Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

The Truth...
What Biden is suffering from is he can't live up to the hype he created. The left used the pandemic as a faux outrage and panic to make people think Trump was at fault for something he couldn't possibly control.
Juts like Biden can't control it. But now he suffers, what is he supposed to do? Admit the panic porn and ridiculous blame on Trump was just a way to get elected?
The left and Lefties excuse lies since that is their stock in trade.
Explains why they confuse actual Lies { From Doc Biden and Madame Kamala }
with Trump's use of exaggeration or hyperbole meant as Context.
It'd be like making the case ... why even bother with SNL from
It's just silly parody.Even though based in characters who we all know.Or should.
Not Know and Trust.Just know.
Are you doing a parody of yourself?
The Truth...
What Biden is suffering from is he can't live up to the hype he created. The left used the pandemic as a faux outrage and panic to make people think Trump was at fault for something he couldn't possibly control.
Juts like Biden can't control it. But now he suffers, what is he supposed to do? Admit the panic porn and ridiculous blame on Trump was just a way to get elected?
3.9% unemployment….

That’s good hype man…
3.9% unemployment….

That’s good hype man…
Yeah... still a half % higher than it was pre covid... but with one big difference... 4% less labor participation rate which significantly drops unemployment percentage. Factoring that in, unemployment is closer to 6% if the same number of people was participating
Biden said he would unify the country. What happened?
He hasn't been able to rid the country of what he thinks are the enemies of the Democrat party. If he were able to accomplish that, then he would claim mission accomplished, and claim unity between all in the Democrat party. They could careless about unity with the conservatives, because the Democrat's have gone way to far off of the deep end for conservatives to meet them even at the half way mark.
Most of those contracting Covid after vaccination have a mild case, as opposed to those who have not gotten the vaccine.
Wrong.... I know vaxed people that have had to have the infusion after infection. Depends of the viral load, the health of the individual, and the biological make up of the human being etc.
Legendary Screen Star Sidney Poitier dies.He was 94.
As classy a Hollywood actor as it gets.
Also quite brilliant.Spoke Fluent Russian.Very difficult language to
manage.Or read.
Yeah... still a half % higher than it was pre covid... but with one big difference... 4% less labor participation rate which significantly drops unemployment percentage. Factoring that in, unemployment is closer to 6% if the same number of people was participating
The lowest the former 1-term president ever achieved was 3.9%

the labor participation rate was about 63% under the former 1-term president.

People are choosing to quit, ya there’s that.
The Truth...
What Biden is suffering from is he can't live up to the hype he created. The left used the pandemic as a faux outrage and panic to make people think Trump was at fault for something he couldn't possibly control.
Juts like Biden can't control it. But now he suffers, what is he supposed to do? Admit the panic porn and ridiculous blame on Trump was just a way to get elected?
That's what happens when a cocky Pol gets overly cocky.
Due of course to an unabashed and cocky Mainstream media.
2 things that are truly a bad mix.To be Unabashed and Cocky.
That seems to be the formula for today's left.Which personifies the
Democrats.That sort of mindset surely has to come at a cost.Historically
it always does.The exceptions are rare.
The lowest the former 1-term president ever achieved was 3.9%

the labor participation rate was about 63% under the former 1-term president.

People are choosing to quit, ya there’s that.
I see where the last month or two over 90,ooo Hispanics
have left the labor force.That explains the lowest Unemployment
rate in recent memory.Plus Biden's monthly job estimates have missed
every mark.Each and every month.Plus with rising wages and also
rising Inflation { 6.8% } takehome pay suffers.
I see where the last month or two over 90,ooo Hispanics
have left the labor force.That explains the lowest Unemployment
rate in recent memory.Plus Biden's monthly job estimates have missed
every mark.Each and every month.Plus with rising wages and also
rising Inflation { 6.8% } takehome pay suffers.
Missed? Look for the revisions as December will be revised as more data comes in.
Missed? Look for the revisions as December will be revised as more data comes in.
It's my studious observations that Revisions are often rigged,
That is how Obama managed to get Unemployment down in less than a year
from 9.2% to 7.8%.Knowing no President was ever Re-elected when Unemployment
was 8 % or higher.Where in September or 2012 the Unemployment rate dropped
0.3% in a single month.Leaving G.E. Chairman { Jack Welsh } to instantly tweet
as soon as the Fridays Job Numbers came out at 9 am :
" Unbelievable job numbers; these chicago guys will do anything.
can't debate so change job numbers. "
What if those Jabs actually weaken ones Immunity.In other words if one is
feeling fine why temp fate and get a jab.Plus how does anyone know that
those like Doc Biden { shown getting his jab } that it wasn't some
innocuous Saline solution.I'm not a Gambler.Certainly not with my Life
on the line.Again we just learned within the last 48 hrs that those Covid
Jabs actually impair a woman's menstrual cycle.
Vaxed who were 'protected'...

How many vaxed had a 'break through' infection and survived.....vs unvaxed who also did.....I'm not seeing numbers on this.....
Is there a chance the unvaxed are showing same numbers for infection rates as the unvaxed?
Vaxed who were 'protected'...

How many vaxed had a 'break through' infection and survived.....vs unvaxed who also did.....I'm not seeing numbers on this.....
Is there a chance the unvaxed are showing same numbers for infection rates as the unvaxed?
The US is behind Europe { Britain and others } in Covid Data.
Right there is inexcusable.I say it's do to simple manipulation.
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayer outright Lied in her comments
concerning Covid at the Supreme Court taking up the issue of
Vaccine Mandates.Sotomayor said 100,ooo children are in serious
conditions from Covid.Large numbers are in hospital on Ventilators.
Plus other lies.
Lies about natural immunity.That is isn't as good as a Covid jab.
That's a lie.
Lies about cause of death in Hospitals.Where doctors and hospitals
are quick to put down Covid over any condition being hospitalized for.
Like Heart Disease,Cancer even a broken arm.Not reporting numbers of
deaths from the Flu.In 2018 over 80,ooo deaths from the flu.
It's my studious observations that Revisions are often rigged,
That is how Obama managed to get Unemployment down in less than a year
from 9.2% to 7.8%.Knowing no President was ever Re-elected when Unemployment
was 8 % or higher.Where in September or 2012 the Unemployment rate dropped
0.3% in a single month.Leaving G.E. Chairman { Jack Welsh } to instantly tweet
as soon as the Fridays Job Numbers came out at 9 am :
" Unbelievable job numbers; these chicago guys will do anything.
can't debate so change job numbers. "
Sorry, it’s just bullshit opinion.
The Truth...
What Biden is suffering from is he can't live up to the hype he created. The left used the pandemic as a faux outrage and panic to make people think Trump was at fault for something he couldn't possibly control.
Juts like Biden can't control it. But now he suffers, what is he supposed to do? Admit the panic porn and ridiculous blame on Trump was just a way to get elected?
Good points.
Wrong.... I know vaxed people that have had to have the infusion after infection. Depends of the viral load, the health of the individual, and the biological make up of the human being etc.
Note the word "most"
What if those Jabs actually weaken ones Immunity.In other words if one is
feeling fine why temp fate and get a jab.Plus how does anyone know that
those like Doc Biden { shown getting his jab } that it wasn't some
innocuous Saline solution.I'm not a Gambler.Certainly not with my Life
on the line.Again we just learned within the last 48 hrs that those Covid
Jabs actually impair a woman's menstrual cycle.
"if" the queen had balls, she would be king.

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