Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

Omicron does not get into the lungs (unlike former variants) yet people lined up for hours to see if they have it. How many employers are requiring this or are more people just doing it on their own, maybe after after attending NYE party?

Are all of these test kits reliable? Where is the eval by a non-affilated 3rd party to take a random sample across all states? Has a congressional representative proposed a bill for this action? Did CDC successfully removed all defective batches? Are we using test kits that detect old coronaviruses like other kits were doing making them false positives? These basic questions deserve answers.
With testing, government officials will find that an overwhelming demographic will have it in their systems. They will call that 'cases'......Whether or not people with positive tests are actually sick will be beside the point as the testing will be used as a platform for more government control of our lives. They don't care about reliability as long as testing shows enough reason for them to keep controlling our private lives and choices.
With testing government officials will find that an overwhelming demographic will have it in their systems. Whether or not they are actually sick will be beside the point as the testing will be used as a platform for more government control of our lives. They don't care about reliability as long as testing shows enough reason for them to keep controlling our private lives and choices.
I piece of paper and a nose swap can control you maga fuckers?

That seems pretty simple.
I piece of paper and a nose swap can control you maga fuckers?

That seems pretty simple.
With testing, government officials will find that an overwhelming demographic will have it in their systems. They will call that 'cases'......Whether or not people with positive tests are actually sick will be beside the point as the testing will be used as a platform for more government control of our lives. They don't care about reliability as long as testing shows enough reason for them to keep controlling our private lives and choices.
I am afraid I share that dismal thought at this time. There is still time, however, for a positive shift. 2022 will turn the tide in the house and 2024 will result in a non-leftist candidate winning who supports capitalism. The odds of a Republican or independent winning in ‘24 increases weekly, equivalent to Biden’s additional weekly, public blunders.
Feel complete free to disprove any of my assertions....
No sweetie-pie, YOU prove your assertions via citation, I HAVE, and my citations all come from actual scientists, and medical experts, you on the other hand, offer absolutely nothing substantive, just more of the collective psychosis democratic fascists are enthralled too!

79% of all covid infections are in the double or triple jabbed, the jabs are now squarely in the realm of "negative vaccine," dumbed down for your consumption, that means they are doing the exact opposite of claimed intent, that is to say, they are now encouraging the covid virus to infect you!

Booster up sweetie-pie, booster up and do the sacred earth mother a solid..... :poke:
Yes, they do. We have more people vaccinated, a much improved economy and a soaring stock market with 50 year lows for new unemployment claims.

The border....we're not ripping children from their parents and looking like a morally bankruptcy country.

Yes, we do own that while you own the 1/6/2021 clownery of the former 1-term president. Also, 98% of the hospitalized in our country are unvaccinated maga fuckups.
Run your mouth lefty, but everyone sees though the bull crap now. People here where I live are getting COVID again like crazy, and guess what ? No you probably couldn't guess it because you are a partisan brainwashed Biden minion, but that's beside the point, so yep "they were all vaccinated".

Yep they are going to the hospitals even though vaxed, and yep they are having the high fevers, and yep they are telling tales of how they felt like they were going to die until they got help, and yep did I say that they were vaxed ?? Oh yes I did ......

So you might as well get off your leftist crazy train, and go back and ask Biden "NOW WHAT" you old geezer ?? 😷
Run your mouth lefty, but everyone sees though the bull crap now. People here where I live are getting COVID again like crazy, and guess what ? No you probably couldn't guess it because you are a partisan brainwashed Biden minion, but that's beside the point, so yep "they were all vaccinated".

Yep they are going to the hospitals even though vaxed, and yep they are having the high fevers, and yep they are telling tales of how they felt like they were going to die until they got help, and yep did I say that they were vaxed ?? Oh yes I did ......

So you might as well get off your leftist crazy train, and go back and ask Biden "NOW WHAT" you old geezer ?? 😷
Bagel9, I'm not running my mouth, just my keyboard.

Yeah, most people can see thru who is clogging the hospitals and it's the unvaccinated fuckups. Yes, cases of the new variant are spreading, but people who get it experience mild symptoms if they're vaccinated.

