Recycled water from sewers approved for California taps


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Water that once coursed through city sewers may soon find new life coming out of your home faucet.

New regulations approved Tuesday by the California State Water Resources Control Board allow treated recycled water to be added to reservoirs, the source of California municipal drinking water.

Recycled Water From Sewers Approved For California Taps

Oh but the trendy left tards have so much faith and trust in their Gov. parents they never question the safety of things , never. Yet the FDA has been caught lying, admit they lie years later. Why those cigarettes were passed by the FDA as safe ............

If you even knew half the crap you drink you wouldn't drink it. Gay frogs your an idiot if you cant comprehend how all the drugs being dumped into the water supply is and has had affect on human hormones lets add those hormones to the milk too............. and litards just don't get it.

Arizona is drinking Toilet water but hey they told you it's safe right......... all the people with STD's who crap and piss into that water............spit in it, bleed into it.

Are you dumb enough to believe we have SUPER FILTERS that FILTERS out EVERY single there there is....lmfao yeah you probably are .
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So they will all run out and buy bottled water that really just comes from taps anyway. :21:
Water that once coursed through city sewers may soon find new life coming out of your home faucet.

New regulations approved Tuesday by the California State Water Resources Control Board allow treated recycled water to be added to reservoirs, the source of California municipal drinking water.

Recycled Water From Sewers Approved For California Taps

Oh but the trendy left tards have so much faith and trust in their Gov. parents they never question the safety of things , never. Yet the FDA has been caught lying, admit they lie years later. Why those cigarettes were passed by the FDA as safe ............

If you even knew half the crap you drink you wouldn't drink it. Gay frogs your an idiot if you cant comprehend how all the drugs being dumped into the water supply is and has had affect on human hormones lets add those hormones to the milk too............. and litards just don't get it.

Arizona is drinking Toilet water but hey they told you it's safe right......... all the people with STD's who crap and piss into that water............spit in it, bleed into it.

Are you dumb enough to believe we have SUPER FILTERS that FILSTERS out EVERY single there there is....lmfao yeah you probably are .

Time to ignore you. You never respond to the junk you post.
Water that once coursed through city sewers may soon find new life coming out of your home faucet.

New regulations approved Tuesday by the California State Water Resources Control Board allow treated recycled water to be added to reservoirs, the source of California municipal drinking water.

Recycled Water From Sewers Approved For California Taps

Oh but the trendy left tards have so much faith and trust in their Gov. parents they never question the safety of things , never. Yet the FDA has been caught lying, admit they lie years later. Why those cigarettes were passed by the FDA as safe ............

If you even knew half the crap you drink you wouldn't drink it. Gay frogs your an idiot if you cant comprehend how all the drugs being dumped into the water supply is and has had affect on human hormones lets add those hormones to the milk too............. and litards just don't get it.

Arizona is drinking Toilet water but hey they told you it's safe right......... all the people with STD's who crap and piss into that water............spit in it, bleed into it.

Are you dumb enough to believe we have SUPER FILTERS that FILTERS out EVERY single there there is....lmfao yeah you probably are .
It's quite fitting IMO the screwball lefty shitheads should drink sewer water since sewers are from whence they crawled.
Water that once coursed through city sewers may soon find new life coming out of your home faucet.

New regulations approved Tuesday by the California State Water Resources Control Board allow treated recycled water to be added to reservoirs, the source of California municipal drinking water.

Recycled Water From Sewers Approved For California Taps

Oh but the trendy left tards have so much faith and trust in their Gov. parents they never question the safety of things , never. Yet the FDA has been caught lying, admit they lie years later. Why those cigarettes were passed by the FDA as safe ............

If you even knew half the crap you drink you wouldn't drink it. Gay frogs your an idiot if you cant comprehend how all the drugs being dumped into the water supply is and has had affect on human hormones lets add those hormones to the milk too............. and litards just don't get it.

Arizona is drinking Toilet water but hey they told you it's safe right......... all the people with STD's who crap and piss into that water............spit in it, bleed into it.

Are you dumb enough to believe we have SUPER FILTERS that FILTERS out EVERY single there there is....lmfao yeah you probably are .

