Red Hen closed until July 5

The Red Hen is closed?

Is there another place that serves Commie Cuisine???

You have never been to Oregon, California or most of the New England States have you?

No one cares..

He ask the question if there is another place for Commie Cuisine and I stated for a fact too many places have it including here in Houston.

So before you get upset note I am not on the owner side nor her supporters side and enjoy when Green Party Commies show their true colors and how hypocritical they are!
The Red Hen is closed?

Is there another place that serves Commie Cuisine???

You have never been to Oregon, California or most of the New England States have you?

No one cares..

He ask the question if there is another place for Commie Cuisine and I stated for a fact too many places have it including here in Houston.

So before you get upset note I am not on the owner side nor her supporters side and enjoy when Green Party Commies show their true colors and how hypocritical they are!

Not sure waiting for 6am and a fucking ice cold coke.
Ah, so we see rightist are playing the part of the gay cake buyer, and don’t like the part of being denied service at a business, I cry fake tears an my heart pumps red koolaid for your hypocrites, enjoy eating yer crow.
Ah, so we see rightist are playing the part of the gay cake buyer, and don’t like the part of being denied service at a business, I cry fake tears an my heart pumps red koolaid for your hypocrites, enjoy eating yer crow.

No moonglow your attacking people at a restaurant..
Something that has NOT got a lot of print. The half owner stirring the shit is the cousin of Meryl Streep.
i keep hearing that but i have no idea what difference it makes. so they're both liberal? did streep put her up to it? "hey cuz, if that sanders be-yotch ever comes in boot her out - deal?"

i've got a lot of cousins most of which i don't know and the rest i've not seen since 1978.

maybe my dumbass hat is on but i don't get what difference this makes.
Ah that's why I couldn't get a reservation today. I'll call again on the 5th.

Who are you kidding. Meantime, the owner Stephanie Wilkinson who caused all of this has been forced to resign now as executive director of the local business group Main Street. Other businesses don't want her running things anymore. She is a poor reflection on the community. Seems that a few people in Virginia DO have a little common sense and realize you just don't treat customers like that!

Irina Vilarino, a Cuban-American restaurant owner, said other local business owners may not want to associate with Wilkinson anymore because it’s not the best business savvy practice to isolate your customers. “It’s not my place to determine what customers come in to my restaurant,” Vilarino said. “I’m here to serve food.”

Vilarino called Wilkinson’s actions against Sanders “un-American” and said she serves anyone who wants to dine at her restaurant.

So much for the "Hen" getting along just fine. This is just the start. With any luck, the place will be a parking lot in a year. Good riddance to the place.
Yesterday Old School was telling me how great this publicity has been for Red Hen. :laugh:
When has that fuckin’ idiot ever been right?
The Red Hen is closed?

Is there another place that serves Commie Cuisine???

You have never been to Oregon, California or most of the New England States have you?
I've lived in California and have visited relatives in Oregon. I've only passed through New England.

Then you know there are a bunch of Commies there...
I'm sure there are.
But I was asking a rhetorical question.
Ah, so we see rightist are playing the part of the gay cake buyer, and don’t like the part of being denied service at a business, I cry fake tears an my heart pumps red koolaid for your hypocrites, enjoy eating yer crow.
what crow?

the right said it was the bakers choice.
the liberals said you must serve all.
liberals "Make a choice" the right said they have but the liberals denied when it suited their cause but now seem to want when again, it suits their cause.
the right calls 'em out and brings up the cake incident

there is no crow except to the left who wants to eat their crow and have it also. i'm way beyond caring what decision is made around this but it needs to be consistent. personally i feel if an owner wants to single out sections they don't wish to serve, their business, their call. soon to be their bad idea gone amok these days.

however, if the law of the land says we can't do that, then NO ONE CAN AND I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE WAHEASON (wah-reason) WHY. you can't have allowances to exercise your hate and take it away from others. that's called being 2 and both sides need to grow the fuck up and stop this shit.
Probably thinks she will get the Wendy Davis Treatment, like a nice 'do nothing but give BJ's to donors and Senators' types of jobs at DNC HQ or something.
She’ll have to wait in line behind you

That's the dream job of you deviants and degenerates, of course, so naturally you think everybody wants one of those. You beleive good ole Wendy's doing some Big Important Job, do you?
I am telling you liberals, you better stop it...some one will be killed and it won't be us
Ah that's why I couldn't get a reservation today. I'll call again on the 5th.

