Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

Most of this post straight up lunatic bin bullshit.

Boosted people show least Omnicron symptoms and serious adverse effects from vaccinations are extremely rare, certainly much more rare than Omnicron complications.

The bit about "killed 180,000 people" is pure fabrication, FDA would never clear anything of the sort.
Really, prove it! Also, I included link to Columbia study, but no matter, you're just another impossibly fucking stupid democratic fascist, you'll just tell us that Dr Malone, who is one of the top three in the world in his field and a graduate of Harvard medical school is just a quack.... All ears sweetie-pie. :poke:
Really, prove it! Also, I included link to Columbia study, but no matter, you're just another impossibly fucking stupid democratic fascist, you'll just tell us that Dr Malone, who is one of the top three in the world in his field and a graduate of Harvard medical school is just a quack.... All ears sweetie-pie. :poke:
I know you wouldn't know scientific work from your ass, so let me explain some of this stuff to you.

Unprinted, unreviewed "studies" by some guy somewhere are dime a dozen. The author here DID NOT ACTUALLY FOLLOW UP ON A SINGLE PATIENT CHART, all he is doing is some statistical modeling. And then quacks you linked to take these half-baked, unreviewed works and use them to pad their foregone conclusions and feed them to know nothing dupes like you.

Everytime there is a serious post-vaccination health event, it gets reported to VAERS database, that is then followed up on by medical professionals at HHS. That data, of actual cases, shows nothing of sort.
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This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?


Who cares? All the dead were all OLD and WEAK!
There is NO vaccine available, there never has been, the data coming in is devastating, 79% of all US wuhan flu cases are in the double jabbed, this corresponds perfectly with what is playing out in Israel, Denmark, and apparently the UK, 80% or better of all new cases are in the idiots who bowed heads to China, Gates, and Fauci! More good news, if you are double jabbed, and most of you are, then you are now 3 x more likely to become infected then those who are not jabbed, not even a single jab!!!

Not enough good news for you yet, according to Malone, who appeared on Rogan podcast yesterday, and the Columbia University study, if you have been double jabbed and get infected, which you will, and its a bad dose which demands hospitalization, your mortality rate explodes upward to 6.3% compared to a general population mortality rate in the unjabbed of just 0.03 - 0.05%!

Oh, and one other piece of very good news, the jabs, even with just one, but especially after two or more, in 40-60 days the effacy becomes negative, that really caught my attention as it explains exactly what the fuck we are seeing before eyes in real time, the effacy going negative means "it then favors the virus, greatly enhancing its ability to infect you!"

But hey, Dr Malone is just a quack..... :auiqs.jpg:
There is a vaccine, Einstein, and we have already posted the report from 2008 explsining the problem. Covaxin is not available to American prisoners.
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

Well, both sides have their troubles with masking the population. Maybe we need to get it through our heads that before Covid, our history of viruses in the winter resulted in millions dying from catching the Hong Kong Flu, Asian Flu, German Flu, and whatever was popular to link the latest virus that took peoples' lives, wearing masks is a good idea. I've been wearing masks every time I go out, and I find reasons not to go to parties, etc. in the cold months because of my allergy tendencies and winter respiratory troubles allergies precipitate. When John Travolta starred in the Bubble Boy movie,
it never occurred to me that a lot of people have to be more careful than others in the public.

Instead of mandating people, politicians used to wisely suggest courses of action that might be advisable for your health, but nobody talked about forcing people to what absolutely has proven to be a failure. Scientists still do not know enough about Covid nor that turn-of-the century oh, actually the 1918 flu that killed millions of people from coast to coast to mandate anything. However, good common sense is a good resource for people who would lead a free people through a pandemic, because a forced mandate looks, feels, and smells like totalitarianism. And that would be unconstitutional imho.
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We mentioned the Chinese military's virus, ZC45 in post #220. This is the virus that Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center supposedly reported on in Nature but was shut down, as mentioned in the ICC' complaint, initially posted to USMB by Rodishi. The researcher analyzing the sequences was Li-Meng Yan under Leo Poon.

The ICC Complaint posted to USMB does not have access to the Appendix 4 that cites this report, though it has to do with SARS-CoV-2's (apparently next) closest relative, RaTG13. Giving either bat chloroquine would not likely clear both its trypanosomes (already mentioned in this thread) and their SARS-CoV-like viruses. For the bat viruses, the bats would have to be using chloroquine as prophylaxis, before begins infected. If they could do that, chloroquine would stop their coronaviruses from infecting them.
I know you wouldn't know scientific work from your ass, so let me explain some of this stuff to you.

Unprinted, unreviewed "studies" by some guy somewhere are dime a dozen. The author here DID NOT ACTUALLY FOLLOW UP ON A SINGLE PATIENT CHART, all he is doing is some statistical modeling. And then quacks you linked to take these half-baked, unreviewed works and use them to pad their foregone conclusions and feed them to know nothing dupes like you.

Everytime there is a serious post-vaccination health event, it gets reported to VAERS database, that is then followed up on by medical professionals at HHS. That data, of actual cases, shows nothing of sort.
Checkmate! This retard attacks me, offering no credible rebuttal to posted link, just the savage ad-hom attack! These assholes are consumed by the lies the lying media and democratic fascists spin incessantly, we call this type of response "denial!"

See sub-moron assert how I wouldn't know scientific work from my ass, while simultaneously offering absolutely no credible reply to original question, "prove his claim that its all BS?" Nothing but the ad-hom, it didn't even read the links!

