Red-Hood/Hydra/Silent-Hill: Cult Demonology(*)


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Sep 22, 2013
Americans of the future might say about our TrumpUSA era that capitalism generated quite a bit of 'bloodsport folklore.'

I wonder, however, why censorship was never a 'prayer' in American society...

This civilization-paranoia yarn was inspired by Cobra and The Purge: Anarchy.

It's also inspired by American Me.



"Americans were deeply involved in all kinds of corruption across the globe, and not every voting citizen in the USA was thrilled about this precocious fact..."


"A lethal underground 'cult' formed after the 1960s known as the 'Red Hood Gang.' This group was secret and its members were indoctrinated (secretly) and mingled in normal society/civilization all the while conducting insane bank heists and ruthless killings. Disappearances, grave-robberies, rituals of forest cannibalism, and mutilation of illegal immigrants were on the 'resume' of the very jarring 'Red Hood Gang'."


"As expected, the deranged meetings of the Red Hood Gang took place in secret abandoned warehouses, where members would show up and do very rhythmic and even musical things with their terrible weapons-of-death, including small axes and hatchets and even Samurai swords! The Red Hood Gang was worse than any group/club formed on American soil (or anywhere else)...ever!"


"Members of the Red Hood Gang (RHG) included various men and women across the USA and from various age groups and 'fashion sectors' of society, but mostly they were Caucasian and European-descended individuals carrying a 'liberal/democrat party' calling-card (or 'ID'). RHG believed in the complete 'decapitation' of society/civilization as a gesture signifying the undeniable presence of their 'revolutionary AntiChrist.' The RHG was not unwilling to delve into very macabre kinds of crimes such as removing internal organs from the dead bodies of their victims and even putting grenades into the mouths of already-dead cops! The FBI believed that RHG was targeting the White House, an NFL team, and a major shopping site (perhaps Beverly Hills or a very large shopping-mall in America) to 'remind' people of 9/11."


"The 'resident artist' of the RHG weaved a special skull-shaped insignia on the uniforms of 'special members' and borrowed the shape from a Marvel Comics crime/terrorism syndicate. The RHG members who wore this special weaved insignia on their uniforms for meetings sometimes referred to the 'majesty' of RHG as a clear sign that the gang was 'becoming' something truly 'potent' and 'mystical' and could someday referred to as Hydra. The term 'Hydra' was a reference to water, but the red-color inversion of the RHG insignia meant that RHG's allusion of the term 'Hydra' obviously referred to blood. One member of RHG believed this 'hot blood' of Hydra represented the blood from the mouth of the AntiChrist and from the souls of the 'real saints' of capitalist America --- 'homegrown terrorists'."


"As the FBI pursued/tracked Red Hood (or 'Hydra'!), they realized that the proliferation of crime and horror-themed films in modern-day Hollywood (USA) just might 'compel' the insane members of RHG to carry out very awful 'copycat crimes.' Perhaps a member might mimic the violence/anarchy from an American horror film such as Alien: Covenant or Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. What the FBI was sure of was that RHG/Hydra wanted to be 'exorcised' into some 'heavenly region' of sanctity --- a 'hell-worshipper's haven' if you will --- to confirm their right to live 'peacefully' in a democratic 'state.' Since RHG was willing to engage in cannibalistic rituals, the FBI believed it would be wise to 'corral' this evil gang into some kind of 'outback incarceration'."


"A member of the FBI had the theory that members of the RHG might even include major Hollywood (USA) movie stars/celebrities who were also part of the bizarre rituals and meetings and participants in some of the very very terrible crimes. This FBI agent (named Thomas Cruz) believed that the 'ethos' of the RHG was that modern American civilization was somehow 'sullied' by the inlets/labyrinths of dizzying capitalism...and hence ambition. Cruz hypothesized that RHG would purchase and hang Georgia O'Keefe paintings in their meeting-places (since O'Keefe paintings represented ideas about the 'body feminine') and consider their 'mission' to be the complete 'cleansing' of the fertility-aesthetic of the American mind. Cruz wondered what RHG thought about 'TrumpUSA'."


GOD: Hydra worries me greatly...
SATAN: Perhaps the AntiChrist approaches!
GOD: Don't be flippant; this Hydra is a menace.
SATAN: The members of Red Hood Gang are very eschewed.
GOD: They equate capitalism-flaws with pollution/dirtiness.
SATAN: They believe they're 'cleansing' the American spirit.
GOD: Capitalism is so complex, and hence it generates all kinds of criticism!
SATAN: After 9/11, people realized the world was wary of capitalism.
GOD: Yes, the destruction of the World Trade Center was like Pearl Harbor.
SATAN: A wake-up call indeed...
GOD: Why do Americans love horror-films?
SATAN: Americans like to think dramatically about pedestrian intrigue.
GOD: Maybe pluralism generates a lot of 'fantasies' about adventure...
SATAN: Well, Americans are arguably 'liberal' by nature!
GOD: Perhaps this Red Hood Gang is America's rendition of the Third Reich.
SATAN: I believe it is; and Red Hood/Hydra frightens me more than Helter-Skelter.
GOD: Oh, Helter-Skelter refers to the Manson Family crimes...


SATAN: Red Hood/Hydra wants to 'escape' into the forest of Marxism.
GOD: Perhaps...perhaps their 'deity' is Red Riding Hood.
SATAN: Oh, the innocent red-hooded girl fleeing from a wolf with the help of a huntsman!
GOD: It's a daydream, perhaps signifying a natural paranoia about ambition (and fortune).
SATAN: Let's go watch The Wolf of Wall Street on Netflix!
GOD: Smart thinkin'...




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