Who are you kidding. Meantime, the owner Stephanie Wilkinson who caused all of this has been forced to resign now as executive director of the local business group Main Street. Other businesses don't want her running things anymore. She is a poor reflection on the community. Seems that a few people in Virginia DO have a little common sense and realize you just don't treat customers like that!

Irina Vilarino, a Cuban-American restaurant owner, said other local business owners may not want to associate with Wilkinson anymore because it’s not the best business savvy practice to isolate your customers. “It’s not my place to determine what customers come in to my restaurant,” Vilarino said. “I’m here to serve food.”

Vilarino called Wilkinson’s actions against Sanders “un-American” and said she serves anyone who wants to dine at her restaurant.

So much for the "Hen" getting along just fine. This is just the start. With any luck, the place will be a parking lot in a year. Good riddance to the place.
There are some parallels between this story and Roseanne Barr. The restaurant owner's actions resulted in harming the business, just as ABC harmed their business by terminating Roseanne.

One could conclude leftists put their ideology above profit making and good management practices.
happens all the time when you act upon emotions and not facts. funny how the right says death threats are stupid, bombing the building and threats like that are all stupid when the left does 'em but first opportunity the right has they do it themselves. then go "but you did it before so this is payback" and we get mired in a world that insists on 4th grade "payback" vs. growing up and moving on.

the threats to the owners are stupid.
threatening to bomb the business is stupid
doing yelp reviews over a service you never used is stupid
telling the other side they're stupid for doing it then doing it yourself is major league stupid.

but this is the culture we have today. 4th grade "payback" mentalities fucking it up for everyone.
The Red Hen is closed?

Is there another place that serves Commie Cuisine???

You have never been to Oregon, California or most of the New England States have you?

First week I lived in Portland in the mid-1980's I went to one of those Earth Mommy hippie type restaurants, saw 'Enchilada Plate' on the menu, only thing I thought would be good; turned out to be some unrecognizable boiled crap of some kind, so I refused it. The went nuts, babbling all about their 'innovative gourmet chefs' and other idiot crap, and I told them they can just call the cops if they wanted to, that wasn't any kind of 'enchilada' anybody would recognize in the western hemisphere. Finally found a real Tex mex joint out in the burbs on the southeast side of town that was decent. Of course by the late 1990's Mexicans had overrun the place and several decent Mexican joints right downtown, at least then there were. They could be priced out of business by now.
Ah that's why I couldn't get a reservation today. I'll call again on the 5th.

Who are you kidding. Meantime, the owner Stephanie Wilkinson who caused all of this has been forced to resign now as executive director of the local business group Main Street. Other businesses don't want her running things anymore. She is a poor reflection on the community. Seems that a few people in Virginia DO have a little common sense and realize you just don't treat customers like that!

Irina Vilarino, a Cuban-American restaurant owner, said other local business owners may not want to associate with Wilkinson anymore because it’s not the best business savvy practice to isolate your customers. “It’s not my place to determine what customers come in to my restaurant,” Vilarino said. “I’m here to serve food.”

Vilarino called Wilkinson’s actions against Sanders “un-American” and said she serves anyone who wants to dine at her restaurant.

So much for the "Hen" getting along just fine. This is just the start. With any luck, the place will be a parking lot in a year. Good riddance to the place.
There are some parallels between this story and Roseanne Barr. The restaurant owner's actions resulted in harming the business, just as ABC harmed their business by terminating Roseanne.

One could conclude leftists put their ideology above profit making and good management practices.
happens all the time when you act upon emotions and not facts. funny how the right says death threats are stupid, bombing the building and threats like that are all stupid when the left does 'em but first opportunity the right has they do it themselves. then go "but you did it before so this is payback" and we get mired in a world that insists on 4th grade "payback" vs. growing up and moving on.

the threats to the owners are stupid.
threatening to bomb the business is stupid
doing yelp reviews over a service you never used is stupid
telling the other side they're stupid for doing it then doing it yourself is major league stupid.

but this is the culture we have today. 4th grade "payback" mentalities fucking it up for everyone.

We are teasing the left , to really throw a punch, it's all emotions, but someone is going to get hurt, I understand the left has so much emotions about Hillary losing but they have to stop this Bullshit

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