Red Hen closed until July 5

Probably thinks she will get the Wendy Davis Treatment, like a nice 'do nothing but give BJ's to donors and Senators' types of jobs at DNC HQ or something.
Probably thinks she will get the Wendy Davis Treatment, like a nice 'do nothing but give BJ's to donors and Senators' types of jobs at DNC HQ or something.
She’ll have to wait in line behind you
It is comforting to know that all those employees are now on unpaid holiday. Unless Meryl Streep wants to gift them a salary.
Yeah, it was the employees who instigated the protest. And the owner gladly obliged. Watch for this bitch to be introduced by Meryl Streep at the next Oscars masturbation show.
She's just another insulated, white-bread, left-wing Democrat surrounded by nothing but other insulated white-bread, left-wing Democrats who all think the same way.
Then that is all reinforced by the left wing media she exclusively relies on for news and info.
She thought she'd be lauded as a hero.
She just found out the hard way that there's an entire other real world outside of her bubble.
Leftards live in an echo chamber.
It is comforting to know that all those employees are now on unpaid holiday. Unless Meryl Streep wants to gift them a salary.
Yeah, it was the employees who instigated the protest. And the owner gladly obliged. Watch for this bitch to be introduced by Meryl Streep at the next Oscars masturbation show.
Yep. The employees and owner cut their collective throats.

They should have followed the advice of Mad Maxine and hired a mob to confront and harass their paying customers instead of doing the dirty work themselves.
Ah that's why I couldn't get a reservation today. I'll call again on the 5th.

Who are you kidding. Meantime, the owner Stephanie Wilkinson who caused all of this has been forced to resign now as executive director of the local business group Main Street. Other businesses don't want her running things anymore. She is a poor reflection on the community. Seems that a few people in Virginia DO have a little common sense and realize you just don't treat customers like that!

Irina Vilarino, a Cuban-American restaurant owner, said other local business owners may not want to associate with Wilkinson anymore because it’s not the best business savvy practice to isolate your customers. “It’s not my place to determine what customers come in to my restaurant,” Vilarino said. “I’m here to serve food.”

Vilarino called Wilkinson’s actions against Sanders “un-American” and said she serves anyone who wants to dine at her restaurant.

So much for the "Hen" getting along just fine. This is just the start. With any luck, the place will be a parking lot in a year. Good riddance to the place.
There are some parallels between this story and Roseanne Barr. The restaurant owner's actions resulted in harming the business, just as ABC harmed their business by terminating Roseanne.

One could conclude leftists put their ideology above profit making and good management practices.
Ah that's why I couldn't get a reservation today. I'll call again on the 5th.

Who are you kidding. Meantime, the owner Stephanie Wilkinson who caused all of this has been forced to resign now as executive director of the local business group Main Street. Other businesses don't want her running things anymore. She is a poor reflection on the community. Seems that a few people in Virginia DO have a little common sense and realize you just don't treat customers like that!

Irina Vilarino, a Cuban-American restaurant owner, said other local business owners may not want to associate with Wilkinson anymore because it’s not the best business savvy practice to isolate your customers. “It’s not my place to determine what customers come in to my restaurant,” Vilarino said. “I’m here to serve food.”

Vilarino called Wilkinson’s actions against Sanders “un-American” and said she serves anyone who wants to dine at her restaurant.

So much for the "Hen" getting along just fine. This is just the start. With any luck, the place will be a parking lot in a year. Good riddance to the place.
There are some parallels between this story and Roseanne Barr. The restaurant owner's actions resulted in harming the business, just as ABC harmed their business by terminating Roseanne.

One could conclude leftists put their ideology above profit making and good management practices.
And the business was beholden in part to grants. While this grant was from a “private” organization (“the Staunton Creative Community Fund have given us a grant to get our flock established, in hopes that we can be a model for other farm-restaurant collaborations”).
I found it interesting that they decided to incorporate what looked like Nazi SS bolts prominently in their logo.
skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.
The Bakers didn't kick out anyone, nor did they refuse to serve anyone. They just didn't want to be FORCED to put Gay symbols on a cake. The Communist at the Red Hen kicked people OUT.
I know many more conservatives who support the right to deny service than otherwise. I think many leftists here conflate the mirth of this stunt backfiring on the leftist operator; with an erroneous belief that they think she should have had to serve Sanders.
I for one fully support the right of a bussiness owner to deny service to anyone, for any reason. Or no reason at all. Then let the market decide. Much like it has decided in this case. Truly delicious...
The placed is closed. Phone line cut off. Website shut down. Owner disbarred from local business community. Yep. Another brilliant business move by a dangerously stupid leftard.

Um, nope. Website is up.

The Red Hen Restaurant

Actually I wonder how the other owner feels about her actions and the repurcussions since.

Probably feels really good she stood up to a Nazi.

I just clicked on it. The web site is not working right. It appears down.


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skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.

She was a little girl..its already been established ..
skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.

Well then you agree then anyone has right to refuse service based on their race, religion, sexual preferences or political associations, right?

If not then maybe your side should lead by example and not act like those you hate!

I know do as you say and never as your side do, right?

If you want gays to have their cakes baked by Christians then you must serve those you disagree with on political grounds but again I know you will make any excuse for the retarded owner that is on your side of the political spectrum!
Irina Vilarino, a Cuban-American restaurant owner, said other local business owners may not want to associate with Wilkinson anymore because it’s not the best business savvy practice to isolate your customers.

"it’s not the best business savvy practice to isolate your customers"

Unless they are deplorable or unredeemable.

Right Hillary?

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