Recruiting blues

mrsx said:
I'm not whining, I'm snarling. Stick your hand through the bars of my cage and you'll see what I mean.

OK - I'll give you a specific suggestion so you can have fun dismissing it and calling me names:
Back to Camp David. Now that Arafat is dead, Sharon and Abbas can agree to the final details of an Israeli withdrawl from the West Bank as well as Gaza. Throw the Palestinians whatever baksheesh is necessary to sweeten the deal. Then we can tell the Arab world, "OK, boys, we've put our attack dog back on the leash. You fellas settle your differences among yourselves. But remember: our Predator drones are watching. Any armed force crossing an existing national border does so at its own risk. We are going to keep our desert bases until things settle down over here, but as long as the oil keeps flowing and you don't bother us, we won't bother you."

Sell out israel? That'll buy you about five years. Appeasement is very dismissable; it just doesn't work, Eurotrash.
Sir Evil said:
the geriatric ward has nap time? how nice! :D
Thank you for your concern and for being so nice as to take the time to express it. I have noticed a certain softening around the edges in your recent communications to me. Just a couple of days ago you said that some people found my ideas more interesting than Tetris. Of course, in between these flashes of good manners there is the usual potty mouth ranting and hysterical, off-subject personal attacks. You present yourself as one possessed by the Devil; I know that is just a scared young man wrestling with his inner conflicts and uncontrollable impulses and I forgive you in the name of Jeee-suhs. Apparently, my prayers have not be powerful enough to exorcise your demons. You ought to consider getting treatment for bi-polar disorder. There are several clinics in your area that could be of real help and would be free. Ask your parole officer at your next meeting. And remember: no matter what happens, you will always be my first moderator. A girl doesn't forget a thing like that.
rtwngAvngr said:
Sell out israel? That'll buy you about five years. Appeasement is very dismissable; it just doesn't work, Eurotrash.
I don't believe brokering a settlement between Israel and the Palestinians is appeasement. I'd be interested in hearing your views on the subject of the Palestinian conflict - and, as always, I promise not to start the flaming.
P.S. Congratulations on switching your avatar to that nice-looking young man - is that you or just a boyfriend? That comic book thing was so immature and campy - it didn't do you justice.
mrsx said:
I don't believe brokering a settlement between Israel and the Palestinians is appeasement. I'd be interested in hearing your views on the subject of the Palestinian conflict - and, as always, I promise not to start the flaming.
P.S. Congratulations on switching your avatar to that nice-looking young man - is that you or just a boyfriend? That comic book thing was so immature and campy - it didn't do you justice.

Regardless, it's still not a complete solution to jihad. That will not stop the funding of wahabbism around the globe.
rtwngAvngr said:
Regardless, it's still not a complete solution to jihad. That will not stop the funding of wahabbism around the globe.
Gotta agree with that. And where is all that funding coming from? Same place as the 9/11 crews and the Baghdad bombers. Ya gotta admit that for the President of the United States to get bitch slapped by the Israelis *and* the Saudis is a new low in the history of our country.
mrsx said:
. Whatever else you can say about the jihadis, the've got guts. That little tea party in al-Anbar province killed 14 of them but we had 7 of our guys killed doing it. A 2-to-1 kill ratio with all our superiority of numbers and equipment tells you something.... and that something is: they are whipping our ass! Read it and weep.

I was reffering to this gloat of yours.Its the kind of thing you like to see just so you can say "see I told you so".

Since you have never seen combat you have no idea about whipping anyone's ass. It was a roadside bomb that killed those guys. The insergents were hunted down and killed by our soldiers. If there were 14 killed there were not many more than that there fighting. If I remember correctly there were also about 40 prisoners taken in that engagement.

Our guys do a great job and most have been killed by bombs set off as they go by unaware that its there. Our military is the best in the world, inspite of you pinhead liberals trying to make it a mediocre force.

If I were young I would be there. When I was young I went. You can't say that. You've never done anything but sit back and critisize those you know nothing about.
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mrsx said:
Unbelievable that you could think I applaud the death of an American in armed forces! Nothing I have ever said here (or anywhere else) could cause even a pinhead like you to come to that conclusion. I don't think we should be in Iraq. I think we are fighting an unjust war against a brave and determined enemy. Those views don't imply in any way that I am happy we are there or that I rejoice at the lives being wasted. Shame on you for calling me a traitor. It is the gullibility of knuckle-dragging blowhards like you that has caused this tragic loss of life. The 1,600 soldiers and Marines killed in Iraq would be alive today had the warnings of people like me been listened to by the likes of you and your chicken hawk leaders. Your self-righteous stupidity would gag a maggot. Please don't interpret this technical analysis as a "flame," I only want to help.

