists, who can't even grasp that weather is not climate. You don't see the rational side yelling that every hot day proves global warming, but you do see the denialist proclaiming every cool day proves there's not warming. Why? Because in order to remain in good standing in their retard political cult, they have to say such retarded things.
Meanwhile, Greenland sees an all-time record high for anywhere in Greenland at any time (since official records began in 1958) of 25.9C (78.6F).

Grønland sætter temperaturrekord: DMI

Those who understand climate and the jet stream understand why the highs happen with the lows.

That leaves out the denialists, who can't even grasp that weather is not climate. You don't see the rational side yelling that every hot day proves global warming, but you do see the denialist proclaiming every cool day proves there's not warming. Why? Because in order to remain in good standing in their retard political cult, they have to say such retarded things.

"You don't see the rational side yelling that every hot day proves global warming,,,,,,, "

:eusa_naughty: :hellno: :rofl: :bsflag: :eusa_naughty: :rofl:
Check your hypocrisy at the door.. It's summertime, we deniers don't get many opportunities during the summer to poke fun at you catastrophy mongers. Won't be but DAYS before one of your frightened children posts a thread about weather and calls it Climate Change. You know that.. It's called projection in psychology.. The Climate Changers INVENTED confusing weather with climate..

You know that also... Just have to blame your reasoning failures and knowledge gaps on me...
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Check your hypocrisy at the door..

You need to understand how we are not like you, being we understand weather is not climate. We won't be declare every hot day means warming, while as this thread shows, your side will be crowing about every cool day.

Please, stop projecting the way you think and act on to rational people. The same rationality that causes us to reject denialism also causes us to reject the denialist staple tactic of "get hysterical about every bit of weather!".

If you'd like, I'll make a deal with you. Stop lying about my side, and I'll stop telling the truth about yours, 'kay?
Check your hypocrisy at the door..

You need to understand how we are not like you, being we understand weather is not climate. We won't be declare every hot day means warming, while as this thread shows, your side will be crowing about every cool day.

Please, stop projecting the way you think and act on to rational people. The same rationality that causes us to reject denialism also causes us to reject the denialist staple tactic of "get hysterical about every bit of weather!".

If you'd like, I'll make a deal with you. Stop lying about my side, and I'll stop telling the truth about yours, 'kay?

Oh get a reality check asshat. Chris with his incessant posting of the record warm temps, olfraud with his posting of the claim that the Russian heatwave (and every other heatwave in history apparently) was AGW derived, that's all YOU people do is point to every warm event and say "SEE, THAT'S WHAT GLOBAL WARMING LOOKS LIKE" in your shrill little voices.

Puuuuleeeeze, you dingbats do that crapola all the damned time.
Check your hypocrisy at the door..

You need to understand how we are not like you, being we understand weather is not climate. We won't be declare every hot day means warming, while as this thread shows, your side will be crowing about every cool day.

Please, stop projecting the way you think and act on to rational people. The same rationality that causes us to reject denialism also causes us to reject the denialist staple tactic of "get hysterical about every bit of weather!".

If you'd like, I'll make a deal with you. Stop lying about my side, and I'll stop telling the truth about yours, 'kay?

Oh get a reality check asshat. Chris with his incessant posting of the record warm temps, olfraud with his posting of the claim that the Russian heatwave (and every other heatwave in history apparently) was AGW derived, that's all YOU people do is point to every warm event and say "SEE, THAT'S WHAT GLOBAL WARMING LOOKS LIKE" in your shrill little voices.

Puuuuleeeeze, you dingbats do that crapola all the damned time.

Not only just OUR beloved bevvy of dingbats.. I've got over an hour of an annointed Senate Panel of "experts" doing the exact same fucking dance... Actually blamed the deaths of 19 firefighters in Ariz on GW -- those morons did..

Or books from the World Meter. Org. that advertise...

The report, The Global Climate 2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes, analysed global and regional temperatures and precipitation, as well as extreme events such as the heat waves in Europe and Russia, Hurricane Katrina in the United States of America, Tropical Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, droughts in the Amazon Basin, Australia and East Africa and floods in Pakistan.

Puuullllleeeeze... :lol:
Check your hypocrisy at the door..

You need to understand how we are not like you, being we understand weather is not climate. We won't be declare every hot day means warming, while as this thread shows, your side will be crowing about every cool day.

Please, stop projecting the way you think and act on to rational people. The same rationality that causes us to reject denialism also causes us to reject the denialist staple tactic of "get hysterical about every bit of weather!".

If you'd like, I'll make a deal with you. Stop lying about my side, and I'll stop telling the truth about yours, 'kay?

You just tried to do what you claim your side never dies in your previous post... Hence being told to check your hypocrissy admiral...Dude denial doesn't work if your lie is still staring at people...
Well over 1,000 record temperatures recorded in the United States THIS WEEK!!!

Top story on DRUDGE right now!!!

