Red Hen closed until July 5

The Bakers didn't kick out anyone, nor did they refuse to serve anyone. They just didn't want to be FORCED to put Gay symbols on a cake. The Communist at the Red Hen kicked people OUT.

Bingo. And their policy on that re other controversial symbols was consistently enforced at their business as well, as was pointed out in the court case, a fact the media never thought important enough to report, since they're not real journalists any more, they're tabloid trash.
Ah that's why I couldn't get a reservation today. I'll call again on the 5th.

Who are you kidding. Meantime, the owner Stephanie Wilkinson who caused all of this has been forced to resign now as executive director of the local business group Main Street. Other businesses don't want her running things anymore. She is a poor reflection on the community. Seems that a few people in Virginia DO have a little common sense and realize you just don't treat customers like that!

Irina Vilarino, a Cuban-American restaurant owner, said other local business owners may not want to associate with Wilkinson anymore because it’s not the best business savvy practice to isolate your customers. “It’s not my place to determine what customers come in to my restaurant,” Vilarino said. “I’m here to serve food.”

Vilarino called Wilkinson’s actions against Sanders “un-American” and said she serves anyone who wants to dine at her restaurant.

So much for the "Hen" getting along just fine. This is just the start. With any luck, the place will be a parking lot in a year. Good riddance to the place.
There are some parallels between this story and Roseanne Barr. The restaurant owner's actions resulted in harming the business, just as ABC harmed their business by terminating Roseanne.

One could conclude leftists put their ideology above profit making and good management practices.
happens all the time when you act upon emotions and not facts. funny how the right says death threats are stupid, bombing the building and threats like that are all stupid when the left does 'em but first opportunity the right has they do it themselves. then go "but you did it before so this is payback" and we get mired in a world that insists on 4th grade "payback" vs. growing up and moving on.

the threats to the owners are stupid.
threatening to bomb the business is stupid
doing yelp reviews over a service you never used is stupid
telling the other side they're stupid for doing it then doing it yourself is major league stupid.

but this is the culture we have today. 4th grade "payback" mentalities fucking it up for everyone.

We are teasing the left , to really throw a punch, it's all emotions, but someone is going to get hurt, I understand the left has so much emotions about Hillary losing but they have to stop this Bullshit

Taking them seriously only makes them more loud and more stupid. Treat them like the whining lying punks they are, no reason not to, since they do nothing but post several hundred threads a day of fake news, and then try to troll people off the boards.
Ah that's why I couldn't get a reservation today. I'll call again on the 5th.

Who are you kidding. Meantime, the owner Stephanie Wilkinson who caused all of this has been forced to resign now as executive director of the local business group Main Street. Other businesses don't want her running things anymore. She is a poor reflection on the community. Seems that a few people in Virginia DO have a little common sense and realize you just don't treat customers like that!

Irina Vilarino, a Cuban-American restaurant owner, said other local business owners may not want to associate with Wilkinson anymore because it’s not the best business savvy practice to isolate your customers. “It’s not my place to determine what customers come in to my restaurant,” Vilarino said. “I’m here to serve food.”

Vilarino called Wilkinson’s actions against Sanders “un-American” and said she serves anyone who wants to dine at her restaurant.

So much for the "Hen" getting along just fine. This is just the start. With any luck, the place will be a parking lot in a year. Good riddance to the place.
There are some parallels between this story and Roseanne Barr. The restaurant owner's actions resulted in harming the business, just as ABC harmed their business by terminating Roseanne.

One could conclude leftists put their ideology above profit making and good management practices.
happens all the time when you act upon emotions and not facts. funny how the right says death threats are stupid, bombing the building and threats like that are all stupid when the left does 'em but first opportunity the right has they do it themselves. then go "but you did it before so this is payback" and we get mired in a world that insists on 4th grade "payback" vs. growing up and moving on.

the threats to the owners are stupid.
threatening to bomb the business is stupid
doing yelp reviews over a service you never used is stupid
telling the other side they're stupid for doing it then doing it yourself is major league stupid.

but this is the culture we have today. 4th grade "payback" mentalities fucking it up for everyone.

