Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

The orange guys is still making up words I see.
Did Doc Biden just say he's all about { Unity } last year when Campaigning.
That is already one for the History Books.The Firstrate Demonstrable LIE that
Biden used often about he's all about being a Uniter.
Tell us all True Tammy.
Make the case that Biden isn't now The King Of Liars in American History.
No President in American History has so savaged a Former President as Biden
attempted Yesterday.
Tell us all Tammy how Trump wasn't emphatically spot-on with his
take on Biden's January 6th speech.
Describing Biden as " a cynical politician who ran for office promising
Unity who is now doing the most divisive thing possible -- slandering his
political opponents as domestic terrorists,just like insecure dictators do
in communist countries. "
Too bad the counties that Trump won didn't have any people living in them.
Okey Dokey Brainiac trained Democrat.Give the name of One county in the
Good Old U.S.of A. that has no people living in.
Or on top of the county.Or under the County.Or beside the county when
stranded in a snow storm.
Okey Dokey Brainiac trained Democrat.Give the name of One county in the
Good Old U.S.of A. that has no people living in.
Or on top of the county.Or under the County.Or beside the county when
stranded in a snow storm.
You have no sense of humor. You must be a Trumpster.
Did Doc Biden just say he's all about { Unity } last year when Campaigning.
That is already one for the History Books.The Firstrate Demonstrable LIE that
Biden used often about he's all about being a Uniter.
Tell us all True Tammy.
Make the case that Biden isn't now The King Of Liars in American History.
No President in American History has so savaged a Former President as Biden
attempted Yesterday.
Tell us all Tammy how Trump wasn't emphatically spot-on with his
take on Biden's January 6th speech.
Describing Biden as " a cynical politician who ran for office promising
Unity who is now doing the most divisive thing possible -- slandering his
political opponents as domestic terrorists,just like insecure dictators do
in communist countries. "
When President Biden breaks the former 1-term president's record of lying, you can post it.

Otherwise, yeah maybe President Biden over estimated the intelligence level of maga fuckups to not want civil war.
Biden broke that record in 1981. He's up well over 200,000 career lies now.
Sure Hoss

I can change the former 1-terms president timeline and include his life. That number is probably over a million and that is based on businesses and cheating on his wives.
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I don't understand your people, this has nothing to do with Biden or trump. It's about a virus taking advantage of the people who choose to be unvaccinated. The majority of which are / we're trump supporters.
Looking more like the prog's taking advantage of a virus to implement societal change.
No it doesn't.

FDA needs to go through and carefully redact 380,000 pages of their Pfizer aproval materials, which is a big task that requires time, judge will rule on reasonable timeframe for them to get it done.
Looks like they got a ruling:


When President Biden breaks the former 1-term president's record of lying, you can post it.

Otherwise, yeah maybe President Biden over estimated the intelligence level of maga fuckups to not want civil war.
The left and Lefties excuse lies since that is their stock in trade.
Explains why they confuse actual Lies { From Doc Biden and Madame Kamala }
with Trump's use of exaggeration or hyperbole meant as Context.
It'd be like making the case ... why even bother with SNL from
It's just silly parody.Even though based in characters who we all know.Or should.
Not Know and Trust.Just know.
But we were instructed to Get Vaccinatesd." One and Done "
Now we are being lectured that a 4th shot { Booster } may be coming to
a neighborhood near you. These aren't Vaccines PERIOD. Nor is a yearly flu
shot.There is still no Vaccine for the Flu or even AIDS.
The definition of vaccine is that it PREVENTS.
Israel has been on it's 4th shot for going on 2 months.
Natural Immmunity is far more protective than any Experimental
drug.Just yesterday we learned another hidden fact.That with the jab a
Woman may experience interruptions in her Menstrual cycle.
Gee that's nice to know.Like ain't it.
The bullshit goes on and on. Get the fucking vaccine and protect yourself, already. Stop the this, thats and the other things.
I doubt that you do.
At a square dance in Scranton.They both had something in commoin.
They both came to the Polish Square dance with their lunchbox in tow.
So's they have something to munch on in case they become exhausted with
some of the athletic moves on the dance floor.Just watching pooped them out.
Think the Movie - The Deer Hunter - { 1978 } and the Wedding scenes at the
Reception Hall.Where Christopher Walken and John Savage showed off their
Russian style Squat Dancing.Only performed by Males.
Joe immediately became Impressed when Jill decided to try her version of the
Squat Dance.
The bullshit goes on and on. Get the fucking vaccine and protect yourself, already. Stop the this, thats and the other things.
What if those Jabs actually weaken ones Immunity.In other words if one is
feeling fine why temp fate and get a jab.Plus how does anyone know that
those like Doc Biden { shown getting his jab } that it wasn't some
innocuous Saline solution.I'm not a Gambler.Certainly not with my Life
on the line.Again we just learned within the last 48 hrs that those Covid
Jabs actually impair a woman's menstrual cycle.
At a square dance in Scranton.They both had something in common.
They both came to the Polish Square dance with their lunchbox in tow.
So's they have something to munch on in case they become exhausted with
some of the athletic moves on the dance floor.Just watching pooped them out.
Think the Movie - The Deer Hunter - { 1978 } and the Wedding scenes at the
Reception Hall.Where Christopher Walken and John Savage showed off their
Russian style Squat Dancing.Only performed by Males.
Joe immediately became Impressed when Jill decided to try her version of the
Squat Dance.

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