Red Alert: Pharma Plots to Inject Livestock With mRNA 'Vaccines,' Likely to End up in Food Supply


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Well this is fine.

What will the consequences be of vaccinating every captive and wild animal on Earth? No one knows, including the reckless pharmaceutical firms conducting this mass-scale experiment.

It’s been way past time to stop pussyfooting around the core of the problem: the people directing these efforts are pure, raw evil. Whether they are literally possessed by some off-world spirit, just plain psychopaths, or whatever else, is up for debate.

No humor, no quips - this is just objectively fucking horrible.

The globalists must be stopped.
Well this is fine.

What will the consequences be of vaccinating every captive and wild animal on Earth? No one knows, including the reckless pharmaceutical firms conducting this mass-scale experiment.

It’s been way past time to stop pussyfooting around the core of the problem: the people directing these efforts are pure, raw evil. Whether they are literally possessed by some off-world spirit, just plain psychopaths, or whatever else, is up for debate.

No humor, no quips - this is just objectively fucking horrible.

The globalists must be stopped.
Suddenly, beefs start dropping like athletes.
Well this is fine.

What will the consequences be of vaccinating every captive and wild animal on Earth? No one knows, including the reckless pharmaceutical firms conducting this mass-scale experiment.

It’s been way past time to stop pussyfooting around the core of the problem: the people directing these efforts are pure, raw evil. Whether they are literally possessed by some off-world spirit, just plain psychopaths, or whatever else, is up for debate.

No humor, no quips - this is just objectively fucking horrible.

The globalists must be stopped.
It will end up killing off all the animals. That’s what happened with the mRNA tests in animals before.

If they are doing it, it’s for the Great Reset and to destroy the food supply.
Pjmedia is on top of it.



But I know clicking on a link you're not used to is so outside of your comfort zone.

Thank goodness for open minded intelligent people like you, an example for us all.
Well this is fine.

What will the consequences be of vaccinating every captive and wild animal on Earth? No one knows, including the reckless pharmaceutical firms conducting this mass-scale experiment.

It’s been way past time to stop pussyfooting around the core of the problem: the people directing these efforts are pure, raw evil. Whether they are literally possessed by some off-world spirit, just plain psychopaths, or whatever else, is up for debate.

No humor, no quips - this is just objectively fucking horrible.

The globalists must be stopped.
Stopping the globalists would be difficult for sure. The problem with the globalists is that they share the same mindset as the rank & file statist left, & that particular mindset is called a "Hive Mentality". The hive mentality is literally 'installed' into a persons(target) mind through careful & deceitful conditioning by a host(s). The deprogramming by a trained professional is expen$ive & can take quite a length of time to bring the hapless patient out of the hive mentality. The history of deprogramming is controversial in itself when a self professed deprogrammer ends up making the situation worse than before the 'treatment'(?), physically harms the target being deprogrammed, with some situations ending up with a physically dead target(patient). I know of no mass deprograming therapy so as can be seen we are stuck with the globalist cultists. The below link illuminates the ins & outs of the history of deprogramming including legal ramifications.

Deprogramming - Wikipedia.
I do my best. Sometimes.

The fact that you've been shown the links and neglect to comment - but still believe your opinion is somehow a crucial part of the conversation - is nothing short of disgraceful.

No integrity, you see.
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We and all living things are deliberately being destroyed so the elite can rule. Rule what? The animals hidden or scattered in zoos or farms owned by the cabal, and the illegals that were not required to get the jab. They need slave labor, ya know.
It is potentially mind blowing news .

My only initial concern relates to the data source
PJ Media, originally known as Pajamas Media, is an American right-wing subscription-based commentary website. It was founded in 2004, with its majority owner being software entrepreneur, billionaire and angel investor Aubrey Chernick, founder of Candle Corporation. Salem Media Group acquired the company in March 2019. PJ Media also operated the online television and video network------

If you wanted to run controlled opposition against anti vaxxers you might fabricate such a piece with a view to using it later as proof of how mad and irresponsible this bunch of " loonies" are and how they fabricate and disseminate nonsense .

So , is this report cross checked with other sources ? What research has been done to ensure the report is "true" ?
Well this is fine.

What will the consequences be of vaccinating every captive and wild animal on Earth? No one knows, including the reckless pharmaceutical firms conducting this mass-scale experiment.

It’s been way past time to stop pussyfooting around the core of the problem: the people directing these efforts are pure, raw evil. Whether they are literally possessed by some off-world spirit, just plain psychopaths, or whatever else, is up for debate.

No humor, no quips - this is just objectively fucking horrible.

The globalists must be stopped.
Trump would never allow this to happen. MAGA
It is potentially mind blowing news .

My only initial concern relates to the data source
PJ Media, originally known as Pajamas Media, is an American right-wing subscription-based commentary website.

As posted prior to this, the original source is not PJ Media.

And who cares even if it was?

Can I now reject any NY Times story going forward because they are a Left Wing "News" site?

I mean, if we tallied the Fake News stories over the years, the Times would have PJ Media beat by miles.

This reflexive tendency to write off sources is paradoxical in that it is the most powerful tool the elites possess to keep you in line and from engaging in free thought.

I used to buy into it myself.

The Elites told us there were WMDs in Iraq. The Elites told us Trump was a Russian asset. The Elites told us the riots were "mostly peaceful".

Well all of these not only turned out to be flat out lies - but they were tangibly detrimental to both the Nation and its discourse.

And they all were funneled through Leftist "Legacy" media such as the NY Times, WAPO, CNN etc. The very type of outlets that would warn you about reading something from PJ Media.

Open your eyes.

Can I now reject any NY Times story going forward because they are a Left Wing "News" site?

I mean, if we tallied the Fake News stories over the years, the Times would have PJ Media beat by miles.
NYT are to the left?
Crazy . Just a CIA front . Bought .

I simply said check every source regardless .I believe nothing until it is cross checked

You misunderstand me . I have not read anything MSM in 15 years .
With well over 90% of all US MSM owned by a handful of individuals , that is the last placed you look for honest reporting and comment .

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