We are teasing the left , to really throw a punch, it's all emotions, but someone is going to get hurt, I understand the left has so much emotions about Hillary losing but they have to stop this Bullshit

Taking them seriously only makes them more loud and more stupid. Treat them like the whining lying punks they are, no reason not to, since they do nothing but post several hundred threads a day of fake news, and then try to troll people off the boards.

You're a liberal, tell your kind to stop it, we don't want it, don't piss off please their is bigger guys then me...
I would think that every liberal in the state would be clambering for reservations at the Red Hen joint, to show their support. What the heck is the matter with our left leaning friends, they egged on this Wilkerson broad to ban conservative diners and now they are leaving her both high and/or dry.

Much like when the Dixie Chicks decided to trash their conservative fans a few years ago, and the new sophisticated urban fans, never appeared
I would think that every liberal in the state would be clambering for reservations at the Red Hen joint, to show their support. What the heck is the matter with our left leaning friends, they egged on this Wilkerson broad to ban conservative diners and now they are leaving her both high and/or dry.

Much like when the Dixie Chicks decided to trash their conservative fans a few years ago, and the new sophisticated urban fans, never appeared
Because by their own doctrine she must be crushed, and ruined. It’s the only way to the exalted status of “victim hood”. The ultimate goal, and very essence of what it means to be a leftist.
Who are you kidding. Meantime, the owner Stephanie Wilkinson who caused all of this has been forced to resign now as executive director of the local business group Main Street. Other businesses don't want her running things anymore. She is a poor reflection on the community. Seems that a few people in Virginia DO have a little common sense and realize you just don't treat customers like that!

Irina Vilarino, a Cuban-American restaurant owner, said other local business owners may not want to associate with Wilkinson anymore because it’s not the best business savvy practice to isolate your customers. “It’s not my place to determine what customers come in to my restaurant,” Vilarino said. “I’m here to serve food.”

Vilarino called Wilkinson’s actions against Sanders “un-American” and said she serves anyone who wants to dine at her restaurant.

So much for the "Hen" getting along just fine. This is just the start. With any luck, the place will be a parking lot in a year. Good riddance to the place.
There are some parallels between this story and Roseanne Barr. The restaurant owner's actions resulted in harming the business, just as ABC harmed their business by terminating Roseanne.

One could conclude leftists put their ideology above profit making and good management practices.
happens all the time when you act upon emotions and not facts. funny how the right says death threats are stupid, bombing the building and threats like that are all stupid when the left does 'em but first opportunity the right has they do it themselves. then go "but you did it before so this is payback" and we get mired in a world that insists on 4th grade "payback" vs. growing up and moving on.

the threats to the owners are stupid.
threatening to bomb the business is stupid
doing yelp reviews over a service you never used is stupid
telling the other side they're stupid for doing it then doing it yourself is major league stupid.

but this is the culture we have today. 4th grade "payback" mentalities fucking it up for everyone.

We are teasing the left , to really throw a punch, it's all emotions, but someone is going to get hurt, I understand the left has so much emotions about Hillary losing but they have to stop this Bullshit

Taking them seriously only makes them more loud and more stupid. Treat them like the whining lying punks they are, no reason not to, since they do nothing but post several hundred threads a day of fake news, and then try to troll people off the boards.

You're a liberal, tell your kind to stop it, we don't want it, don't piss off please their is bigger guys then me...

They aren't liberals, they're degenerate deviants and traitors. The last genuine liberal to run for President in the U.S. was Ralph Nader; go over to Democratic Underground and say nice things about Ralph. Tell us what happens. lol
I would think that every liberal in the state would be clambering for reservations at the Red Hen joint, to show their support. What the heck is the matter with our left leaning friends, they egged on this Wilkerson broad to ban conservative diners and now they are leaving her both high and/or dry.

