Recycling is not just about bottles and cans


Jul 23, 2014
Indeed. Found a great read on recycling here Got Recycling? Need More! | food for thoughtful action.

It is not just about bottles and cans, there is still a lot to do with our waste foods. Just a thought of sharing.

I wonder if you guys have done your share in helping our fellowmen and our environment? Me, I have been doing recycling at home and even teach my kids about it and let them do the same at their early age. :)
It's great if it's voluntary.

I am, however, very annoyed that the city where I work is mandating that businesses sort garbage into compostable vs. landfill.

This is seriously annoying and disgusting.
I inhale my own farts.

We've got a good recycling service here in town. Plus, we compost all appropriate food wastes.

I figure we've cut down our landfill refuse by 70%.

It's a good thing. :thup:
Recycling is always a good idea and there is no reason to pass this on to future generations.

Composting is also a good idea especially for those that have gardens in their yard.

Hope everyone can teach their kids to also grow their own vegetables. Nothing tastes better than food fresh from the garden.
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Indeed. Found a great read on recycling here Got Recycling? Need More! | food for thoughtful action.

It is not just about bottles and cans, there is still a lot to do with our waste foods. Just a thought of sharing.

I wonder if you guys have done your share in helping our fellowmen and our environment? Me, I have been doing recycling at home and even teach my kids about it and let them do the same at their early age. :)

Shit.....and people wonder where the future generation of k00ks comes from???

Next thing you know, you'll have parents giving their kids butt plugs to they are not farting and fouling up the climate!!!

I call BS on this thread......sounds like a friggin' sock puppet to me.

Was at a music/seafood event at the beach last night with the kids and two women were giving me shit about smoking a ciggy.......Im smoking it 200 feet from any crowds........these idiots are giving me a hard time about "making the kids inhale all that smoke!!!". I was like.......:eek:HOLY FUCK:eek:......didn't think quick enough on my feet to ask them if they ever go to NYC, the smog capital this side of LA and China. IM do people get this fucked that they worry abut this shit.
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Recycled Concrete's Time Has Come...

Researchers: Recycled Concrete's Time Has Come
August 27, 2016 — Recycling in the construction industry has become big business. It's easy to find new life for everything from old windows to wood beams. But until now, concrete — the most widely used building material on Earth — has been largely left behind.
That's a problem for the environment, says Notre Dame engineering professor Yahya Kurama, because concrete has a huge carbon footprint. "It’s very intensive in terms of its demands on energy, water, land space, everything." Producing concrete accounts for 5 percent of the world’s annual human-generated CO2 emissions. In the U.S., it — along with other demolished building materials — takes up nearly half of all landfill space.

A second life for concrete

To reduce such harm, the industry has concentrated on things like reducing new concrete production and finding new uses for concrete byproducts. In the United States, recycled concrete is used in sidewalks and roads, but not for load-bearing structures. Kurama and his team, along with scientists from the University of Texas at Tyler and New Mexico State University, set out to determine whether it was strong and durable enough to be used to construct buildings. "Currently there’s a lot more supply of recycled concrete aggregates than demand," he pointed out. "What we’re trying to do is bring up the demand and at the same time generate the engineering background that these materials can be used in a higher-level application."


Researchers are testing two types of concrete aggregates - from pre-cast, unused slabs (left) and from demolished structures, with construction debris (right).​

Kumara’s team is studying different recycled aggregate combinations in hopes of supplying that demand. Graduate student Michael Brandes says they’re interested in two sources for recycled concrete. "The traditional RCA, or recycled concrete as we call it, is something that comes from a bridge that was demolished, a building that was demolished," he said. "Basically what that means is it has the opportunity to accumulate a lot of other materials — wood chips, asphalt, brick — from the construction site. We don’t want to have to sort that out, because it’s an added cost." The other, cleaner source is rejected material from a precast concrete plant, which has no steel, wood or other construction debris mixed in. In both cases, the material is crushed down as aggregate and mixed with fresh cement to make a new product.

As strong as new

The team is testing both types of recycled concrete to determine durability and many other qualities: life-cycle costs, weight-bearing abilities, statistical variabilities and properties of the aggregates. Kurama says they are also working out how they might engineer around any differences between the recycled materials and traditional concrete. Currently, without that research, federal building codes bar its use in load-bearing structures, like walls and floors.

Kurama says using recycled material reduces concrete’s environmental impact by about half, from decreased water usage and less mining to decreased transportation costs, because materials are often on site or close by. His analysis also showed that in some instances recycled concrete is stronger than its natural counterpart. "Nobody’s going to see an immediate effect of this," he says of his work, "but if you think about the impact of built infrastructure 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years down the road, this will have a big impact in terms of reducing concrete's impact on our environment." That’s good news, because it’s expected the world will need 4.4 billion metric tons of concrete a year by 2050.

Researchers: Recycled Concrete's Time Has Come

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