Record number of uninsured adults...What is the GOP going to do about it?

It's Republicans who are dishonest. Saying that the Health Care bill forces companies to sell to "sick" people.
Sick being a "pre-existing condition".
Pre-existing condition being:

An allergy.
Having a mammogram within the last six months.
Having your tonsils out.
Having a hernia operation.

That's right. Go look up how Health Care companies define "pre-existing" condition and then come back here and "be honest". If you dare.

I suppose I set the bar too high. Sad.

So you admit you don't know what "pre-existing" condition is?

Yeah, it's welfare, not insurance.

Do you know the difference?

You keep going on and on about what the Republicans did wrong in the past. Perhaps you could instead offer suggestions for fixing our current problems. Because simply saying Republicans did bad in the past, doesnt mean we should listen to Democrats. In fact, I dont think you've ever promoted your own policies. It's all how bad the other guys are.

Do you just want to play blame games, or do you want to fix problems?

What the fuck has Obama done so far?
It's Republicans who are dishonest. Saying that the Health Care bill forces companies to sell to "sick" people.
Sick being a "pre-existing condition".
Pre-existing condition being:

An allergy.
Having a mammogram within the last six months.
Having your tonsils out.
Having a hernia operation.

That's right. Go look up how Health Care companies define "pre-existing" condition and then come back here and "be honest". If you dare.

I suppose I set the bar too high. Sad.

So you admit you don't know what "pre-existing" condition is?

Projection boy. You really must stop the practice. :eusa_whistle:
How does someone with 7% ownership control anything?

Let's put it this way.

Say man #1 owns 49% of a company and wants to move to China.

Say man #2 owns 49% of a company and wants to move to India.

Say man #3 owns 2% of a company and wants to move the company but hasn't decided whether to move to China or to India.

Who has "control"?

Man #1


Man #2


Man #3

Think it through and add up the numbers.
I suppose I set the bar too high. Sad.

So you admit you don't know what "pre-existing" condition is?

Projection boy. You really must stop the practice. :eusa_whistle:

It's better to deal in facts and data.


Health insurers have issued guidelines saying they could deny coverage to people suffering from such conditions as acne, hemorrhoids and bunions.

One big insurer refused to issue individual policies to police officers and firefighters, along with people in other hazardous occupations.

Some treated pregnancy or the intention to adopt as a reason for rejection.

The Washington Monthly

Even if you have a relatively minor condition such as hay fever or a previous accidental injury, a health plan can deny coverage.

Pre-Existing Condition
Do I owe you free insurance coverage because you have a headache?

That is an illogical comment. Why would you owe him free insurance?

And it depends on what the condition of the headache is. DUH..............
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As to you deany?

Talk to this guy===>:blahblah:

[Same effect as trying to convince me...because you are sorely unconvincing...and wrong].

Have FUN! Have a wonderful night. :lol:
How does someone with 7% ownership control anything?

Let's put it this way.

Say man #1 owns 49% of a company and wants to move to China.

Say man #2 owns 49% of a company and wants to move to India.

Say man #3 owns 2% of a company and wants to move the company but hasn't decided whether to move to China or to India.

Who has "control"?

Man #1


Man #2


Man #3

Think it through and add up the numbers.

Why not list all varaibles, instead of one as to control. How about 1&2 both agree to move to china, who has control dickweed?
How does someone with 7% ownership control anything?

Let's put it this way.

Say man #1 owns 49% of a company and wants to move to China.

Say man #2 owns 49% of a company and wants to move to India.

Say man #3 owns 2% of a company and wants to move the company but hasn't decided whether to move to China or to India.

Who has "control"?

Man #1


Man #2


Man #3

Think it through and add up the numbers.

Does Man #3 still have control if he wants to move to Mexico?
Record number of uninsured adults...What is the GOP going to do about it?

Why does the GOP or anyone in the government have to "do something about it?" Where is this role of playing mommy and daddy to the American people defined in Constitutional law?

But to answer your question, if the feds would get out of the way and stop fucking the economy up that would probably help considerably being that it's pretty difficult to get health insurance when you aren't employed.
Number of uninsured U.S. adults hits record high -

Nearly 50 million Americans have gone without health insurance for at least part of the past year — up from 46 million people in 2008, federal health officials reported Tuesday.
Those people included not only those Americans living in poverty, but an increasing number of middle-income people, according to a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"The bottom line is that uninsurance of young and middle-class adults increased by 4 million people from 2008 to the first quarter of 2010," CDC Director Dr. Thomas R. Frieden said during a news conference Tuesday.

What's more, the number of people without insurance for a year or more increased from 27.5 million in 2008 to 30.4 million in the first quarter of 2010, Frieden said. "That's an increase of 3 million of chronically uninsured adults."

These findings debunk two myths about health insurance, Frieden said. "The first myth is that it's only the poor who are uninsured. In fact, half of the uninsured are over the poverty level," he said.

"The second myth is that it's only healthy people who are uninsured and that young healthy people make a choice not to have health insurance. In fact, more than two out of five individuals who are uninsured at some point during the past year had one or more chronic diseases," he said

What is the GOP plan? Repeal?

Not having a JOB probably has a lot to do with NOT having medical insurance. Americans prefer to EAT--and they can't eat a medical insurance policy.

But Rightwinger knows the common sense way to reduce the cost of medical insurance--it has been repeated time and time again by Republicans in the house and senate--while democrats were ramming down our throats a bill--that can't possibly work without bankrupting this country in the process.

Obamacare does NOT cover all 300+ million Americans. Not by any stretch.
Obamacare is simply a path to a European style single payer system.
What this insurance nonsense has to do with jobs, other than the fact that Obamacare is potentially a huge job killer, is a mystery.
I read an interview in which a European thought it so wrong that Americans lose their health insurance when they lose their job.
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