Much like when the Dixie Chicks decided to trash their conservative fans a few years ago, and the new sophisticated urban fans, never appeared

Well, Bush wasn't a conservative, but okay. Most Republicans aren't, they just advertise themselves as that. They got a bum rap, really, they were just anti-war, as were many younger Republicans and Libertarians were.
Ah, so we see rightist are playing the part of the gay cake buyer, and don’t like the part of being denied service at a business, I cry fake tears an my heart pumps red koolaid for your hypocrites, enjoy eating yer crow.
what crow?

the right said it was the bakers choice.
the liberals said you must serve all.
liberals "Make a choice" the right said they have but the liberals denied when it suited their cause but now seem to want when again, it suits their cause.
the right calls 'em out and brings up the cake incident

there is no crow except to the left who wants to eat their crow and have it also. i'm way beyond caring what decision is made around this but it needs to be consistent. personally i feel if an owner wants to single out sections they don't wish to serve, their business, their call. soon to be their bad idea gone amok these days.

however, if the law of the land says we can't do that, then NO ONE CAN AND I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE WAHEASON (wah-reason) WHY. you can't have allowances to exercise your hate and take it away from others. that's called being 2 and both sides need to grow the fuck up and stop this shit.
What liberals say and conservative do is not one in the same, yet when the same situations occur and the right and left flips it's the best form of the wrong thing.. Those that feel slighted, welcome to the real world. That is why I refuse to join either side in their childhood antics.
That is why as a business owner I never refused service to any paying customer.
Because by their own doctrine she must be crushed, and ruined. It’s the only way to the exalted status of “victim hood”. The ultimate goal, and very essence of what it means to be a leftist.

I guess that's why the red owner of the red hen followed Ms Sanders out of the building, heckling the Press Secretary, even after she voluntarily left.

Trying to provoke and create incivility. IMHO, Wilkerson should resign as owner of the Red Hen, divest herself immediately, and let the joint try to survive under conservative leadership. Maybe change the name to the "Red White and Blue Hen".

Sarah Sanders heckled by Red Hen owner even after leaving, Mike Huckabee says
Ah that's why I couldn't get a reservation today. I'll call again on the 5th.

Who are you kidding. Meantime, the owner Stephanie Wilkinson who caused all of this has been forced to resign now as executive director of the local business group Main Street. Other businesses don't want her running things anymore. She is a poor reflection on the community. Seems that a few people in Virginia DO have a little common sense and realize you just don't treat customers like that!

Irina Vilarino, a Cuban-American restaurant owner, said other local business owners may not want to associate with Wilkinson anymore because it’s not the best business savvy practice to isolate your customers. “It’s not my place to determine what customers come in to my restaurant,” Vilarino said. “I’m here to serve food.”

Vilarino called Wilkinson’s actions against Sanders “un-American” and said she serves anyone who wants to dine at her restaurant.

So much for the "Hen" getting along just fine. This is just the start. With any luck, the place will be a parking lot in a year. Good riddance to the place.
There are some parallels between this story and Roseanne Barr. The restaurant owner's actions resulted in harming the business, just as ABC harmed their business by terminating Roseanne.

One could conclude leftists put their ideology above profit making and good management practices.
happens all the time when you act upon emotions and not facts. funny how the right says death threats are stupid, bombing the building and threats like that are all stupid when the left does 'em but first opportunity the right has they do it themselves. then go "but you did it before so this is payback" and we get mired in a world that insists on 4th grade "payback" vs. growing up and moving on.

the threats to the owners are stupid.
threatening to bomb the business is stupid
doing yelp reviews over a service you never used is stupid
telling the other side they're stupid for doing it then doing it yourself is major league stupid.

but this is the culture we have today. 4th grade "payback" mentalities fucking it up for everyone.