Booster up sweetie pie, booster up! :fu:
Two thoughts, 1) The Democrats & Biden went totally political on COVID without one concern for science. 2) A 'case' of COVID is meaningless because all it means is that one has it in their system with symptoms or not.
There is a vaccine, Einstein, and we have already posted the report from 2008 explsining the problem. Covaxin is not available to American prisoners.
Hey dumb ass, mRNA is NOT a vaccine, genuine vaccines do not require boosting every three to five fucking months, mRNA is a genetic therapy, and it erases your immune system over time, whilst depositing little time bombs all throughout your body in the form of blood clots, and spike proteins, and they do not know when, or even if they ever genuinely resolve, some people(1/1000 drop dead after the shots)face immediate negative consequences, some do not, but all greatly amplify the odds of of experiencing negative mRNA consequences with boosters, currently multiple nations are on their fourth jabs, with governments calling for the jabs in perpetuity, which is exactly what Bill Gates continually states is in the works!

Read the fucking link I posted....
Weird how worried and concerned the cultists are about COVID now.

Before, we were told it was just the sniffles or a regular flu. A "scamdemic".

What changed, I wonder?

It is a political-Democrat generated scamdemic. Especially now with Omacron which is nothing more than the sniffles yet, some idiots are running around with their hair afire. BTW COVID 19 treatments were denied early on and it mostly affected the elderly and the ill. There was no reason to make everyone wear face diapers, close down the economy and schools.
Checkmate! This retard attacks me, offering no credible rebuttal to posted link, just the savage ad-hom attack! These assholes are consumed by the lies the lying media and democratic fascists spin incessantly, we call this type of response "denial!"

See sub-moron assert how I wouldn't know scientific work from my ass, while simultaneously offering absolutely no credible reply to original question, "prove his claim that its all BS?" Nothing but the ad-hom, it didn't even read the links!

Booster up sweetie pie, booster up! :fu:
:itsok: Aww shucks, did your widdle feelings get hurt to the point of redering you unable to put togather any kind of coherent refute? You poor baby.

Come back when you can cite a serious medical study, not some unreviewed half-baked statistical modeling.
I just got diagnosed today. I blame China. I am thankful that it was not a Democrat in the White House in 2020 when COVID hit US. It would have taken longer for a vaccine to be available, the economy would be worse, and the border would be worse. Trump has been gone almost a year. Harris-Biden ran on ending COVID…. They own it now.
Yes, they do. We have more people vaccinated, a much improved economy and a soaring stock market with 50 year lows for new unemployment claims.

The border....we're not ripping children from their parents and looking like a morally bankruptcy country.

Yes, we do own that while you own the 1/6/2021 clownery of the former 1-term president. Also, 98% of the hospitalized in our country are unvaccinated maga fuckups.
Hey dumb ass, mRNA is NOT a vaccine, genuine vaccines do not require boosting every three to five fucking months, mRNA is a genetic therapy, and it erases your immune system over time, whilst depositing little time bombs all throughout your body in the form of blood clots, and spike proteins, and they do not know when, or even if they ever genuinely resolve, some people(1/1000 drop dead after the shots)face immediate negative consequences, some do not, but all greatly amplify the odds of of experiencing negative mRNA consequences with boosters, currently multiple nations are on their fourth jabs, with governments calling for the jabs in perpetuity, which is exactly what Bill Gates continually states is in the works!

Read the fucking link I posted....
Nothing in your post is correct. mRNA is not genetic therapy asshole.

Damn you dumb boi.
It is a political-Democrat generated scamdemic. Especially now with Omacron which is nothing more than the sniffles yet, some idiots are running around with their hair afire. BTW COVID 19 treatments were denied early on and it mostly affected the elderly and the ill. There was no reason to make everyone wear face diapers, close down the economy and schools.
Can you post when a cold has done this leo.

A Covid-19 survivor came out of a coma after 65 days. Now she supports vaccinations
Nothing in your post is correct. mRNA is not genetic therapy asshole.

Damn you dumb boi.
o_O I have your IQ running right at room temp, that said, if you vomit more such imbecilic insanity, we will have to begin grading your IQ based upon typical refrigeration unit!
Yes, they do. We have more people vaccinated, a much improved economy and a soaring stock market with 50 year lows for new unemployment claims.

The border....we're not ripping children from their parents and looking like a morally bankruptcy country.

Yes, we do own that while you own the 1/6/2021 clownery of the former 1-term president. Also, 98% of the hospitalized in our country are unvaccinated maga fuckups.
o_O That does it, this idiot's IQ matches interior temp on most folks refrigerator, you cannot make this up, likely he requires a steady course of anti-psychotics.....
It is a political-Democrat generated scamdemic. Especially now with Omacron which is nothing more than the sniffles yet, some idiots are running around with their hair afire. BTW COVID 19 treatments were denied early on and it mostly affected the elderly and the ill. There was no reason to make everyone wear face diapers, close down the economy and schools.
Omicron does not get into the lungs (unlike former variants) yet people lined up for hours to see if they have it. How many employers are requiring this or are more people just doing it on their own, maybe after attending NYE party?

Are all of these test kits reliable? Where is the evaluation by a non-affilated 3rd party taking random samples across all states? Has a congressional representative proposed a bill for this action? Did CDC successfully remove all defective batches? Are we using test kits that detect old coronaviruses like recalled kits were doing making them false positives? These basic questions deserve answers.
o_O That does it, this idiot's IQ matches interior temp on most folks refrigerator, you cannot make this up, likely he requires a steady course of anti-psychotics.....
Feel complete free to disprove any of my assertions....

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