1,122 Record Cold Temps in the U.S. in one week | Climate Depot


Well.....this sure screws up the climate crusaders k00k narrative, doesn't it??!!

LOLOLOLOL.....and one of the forum's most idiotic retards proves once again that he is totally clueless about the difference between local weather and global climate. As have most of the other denier cult retards as well. For the benefit of the denier cult retards:
A few record cold temperatures in some parts of the USA for over a brief period of time = weather.
Long term patterns and trends of changing temperatures over decades over the entire planet = climate change.
Long term trends = "June 2013 was the 340th consecutive month with global temperatures warmer than the 20th century average."

So July got a bit colder than usual in some places in the US. Remember June, all over the world?

Earth has its 5th (or possibly 2nd) Warmest June on Record
Dr. Jeff Masters
July 18, 2013
June 2013 was the globe's 5th warmest June since records began in 1880, according to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). NASA rated it the 2nd warmest June on record. The year-to-date period of January - June has been the 7th warmest such period on record. June 2013 global land temperatures were the 3rd warmest on record, and global ocean temperatures were the 10th warmest on record. June 2013 was the 340th consecutive month with global temperatures warmer than the 20th century average. Global satellite-measured temperatures in June 2013 for the lowest 8 km of the atmosphere were 5th or 4th warmest in the 35-year record, according to Remote Sensing Systems and the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH), respectively. Wunderground's weather historian, Christopher C. Burt, has a comprehensive post on the notable weather events of June 2013 in his June 2013 Global Weather Extremes Summary.

Neutral El Niño conditions continue in the equatorial Pacific - For the 15th month in row, neutral El Niño conditions existed in the equatorial Pacific during June 2013. NOAA's Climate Prediction Center (CPC) expects neutral El Niño conditions to last through summer and into the fall, and the large majority of the El Niño models also predict that neutral conditions will last through the fall of 2013. Temperatures in the equatorial Eastern Pacific need to be 0.5°C below average or cooler for three consecutive months for a La Niña episode to be declared; sea surface temperatures were 0.4°C below average as of July 15, and have been +0.1 to -0.4°C from average since April 1, 2013.

Explaining Explosion of Daily Record Highs Easy as Pie
By Andrew Freedman
July 16th, 2012
As the climate has warmed during the past several decades, there has been a growing imbalance between record daily high temperatures in the contiguous U.S. and record daily lows. A study published in 2009 found that rather than a 1-to-1 ratio, as would be expected if the climate were not warming, the ratio has been closer to 2-to-1 in favor of warm temperature records during the past decade (2000-2009). This finding cannot be explained by natural climate variability alone, the study found, and is instead consistent with global warming. When you look at individual years, the imbalance can be more stark. For example, through late June 2012, daily record highs were outnumbering record daily lows by a ratio of 9-to-1.The study used computer models to project how the records ratios might shift in future decades as the amount of greenhouse gases in the air continues to increase. The results showed that the ratio of daily record highs to daily record lows in the lower 48 states could soar to 20-to-1 by mid-century, and 50-to-1 by 2100.


The shifting odds in favor of more daily record high temperatures being set compared to daily record low temperatures. Credit: Climate Central.

Meanwhile, compared to "one week" of cool temperatures across parts of the US, here's all of this year across an entire continent.

2013 shaping up to be one of Australia's hottest years on record
July 1, 2013
By David Jones, Australian Bureau of Meteorology; Blair Trewin, Australian Bureau of Meteorology; Karl Braganza, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, and Rob Smalley, Australian Bureau of Meteorology

The last 10 months have been abnormally warm across Australia and we’ve seen a notable lack of unusually cold weather this winter. Are we heading for the hottest year on record? The more significant records for this period include:
Australia’s hottest day on record
Australia’s hottest week on record
Australia’s hottest month on record
Australia’s hottest summer on record
Australia’s hottest September to June (10 months) on record

A feature of the last 10 months has been the persistence of unusually warm temperatures. Every calendar month since September 2012 has had temperatures 0.5°C or more above normal. The result has been a national mean temperature anomaly of +1.03°C for the past 10 months, well ahead of the previous record of +0.94 °C set in 1997-98. The record heat has affected rural, regional and urban Australia alike, with many stations setting records. Hobart (41.8 °C) and Sydney (45.8 °C) both recorded their hottest days on record. The last 10 months have seen above-normal temperatures over 97% of Australia; only the Capricornia district of central Queensland has missed out. The heat has extended to the oceans around Australia, with record warm sea-surface temperatures during summer (January and February 2013) as well as the warmest start to a calendar year (January to June) on record.


Year to date temperatures deciles for Australia showing that temperatures have been above average to record warm over nearly the whole continent in 2013. Bureau of Meteorology
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Ho, hum......


