Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

So EVERY, single member of the Democrats is 'criminally insane'? And you seriously expect, open-minded people to take you seriously as a poster with mentally-disturbed sounding, nonsense like that?

Funny, I just took the words of the Left that I've been hearing for YEARS about Trump supporters! Especially since the fraud election. I've heard them say here a hundred times how dangerous and evil Trump and his fan base are. Wasn't Trump a danger to the whole world? Didn't Joe Biddum call his base the GREATEST THREAT TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY?! Practically ISIS and the Taliban all rolled into one! (Except for the 28 billion in weapons Joe didn't armed them with for free)

A view FULLY ENDORSED BY THE LEFT with the most solemn of intents.

But just let someone turn the Left's OWN WORDS around about THEM, as they destroy cities and economies with the madness and Marxist intentions of "banning" all republicans who constitute credible election threats, making elections permanently wide open to anyone voting in rampant, unmitigated cheating, do away with the filibuster, expand the SCOTUS to 13 seats to pack full again with radical lefties, and do away with the electoral college so that we can run straight mob rule so that LA and NYC win every election, and 2 minutes later they are denouncing YOU as "mentally disturbed! TOO FUNNY! :laughing0301:
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Funny, I just took the words of the Left that I've been hearing for YEARS about Trump supporters! Especially since the fraud election. I've heard them say here a hundred times how dangerous and evil Trump and his fan base are. Wasn't Trump a danger to the whole world? Didn't Joe Biddum call his base the GREATEST THREAT TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY?! Practically ISIS and the Taliban all rolled into one! (Except for the 28 billion in weapons Joe didn't armed them with for free)

A view FULLY ENDORSED BY THE LEFT with the most solemn of intents.

But just let someone turn the Left's OWN WORDS around about THEM, as they destroy cities and economies with the madness and Marxist intentions of "banning" all republicans who constitute credible election threats, making elections permanently wide open to anyone voting in rampant, unmitigated cheating, do away with the filibuster, expand the SCOTUS to 13 seats to pack full again with radical lefties, and do away with the electoral college so that we can run straight mob rule so that LA and NYC win every election, and 2 minutes later they are denouncing YOU as "mentally disturbed! TOO FUNNY! :laughing0301:
Wow...that was a lot of words you used to NOT answer my question.

I will try again.

Yes or no, please?
Are you saying that every, single Democrat is 'criminally insane'?
No, just the ones who take democrat party politics very seriously. The rest of you are just functional brainwashed morons.
Fair enough.

BTW - I am an indy.
I am not stupid and/or politically gullible enough to be Dem or Rep. also typed the following in that post?

'You gotta understand--- NOBODY on the Left is gonna care that Biden is actually far worse in everything they bitched about Trump over!'

You do realize that your statement is meaningless, right?
It is physically impossible for you to know what EVERYONE whom applies to your statement on the 'left' have complained about?

Assuming you understood that when you typed it?

Are you normally in the habit of making nonsensical statements?
I am just curious.
Hey, Ace, cool your jets, you just joined. A little too early for you to be trying to "read between the lines" trying to analyze other people's verbiage.
LOL...this coming from the guy who in the post directly above mine?
Attempted to call me a 'functional brainwashed morons'.

Don't start a fight if you cannot finish it...Ace.
Fair enough.

BTW - I am an indy.
I am not stupid and/or politically gullible enough to be Dem or Rep. also typed the following in that post?

'You gotta understand--- NOBODY on the Left is gonna care that Biden is actually far worse in everything they bitched about Trump over!'

You do realize that your statement is meaningless, right?
It is physically impossible for you to know what EVERYONE whom applies to your statement on the 'left' have complained about?

Assuming you understood that when you typed it?

Are you normally in the habit of making nonsensical statements?
I am just curious.
Riding the fence is a very bad thing, either you are hot or you are cold. Playing it safe does no one that you care about any good, because allowing bad politician's to get their way with you, and all the while you sit there on the fence is a cop out.