You are a complete :asshole: you have done nothing on this board but see what kind of shit you can stir up! Why don't you go crawl back into the hole you crawled out of or better yet let me know where your local airport is I'll buy you a one way ticket to Iraq :asshole:
gaffer said:
I was reffering to this gloat of yours.Its the kind of thing you like to see just so you can say "see I told you so".

Since you have never seen combat you have no idea about whipping anyone's ass. It was a roadside bomb that killed those guys. The insergents were hunted down and killed by our soldiers. If there were 14 killed there were not many more than that there fighting. If I remember correctly there were also about 40 prisoners taken in that engagement.

Our guys do a great job and most have been killed by bombs set off as they go by unaware that its there. Our military is the best in the world, inspite of you pinhead liberals trying to make it a mediocre force.

If I were young I would be there. When I was young I went. You can't say that. You've never done anything but sit back and critisize those you know nothing about.
I understand that my opposition to the Iraq war irritates you and seems like gloating. Remember than I am only one person on this board. I don't set the tone. The intolerance of dissent and resort to name calling and personal attacks is the culture of the majority here, not the minority. I have consistently separated my opinion of the political leadership of this country from my admiration for the patriotism of those who serve. I don't expect you to do the same, but if you cannot concede me that right you are the loser, not me.

There is something to learn from the saying that "war is the rich man's terrorism," but if I tried to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand. An American soldier killed by a roadside IED is a casualty of a tactic no different in legitimacy than that of an anti-personnel mine, which our forces use in vast numbers and which our government has refused to join the rest of the world in banning. Americans applaud the video of an Arab being killed by a missle fired from a drone. We love the technology that separates us from the act of killing, but it doesn't take much courage to push a button from an air conditioned bunker. When it gets down to small arms fire and the bravery required to stand fast in the face of superior forces - the bravery BTW that we so justly honor at Gettysburg, at Wake Island, Bastogne or Hamburger Hill, the jihadis have shown themselves to be worthy adversaries. When you dismiss them with epithets and slurs, you actually denigrate the valor of our own forces because the warrior's skill is measured against the quality of his opponent.
Trinity said:
You are a complete :asshole: you have done nothing on this board but see what kind of shit you can stir up! Why don't you go crawl back into the hole you crawled out of or better yet let me know where your local airport is I'll buy you a one way ticket to Iraq :asshole:
I don't see it that way. My position has been that the Iraq war is an unwinnable mistake foisted on the American people by a dishonest administration. The result has been bad for our security and is turning the country against the military. The most recent national poll shows that the majority of Americans agree with that view:

Poll Finds Dimmer View of Iraq War
52% Say U.S. Has Not Become Safer

By Dana Milbank and Claudia Deane
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, June 8, 2005; Page A01

When people like you respond with name calling and personal attacks, I defend myself. The shit you accuse me of stirring up is in your own mind. If my views cause it to bother you, try snorting some Sani-Flush.
mrsx said:
I don't see it that way. My position has been that the Iraq war is an unwinnable mistake foisted on the American people by a dishonest administration. The result has been bad for our security and is turning the country against the military. The most recent national poll shows that the majority of Americans agree with that view:

Poll Finds Dimmer View of Iraq War
52% Say U.S. Has Not Become Safer

By Dana Milbank and Claudia Deane
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, June 8, 2005; Page A01

When people like you respond with name calling and personal attacks, I defend myself. The shit you accuse me of stirring up is in your own mind. If my views cause it to bother you, try snorting some Sani-Flush.

:link: :link: :link: :link:
Because sometimes it's just easier than sitting here arguing, insisting on a link, knowing full well it's out there, and that it will be posted? Now that the link is posted, what's your reply? :)
mrsx said:
......Americans applaud the video of an Arab being killed by a missle fired from a drone. We love the technology that separates us from the act of killing, but it doesn't take much courage to push a button from an air conditioned bunker. When it gets down to small arms fire and the bravery required to stand fast in the face of superior forces - the bravery BTW that we so justly honor at Gettysburg, at Wake Island, Bastogne or Hamburger Hill, the jihadis have shown themselves to be worthy adversaries. When you dismiss them with epithets and slurs, you actually denigrate the valor of our own forces because the warrior's skill is measured against the quality of his opponent.

