Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

I just hope that this COVID stuff isn't being used for political purposes all due to the coming election. If it is, I hope the roof comes off the corruption house eventually.
Covid has been used to thwart Trump who represents We The People who are an existential threat to these far-left-Marxists who have taken over the Democrat party. They will do anything to stop him/US including mandating injections into your veins, scaring you with false stats, making up false stories about Trump, tying every bad thing they can find to Trump, etc. Just look at the far-left TDSers right here on the Forum.
You've bought into the great lie, but of course you did. The unvaccinated are not spreading the virus if they aren't sick, just like the vaccinated aren't spreading it either if they aren't sick. You are one gullible human being I'll say that.

But you go ahead and run with your idiotic narrative while reality proves you a liar every day.
The unvaccinated may be carriers or have the virus and think it is something else while passing it on to others, who may be more adversely affected. A liar is somebody who deliberately speaks a false narrative. My narrative comes from the medical community, and is not a lie. Most of your narrative
is a repetition of Trump's lies or fox nonsense. You are ignorant, and I would expect nothing less from your large oral cavity.


See above.

See above.

A few people were not pleased, but the group you describe & assign blame to exists only in your imagination.

^ Projection.

Your ignorance on this matter is dangerous.
Your ignorance on this matter is sad and predictable.
Sure Hoss

I can change the former 1-terms president timeline and include his life. That number is probably over a million and that is based on businesses and cheating on his wives.
How rich!
A LibBot commenting on sexual infidelity!
The unvaccinated may be carriers or have the virus and think it is something else while passing it on to others, who may be more adversely affected. A liar is somebody who deliberately speaks a false narrative. My narrative comes from the medical community, and is not a lie. Most of your narrative
is a repetition of Trump's lies or fox nonsense. You are ignorant, and I would expect nothing less from your large oral cavity.
The ‘medical community’ also reports that fully Vaccinated people are transmitting Omicron.
"if" the queen had balls, she would be king.
And If Fauci Was a Lord he's complain until the cows came home
and made him King.Not to be too confused with the early 50's TV
show ... Queen for a Day.
There will be nationwide stats soon enough, and then what ? Your little wise cracks will be useless against the fall out. Heck they're almost useless now, but yes we do need the results from all the incoming compiled national data.
I say Co-vid ... Schmo-vid.I'm sick and tired over all this Covid talk.
It' s Not Polio,Small Pox or even the Swine Flu.The Measles is far,far more
contagious.And that's basically a Kids disease.I harken back to Hollywood
Intellectual Ben Stein.Don't hear much from him.Probabloy because he's a
very clever Conservative and knows how to not stick his foot in his mouth.
Being an unabashed Conservative and surviving in Hollywood is a real task.
All it takes is one slip of the tongue and yer under fire or get Fired.
So when he went public about a year ago confessing what happened to
him after gettin a Covid Jab it was Important.He said it was sheer hell.
The side effects were monstrous.He thought he was not going to make it.
Never felt so terrible in all his life.
Not much was made about in the Press.It was quickly censored.
Now ask yerself does that sound like a winning reason to take the jab.
To take the chance of visiting Hell.Nightmares like never before and nauseousness
ta boot.
The unvaccinated may be carriers or have the virus and think it is something else while passing it on to others, who may be more adversely affected. A liar is somebody who deliberately speaks a false narrative. My narrative comes from the medical community, and is not a lie. Most of your narrative
is a repetition of Trump's lies or fox nonsense. You are ignorant, and I would expect nothing less from your large oral cavity.
The unvaccinated MAY, MIGHT, COULD BE, WHAT IF, AND I THINK THEY COULD be carriers, and then they think it's something else ???? ROTFLMBO. You have got to be kidding me right ? Either you are sick or not, and this goes for the vaxed and unvaxed. Oh and what's this bull crap about resources being taken by the unvaxed if the vaxed are supposed to be protected by the shot's from going to the hospital ? You people are flipping crazy, and possibly evil all at the same time.

The ChiCom flu is targeting trump supporters!

