Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

Note the word "most"
There will be nationwide stats soon enough, and then what ? Your little wise cracks will be useless against the fall out. Heck they're almost useless now, but yes we do need the results from all the incoming compiled national data.
There will be nationwide stats soon enough, and then what ? Your little wise cracks will be useless against the fall out. Heck they're almost useless now, but yes we do need the results from all the incoming compiled national data.
It was not a wise crack, lamb chop. I said the word "most" and you ignored it to flap in the breeze.
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

Somehow, this is Trump's fault!!!!
Somehow, this is Trump's fault!!!!
Nobody is blaming Trump for this outbreak. The blame falls mostly on those who refuse to vaccinate and instead help to spread the virus by not vaccinating and using every alternate fact in the book to justify the unjustifiable. Some of 'em even turned on Trump for favoring vaccinations. What a bunch of losers!
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

The problem is the God damn GOP misinformation Network and fools like you who refuse to get vaccinated and wear masks and spread so much misinformation it's basically treasonous. You are the problem, to the rest of the world outside your bubble of Bologna you're technically insane... Great job!
They are encouraging everyone to get vaccinated.
Encouragement has been ongoing. It’s time to start asking why they aren’t getting vaccinated instead of putting this all on conservatives. It’s not racist to hold minorities accountable. Be consistent.
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?


The ChiCom flu is targeting trump supporters!

Killing them deader than doornails.
Everyone I know who's had it that wasn't a fat unfit slob has experienced a cold/flu.
I'm fit, live on a farm, not fat, generally healthy, but I caught Delta six weeks ago and have been quite sick. Still am. I say again: don't say it's "just" anything until after you have it.

I agree with you that the government should get out of the business of making the epidemic much, much worse, but that doesn't mean there is no epidemic.
Nobody is blaming Trump for this outbreak.
The blame falls mostly on those who refuse to vaccinate
and instead help to spread the virus by not vaccinating
See above.
and using every alternate fact in the book to justify the unjustifiable.
See above.
Some of 'em even turned on Trump for favoring vaccinations.
A few people were not pleased, but the group you describe & assign blame to exists only in your imagination.
What a bunch of losers!
^ Projection.

Your ignorance on this matter is dangerous.
I see where the last month or two over 90,ooo Hispanics
have left the labor force.That explains the lowest Unemployment
rate in recent memory.Plus Biden's monthly job estimates have missed
every mark.Each and every month.Plus with rising wages and also
rising Inflation { 6.8% } takehome pay suffers.
Especially Mexican Americans, they're going back to Mexico in record numbers. Mexico's economy is booming and of course the atmosphere is much more inviting.
Nobody is blaming Trump for this outbreak. The blame falls mostly on those who refuse to vaccinate and instead help to spread the virus by not vaccinating and using every alternate fact in the book to justify the unjustifiable. Some of 'em even turned on Trump for favoring vaccinations. What a bunch of losers!
You've bought into the great lie, but of course you did. The unvaccinated are not spreading the virus if they aren't sick, just like the vaccinated aren't spreading it either if they aren't sick. You are one gullible human being I'll say that.

But you go ahead and run with your idiotic narrative while reality proves you a liar every day.


See above.

See above.

A few people were not pleased, but the group you describe & assign blame to exists only in your imagination.

^ Projection.

Your ignorance on this matter is dangerous.
It's a narrative built by the Democrat's over time, even though the reality and science doesn't back their bull crap up.
Covid 'cases' don't mean active infections. The whole Covid hysteria is made up. Biden is sleepwalking.
Covid 'cases' don't mean active infections. The whole Covid hysteria is made up. Biden is sleepwalking.
I just hope that this COVID stuff isn't being used for political purposes all due to the coming election. If it is, I hope the roof comes off the corruption house eventually.

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