Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

If you bathe more often, that odor might go away.
The sum of your intellect can only come up with an ad hominem?
You're in no position to educate anyone. Tell us troll, since you've hijacked this thread away from Covid and Biddum, can you name three things you most dislike about the GOP that keeps you from being a republican? What are they?
You have no idea what I am in a position to educate people on.
Another silly comment by you that you cannot possibly back up.

And I despise BOTH parties...not just the Republican one.

If you honestly do not know by this late stage of your life what is wrong with American politics?
You probably never will.
So to explain it to you is a waste.
Go and watch Ron Paul -
I don't agree with everything he says.
But most of it I do.

Bye now.
Here's a link to explain why more deaths are from the vaccinated group, it explains age bands and risk. It's interesting to see why.

had received at least one dose of the vaccine. (Your suppose to get 2 shots and they are a month apart. No wonder-me).
suggests that being double vaccinated reduces the risk of being hospitalised with the now-dominant delta variant by around 96%. Even conservatively assuming the vaccines are no more effective at preventing death than hospitalisation (actually they are likely to be more effective at preventing death) this means the risk of death for double vaccinated people has been cut to less than one-twentieth of the value for unvaccinated people with the same underlying risk profile.
and the booster wasn't out yet.
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

What did you want him to do??
What did you want him to do??
How about stopping it, like it promised the gullible voters during his campaign? What this shows is that things would have been even WORSE when COVID first hit, had the dementia patient been president. The idiot is actually working as hard as he can to IMPORT COVID-infected illegals into the country and then fly them wherever they want to go.
had received at least one dose of the vaccine. (Your suppose to get 2 shots and they are a month apart. No wonder-me).
suggests that being double vaccinated reduces the risk of being hospitalised with the now-dominant delta variant by around 96%. Even conservatively assuming the vaccines are no more effective at preventing death than hospitalisation (actually they are likely to be more effective at preventing death) this means the risk of death for double vaccinated people has been cut to less than one-twentieth of the value for unvaccinated people with the same underlying risk profile.
and the booster wasn't out yet.
Assuming your numbers are true you’re talking about relative risk not absolute risk. Since the risk of hospitalization and or death for most age/health groups is so small the corresponding reduction of risk youre getting from the vaccine is likely near and for some age/health groups exceeds the assumed risk you’re taking from getting it.

The risk of someone under 50 who is not obese and in decent general health of dying from COVID Is basically zero. 900 of the 967k deaths in the US are people over 50, and most of those are people over 60
How about stopping it, like it promised the gullible voters during his campaign? What this shows is that things would have been even WORSE when COVID first hit, had the dementia patient been president.
Nope, no it doesn't, Biden couldn't MAKE all the crazed anti-vax rightwingers to do the right thing and get their shots. Not only that, it was you rightwingers, inc Trump also strongly opposed any mandates administration tried.

If everyone got vaccinated when Biden admin made vaccinations easily available we would be long done with serious covid concerns.

Your insinuation that Trump, with his never ending circus and "it's just going to disapear" magical thinking is better suited to deal with Covid is laughable fantasy.
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No it doesn't dumbass, Biden can't MAKE all the crazed anti-vax rightwingers to do the right thing.

If everyone got vaccinated when when Biden admin made vaccinations easily available we would be done with serious covid concerns long ago.
Haha. But Trump should have stopped it without a vaccine…..

And this admin didnt make the vaccines any more available than any other admin would have. Are you really going to make the argument that Trump wouldn’t have advocated for is “his“ vaccine? Really?
Haha. But Trump should have stopped it without a vaccine…..
Who said that? No one.

What he should have stopped was his own magical thinking and bullshit spreading. Should have listened to his medical experts.
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Are you really going to make the argument that Trump wouldn’t have advocated for is “his“ vaccine? Really?
As a matter of fact Trump DIDN'T advocate for his vaccine as much as he could have.

He opposed vaccination mandates and helped promote "alternate treatments". Unlike Biden he also got his own vaccination shots very privately.
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Who said that? No one.

What he should have stopped was his own magical thinking and bullshit spreading. Should have listened to his medical experts.
All you moonbats did. You castigated him while he was President saying the deaths were his fault because he didn't do something, though Im not sure what that something would have been and no one could ever seem to articulate it either, to stop it.

Now that Biden is President it's not his fault though he's free to do anything that Trump could have done while he was President and he also has the advantage of having a vaccine already developed, AND therapeutics, AND all the things we learned up to now, AND all the people who were naturally protected, AND the virus mutating in a favorable way.