We are teasing the left , to really throw a punch, it's all emotions, but someone is going to get hurt, I understand the left has so much emotions about Hillary losing but they have to stop this Bullshit
and by using their own methods against them we'll get to that point?

don't see it.
Ah, so we see rightist are playing the part of the gay cake buyer, and don’t like the part of being denied service at a business, I cry fake tears an my heart pumps red koolaid for your hypocrites, enjoy eating yer crow.
what crow?

the right said it was the bakers choice.
the liberals said you must serve all.
liberals "Make a choice" the right said they have but the liberals denied when it suited their cause but now seem to want when again, it suits their cause.
the right calls 'em out and brings up the cake incident

there is no crow except to the left who wants to eat their crow and have it also. i'm way beyond caring what decision is made around this but it needs to be consistent. personally i feel if an owner wants to single out sections they don't wish to serve, their business, their call. soon to be their bad idea gone amok these days.

however, if the law of the land says we can't do that, then NO ONE CAN AND I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE WAHEASON (wah-reason) WHY. you can't have allowances to exercise your hate and take it away from others. that's called being 2 and both sides need to grow the fuck up and stop this shit.
What liberals say and conservative do is not one in the same, yet when the same situations occur and the right and left flips it's the best form of the wrong thing.. Those that feel slighted, welcome to the real world. That is why I refuse to join either side in their childhood antics.
That is why as a business owner I never refused service to any paying customer.
it's a lot closer than you would seem to believe.

a conservative doesn't serve what they consider lewd - party foul even though you knew going in he wouldn't do it.
a liberal hates someone so they can ban them from their services - all good cause, hate and all.

you're right - this isn't the same. it's worse. it's demanding a specific type of behavior and then intentionally throwing it aside cause again, you find it inconvenient to live by the standards you toss on others.

the main point is we've gotten to the point where no one knows who started what and both sides are in some terminal death throw of payback mentality cause hey - you did it last so my turn.

you wanna microslice it up - ok, it's different. you look it it from a holistic view - its the same thing in a different shirt.
skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.
The baker didn't kick the queers out, in fact he sold them goods. Just didn't want to make a personalized wedding cake. The owner after kicking them out followed them to a different restaurant and continued to harass them. So whatever happens to her, she deserves it.
skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.

I think I've figured out your problem. You think refusing to make 1 specific product equates to "kicking out". It doesn't.

You can thank me later.
Actually I wonder how the other owner feels about her actions and the repurcussions since.

No doubt as she loses everything for discriminating against someone merely because they work with the President, her Liberal friends are patting her on the back.
skipping the 4th?

now we know why it's the RED hen...

Fox News on Twitter

Isn't that nice.

The right go on and on and on and on about how business people should be able to kick out whoever they like, especially bakers kicking out gay people.

When one of their own gets kicked out, they suddenly forget that they were so much in favor of businesses being able to kick out whoever they like.

Anyone surprised at this sudden turn around? No?

When you have a president who loves to turn things around 180 degrees, you know they'll argue with you until they're blue in their face that the moon is made of cheese, until it's not convenient for them.
The baker didn't kick the queers out, in fact he sold them goods. Just didn't want to make a personalized wedding cake. The owner after kicking them out followed them to a different restaurant and continued to harass them. So whatever happens to her, she deserves it.

You are correct. That is a little known fact about these bakers. They didn't refuse service and would have sold them anything. They just didn't want to personalize a cake that goes against their religion.
The Bakers didn't kick out anyone, nor did they refuse to serve anyone. They just didn't want to be FORCED to put Gay symbols on a cake. The Communist at the Red Hen kicked people OUT.

#1 Yes they did refuse to provide the same goods and services to the gay couple as to other couples. You realize the relevant Colorado law says that "full and equal" access to goods and services has to be provided right?

#2 According to the owner (Mr. Phillips) there was never a discussion of design so your claim that they asked for gay symbols is a falsehoods. As a matter of fact many of the cakes Mr. Phillips has in his online catalog have no heterosexual symbols on them either.

You are correct. That is a little known fact about these bakers. They didn't refuse service and would have sold them anything. They just didn't want to personalize a cake that goes against their religion.

The fact about the homosexual customers of the bakers is also not known.

They really didn't want a cake from this store- the store was only chosen because they know the bakers were Christians and would refuse.

The lawsuit was the goal all along.

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