Killing them deader than doornails.
That tells the whole story. Ignorance is not bliss in this case.
Encouragement has been ongoing. It’s time to start asking why they aren’t getting vaccinated instead of putting this all on conservatives. It’s not racist to hold minorities accountable. Be consistent.
I don't know what more could be done. Here in Nebraska all 7 health districts in state have made special outreaches into the black and Hispanic minorities and only met with a slight degree of success. black leaders have gotten involved and that helped.
I don't know what more could be done. Here in Nebraska all 7 health districts in state have made special outreaches into the black and Hispanic minorities and only met with a slight degree of success. black leaders have gotten involved and that helped.
It’s obvious that many Blacks and Hispanics don’t want to get vaccinated just like right wing conservatives don’t want to get vaccinated.
Whatchagonnado, BIden?

You gotta understand--- NOBODY on the Left is gonna care that Biden is actually far worse in everything they bitched about Trump over! Or that they bust a nut to go out of their way to incur massive cost and penalty not just to themselves, but to the whole country and the world to be felt for years to come and the guy is just getting going!

You are dealing with the criminal insane, these are Marxists, and their only interest is in securing absolute one party rule. You don't analyze them, they need lined up and a cattle bolt put through their foreheads and just admit we've lost an entire generation to radicalized, crazy ideologies.

The only question now is just how bad are people willing to let things go, how much father do they allow their liberties and human rights to be crushed before they can't take it anymore and start to really fight back, realizing the past two years has all just been one big massive snowjob of exploitation fueled by huge lies.
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I don't know what more could be done. Here in Nebraska all 7 health districts in state have made special outreaches into the black and Hispanic minorities and only met with a slight degree of success. black leaders have gotten involved and that helped.
Leave them the fuck alone.
View attachment 585611 You gotta understand--- NOBODY on the Left is gonna care that Biden is actually far worse in everything they bitched about Trump over! Or that they bust a nut to go out of their way to incur massive cost and penalty not just to themselves, but to the whole country and the world to be felt for years to come and the guy is just getting going!

You are dealing with the criminal insane, these are Marxists, and their only interest is in securing absolute one party rule. You don't analyze them, they need lined up and a cattle bolt put through their foreheads and just admit we've lost an entire generation to radicalized, crazy ideologies.

The only question now is just how bad are people willing to let things go, how much father do they allow their liberties and human rights to be crushed before they can't take it anymore and start to really fight back, realizing the past two years has all just been one big massive snowjob of exploitation fueled by huge lies.
I warned of this way back years ago, otherwise when I saw everything that was taking shape, and was going on.

I thought to myself "the wealthy or upper middle class can separate themselves from this stuff but for so long, and then it's coming for them.

I was absolutely right, because living with the thinking that "oh well I can't see it from my house", was the dumbest most irresponsible thinking ever.

It eventually exposed their smaller and smaller world's to the very thing in which they had tried so hard to separate from, and once it arrived back at their door steps it was an angry beast from hell.

This is what happens when you abandon thing's, don't fight for everyone who believes the same things that you believe in (i.e.regardless of wealth or status), and then you separate from it though wealth accumulation and price rigging... You who are guilty attempted to insulate yourselves by wealth borders, thus leaving your troops and allies behind.

Well guess what ? Those troops and allies joined the other side, and they ended up pushing over the walls with those in which you had used wealth and price rigging to separate yourselves from.

The leave no friend, Allie or child behind should have been first and foremost in the holding together of the values and standard's in which were to be staples of the society that you were to keep intact by those standard's and value's kept (not based on wealth).

Separating yourselves has come back to bite you in the arse something terrible, because while you all (if the shoe fits wear it), were separating yourselves based upon a certain criteria that eliminated most of your allies, friend's or family members from the group, the other side was welcoming them with open arms (not based on wealth), but based upon the open arms policy that built their numbers into what you are struggling with today.
How rich!
A LibBot commenting on sexual infidelity!
That is really sad you have to launch personal text when you can't come up with a better come back. Even though you might be right, trump screws over everybody; his opponents, his friends, his supporters, even his ex-wives. He tried to screw them and when he left him he really screwed them.

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