Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

As I already pointed out the tactics, the hypercritical attitude about everything and the fact that you're posting on a thread whose premise can't be disputed. An independent wouldn't even look at this thread line.
That's quite a pathetic response.
The fact is that you quite blatantly cheering on all the Woke bullshit that the Progressives are pushing at us.
I predict that within a year you will be in favor of beastiality.

The Omicron variant is a sign that this virus is in its last gasp. The human immune system will treat this like a common cold. The symptoms of Omicron are very mild. It's time to stop this two years of nonsense and get back to our pre-COVID normal.
That's quite a pathetic response.
The fact is that you quite blatantly cheering on all the Woke bullshit that the Progressives are pushing at us.
I predict that within a year you will be in favor of beastiality.

Every word you speak just screams far right,what the hell, who you're trying to kid. You're even using their terminology.
Every word you speak just screams far right,what the hell, who you're trying to kid. You're even using their terminology.
I have 9 synagogues in my community and all of us are on one Facebook group so don't try to lie to me about Omicron.
I have 9 synagogues in my community and all of us are on one Facebook group so don't try to lie to me about Omicron.
Which of these are lies, 1. Omicron is the most contagious variant yet. 2. Covered numbers are raging because the Omicron variant is rapidly spreading and becoming the dominant strain in the United States. These are facts, you can't argue with them. The far right idiots on here are trying to argue with that but it's futile.
Which of these are lies, 1. Omicron is the most contagious variant yet. 2. Covered numbers are raging because the Omicron variant is rapidly spreading and becoming the dominant strain in the United States. These are facts, you can't argue with them. The far right idiots on here are trying to argue with that but it's futile.
Omicron is a cold.
A lot of people are catching the Omicron cold.
No one is dying.

You are either mentally ill, incredibly stupid or being paid to ignore reality.
Omicron is a cold.
A lot of people are catching the Omicron cold.
No one is dying.

You are either mentally ill, incredibly stupid or being paid to ignore reality.
Tell that to the 10 people who died in Omaha alone yesterday or the four that died today. While over1500 more became infected today. Yes Omicron is not as deadly as Delta, but the fact that it's more communicable and affects a lot more people means it might be just as deadly in the end.
Tell that to the 10 people who died in Omaha alone yesterday or the four that died today. While over1500 more became infected today. Yes Omicron is not as deadly as Delta, but the fact that it's more communicable and affects a lot more people means it might be just as deadly in the end.
10 people...who didn't die from Omicron!
OMG! Shut down the economy so more people can die of frostbite!
Millions exposed to Omicron world wide and not one death attributed to Omicron by an MD.
You have mental problems.
10 people...who didn't die from Omicron!
OMG! Shut down the economy so more people can die of frostbite!
Millions exposed to Omicron world wide and not one death attributed to Omicron by an MD.
You have mental problems.
I can't help you you are obviously insane goodbye.
I can't help you you are obviously insane goodbye.

I Googled it, moron.
Gotta try not to play into their hands. Coincidence that the 2022 midterms are around the corner ?
I keep hearing that but it's kinda dopey.10 months into the future knowing what
Doc Biden pulled in just 6 months of 2021 was infernally damaging To All Americans.
Ridiculous Open Borders.Total disaster Afghan Pullout.Closing down Keystone and
Government new drilling contracts.Taking us from Oil Independence under Trump
to Kowtowing Oil Dependence.
Record Inflation and record Violence.Record suicides and also record
releasing of Criminals from Jail.If Joe Stalin was around he couldn't have
acheived such record harm so quickly as Doc Biden.
After Today's pathetic speech by Doc Biden,it pretty much sums up his
attitude and belligerence and Unamericanism.
Biden ran out of glue.
Even cheap glue wants nothing to do with Joe or his Nose { Glue-sniffer } Potus.
What else explains his discombobulating reason and body movements.
He walks like his skivvies are too tight.Or he's gotta run to the potty ... again.
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I Googled it, moron.
I Googled it too, the figures for South Africa are this; this average 4.5%death rate with Omnicron, significantly less than the 21.3% with Delta. Here in the U.S. last week's data was 60% increase in cases, 14% increase in hospitalizations BUT a 9% decrease in deaths. " Only " about 1,100 a day. Omicron is now the dominant strain in the United States has been for a while. So comparing it to a cold is utterly ridiculous.

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