Ho-hum indeed, you poor senile old fool. So what? What exactly do you imagine Antarctic sea ice extent has to do with the topic of this thread? Do you just throw up that graph every time you get stumped by the facts on any thread? The thin fringe of sea ice a couple of meters thick, around a continent covered in miles thick ice sheets, is increasing slightly in its maximum months but in its minimum months it has stayed fairly constant. Antarctic sea ice is increasing slightly now because of increased precipitation caused by increased atmospheric water content that is itself caused by global warming. As the southern ocean continues to warm, scientists expect this Antarctic sea ice to diminish. It has little bearing on global warming or global climate changes.

How does Arctic sea ice loss compare to Antarctic sea ice gain?
Arctic sea ice loss is three times greater than Antarctic sea ice gain. The first point to clarify is that we are talking about floating sea ice, not to be confused with land ice. Land ice at both poles and in glaciers around the world is sliding into the ocean at an accelerating rate. This net loss of land ice is contributing to sea level rise.


Figure 1: Global sea ice extent since 1979. (Image source: Tamino. Data is from US National Snow and Ice Data Center.)


Figure 2: National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Antarctic, Arctic, and global (sum of the two) sea ice extents with linear trends. The data is smoothed with a 12-month running average.

Sea ice grows and shrinks seasonally because polar latitudes have vastly more daylight hours in summer than in winter. When ice melts, it makes the surface less reflective and amplifies the warming (as is currently occurring in the Arctic), but this effect can only make a difference when the Sun is up. Thus the most important time of year for sea ice is its annual minimum which occurs at the end of the summer: September in the Arctic but February in the Antarctic. So how do the two compare?


Figure 3: Minimum sea ice extent since 1979 in the Arctic and Antarctic. (Image source: James Hansen. Data is from US National Snow and Ice Data Center.)
Well over 1,000 record temperatures recorded in the United States THIS WEEK!!!

Top story on DRUDGE right now!!!

1,122 Record Cold Temps in the U.S. in one week | Climate Depot


Well.....this sure screws up the climate crusaders k00k narrative, doesn't it??!!:2up:

Not at all. Climate change is for real. The real debate is the cause. Scientists look at all of the variables, dumb shits like you only look at only one, whatever the Koch brothers tell Hannity or Limbaugh to tell you.
Ya think it's unseasonably cold but it's really cold because it's warm. Ya gotta have faith in the people who get paid to run the extortion scam known as MMGW.
Ya think it's unseasonably cold but it's really cold because it's warm. Ya gotta have faith in the people who get paid to run the extortion scam known as MMGW.

Climate change is for real. The real debate is the cause. Scientists look at all of the variables, dumb shits like you only look at only one, whatever the Koch brothers tell Hannity or Limbaugh to tell you.
Ya think it's unseasonably cold but it's really cold because it's warm.

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

That goes for most of the denialists. If we just keep hammering the point home to them about how brainwashed they appear to normal people, it might get through. And if it doesn't, well, at least we can have a good laugh about it when they do that pouty-faced thing they do so well.
Ya think it's unseasonably cold but it's really cold because it's warm. Ya gotta have faith in the people who get paid to run the extortion scam known as MMGW.

Climate change is for real. The real debate is the cause. Scientists look at all of the variables, dumb shits like you only look at only one, whatever the Koch brothers tell Hannity or Limbaugh to tell you.

Ah, the philanthropist Koch brothers. Blame the Jews?
Ya think it's unseasonably cold but it's really cold because it's warm. Ya gotta have faith in the people who get paid to run the extortion scam known as MMGW.

Climate change is for real. The real debate is the cause. Scientists look at all of the variables, dumb shits like you only look at only one, whatever the Koch brothers tell Hannity or Limbaugh to tell you.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: "CO2 is the only cause of global warming!" "It is the key that drives the bus" "The science is settled"....

Ring a bell there Wry? Here's a clue......those are YOUR sides statements...not ours.
Ya think it's unseasonably cold but it's really cold because it's warm.

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

That goes for most of the denialists. If we just keep hammering the point home to them about how brainwashed they appear to normal people, it might get through. And if it doesn't, well, at least we can have a good laugh about it when they do that pouty-faced thing they do so well.

What's your excuse junior?
Ya think it's unseasonably cold but it's really cold because it's warm.

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

That goes for most of the denialists. If we just keep hammering the point home to them about how brainwashed they appear to normal people, it might get through. And if it doesn't, well, at least we can have a good laugh about it when they do that pouty-faced thing they do so well.

What's your excuse junior?

He's Admiral, saigon is junior.. ROFL
Another cold foggy day here in Oaklandtown. This has been a Very Cold summer overall.
Another cold foggy day here in Oaklandtown. This has been a Very Cold summer overall.

Record heat wave hits Alaska - CBS News

The jet stream is about 14 percent slower in the fall now than in the 1990s, according to a recent study by Francis. And when it slows, it moves north-south instead of east-west, bringing more unusual weather, creating blocking patterns and cutoff lows that are associated with weird weather, the Rutgers scientist said.


Wow, 96 in Alaska?

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