You must be stupid to not see that.
Bagel9, I'm not running my mouth, just my keyboard.

Yeah, most people can see thru who is clogging the hospitals and it's the unvaccinated fuckups. Yes, cases of the new variant are spreading, but people who get it experience mild symptoms if they're vaccinated.

You must be stupid to not see that.
When I tell you something, it's coming straight from the street, and not through some biased media or Democrat controlled white house propaganda Zar.

These are actual accounts coming from a friend of a friend or from direct friend's and/or from family members.
When I tell you something, it's coming straight from the street, and not through some biased media or Democrat controlled white house propaganda Zar.

These are actual accounts coming from a friend of a friend or from direct friend's and/or from family members.
Can from the street?

Can from the street?

Nope, actual cases that are checked out in which end up being legit. Yes the account's or cases don't come through the biased media, so that's got to horrify you right ? There is a real life outside of the bubble. You ought to try it sometimes.
Run your mouth lefty, but everyone sees though the bull crap now. People here where I live are getting COVID again like crazy, and guess what ? No you probably couldn't guess it because you are a partisan brainwashed Biden minion, but that's beside the point, so yep "they were all vaccinated".

Yep they are going to the hospitals even though vaxed, and yep they are having the high fevers, and yep they are telling tales of how they felt like they were going to die until they got help, and yep did I say that they were vaxed ?? Oh yes I did ......

So you might as well get off your leftist crazy train, and go back and ask Biden "NOW WHAT" you old geezer ?? 😷
Thanks, Beagle9. I'm glad to know that we're having another bout with Covid because I live out in the sticks and seldom go to town anymore. Your post was a good read for me because now I'm alerted to wear my mask, overuse hand sanitizer, keep distance, and shop before the mob gets to the stores.
Nope, actual cases that are checked out in which end up being legit. Yes the account's or cases don't come through the biased media, so that's got to horrify you right ? There is a real life outside of the bubble. You ought to try it sometimes.
What street you getting the good word on man…main?
Thanks, Beagle9. I'm glad to know that we're having another bout with Covid because I live out in the sticks and seldom go to town anymore. Your post was a good read for me because now I'm alerted to wear my mask, overuse hand sanitizer, keep distance, and shop before the mob gets to the stores. View attachment 583307
I ain't as cautious even though many think that I should be, but it's best to be safe as best you can, otherwise instead of going through that thing. It's unique I'll give it that, because I hadn't ever had anything like it or I don't think that I have. Not sure about that either, because I have had some RSPs in the way distant past, and they were hell with the lack of breathing and then coughing also.. They just didn't have the fever I don't think.
What street you getting the good word on man…main?
A street that you leftist can't put into your GPS that which Biden gave you and find, because you keep ending up back in Washington licking his shoes, and this no matter how you punch it in on that Biden GPS he gave ya because it only goes back to Biden's Whitehouse only.
I ain't as cautious even though many think that I should be, but it's best to be safe as best you can, otherwise instead of going through that thing. It's unique I'll give it that, because I hadn't ever had anything like it or I don't think that I have. Not sure about that either, because I have had some RSPs in the way distant past, and they were hell with the lack of breathing and then coughing also.. They just didn't have the fever I don't think.
I'm allergic to sundry preventive virus shots, flu, pneumonia, etc. Year before last, I had trouble with a flu shot, but the pneumonia jab put me in the emergency room with shock. So, I have learned to avoid crowds in cold weather, and I don't care much for crowds anyway, but I just don't go out much without a mask and hand sanitizer in my purse. I'd probably be close to death if I ever picked it up by forgetting my mask or something.

May everybody here have a blessed good evening. I have a new puppy, and she's wearing me out with potty training this week. She still hasn't figured out piddling in the grass, because she waits to come inand then goes on the kitchen floor. I have to drag out the clorox and mop every day and I'm going through paper towels even after I started buying the 4x absorption ones. She's so dern cute, too. Night all. And don't let the bedbugs bite. :sleep:

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