When are you people going to get it through you thick skulls that nothing the last President, or this President did or any President could have done could/would have significantly altered the course of this disease.
As a matter of fact Trump DIDN'T advocate for his vaccine as much as he could have.

He opposed vaccination mandates and helped promote "alternate treatments". Unlike Biden he also got his own vaccination shots very privately.
As well he should have. He opposed the federal Government mandating them because you know it's illegal. And monoclonal antibodies work, as do many other therapeutics. Why wouldn't you advocate those for people who got sick?

So that's what tipped the scales for you? Some old guy getting a shot on TV? Without seeing that you'd have not gotten vaccinated? Really?
had received at least one dose of the vaccine. (Your suppose to get 2 shots and they are a month apart. No wonder-me).
suggests that being double vaccinated reduces the risk of being hospitalised with the now-dominant delta variant by around 96%. Even conservatively assuming the vaccines are no more effective at preventing death than hospitalisation (actually they are likely to be more effective at preventing death) this means the risk of death for double vaccinated people has been cut to less than one-twentieth of the value for unvaccinated people with the same underlying risk profile.
and the booster wasn't out yet.
If you get 50 jabs. You will be Invincable.

You go girl. Go for the Glory
You castigated him while he was President saying the deaths were his fault because he didn't do something,
Quote me or retract this made up bullshit.

SOME of the deaths where his fault. He lied about covid being flu-like, flaunted medical guidelines, promoted unproven treatments and some of his followers died because they didnt take it seriously. How many? Impossible to tell.

But nowhere did I say that if only we had another president we would not have to deal with this deadly pandemic, thats just braindead.
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The sum of your intellect can only come up with an ad hominem?

Often times good ad hom takes a great deal of intellect.

You have no idea what I am in a position to educate people on.
Another silly comment by you that you cannot possibly back up.

And I despise BOTH parties...not just the Republican one.

Oh, you're a dedicated democrat. :thup:

If you honestly do not know by this late stage of your life what is wrong with American politics?
You probably never will.
So to explain it to you is a waste.
Go and watch Ron Paul -
I don't agree with everything he says.
But most of it I do.

Bye now.

The back quote function has changed since you last had a 'toon on this board.
As well he should have. He opposed the federal Government mandating them because you know it's illegal. And monoclonal antibodies work, as do many other therapeutics. Why wouldn't you advocate those for people who got sick?

So that's what tipped the scales for you? Some old guy getting a shot on TV? Without seeing that you'd have not gotten vaccinated? Really?
No I don't know and in fact millions of people got vaccinated SPECIFCALLY due to mandates and restrictions rightwingers opposed. More people got vaccinated due to this administration's efforts than we would have otherwise, thats just a fact.

Monoclonal anti-bodies worked well prior to Omicron but are very expensive and are last resort treatment to widely available vaccination.
Nope, no it doesn't, Biden couldn't MAKE all the crazed anti-vax rightwingers to do the right thing and get their shots. Not only that, it was you rightwingers, inc Trump also strongly opposed any mandates administration tried.

If everyone got vaccinated when Biden admin made vaccinations easily available we would be long done with serious covid concerns.

Your insinuation that Trump, with his never ending circus and "it's just going to disapear" magical thinking is better suited to deal with Covid is laughable fantasy.

Herr ANton,

What is the percentage of people in South Korea who have been given the mRNA sequencers?

You wouldn't be honest, so I'll answer for you

So explain this:

The mRNA sequencers do nothing good. If you're lucky, they do nothing at all.
Herr ANton,

What is the percentage of people in South Korea who have been given the mRNA sequencers?

You wouldn't be honest, so I'll answer for you

So explain this:

The mRNA sequencers do nothing good. If you're lucky, they do nothing at all.
Yep, just ring that bell and anti-vax bullshit spreading rightingers start piling on.

And then you rightwinger idiots play stupid and try to blame Biden for Covid causing problems for so long.
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

What did you expect Biden to do? Are you into magical thinking? Covid has been world wide since February 2020.
Yep, just ring that bell and anti-vax bullshit spreading rightingers start piling on.

And then you rightwinger idiots play stupid and try to blame Biden for Covid causing problems for so long.

Great answer.

So 92% have the jab - and people are dying at a rate 7 times higher than America prior to the "vaccines."

You can't answer it - it's science and science is the enemy of your Reich.

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