Record low turnout, support for Dem policy in polls...NOT going RW

Hey liberal asswipes it's your problem if you can't turn out your base.

The turnout for the GOP worked out just fine.
This thread is really really sad and makes your side look like a sore loser. The American people keep going from Republican to Democrat and then back again. I wonder when they will learn that both parties suck? :D
We like to know what things MEAN,how they work, what people think, instead of shallow Pub think...who cares WHY people become terrorists?...well, lately , in a Pub world depression, it's a good career move.

There has been no change in US thinking on issues, just in the number of people who vote when nothing will change Pub disfunction.
The source ...Media Matters is a tax exempt democrat party propaganda tool. The dirty little secret is that liberal media democrat party tricks tried to portray elections as being close while they were wildly in favor of republicans.
Both Obamas did say that the average Democrat was too fucking stupid to know there was an election Nov 4th. I'm guessing FranCoWTF showed up at the polls on Nov 6 or 7th
That's not propaganda dipstick, that's ANTI-propaganda- just full of polls from other sources, facts about turnout, what initiatives passed- not the crap you listen to...
Both Obamas did say that the average Democrat was too fucking stupid to know there was an election Nov 4th. I'm guessing FranCoWTF showed up at the polls on Nov 6 or 7th
Link, hater dupe? lol.

“most of our Democratic voters aren’t aware there is even an election on November 4.” -- BHO 10/3/14

Dems = Morons

Obama 8216 Most Democratic Voters Not Aware There 8217 s An Election On November 4 8242 Washington Free Beacon
Both Obamas did say that the average Democrat was too fucking stupid to know there was an election Nov 4th. I'm guessing FranCoWTF showed up at the polls on Nov 6 or 7th
Link, hater dupe? lol.

“most of our Democratic voters aren’t aware there is even an election on November 4.” -- BHO 10/3/14

Dems = Morons

Obama 8216 Most Democratic Voters Not Aware There 8217 s An Election On November 4 8242 Washington Free Beacon
So he didn't say that- Rush or Glenn did, eh, ya lying POS lol. Dems don't live or die by bs propaganda infotainment pushing them to vote and protest, hater dupe.
Both Obamas did say that the average Democrat was too fucking stupid to know there was an election Nov 4th. I'm guessing FranCoWTF showed up at the polls on Nov 6 or 7th
Link, hater dupe? lol.

“most of our Democratic voters aren’t aware there is even an election on November 4.” -- BHO 10/3/14

Dems = Morons

Obama 8216 Most Democratic Voters Not Aware There 8217 s An Election On November 4 8242 Washington Free Beacon
So he didn't say that- Rush or Glenn did, eh, ya lying POS lol. Dems don't live or die by bs propaganda infotainment pushing them to vote and protest, hater dupe.

Obama said Dems are stupid, didn't even know there was an election
Both Obamas did say that the average Democrat was too fucking stupid to know there was an election Nov 4th. I'm guessing FranCoWTF showed up at the polls on Nov 6 or 7th
Link, hater dupe? lol.

“most of our Democratic voters aren’t aware there is even an election on November 4.” -- BHO 10/3/14

Dems = Morons

Obama 8216 Most Democratic Voters Not Aware There 8217 s An Election On November 4 8242 Washington Free Beacon
So he didn't say that- Rush or Glenn did, eh, ya lying POS lol. Dems don't live or die by bs propaganda infotainment pushing them to vote and protest, hater dupe.
Obutthurt said it, you are an idiot, the article plainly says Obama said it. Retarded dimwit.
"Increasing The Minimum Wage
Four Republican-Controlled States VotedThis Week To Raise Minimum Wage.
Four states controlled by Republican legislatures -- Alaska, Arkansas, Nebraska and South Dakota -- voted in Tuesday's midterms to raise the state-mandated minimum wage. As Huffington Post reported:

Voters in four red states approved ballot initiatives to raise their state minimum wages on Tuesday, sending another message to Washington that Americans support a higher wage floor.

Binding minimum wage referendums were on the ballot in Arkansas, Nebraska, Alaska and South Dakota on Tuesday, with polls suggesting ahead of election day that all would pass.

Arkansas voters approved their initiative by a 65-to-35 margin, according to early returns. The measure will increase the minimum wage incrementally to $8.50 per hour by 2017. Nebraska voters, meanwhile, approved their initiative, which will raise the minimum wage to $9 by 2016, by a 62-to-38 margin.

Alaskans voted by a 69-to-31 margin to raise their minimum wage from $7.75 to $9.75 an hour by 2016, and then peg it to an inflation index so that it rises with the cost of living. South Dakota voted 55-45 to raise their minimum wage from $7.25 to $8.50 next year. It will also be indexed thereafter. [Huffington Post, 11/4/14]

Several GOP Candidates Campaigned On Increasing Minimum Wage.As Slate noted, several Republican gubernatorial and congressional candidates, such as Rick Snyder (R-MI), Asa Hutchinson (R-AR), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), and Charlie Baker (R-MA) endorsed increasing the minimum wage. [Slate, 11/5/14]

Seventy Percent Of Americans Support A Federal Minimum Wage Increase. According to a September poll from The New York Times and CBS News, 70 percent of Americans support raising the minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $10.10 per hour. [The New York Times, 9/15/14]

Health Care Reform
Americans Broadly Support Key ACA Provisions. A Kaiser Family Foundation poll conducted earlier this year found that individual provisions of the Affordable Care Act enjoy widespread bipartisan support: 77 percent of Americans agree with eliminating out-of-pocket costs for preventive services, 79 percent favor closing the Medicare "doughnut hole," and 56 percent approve of increasing the Medicare payroll tax on upper income brackets:''

Voters in four red states approved ballot initiatives to raise their state minimum wages on Tuesday, sending another message to Washington that Americans support a higher wage floor.

8.50 an hour is not that big a deal franko

however it kind of shoots your mean ol selfish republicans claim

in the footz
We just put Republican governors in Maryland, Massachusetts, and Illinois thanks to the Lying African. I'm beginning to think we got this all wrong. The Kenyan import might be the best thing to happen to the GOP in decades. Maybe we should pray for 10 more just like him.
So much dumb Pubcrappe, so little time. Thank God for Media Matters, Factcheck.
We just put Republican governors in Maryland, Massachusetts, and Illinois thanks to the Lying African. I'm beginning to think we got this all wrong. The Kenyan import might be the best thing to happen to the GOP in decades. Maybe we should pray for 10 more just like him.
Same crappe we heard in 2010....great infotainment....huge ups and downs for the dupes...zzzzzzzzzzz not.

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