Supporting the Democrat party after they have shown the policies that they support, and the damages that they do is pure foolishness. Gotta get the balanced individual, and listen to what he or she says, and then hold them accountable and to what they say.
LOL...this coming from the guy who in the post directly above mine?
Attempted to call me a 'functional brainwashed morons'.

Don't start a fight if you cannot finish it...Ace.
Oh, Toob can finish it!
If you are an Independent, hang out here and subscribe to Rolaids.
Riding the fence is a very bad thing, either you are hot or you are cold. Playing it safe does no one that you care about any good, because allowing bad politician's to get their way with you, and all the while you sit there on the fence is a cop out.

Supporting the Democrat party after they have shown the policies that they support, and the damages that they do is pure foolishness. Gotta get the balanced individual, and listen to what he or she says, and then hold them accountable and to what they say.
So you are saying that I should deliberately vote for politicians whom I think will do America more harm than good?
No offense...but that is utterly, nonsensical logic.

I vote for NO politician whom I think will hurt America.

To start with?
I will NEVER vote for a politician whom does not advocate a balanced budget at ALL times except when there is a declared war with another country.

Any politician whom cannot live within their financial means is COMPLETELY useless.

And that is JUST for starters.
Oh, Toob can finish it!
If you are an Independent, hang out here and subscribe to Rolaids.
I have seen a few of his posts.

It appears he cannot.
All I have seen so far is him resort to ad hominem's and strawmen.
Hell...he did both in this thread already.

Debating trolls is a piece of cake.
So you are saying that I should deliberately vote for politicians whom I think will do America more harm than good?
No offense...but that is utterly, nonsensical logic.

I vote for NO politician whom I think will hurt America.

To start with?
I will NEVER vote for a politician whom does not advocate a balanced budget at ALL times except when there is a declared war with another country.

Any politician whom cannot live within their financial means is COMPLETELY useless.

And that is JUST for starters.
We all know both parties suck.
Don't start a fight if you cannot finish it...Ace.
Buttercup, take your noob ass and flake off. You've already embarrassed yourself with your obviously poor reading and comprehension, or is it agenda? I don't believe for one second that you are any kind of an "indy." I can smell a troll a mile away and you stink of leftie creep through and through. You didn't even come here and intro yourself, you came here looking to deflect and disrupt.
Buttercup, take your noob ass and flake off. You've already embarrassed yourself with your obviously poor reading and comprehension, or is it agenda? I don't believe for one second that you are any kind of an "indy." I can smell a troll a mile away and you stink of leftie creep through and through. You didn't even come here and intro yourself, you came here looking to deflect and disrupt.
And I smell a senile Boomer (or maybe even a 'Silent' Gen) troll.

And you obviously have NO IDEA what 'troll' even means.
I will now educate you Boomer.

'A troll is Internet slang for a person who intentionally tries to instigate conflict, hostility, or arguments in an online social community. Platforms targeted by trolls can include the comment sections of YouTube, forums, or chat rooms.

Trolls often use inflammatory messages to provoke emotional responses out of people, disrupting otherwise civil discussion. Trolling can occur anywhere that has an open area where people can freely post their thoughts and opinions.'


'Trolls will frequently try to attack something you have revealed you like or are in favor of. If someone is trying to insult your tastes directly, or if they’re generally bashing the topic of a forum or post, you probably have a troll on your hands.'

There you go Boomer!!!
You fit the definition PERFECTLY!!!
(though I freely admit that you are far from the only troll on here)

Case closed.
Most thing I get banned for in many places is talking about 5G and Corona connections. As soon as you say that in many places you are banned,
Why don't you go and find someone with it and ask them to cough in your mouth?
If you are SO certain it does not exist?
What do you have to lose?

I would becuase the real science proves viruses aren't contagious over and over again, The thing is that big pharma lies to you and got you by the balls so to speak to make trilllions on their quack germ theory.

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