Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

How about he start rounding up unvaxxed people and vaccinate them or put them in holding facilities?

The man has made sure there is enough vaccine for everybody to get a shot and we have idiots refusng to get vacinnated then blaming Biden for the continuing numbers of deaths.

This dishonest bullshit needs to stop.
A street that you leftist can't put into your GPS that which Biden gave you and find, because you keep ending up back in Washington licking his shoes, and this no matter how you punch it in on that Biden GPS he gave ya because it only goes back to Biden's Whitehouse only.
Did you go to florida and kiss the ring?
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How about he start rounding up unvaxxed people and vaccinate them or put them in holding facilities?

The man has made sure there is enough vaccine for everybody to get a shot and we have idiots refusng to get vacinnated then blaming Biden for the continuing numbers of deaths.

This dishonest bullshit needs to stop.
Aren't the vaxed getting sick and dying also ? You might have a valid point if they aren't, but you don't ever really have a valid point do you ?? Just political posturing and whining when you ought to be helping by canning the political bull crap, and yes then helping by using your head for something other than a hat rack.
How about he start rounding up unvaxxed people and vaccinate them or put them in holding facilities?

The man has made sure there is enough vaccine for everybody to get a shot and we have idiots refusng to get vacinnated then blaming Biden for the continuing numbers of deaths.

This dishonest bullshit needs to stop.
Idiots exercising their Constitutional rights, or idiots kowtowing to the direction of their government?

Did you go to florida and kiss the ring?
I think you mean DC and kiss something else, depending what sexual identity one is adhering to that particular day.
Idiots exercising their Constitutional rights, or idiots kowtowing to the direction of their government?

I think you mean DC and kiss something else, depending what sexual identity one is adhering to that particular day.
Idiots who are a public safety hazard.
Idiots exercising their Constitutional rights, or idiots kowtowing to the direction of their government?

I think you mean DC and kiss something else, depending what sexual identity one is adhering to that particular day.
No, I meant traveling to Maro-largo to kiss the ring.
How about he start rounding up unvaxxed people and vaccinate them or put them in holding facilities?

The man has made sure there is enough vaccine for everybody to get a shot and we have idiots refusng to get vacinnated then blaming Biden for the continuing numbers of deaths.

This dishonest bullshit needs to stop.

Why would forcing someone to get a vax that doesn't stop you from getting it or stop you from spreading it be the answer?

Why can't you liberals ever answer that? The only answer you have is forced federal vaccinations which is against the law as federal judges are blocking Bidens mandates left and right.

Anything else? After all, you lefties said you had all the answers.
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Yep that too.. And I truly hoped that the shot's were going to work, and that we'd be free from COVID by now.

2 years later) and it's as if we are still under attack with this thing. Unbelievable.

And don't forget all the liberals who, under Trump, said they wouldn't take the vaccine.

Now under Biden, they mandate it.
I just got diagnosed today. I blame China. I am thankful that it was not a Democrat in the White House in 2020 when COVID hit US. It would have taken longer for a vaccine to be available, the economy would be worse, and the border would be worse. Trump has been gone almost a year. Harris-Biden ran on ending COVID…. They own it now.
Did it ever occur to you this Vaccine IS Not a Vaccine.It does not PREVENT
the disease or virus.That's the definition of a Vaccine.Plus it appears to
actually weaken one's Immunity.Combined with False test results and hospitals
rigging diagnosis and deaths and claiming Covid.
We've been lied to 6 ways to Sunday and back.
Natural Immunity is better.We were told it wasn't.
We were told one shot and yer fixed.Then it was one shot plus another
and then a Booster.
We were told how crucial masks were.Also Plexiglass.
Actually if anything Plexiglass intensifies Covid.It keeps it from
moving around.Makes it more stationary.Plus the dopey 6 foot distance
rule.It was finally outted as " Just made up ". It took a major Newspaper
to write an article about the mandatory 6 foot distance rule.They { whose
calling the shots } Just went and Made it up.No science was behind it.
On September 20th 2021.The Former head of the FDA admitted that the
6 foot distancing rule was " arbitrary " and nobody knows where it came
from.That was Dr.Scott Gottlieb.
Way back in March of 2020 Dr.William Schaffner, an infectious disease expart
from Vanderbilt University calied the 6 foot distance rule comes from studioes of
respiratory physiology.
We were told a lot of stuff the last couple years.Like how long Covid could
stay on different surfaces.Like a Countertop.Or a cardboard box { think UPS or FedX }.

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