Actually, yeah. Given the process, you can get perfectly clean, fine water from sewage. They even have straws you take take on camping trips that if you need water, you can suck dirty contaminated field water up through it and drink. I know the idea isn't appealing, but as most of California's water comes from a finite source (Colorado River?), reprocessing sewage or sea water has some merits. Either that or MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE DESERT.
So they will all run out and buy bottled water that really just comes from taps anyway. :21:

Yep, people think that bs comes from natural springgs meanwhile it's tap water lol.
so what do you suggest people drink?....

Well we are pretty much fkd aren't we, and why because the public bent over and accepted it. Imagine that.
Warnings keep going out and going out but nobody listens all the while being to fkn stupid to figure out why they are getting cancer etc. Add all the other threats against us.
Water that once coursed through city sewers may soon find new life coming out of your home faucet.

New regulations approved Tuesday by the California State Water Resources Control Board allow treated recycled water to be added to reservoirs, the source of California municipal drinking water.

Recycled Water From Sewers Approved For California Taps

Oh but the trendy left tards have so much faith and trust in their Gov. parents they never question the safety of things , never. Yet the FDA has been caught lying, admit they lie years later. Why those cigarettes were passed by the FDA as safe ............

If you even knew half the crap you drink you wouldn't drink it. Gay frogs your an idiot if you cant comprehend how all the drugs being dumped into the water supply is and has had affect on human hormones lets add those hormones to the milk too............. and litards just don't get it.

Arizona is drinking Toilet water but hey they told you it's safe right......... all the people with STD's who crap and piss into that water............spit in it, bleed into it.

Are you dumb enough to believe we have SUPER FILTERS that FILTERS out EVERY single there there is....lmfao yeah you probably are .

Actually, yeah. Given the process, you can get perfectly clean, fine water from sewage. They even have straws you take take on camping trips that if you need water, you can suck dirty contaminated field water up through it and drink. I know the idea isn't appealing, but as most of California's water comes from a finite source (Colorado River?), reprocessing sewage or sea water has some merits. Either that or MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE DESERT.

Well yeah but, that works for a little while, it's not a massive amount of water when doing it as you suggested. Also many states have moved to using those " black lights" which is being proven to not work as it is letting in that flesh eating shit. LOL
Water that once coursed through city sewers may soon find new life coming out of your home faucet.

New regulations approved Tuesday by the California State Water Resources Control Board allow treated recycled water to be added to reservoirs, the source of California municipal drinking water.

Recycled Water From Sewers Approved For California Taps

Oh but the trendy left tards have so much faith and trust in their Gov. parents they never question the safety of things , never. Yet the FDA has been caught lying, admit they lie years later. Why those cigarettes were passed by the FDA as safe ............

If you even knew half the crap you drink you wouldn't drink it. Gay frogs your an idiot if you cant comprehend how all the drugs being dumped into the water supply is and has had affect on human hormones lets add those hormones to the milk too............. and litards just don't get it.

Arizona is drinking Toilet water but hey they told you it's safe right......... all the people with STD's who crap and piss into that water............spit in it, bleed into it.

Are you dumb enough to believe we have SUPER FILTERS that FILTERS out EVERY single there there is....lmfao yeah you probably are .

Actually, yeah. Given the process, you can get perfectly clean, fine water from sewage. They even have straws you take take on camping trips that if you need water, you can suck dirty contaminated field water up through it and drink. I know the idea isn't appealing, but as most of California's water comes from a finite source (Colorado River?), reprocessing sewage or sea water has some merits. Either that or MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE DESERT.

Well yeah but, that works for a little while, it's not a massive amount of water when doing it as you suggested. Also many states have moved to using those " black lights" which is being proven to not work as it is letting in that flesh eating shit. LOL

UV light only kills certain bacteria but is a slow and costly process and takes time. To be sure, the water must be filtered, then boiled and the steam collected elsewhere.
Water that once coursed through city sewers may soon find new life coming out of your home faucet.

New regulations approved Tuesday by the California State Water Resources Control Board allow treated recycled water to be added to reservoirs, the source of California municipal drinking water.