Please don't tell me you are saying that the "jihadis" are braver, more courageous, possess more skill at small arms fire, and more honorable than our soldiers.
GotZoom said:
Please don't tell me you are saying that the "jihadis" are braver, more courageous, possess more skill at small arms fire, and more honorable than our soldiers.

dude - don't. she's nuts. This dude will reply back with something like "You're too immature to know what i mean, blah blah blah, I'm a retarded navy nurse! I'm important! blah blah"

Trust me on this one...

GotZoom said:
Please don't tell me you are saying that the "jihadis" are braver, more courageous, possess more skill at small arms fire, and more honorable than our soldiers.
No, I am definitely *not* saying that the "jihadis" are braver, more courageous, possess more skill at small arms fire, and more honorable than our soldiers. I am saying that to dismiss them as madmen or with ethnic slurs both misses the point and diminishes the achievements of our own troops in fighting to contain them.
-=d=- said:
dude - don't. she's nuts. This dude will reply back with something like "You're too immature to know what i mean, blah blah blah, I'm a retarded navy nurse! I'm important! blah blah"

Trust me on this one...

America's support for her troops was never higher than on VJ day in 1945. Thirty years later, that support was at the lowest point in modern times. As the military undertook a generation-long task of rebuilding from the ground up in order to produce the finest fighting force in the history of the world, some basic principles emerged to be codified by CJCS Colin Powell and known as the Powell Doctrine:
(1) The military must not be used for projects that do not have the full support of the American people. Bush violated this not in Afghanistan but in Iraq. His claim that 9/11 changed everything was inaccurate. Remember the huge demonstrations here and around the world?
(2) Military force must be the last option. Bush claimed that diplomatic options had been exhausted. The Downing Street Memo shows that this was disingenuous on his part as he planned to go to war in Iraq all along.
(3) Overwhelming military force must be used to bring about a swift, decisive result. Bush ignored this principle and brushed aside the warnings of Gen. Shinseki and the professionals to follow his neocon amateurs. The generals were right.
(4) There must exist a clear and articulated exit strategy from the outset. Bush still hasn't been able to come up with any strategy, much less an exit strategy.
By violating the Powell Doctrine - at a time when its author was Secretary of State no less - Bush has got us into a helluva jam. No one is going to defeat us in the field. My central concern is that we are going to undo the work of Colin Powell and the others who rebuilt not only the military but America's support for the military after the Viet Nam War. Recruiting problems and opinion polls support my concern. Name calling and personal abuse won't make the facts go away.
mrsx said:
Gotta agree with that. And where is all that funding coming from? Same place as the 9/11 crews and the Baghdad bombers. Ya gotta admit that for the President of the United States to get bitch slapped by the Israelis *and* the Saudis is a new low in the history of our country.

So are the dems ready to attack saudia arabia, is that your implication?
mrsx said:
(1) The military must not be used for projects that do not have the full support of the American people. Bush violated this not in Afghanistan but in Iraq. His claim that 9/11 changed everything was inaccurate. Remember the huge demonstrations here and around the world?

Nope...I don't remember any massive demonstrations...I lived in Washington DC up 'til last month, and was more disrupted by 1 lonely farmer who drove his tractor into the reflecting pool, than an imaginary "huge demonstration." Could you be talking about the morons in San Francisco that illegally blocked traffic so that working people could not be productive?

mrsx said:
(2) Military force must be the last option. Bush claimed that diplomatic options had been exhausted. The Downing Street Memo shows that this was disingenuous on his part as he planned to go to war in Iraq all along.

Sounds like sour grapes to me....Please explain to me how Downing Street has any relationship to how the US should conduct OUR affairs. I don't know of any documents that have ceded our soveriegnty to any foriegn power.

Maybe looking at the following statement by the President you can glean some clarity (but I doubt it). " My Administration has pursued, and will continue to pursue, these objectives through active application of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions. The evidence is overwhelming that such changes will not happen under the current Iraq leadership. (meaning Hussein)

In the meantime, while the United States continues to look to the Security Council's efforts to keep the current regime's behavior in check, we look forward to new leadership in Iraq that has the support of the Iraqi people. The United States is providing support to opposition groups from all sectors of the Iraqi community that could lead to a popularly supported government."

Of course you won't recognize the wording of the Security Coucil's resolution, as meaning dire consequences for non-compliance....but that is all water under the bridge.

I guess a majority of Americans voting for the sitting President has no bearing on your opinion that he does not have support of the American population, too....selective use of the facts are seemingly one of your strong suits!

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