Recycled Water From Sewers Approved For California Taps

Oh but the trendy left tards have so much faith and trust in their Gov. parents they never question the safety of things , never. Yet the FDA has been caught lying, admit they lie years later. Why those cigarettes were passed by the FDA as safe ............

If you even knew half the crap you drink you wouldn't drink it. Gay frogs your an idiot if you cant comprehend how all the drugs being dumped into the water supply is and has had affect on human hormones lets add those hormones to the milk too............. and litards just don't get it.

Arizona is drinking Toilet water but hey they told you it's safe right......... all the people with STD's who crap and piss into that water............spit in it, bleed into it.

Are you dumb enough to believe we have SUPER FILTERS that FILTERS out EVERY single there there is....lmfao yeah you probably are .

it can work if you basically use the effluent from a wastewater plant as the influent to a water treatment plant, a very good water treatment plant.

To remove the drug residue they probably go with things like Reverse Osmosis, something that can get things as small as salt particles out of water, so large macro-chemicals like pharmaceuticals are easy to remove.
Water that once coursed through city sewers may soon find new life coming out of your home faucet.

New regulations approved Tuesday by the California State Water Resources Control Board allow treated recycled water to be added to reservoirs, the source of California municipal drinking water.

Recycled Water From Sewers Approved For California Taps

Oh but the trendy left tards have so much faith and trust in their Gov. parents they never question the safety of things , never. Yet the FDA has been caught lying, admit they lie years later. Why those cigarettes were passed by the FDA as safe ............

If you even knew half the crap you drink you wouldn't drink it. Gay frogs your an idiot if you cant comprehend how all the drugs being dumped into the water supply is and has had affect on human hormones lets add those hormones to the milk too............. and litards just don't get it.

Arizona is drinking Toilet water but hey they told you it's safe right......... all the people with STD's who crap and piss into that water............spit in it, bleed into it.

Are you dumb enough to believe we have SUPER FILTERS that FILTERS out EVERY single there there is....lmfao yeah you probably are .

Actually, yeah. Given the process, you can get perfectly clean, fine water from sewage. They even have straws you take take on camping trips that if you need water, you can suck dirty contaminated field water up through it and drink. I know the idea isn't appealing, but as most of California's water comes from a finite source (Colorado River?), reprocessing sewage or sea water has some merits. Either that or MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE DESERT.

Well yeah but, that works for a little while, it's not a massive amount of water when doing it as you suggested. Also many states have moved to using those " black lights" which is being proven to not work as it is letting in that flesh eating shit. LOL

UV light only kills certain bacteria but is a slow and costly process and takes time. To be sure, the water must be filtered, then boiled and the steam collected elsewhere.

Reverse Osmosis systems work too, but are expensive.
Water that once coursed through city sewers may soon find new life coming out of your home faucet.

New regulations approved Tuesday by the California State Water Resources Control Board allow treated recycled water to be added to reservoirs, the source of California municipal drinking water.

Recycled Water From Sewers Approved For California Taps

Oh but the trendy left tards have so much faith and trust in their Gov. parents they never question the safety of things , never. Yet the FDA has been caught lying, admit they lie years later. Why those cigarettes were passed by the FDA as safe ............

If you even knew half the crap you drink you wouldn't drink it. Gay frogs your an idiot if you cant comprehend how all the drugs being dumped into the water supply is and has had affect on human hormones lets add those hormones to the milk too............. and litards just don't get it.

Arizona is drinking Toilet water but hey they told you it's safe right......... all the people with STD's who crap and piss into that water............spit in it, bleed into it.

Are you dumb enough to believe we have SUPER FILTERS that FILTERS out EVERY single there there is....lmfao yeah you probably are .

Actually, yeah. Given the process, you can get perfectly clean, fine water from sewage. They even have straws you take take on camping trips that if you need water, you can suck dirty contaminated field water up through it and drink. I know the idea isn't appealing, but as most of California's water comes from a finite source (Colorado River?), reprocessing sewage or sea water has some merits. Either that or MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE DESERT.

Well wait I just had a thought off something you said, have you ever heard of those earth ships?

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